Team Nanoose-September Tribal Challenge (Closed Group)



  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Monday: Finished 30 Squat Kicks and 50 Jumping Jacks (on top of my other exercises for the day)

    Headed to Atlanta in about an hour, so I'll try and update using my phone once a day. Have a great weekend everyone! :happy:
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Great job!!!! I hope everyone else is ready to kick this challenges butt today!!!!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Day 1: 50 Squat Kicks, 50 Jacks, 50 Crunches, 50 Mountain Climbers, 50 Wood Chops, 50 Globe Jumps
    (I had to modify the Globe Jumps because of an old rugby injury I worry about jumping into a squat at angle so I did the Jumps without the squats, just hopping for distance. I tried to compensate by adding an additional squat into the squat kicks, squatting between every kick rather than every two kicks)

    I did it after lifting and before my cardio, and doing the exercises back to back was positively BRUTAL. I definitely have a long way to go to get my conditioning back where it should be. I feel great now though! VERY happy I'm doing this challenge. If anyone wants to hear stories about my fat a** floundering around trying to get this challenge done let me know, hopefully it'll make you all feel better about your attempts. I promise that whatever difficulties you have with your workout, I had them as well (and maybe a few others) =).

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • i'll probably check in later but good luck to everyone !
  • Todays challange has been done 30 squart kicks and 50 jumping jacks along side with my 60 minute dance session aswell as drinking over 64oz of water :)

    Well done to everyone who has done todays challange :)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    rtalencar... Brazil? That's really cool! Get ready for that wedding!! Your experience with Day 1 has really inspired me!! I've got to go out for a little while, but when I get back, I'm ready for it!

    scantrll... Sounds like a convention I would like! I love fantasy "stuff"! Very nice! Great job for Day 1!

    Michele... Thanks for the challenges post! I'm scared and excited at the same time!! I wish I didn't have to go away for 4 days. I'll do my best as part of this team!

    I think I'll do a mix of the bushmen and the pygmy since the pygmy seems a little light for me. Good luck!!
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Michele... Thanks for the challenges post! I'm scared and excited at the same time!! I wish I didn't have to go away for 4 days. I'll do my best as part of this team!

    I think I'll do a mix of the bushmen and the pygmy since the pygmy seems a little light for me. Good luck!!

    No problem! Enjoy your trip!

    Make sure to at least complete the pygmy exercises if you add the others, that way it will still count as completed.
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Are you guys up for a mini challenge????

    MINI CHALLENGE from Gary:
    O.K. Let's start this week off right! Since we are short this week I'm offering a mini-challenge. Remember Gym Class? Do you remember doing the bear walk? As a side mini-challenge you don't have to ever do the mini-challenges. But if you'd like to earn your team an extra point bearwalk for 3 minutes. Seems easy but it has to be a constant bear walk constantly moving for 3 minutes. You might be surprised! If you do the bear walk at the end of the week ask them to add one point to your team score! if you choose not too or cannot perform the mini-challenge its all good! This is just something to get our challenge up and running! So there it is FIRST MINI-CHALLENGE a Constant 3 minute Bearwalk.

    What's a bearwalk? SMH, LOL! stand up put your feet on the floor hunched over and walk with feet and hands on the floor? Like a bear walks? Walk at a constant pace for 3 minutes no stopping!

    Let's all see if we can do this and earn our team some bonus points!!!! Include whether or not you did the mini challenge in the check-in message Sunday!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    rtalencar... Brazil? That's really cool! Get ready for that wedding!! Your experience with Day 1 has really inspired me!! I've got to go out for a little while, but when I get back, I'm ready for it!
    Yeah, the problem is, I LOVE Brazilian food. I'm looking forward to seeing family and such, but it'll be harder to stick with my diet and exercise program there.
    Let's all see if we can do this and earn our team some bonus points!!!! Include whether or not you did the mini challenge in the check-in message Sunday!
    I plan to do the mini-challenge on Saturday since I'll be at karate anyway. Maybe I'll make the kids in the younger division do it with me =). Hope everyone else can do it too!
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Great, I'll be doing the mini challenge too!!

