60 yrs and up



  • Fishwishing
    Fishwishing Posts: 26 Member
    March is here, along with the meterological beginning of spring! Another warm day in Mid-Missouri.Lynncristy, the 3 mile walk yesterday was glorious. Just love being outside with my dog! We did another 2.5 mile walk this morning so we are both happy. Suzywantsitall, grandkids and great-grandkids can be awesome motivators. You can do it for them, and also for yourself! Pat30725, my admiration to you for being a caregiver. Your 10-lb goal sounds reasonable and doable. Keep at it. Soloflyergirl2, has your hip surgery been scheduled yet? I too have concerns about the Covid-19 virus but so far it still seems removed from those of us in the Midwest. Does your location exacerbate your fears? I am hopeful a vaccination will soon be developed and we can all rest easier. In the meantime, please use this group for support.
  • n2gardens56
    n2gardens56 Posts: 74 Member
    Happy March everyone, and welcome to all new-comers! Another logged mfp day yesterday a little under my calorie goal. Today has been great, yes, sunshine in SW Virginia is wonderful, did a 2+ mile hike up a mountain and saw my first blooming toad lilies. Made me SMILE. Also got a yoga workout in and my weight workout. Sure hoping I can keep the momentum once the hectic workweek starts. But if it gets stressful, I have promised myself that I will log in here and "talk it out" with my support group. :D@lynncristy: I started doing yoga at a studio last Oct. would have started earlier but healing a broken hand. This group takes semi-annual trips places and the next one was to Italy, Umbria region. I have delayed traveling to Europe my whole life, first because of work and then my son & finances, but I just finished putting him through college so now is my time. I will have to take 2 weeks off work, but I am really excited. We are staying in a Monastery which has been converted to an art school, we will have daily yoga classes and trips out to historical places, like St Francis of Assisi cave/cathedral, Monster Park Italy, cooking & truffle hunting, many other side trips. I am spending a day in Rome to see the Vatican Museums prior to going with the group to our Monastery location. Thank you for asking about the trip. That is my mini goal to reach 140 by May 12th when I leave. Then after I return, I am setting a new goal to reduce further. Happy Sunday everyone.
  • lynnchristy
    lynnchristy Posts: 75 Member
    Good morning 60 & uppers :)

    suzywantsitall, Welcome :) a health scare can be a great motivator, that's for sure. I'm with you and want to be here for my great-grandchildren... still waiting for them to arrive LOL... You will find we are a very supportive and encouraging bunch of folks all wanting to be in optimum shape ;) We can do this, if we all make small changes and do it one day at a time, sometimes one minute at a time (((hug)))

    njag6393, your mother sounds like a smart woman <3 I always say any day with sunshine is a good day :D

    annliz23 thank you for sharing the tag with the cheerful and upbeat sentiment :)

    Fishwishing, that walk must have been wonderful :) I am longing for nicer weather so I can get out and ride my bike. I have fallen a few times on ice during Winter months even with my yaktrax and I am leery now :'( So I do my walking when we go to the grocery store LOL I do a few laps :D I am with you and hopeful re: Covid-19 virus. I believe things will turn out well, eventually.

    n2gardens56, oh wow, you saw flowers blooming YAY that would have put a smile on my face, as well :D Your trip to Italy sounds like the thing of dreams :o I hope when you return you'll perhaps share some photos with us. That is one place I have been wanting to go to for a few years now. My daughter married an Italian and has been there to visit his family and enjoy all the marvelous food... those Italians love to eat :p One day, I pray I will get an opportunity to go, too :)

    Have a blessed day everyone and stay strong in the fight to be fit :)

    Shout out to my friends <3
  • Fishwishing
    Fishwishing Posts: 26 Member
    n2gardens56, I'm envious of your flowers! There's nothing like seeing the first blooms in the spring. Nothing like that here yet, though. Your trip to Italy sounds fantastic! What a great motivator to hit your goal. rseward53[/b], what a nice success story. So inspiring! Lynnchristy, biking sounds wonderful. I have a Catrike with 3 wheels so I feel much more secure riding after my accident 3 years ago. I'm looking foward to getting out on it again soon. