Are you over 200pds, let's diet together



  • ladycopnh1
    ladycopnh1 Posts: 287 Member
    I'm back. There are things I want to jot down.....

    A question was raised about what program people are on ?
    I am on my own form of WW. I should say "The old" program, I track my food, I have so many points a day,
    portion sizes, slide ruler ( yes, I still have my old slide ruler ). My opinion, if it's not broken, don't fix it. The only
    thing I'm slacking on is counting points.

    Eppen - Eating out has been the hardest and scariest time for me, but as a friend of mine told me, "wherever you go out, be it home or buffet, always circle the table twice and decide what you REALLY want and what is GOOD for you. They will always keep making what you REALLY want ( bread, potatoes etc. ), fill half your plate with salad or 'right stuff" and take a LITTLE of the bad stuff. If you can't walk away from dessert, have a little and call it a day.
  • celticck77
    celticck77 Posts: 113 Member
    To @ladycopnh1 question; I am recording my calories and using my total gym for workouts, plus weights resistance and volleyball. Sticking between 1200 - 1500 calories a day.
    This allows me to eat good food but keep to may count. Health wise I try to maintain veggies and good proteins but sometimes I enjoy a little ice cream.
  • VeggieMeg71
    VeggieMeg71 Posts: 205 Member
    Starting Weight: 245.0 on 12/31/19
    I weigh in on Fridays!

    Jan. 3: 245.0 (No loss, No gain) 😳
    Jan. 10: 240.6 (-4.4 loss) 😍 happy
    Jan. 17: 238.0 (-2.6 loss) 🤙🏾
    Jan. 24: 237.0 (-1.0) ‼️ TOM
    Jan. 31: 233.6 (-3.4) 🎉

    Total January loss: 11.4

    You are rockin' it!
  • ladycopnh1
    ladycopnh1 Posts: 287 Member
    celticck, from what I've read from your entries, your doing great ! In my book ( literally ) it says I can have 1/2 a cup of ice cream. I can put 1/2 a cup of ice cream on a serving spoon. If I took ice cream out of the frig, it wouldn't be going back in. 1. Look for the lowest cal. ice cream option, frozen yogurt perhaps ( actually I've been known to through an actual vanilla yogurt in the freezer, it's not bad ).

    PORTION SIZE, is huge. The first bite tastes the same as the last. Start with 1/2 a cup, I know your vision is going to say "that's not enough", but I'm pretty sure your not going to have to fight that sneaky house gnome to get back to that second helping if you REALLY ( really ) need it. First time out, sit back and enjoy that ice cream, each spoon full, no rush, after you finish, take a few minutes before you decide weather you want more. Given time, you'll be surprised.

    We always have to equal exercise with intake.
    Honestly, your on the right track :p
  • ladycopnh1
    ladycopnh1 Posts: 287 Member
    Fatimastartsover & veggiemeg - you two are rocking this !!
  • ladycopnh1
    ladycopnh1 Posts: 287 Member
    Jenn - you asked about cheat meals, my opinion, and this is just my opinion, if you can do it and STAY ON TRACK, go for it, but.... I would really be careful. I lost 143pds once and wanted to try the same thing, it back fired. That is one reason I'm here today.

    Jockette - my husband and I went on a cruise for our 50th. It was the Inaugural Country Music Cruise on the Holland cruise ship, and befriended a women from Australia. The ship had PLENTY of food to help keep my diet on track and at my weigh in after I had only gained 3pds. Watch out for alcoholic drinks, they are a quiet trap for weight gain. People are unaware how much sugar is in alcohol.
  • CathyRocky
    CathyRocky Posts: 64 Member
    So I am scheduled to return to work next week. I'm sitting here making a list of foods that I can bring with me. I'm by myself so I can't go out for anything, and there are no snack machines. I'll be working from 3-11:00pm, so I will eat lunch at home. I have many pint containers of casserole-type meals in my freezer, healthy, portion controlled, and a nice variety to choose from. I made a long list of snacks that I can toss in my lunch bag. The problem is, I know myself, and I will eat everything I pack and be licking the dishes half way through the shift. I guess I could set the alarm on my phone and try to spread it out. Anyone have any suggestions? I plan on having a good amount of raw vegetables as snacks, maybe a yogurt or cheese stick, or a boiled egg, a piece of fruit, a few crackers. I need to keep busy rather than eat, but there truly is very little to do. I'll bring a book and have my tablet, and can sometimes watch tv.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    @CathyRocky, have you seen the Hot Logic heated lunch box? My partner has one and he puts his lunch in when he gets there, and by the time he gets to it it's heated nicely but not burnt. It works very nicely. That would give you a hot dinner and there is something more satisfying about that.
  • stella7x7
    stella7x7 Posts: 2,660 Member
    Well I had a 6lb. Loss but then I had the time of the month happen and I'm up 1.1 lb to finish the Jan.
    1/1 -248.8
  • jockette18
    jockette18 Posts: 26 Member
    Well, I did the weekly shop. Normally this leaves me on the verge of tears with the pain in my lower back and feet and ankles, and I have to bring things in, put away the cold things, and then sit down for a few hours before I can put away the dry goods. Often I've skipped lunch because it hurt too much to stand up to put it together.