    Gary posted some additional info about the BUSHMEN series:
    SEPT CHALLENGE FOLKS THAT ARE USING THE BUSHMEN SERIES EXERCISES! I forgot to add that you need to being each day with a tabata 4 minute start. I am using this young woman's series. Its great but you have to stay in time with her. 20 seconds hard core 10 seconds rest for minutes. It will push you hard and will shape and tone large muscle group areas. Make sure everyday starts with a tabata no matter what the challenge is! The video is here : here is another one she does she has several!

    So like my other post said, the bushmen should be doing their daily challenges in Tabata formate a la those videos I posted.
    Let me know if you have any questions.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    So like my other post said, the bushmen should be doing their daily challenges in Tabata formate a la those videos I posted.
    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Wait so the exercises we're given we have to do in Tabata format or we have to do a Tabata session before doing the exercises? I had already done my workout for the day before I saw this...I'm a bit confused now...can I just do two tomorrow to make up for it?
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Make sure to at least complete the pygmy exercises if you add the others, that way it will still count as completed.
    Yes! Of course!

    I did the 30 squat kicks and 50 jumping jacks, and underestimated both. Then I threw in 50 crunches, 12 mountain climbers, and 20 wood chops. DONE! Also did my cardio for the day. I did it all in (interior) 30 C (86 F) degree weather! Outside it feels like 40 (104).

    I'll have to bear walk later, cause I don't think I'll be doing that while I'm away, LOL.
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    So like my other post said, the bushmen should be doing their daily challenges in Tabata formate a la those videos I posted.
    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Wait so the exercises we're given we have to do in Tabata format or we have to do a Tabata session before doing the exercises? I had already done my workout for the day before I saw this...I'm a bit confused now...can I just do two tomorrow to make up for it?

    Sorry that confuses me as well. I'll go snoop around and see what info I can find out. I think it just means that the bushmen have to do theirs in tabata form while the pygmy ones can be broken down into smaller sets and done at your own pace. I'll find out for sure though. Don't worry about doing double tomorrow, you already did yours today!
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    I did the 30 squat kicks and 50 jumping jacks, and underestimated both. Then I threw in 50 crunches, 12 mountain climbers, and 20 wood chops. DONE! Also did my cardio for the day. I did it all in (interior) 30 C (86 F) degree weather! Outside it feels like 40 (104).

    I'll have to bear walk later, cause I don't think I'll be doing that while I'm away, LOL.

    Great job!!! And yes, I'm sure you'd get some funny looks bear walking around for 3 minutes!
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Ok, here we go:

    Day 1-Complete!

    50 squat kicks and 50 jumping jacks
    I also did 150 crunches!

    Mini Challenge-Complete!!

    Phew, bear walking is tougher than it sounds. I did that with my 4 year old and he is WAY faster than me. Also, my dog does NOT like bear walking at all...he was flipping out. It was hilarious!

    Keep up the good work everyone!!!
  • the bear walk is tougher than it sounds lol ... i thought it would be a breeze but it definitely makes your back area burn !
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Came in under my calorie goals today! Even with eating at Burger King and Hard Rock Cafe! I'm super proud of myself. Just gotta keep it up for the next four days. :)
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Came in under my calorie goals today! Even with eating at Burger King and Hard Rock Cafe! I'm super proud of myself. Just gotta keep it up for the next four days. :)

    I saw that, you did great! I'm confident that you can figure it out for the rest of the trip too! Have a great time!
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Here's what I've found out about the tabata/Bushman deal:
    Do a Tabata workout first. There is a series of different ones you can use... just YouTube "You Have Four Minutes Tabata" and there's at least 10 on that channel.

    Then do the Bushman workout of the day. I have been entering mine as circuit training in MFP.

    So don't worry about today (you will get the point for completing the bushman), but starting tomorrow do one of those tabata videos first then your bushman workout. If I hear anything else, I will post it right away. I'm so sorry for the confusion!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I managed to go out drinking with my buddies last night and still stayed under my calories...yay!!! I still forced myself to work out this am...with a nasty hangover...UGH!!! I also didn't notice that the many shoulder exercises of today's challenge also landed on my shoulder lifting day...double UGH!!!

    Hope all of your Fridays started out better than mine did!