How does one lose inches?



  • Visceral fat is exactly the kind of fat that won't cause a loss of inches. Belly fat =\= visceral fat. Belly fat is subcutaneous fat located at the belly.

    Belly fat is a combination of visceral fat and subcutaneous fat and you'd need specialized diagnostic tools to get an accurate picture of the exact composition, which is why medical literature increasingly and overwhelmingly suggest belly fat or waist size as a benchmark for guesstimating risk of complications due to visceral fat (possibly including dementia, insulin resistance, risk of heart attack and stroke, etc).

    Not sure exactly what you were trying to say or on what basis, but I am sure I can support my claims with as many scholarly sources as you'd like.
  • dar1182
    dar1182 Posts: 2 Member
    Why did my calorie daliy goal go up on my app? Is it because i changed my stztus to very active? I cant even keep up eating 1200 calories let alone 1630 which its saying i need each day.. i do the HIIT on my elliptical 3 days a week and am now doing weight of 20 lbs and do my rebounder routine and incorporate my walk fit routine at least a few other days a week plus i work so how am i going to eat that much? Been on tbis journey before but going to make it a way of life as i feel so much better now,.. i use essential ols to help me lose inches and found that cal/mag utyrate has some beneficial affects on losing fat and so does potassium citrate.. look these 2 things up and read about them
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