    Today: I did the shopping, put away all the groceries, made lunch, served it to the other members of my family, and finally sat down, wincing slightly, to eat my lunch. This is a LOT better than it used to be. The scale isn't moving, but clearly I'm carrying less weight on my feet and lower back.

    WOW that is Fantastic news, go you :smiley:
  • bellanbear
    bellanbear Posts: 34 Member
    Whoo-hoo, I am ending the month of January with a 10 pound weight loss ( 1/1 - 222: 1/31-212).
    I have made it to the Gym and walk 45 - 60 minutes on the treadmill 5 days this week. My goal was for 6 days, but I have decided that I need 2 days off. I have stayed at or under my calorie goal and so far have drank my 96 oz of water each day.
    Also my husband and I have decided that starting Feb 10th I will work with a trainer 2 days a week and do 45-60 minutes on the treadmill 3 days a week. My weight loss goal in February is to lose 5 more pounds (207). I am also changing weigh-in days to Monday mornings before I start my week of working out.
    Thank you for all your inspiring posts and your support!
  • CathyRocky
    CathyRocky Posts: 64 Member
    @CathyRocky, have you seen the Hot Logic heated lunch box? My partner has one and he puts his lunch in when he gets there, and by the time he gets to it it's heated nicely but not burnt. It works very nicely. That would give you a hot dinner and there is something more satisfying about that.

    Theleadmare, I do have access to a stove/oven and microwave at work, my concern is that I will eat all my food without pacing myself and then have nothing left. I had a thought, I can leave half my lunch out in my car and go out for it after a few hours. It might work. Maybe I'll set the alarm on my phone to tell me it's time for a snack. Thank you for the suggestion, I appreciate it 😊.
  • quemalosuerte
    quemalosuerte Posts: 242 Member
    Start of 2020: 238.4
    Goal for 2020: 180
    Ultimate goal: 160

    Jan 1: 238.4
    This week: 237.4

    I haven’t been going to the gym, but i have been getting over 12k steps per day. I need to get better about going to the gym 3-4 days per week, even if it is only 15 minutes, although 30 is more my preference. My goal for February is to get down to 230. I need to start really losing again, I’ve been ping-ponging through the same 3lbs for like 2 months now. My average is down a pound, though, which is nice.
  • VeggieMeg71
    VeggieMeg71 Posts: 205 Member
    CathyRocky wrote: »
    So I am scheduled to return to work next week. I'm sitting here making a list of foods that I can bring with me. I'm by myself so I can't go out for anything, and there are no snack machines. I'll be working from 3-11:00pm, so I will eat lunch at home. I have many pint containers of casserole-type meals in my freezer, healthy, portion controlled, and a nice variety to choose from. I made a long list of snacks that I can toss in my lunch bag. The problem is, I know myself, and I will eat everything I pack and be licking the dishes half way through the shift. I guess I could set the alarm on my phone and try to spread it out. Anyone have any suggestions? I plan on having a good amount of raw vegetables as snacks, maybe a yogurt or cheese stick, or a boiled egg, a piece of fruit, a few crackers. I need to keep busy rather than eat, but there truly is very little to do. I'll bring a book and have my tablet, and can sometimes watch tv.

    Those are exactly the snacks I would have recommended. I also like Del Monte mandarin oranges (no sugar added) with cottage cheese. Remember to bring a big bottle of water or maybe some seltzer. And gum is also good to distract from your snacks. Best wishes with your return to work!
  • VeggieMeg71
    VeggieMeg71 Posts: 205 Member
    It's 10 p.m. and I'm just now making it to the treadmill. Give me strength!
  • CathyRocky
    CathyRocky Posts: 64 Member
    CathyRocky wrote: »
    So I am scheduled to return to work next week. I'm sitting here making a list of foods that I can bring with me. I'm by myself so I can't go out for anything, and there are no snack machines. I'll be working from 3-11:00pm, so I will eat lunch at home. I have many pint containers of casserole-type meals in my freezer, healthy, portion controlled, and a nice variety to choose from. I made a long list of snacks that I can toss in my lunch bag. The problem is, I know myself, and I will eat everything I pack and be licking the dishes half way through the shift. I guess I could set the alarm on my phone and try to spread it out. Anyone have any suggestions? I plan on having a good amount of raw vegetables as snacks, maybe a yogurt or cheese stick, or a boiled egg, a piece of fruit, a few crackers. I need to keep busy rather than eat, but there truly is very little to do. I'll bring a book and have my tablet, and can sometimes watch tv.

    Those are exactly the snacks I would have recommended. I also like Del Monte mandarin oranges (no sugar added) with cottage cheese. Remember to bring a big bottle of water or maybe some seltzer. And gum is also good to distract from your snacks. Best wishes with your return to work!

    VeggieMeg71, yes! I love cottage cheese and I always have Cuties in the fridge. I hadn't even thought about gun but that's a great idea.
    I really need to commit to exercise this month. I bought a treadmill and haven't been on it hardly at all. Remember I adopted two cats a few weeks ago? Well, their favorite hiding spot is under the treadmill. I've left them alone so they can get settled in but they need to find a different place to chill. So, I commit to walking on the treadmill every day, even if it's just for a few minutes, to get into the habit of doing it.
  • estherpotter1
    estherpotter1 Posts: 139 Member
    Hi .Im joining.Im 68kgs.Im sure thats over 200 pounds.