

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy September Dear Ladies!

    Cannot believe that it is here, but I do love Fall...so we are headed into that season!

    Mary, so glad to hear from you;-) You were missed!

    I had to fly back to SC to check on things, then head to MN for a wedding this weekend, then back to MT for the rest of the month. I have NOT been a good girl with my tracking, logging etc. I understand the struggle some of us have doing this consistently. I wish I were more "focused" routinely to keep up this very helpful process. I just have to keep trying! I KNOW that it works and that I need the accountability. I creep back into a little too much of this or that far too easily;-(

    Take care, ALL and I will be back more often this month! Kackie:heart:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,382 Member
    Gonna post this asap so that I can mark my place. Did an hour of a Jari Love DVD (weights). Tomorrow there's been a change in plans, they're playing mahjongg at 10, so I'm thinking that I'll just change things around and go. I haven't been on a Friday in a long time. So I'll probably do some incline intervals at the Y near me, then go play mahjongg. Maybe I can piggyback that with some other errand.

    Had our monthly luncheon with the Newcomers. This place is really nice. The food is very good. I'm just concerned that it's a bit out of the way so people might not go there. The prices were reasonable, too. Had a nice lunch, had the spinach salad again. Boy, do you get a lot of salad! Spinach, hard boiled eggs, grilled shrimp, cukes, peppers, carrots. It was interesting how they had the carrots. It was in a long strand but curly-cued. The only thing I can think of is that they cut the carrots, then wound it around something like a pencil and put that in cold water until it curled. Looked really nice. Wish Vince would go to places like this.

    mimi - I read on my homepage about your feelings. I know how you feel. When I had this medical scare I turned to carbs, baked like no tomorrow, now I'm wanting to get things out of my freezer so that I'm not tempted. Actually, I'm trying to think of people who I can give things away to. I don't think I've really gained weight but what I have gained is a low feeling. What I really mean is that when I'm eating veges, I feel so much better. So why don't I have them all the time and just forget this carb stuff? You know, I have to at least measure things out. If I go for a while not measuring, I know that eventually I won't be able to tell what's a cup or whatever. I hate to show it, too, when I blow it. Yesterday before I could get back on the computer I blew it, but I'm going to really try hard to get back on track.

    Gotta go make my salad and get dinner ready. Be back soon

    Mary - hope you come back real soon. Glad you haven't gained.

    Birdie - so glad you weren't badly affected by Irene! You're right, a few days of candlelight and having to go to bed early and having to find something to do is such a big shame, huh? <snicker> So glad you are able to keep the house!

    This morning just before I went on the Wii for the body test, I went to the bathroom and the water was pink-ish. I vaguely recalled Dr. Oz saying something about if your pee is pink, then he worries about lukemia and something else. Well, that about freaked me out. Remember, I was half asleep at the time! Then I remembered that I'd had beets the night before and I seemed to remember that the red in the beets will turn your urine pink. Has this happened to anyone? How long was it before the pink went away?

    Have a good evening everyone

  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
  • melyhegedu
    melyhegedu Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, is there room for one more 50+ retired school teacher here? I want to be accountable and motivated by joining a group. Hope to meet everyone soon! My screen name, Melyhegedu, is Hungarian for viola, the instrument I play. I taught public school for years, now teaching at a private music school. I want to get back into exercise and planning meals in advance. All support, welcome and encouraged!
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Marking my spot. I haven't been logging my food or exercising for a week.

    I have a screaming sinus problem. No energy, can't sleep and I am cold an achy all over. :sick: Doing the Nasonex, Benedril, Tylenol, warm moist compresses, nasal lavage and the sinus massage thing but am having a real problem getting rid of this. Perhaps some dynamite would open things up...

    All I want to eat is grilled cheese, soup and crackers. This can't turn out well but it is what it is. I just can't look a vegetable in the face this week and I normally love them.

    In the great scope of things this is nothing but I do so wish it would go away. One good thing is I get to watch my grandpuppy this weekend while our son and grandson go play with their dirt bikes. I can complain to his sweet face and he won't care a bit and he gives great sympathy kisses. :wink: DH is off to Indianapolis this week so I have not had to cook - another bonus. Sooooo, it's not all bad this week. :laugh:

    Hope you all have a great weekend.


    Michele - I just saw your comment about the beets. Yes, beets will turn most everything that goes in the toilet pink/red. From my experience it should be gone in 24 hours but I have a quick system. I wouldn't be worried if it lasted two days.

    Wish I could comment more but I just do not have the energy.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,971 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: It's great to see all the posting to start the month.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, I'm glad to see you back with us........my new watchword is "do not be discouraged":bigsmile: Just pick yourself up and be grateful that you didn't do irreparable damage to your body and get back on track and move on
    I saw on someone's signature "don't look back, it's not where you're going"

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet, how wonderful that the doctor reinforced all the things you've been trying to get across to your mother :bigsmile: the same message to you "Do not be discouraged"

    :bigsmile: Amanda, those babies will keep you moving :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Becky, I think the times on MFP are Pacific Time so the people in the UK seem like they're up in the middle of the night

    :laugh: Natalie, when my husband went to physical therapy for a calf injury he would come home and tell me that the physical therapist should be arrested for inflicting so much pain on him, but the final result was that his calf healed and he was able to walk and play golf again.

    :bigsmile: Jeannie, I've watched how far you've come since you joined MFP and I know you'll make it to the finish line :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, what great news that you don't have to move after all :bigsmile: and that we'll be hearing from you more often.

    :laugh: Michelle, my husband used to consume a lot of red colored juice bars and he had some scares with red stuff coming out of him until he realized that it was juice bar residue not blood :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :bigsmile: melyhegedu , I am a retired public school teacher also----welcome to the greatest support group you'll ever find. It helped me to log food and exercise every day and to read the posts on this thread and respond.....if you are looking for friends who will listen you, you've come to the right place

    :flowerforyou: my life has returned to a nice routine except that my hubby won't be able to walk fast or lift anything more than five pounds for a few more days......I don't mind doing the chores and walking the dogs, but it's a challenge to remind him to not do all the vigorous things he wants to do. We went to the grocery store yesterday and I carried the basket ( we got only some vegetables) and we got to the checkout line, he had to tell the cashier that he wasn't a lazy slug making me carry the groceries, but that he was under doctor's orders to not lift anything over five pounds :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    My apologies for being MIA. I've been trying (again) to do it on my own. :noway:

    I've been resisting the idea that I will have to always weigh and log everything I eat. Couldn't I just be normal and keep it under control on my own??? So far, apparently not. I'm not willing yet to give up on the idea that I could deviate from my routine and not eat unhealthily. However, I am going to go back to weighing and measuring and logging for now.

    I've slacked off on exercise too, blaming the hot weather. I don't like cold weather either so the weather is not a good excuse. I read a quote recently that said, "There is no such thing as bad weather, just soft people." Hmm. Back on the straight and narrow for me.

    Thank you for all your support. And, thanks, Karin, for hounding me.

    I'm sorry for disappointing you. I've disappointed myself. I'm not beating myself up about it - just giving myself a little push to move on and get back to what REALLY feels good. And it's not sweets or rich foods!


    Mimi I feel exactly the same way! I too have slacked off the exercise (surgery/holiday/too hot/too wet etc) and I'm finding it hard to motivate myeself to get back to it. Also I've put weight back on when I so wanted to lose weight for the anniversary party I am going to in a few weeks. I am so discouraged with myself. :frown:

    :flowerforyou: Mary well done for maintaining when not logging, I think not logging has been part of my weight gain.

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet you seem to be having a hard time lately with your mum, let's hope the words from the doctor make her cooperate with you instead of against you.

    :flowerforyou: Natalie you seem to be coming on in leaps and bounds.

    :flowerforyou: Sorry not to reply to everyone individually but as usual I need to get ready for work :ohwell: I'm thinking of you all and sending best wishes your way for a healthy happy day.

    Bye for now

    Viv xx

    PS I've changed my ticker to reflect my weight gain, (hoping it will motivate me to lose more)
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi guys!

    Mimi: You know I went to the doctor the other day, for myself, and told her that I had not been eating as well as I used to and it was driving me crazy!:explode: I was berating myself in front of her and was pretty much discouraged and disgusted with myself. You know what she told me? She said, "I honestly would be more worried about you if you were doing this and not being aware of it or caring about it. The fact that you do know, shows leaps and bounds about what you know about healthy eating. The fact that you are kicking yourself and telling me that the minute you take a bite of this or that you know it is bad or you know how many calories you are eating, is a very good thing. You won't allow yourself to go back the way you were.":smile:
    When I walked out of her office, I thought about that. She was right. Before, I would eat junk and just say, "Oh well, I've blown it this far, may as well eat the whole thing now" or while eating (more like stuffing my face) I would just sit there and feel sorry for myself. I noticed that on the occasions that I have gone off, I have done neither of those things. I am totally 'aware' of what I am doing, and at times even calculate how much I have gone off and compensate for it with eating less later or making an effort to swim longer, etc. I never used to think that way.
    So Mimi, I am proud of you for admitting it, showing it on your ticker, and being accountable. Because if you weren't doing those things, then you would have something to worry about. I am glad you are back with us. Maybe, and it is just a suggestion, but maybe you might want to post daily on here for awhile to help you through this period, just until you get back on track. I noticed that when you were on more frequently you were helping others and in turn it helped you stay on track.

    Besides we just miss our Veggie Queen. Girl, if you charged for the information you gave on roasting veggies and knew how many people I have turned on to it, well you would be rich now!:bigsmile:

    BirdieM: I am so glad that you decided to stay at your home. It sounds like you put a lot of thought into it and have made a good decision. I had a fixer upper and I was almost completed with the remodeling and renovation of it, when my husband decided to leave me. I loved my house! It had everything I ever wanted in it!. It was truly beautiful....and new. At least I got to live in it and use it for 6 months. But it tore me up having to sell it. I'm glad you didn't have to do it. You sound much more relaxed and at peace with your decision now. Congrats!:drinker:

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    It's great to see some of the old faces back (I'm not talking about age here!)

    Today I'm having a day at home. If I have the time I will mow our lawns later on. It will take me a good couple of hours as we have such a large garden, but it will be extra exercise. I will also try to fit an hour on my treadmill. What I've been doing lately is just logging it as 2.5 miles per hour, put I actually go up and down between 3 and 4 mph - I log it at the lowest speed just to be more circumspect with the number of calories burned.

    Mimi, Birdie, Wizzy and others who have been MIA. Getting back into logging is definitely the way to go. It certainly helps to focus your mind on what you are doing (at least, that is what I find). Not one of us is perfect and we will not berate you for a little slip now and then. What we will do is offer support - just as you have done for us so often in the past.

    My DS just called to say that he is popping over to pick something up - so I'd better get my rear into gear before he gets here.

    Catch up with you all later.

    Amanda x
  • Elaine005
    Thank you for starting this thread. I've lost 9 pounds so far and am going strong. For the next month I'd be thrilled to be able to maintain that rate of weight loss, more or less. I've started this round of weight loss with a set of Self-hypnosis CDs I bought in a moment of real desperation and franticness. Much to my more stable self the things seem to be working! Gradually I seem to be modifying the voice in my head that tells me I can't do this, or I"m addicted to sweets and that I'm helpless to do anything about food compulsions--where I eat a ton of fattening things in breathtaking time. So for the next month I'm going to journal, stay on my plan, keep exercising and listen to my CDs. If nothing else they are relaxing:)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So, you all know that I am right there with Mimi and Viv and anyone else who has slacked off. (at one time my ticker said 34 pounds lost :sad: ) Yesterday I told my DH that I was going to join a gym and that I would be there everyday after work and that when I got home I was having a protein shake for dinner for the month of September to get myself back under control. He was so proud of me and told me not to worry about him and that he would support whatever effort I decided to make. So my plan is to eat 1350 calories with healty breakfast-snack-vegie and chicken or fish lunch - snack and then protein shake dinner (post workout recovery drink) I can feel myself gearing up and those of you who have been around a while know that when I set my mind to something I can usually become obsessed with it and make it work. The only glitch in my plan is a full week of work related travel. ( I will still manage a workout of some kind each day for two hours. I CAN DO THIS!!!!! Girls, WE can do this!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Good Morning everyone, Happy Friday too.:flowerforyou:

    Wanted to post so I could mark my spot on my topics. Been busy the last week, kept on goal, posted and went to the gym and was rewarded by a tiny but appreciated loss. :love:

    Loved turning the calendar to September because now I can say that we cruise next month...Yeah!:bigsmile: :glasses:
    Had a hair appointment yesterday and had her lighten my hair just a little more...I am now really blonde and we all know that blondes have more fun!:wink: My husband loves it because this was the color my hair was when we met in high school.:love::love: My stylist was telling me that several girls in the shop went in together and bought a case of generic Latisse, this is the stuff you apply to your eyelashes to make them grow..think it is also a glaucoma med when dropped into the eye. Anyway she used one of the bottles she bought and her lashes grew like crazy but she said that she hates having to put it on last thing at night and can't be bothered, so I bought a bottle from her to see what happens. My lashes are getting so sparse and short the older I get. Will let you all know if this stuff works.

    Have to get ready to go to the gym today...this weekend it's Cherokee Holiday in our little town which is the tribal headquarters of the Cherokee Nation, so big goings on...powwow, parade, lots of games and free dinner with lots of visitors. The gym is a Cherokee owned gym and it could be a busy place since they are having the basketball games and stickball tournaments played there. I hope we can get in and out before it gets crowded there.

    Happy Labor day to all, have a great weekend.:bigsmile:
    xoSissy:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    My niece is getting married tomorrow. I am preparing and serving the rehearsal dinner tonight and a small luncheon tomorrow, and I'm still working on sewing for various family members before the wedding. I have the sewing for the wedding party done. I am not likely to see you again until Monday or Tuesday, so have a good weekend!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Found this today, and had to share.
    Tidbit for the day: To break a bad food habit, try eating with your nondominant hand.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome back to all who have been MIA for awhile. Welcome home.

    To all the new comers - Yes, there is always room for one more here. I did notice that some of the long time forum groups are now marked "closed group" while I understand that, I am glad that we are not closed. It is difficult to keep up some times with all the posting, but we all just jump back in at any time.

    Before I get lost and go MIA myself (soccer leagues have started) ..............

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all with September birthdays. May this be a good year for you.

  • grabbit97
    Well folks, things are good for most of us, I am still in some pain, think I forgot to take my tylenol/tramadol combo this morning, so I took it again, I only take 1 of each so even if I doubled up on them, it's ok, I am trying to get rid of as much as I can in the way of meds, but it's going to be awhile.
    YES, the physical therapist will pull, push, bend, kneed, and push you to the limit, but in the end, I need to be able to bend my new knee 120 degrees.. I want to be able to ride my bike again.outside... I will start riding a stationary bike inside in a week or so.
    I am using a NUSTEP bike, it's a recumband bike that steps, now pedals, anyone tried it, it's great for building strength in the quad area.
    Watch what you eat over the Labor Day weekend, you might even lose!!!
    ME, I have lost my appetite for most things, sure it is the operation...
    Have a great weekend.
  • mimi7grands
    It’s amazing to me to see how many people are in the same boat. Or, is it just the syndrome of, when you’re pregnant, all you see is other pregnant women? Thank goodness I don’t have to worry about being pregnant!

    Kackie, so nice to hear from you. I’m looking forward to hearing how things are going. I enjoy your gentle presence.

    Robin, you’re back on track. Woo hoo! I’ve seen you do amazing things. I’m sure you’ll continue to do them. Good for you.

    Natalie, I’m glad to hear you are doing so well.

    Mary, you are wonder woman! I don’t know how you do it – putting on the rehearsal dinner, sewing, etc., etc. Best of all, you’ve maintained this summer. That’s an accomplishment.

    Michele, the spinach salad sounds delish. Worth recreating at home. If you do, give us the recipe please. You’re (almost) always good on calories. It’s great to see you going toward healthier foods too. It does feel better, doesn’t it?

    Welcome to everyone new. I’m sort of an oldie but have been scarce lately. I have 5 lbs to show for it too.

    Faye, I’m sorry you’re feeling so lousy. Sometimes we really do need comforting. Comfort food is great for those occasions.

