

  • Lori_menorahlover
    Hello teammates,

    I am starting off by doing the PYMGY Series. I did Day 1 - 50 Squat Kicks and 50 JJ's. I so need a good support bra. I think that my breast got more of a workout than my heart, legs and arms:bigsmile: :laugh:. It is so funny because my butt feel like jell-o:happy: . I guess that is a sign that it's working??? I also stayed under my calories and I drank well over 64 oz of water. Now I am going to the bathroom every -2 seconds (that is negative 2). TMI - I know, sorry.

    Daughter update: Today was a rough day for her also. She blacked out in my arms (thankfully). The monitors was beeping (super high heart rate). We had to press the CODE button. I was so scared. I did not know what to do. Thankfully her nurse assistant was in the room or she would have fell. She just calapse in my arms. Once they got her heart rate under control and some feel good meds, she did a lot better throughout the day. She is still very very weak. Whenever she goes to the bathroom, I have to jump up and follow her in, so I pray that all of my hard work (kick butt squats and stuff) don't go to waste because I have been only getting about 4 1/2 - 5 hours (sometimes less) of sleep for the past few nights:yawn:. I know that sleep is crucial to weightloss.

    Ok, enough about me. I just wanted to say WTG to everyone for successfully getting through day 1. I am so impressed by the ones that are doing the Bushmen Series. I am going to do the PYGYM series for 2 weeks and then advance on to the Bushmen Series (this is in my head, I think - lol, but I am going to give it a try).

    BTW: Lori, I think that putting the information in the spreadsheet ourselves is a great idea. This will also free up you and Gary to care for yourselves. Thank you both for making this possible:flowerforyou:


    Nica, thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart for posting in here tonight.:heart: You seriously have sooo much to deal with right now and it really shows your exceptional character to get on here and post! :flowerforyou:

    I am sooo deeply sorry about your daughter. It is heartbreaking to read. :brokenheart: No mother should ever have to watch her child suffer. I pray that tomorrow goes better than today did. :cry:

    You did exceptional today!!! VERY proud of you!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • janetj518
    Hello Teammates!! Congrats to everyone for making it thru day 1. Squat Kicks - Kind of liked those. Jumping Jacks - they were horrible in middle school and still are! But everything is done. Under calories, over water, challenge exercises completed and mini-workout out done. BTW- Bear Crawls are pretty tough. Barely made 1 minute, but will try again tomorow! Good Night!
  • Brandirina
    Brandirina Posts: 67 Member
    I just realized that I was supposed to do 30 squat kicks, not 15. Nica - thanks for doing my share! :P I should read what I'm supposed to do the night before, because I'm pretty useless mentally when I first get up.

    I was well under my calories yesterday and drank 11 cups of water.

    Now, for Day 2!
  • Trans4mations
    Trans4mations Posts: 90 Member

    My name is Reesa and I'm excited about the September Challenge! I'm excited to being able to make some new friends, all while shedding this weight!!!! I'm a little MIA right now, because I am still without electricity because of Irene. But, please know that I am rooting each of you on and I will be doing my part over here even if you don't hear from me. I try to stay in contact with Lori to keep her updated. While on the subject of Lori, I'm sure you all know by now how fabulous she is. If you don't, open your eyes! But, surely even a blind person could feel the spirit that radiates from her! She is a Godsend! I wish I had the time right now to tell you all how much she means to me. Such an inspiration to so many and I'm truly honored to be able to call her my friend, my sister.

    Uh oh.. I thought I had more time... I have to run now, but hugs and love to you all!
  • Lori_menorahlover
    Hello Teammates!! Congrats to everyone for making it thru day 1. Squat Kicks - Kind of liked those. Jumping Jacks - they were horrible in middle school and still are! But everything is done. Under calories, over water, challenge exercises completed and mini-workout out done. BTW- Bear Crawls are pretty tough. Barely made 1 minute, but will try again tomorow! Good Night!

    Janet, I call them hell jacks cause that is what they are. They send my heart racing and I just dread them with a passion. Oh I get them done but I sincerely loathe them.

    WELL done yesterday and thank you for posting and letting us all know how your first day went!!!!! :flowerforyou: :happy: :bigsmile:
  • Lori_menorahlover
    I just realized that I was supposed to do 30 squat kicks, not 15. Nica - thanks for doing my share! :P I should read what I'm supposed to do the night before, because I'm pretty useless mentally when I first get up.

    I was well under my calories yesterday and drank 11 cups of water.

    Now, for Day 2!

    Thx for checking in Brandi!!!!! You did great!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :happy: :bigsmile:
  • Lori_menorahlover

    My name is Reesa and I'm excited about the September Challenge! I'm excited to being able to make some new friends, all while shedding this weight!!!! I'm a little MIA right now, because I am still without electricity because of Irene. But, please know that I am rooting each of you on and I will be doing my part over here even if you don't hear from me. I try to stay in contact with Lori to keep her updated. While on the subject of Lori, I'm sure you all know by now how fabulous she is. If you don't, open your eyes! But, surely even a blind person could feel the spirit that radiates from her! She is a Godsend! I wish I had the time right now to tell you all how much she means to me. Such an inspiration to so many and I'm truly honored to be able to call her my friend, my sister.

    Uh oh.. I thought I had more time... I have to run now, but hugs and love to you all!

    Well hello there Miss Beautiful!!!!! I wuvs you Miss Reesa. That made me want to cry. Praying you get electricity soon as well!!! Thx for checking in with us!!!!! Have a wonderful Friday!!!!!!!!!!

  • Lori_menorahlover
    ***Tribe Victorious Secret*** PLEASE bookmark Gary's new blog for our MFP Challenges!!! He has done a STELLAR job putting it together for us!!!

  • Lori_menorahlover

    Gary had to revamp the spreadsheets. So we now have a new link for team access of ours please bookmark it!!!!!!

  • Brandirina
    Brandirina Posts: 67 Member
    Two sets of 15 Swimmer's Presses - Check
    An extra mile on the elliptical - Check

    I typically do about 3.2 miles on the elliptical every day. It was tough adding that additional mile! But it felt good. I'm going to have to buy some dumbbells because the cans of kidney beans just don't really do the trick, and my bowflex doesn't allow me to move in the ways these exercises demand.
  • Brandirina
    Brandirina Posts: 67 Member
    Lori - was it ever determined when we'll be entering our end of week weight? Sundays or Wednesdays?
  • Brandirina
    Brandirina Posts: 67 Member
    Oh! And I did my 3 minute bear walk this morning.

    How do we log the swim presses and bear walk?
  • Lori_menorahlover
    Lori - was it ever determined when we'll be entering our end of week weight? Sundays or Wednesdays?

    Sunday evening or Monday morning depending on what time you normally weigh in. :smile:
  • Lori_menorahlover
    Oh! And I did my 3 minute bear walk this morning.

    How do we log the swim presses and bear walk?

    Brandi, after my fantasy football draft is over late tonight let me make us a copy of the spreadsheet and label it extras and we'll use it for that type of stuff!!!

  • Nica_LosN_It
    Nica_LosN_It Posts: 115 Member
    I am on quickly to let you all know that I completed day 2. Gotta go. Love y'all.
  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    Hello beautiful people! I hope everyone had a great Friday :)
    Day 2 complete! Under calories, 12 glasses of water, tabata and bushman series all complete :bigsmile:
  • Lori_menorahlover
    Thx for checking in Nica and Marie!!!!! My fantasy draft starts in about an hour so I will be back on late tonight!!!


  • janetj518
    Greetings Fellow Tribe Warriors!! Day 2 completed. Over water, under calories, exercise in (1 mile of walking with extra mile and swimmers presses for challenge!) Feeling pretty good and CAN NOT wait to see a difference on the scale!!! Hope everyone is well!
  • Lori_menorahlover
    I took today as my off day. I normally take Saturday off but just had too much to do today. You will notice I always work out on off days. Just not as much. Just enough to give me extra calories should I want them.

    Have a wonderful evening TRIBE!!!!!
  • Brandirina
    Brandirina Posts: 67 Member
    Day 2 complete! Under calories and over water. Extra mile, bear walk, and swimmer presses. Feeling good! Goodnight fellow tribe members!