    Barbie, you continue to do so well. 3-1/2 years and still logging. I feel embarrassed to be complaining about still needing to log after just a year and a half. Is it really only that long or am I forgetting? Hmm. I love the quote “Don’t look back, it’s not where you’re going.”

    Viv, we’re in the sme boat. And we can both do it. A little resolve, some support, and logging will do it.

    Chiclet, I like what your doctor said. It’s true too. The most important thing is to stay conscious. I never went entirely unconscious, which I would have done in the bad old days. Too much practice though, and I just might. That's not okay. It feels good to be back on track. With some help (and logging), I’ll stay here longer this time. I don’t expect to be perfect, just better than I have been lately.

    Amanda, I’m amazed at the difference between the two pics in your profile. You have accomplished a lot in a short time. Those pics really bring home the difference the extra weight makes. It’s not just a looks thing but the whole persona.

    Sissy, you already look wonderful. I’m sure going blonde just added to it. How fun to have a cruise to look forward too.

    Jeannie, I’m happy to see you too. You remind me to say Happy Birthday to all those with September birthdays.

    In the interests of staying conscious, along with logging food, I decided to log-in weight too, which I've been avoiding since the numbers have gone up.

    After eating a lot of fruit and veggies yesterday, just a little bit of other stuff, and drinking all 8+ glasses of water (I was up and down all night!), I weighed in at 195 this morning, a little less than 5 lbs gain over my last weigh-in. Still awful but not as bad as the 10 lbs I thought I'd gained. It's amazing to think we can be carrying around that much water weight for so long.

    That's all the "loss" I expect to see from water so the next weight I lose should be fat. That will be harder. At least now, when I finish my diary each night I won't have to see "If you continued eating this way, in 5 weeks you'd weigh...", which just rubs it in. LOL.
  • melyhegedu
    melyhegedu Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone, just want to check in. It will take me a while to get to know everyone well enough for personals. I got my walk in this morning. I live in Bend, OR, and there is a landmark called Pilot Butte. It is a cinder cone, and there is a .8 mile trail up to the top. Today I hiked up in 20 min.! Great workout. On track with calories. I'm trying for less carbs, more protein. Also less sodium. What if you don't eat your workout calories? I have been doing fine with 1600 per day.

    My real first name is Julia. See you all later!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Happy September to all!

    Welcome newbies!

    I have been reading all your posts but do not have time to respond. Partly because there are a couple of threads here that I feel I MUST post to every day (daily challenge-type threads) so that uses up my alloted computer time!

    I'm taking a quick break right now so I can download my ExerciseTV videos to this computer. THEN I'm going to try out a new one that I got for participating in one of their FB surveys. It's a 'conditioning' workout so I don't know if I'll be able to do it but I'm going to give it a shot.

    My yard and gardens are looking good. They are not very big but I am the only one who works in them so it a bit of a workout for me! I dug up about a million irises and lilies (only a slight exaggeration!) and had my DD take most of them to work with her. She said they were gone by the end of her shift! Just need to get the mulch spread out, which I will do this weekend.

    I, too, had a slide over the summer but I am back on track and going strong! WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    It’s great to be able to get my computer open again! We lost our power due to Hurricane Irene and just got it back last night. We were so very lucky ….it could have been so much worse here. It was interesting to live without electricity days. I just finished logging in my food from Sunday..it took a while! Both my husband and I have sinus infections so going to a Walk In Medical Center was thrown into the mix. Feeling cranky and so tired has just added to the fun of the week. I don’t tolerate antibiotics very well so I am looking forward to getting better. Ten days on antibiotics….I have the Activia in the fridge. Today we went shopping to begin stocking our empty fridge and I am ready to get back to my routines.

    Barbie…that was a great opening to this thread this month. I , too, am a retired teacher so September still feels like a beginning to the year to me.

    Mary..glad you are back.

    Mimi….Your words describe what probably most of us have gone through…I know I have many times. Good for you for getting a plan together. I think I am learning too that I need to do certain things (like plan ahead, measure food and write down everything) to lose. Glad you came back here.

    Birdie….I am so glad that you are going to enjoy all your hard work on your house. I can’t believe the prices and how they have dropped around here. It is definitely not a seller’s market at all. I think sitting tight for a while is a good idea.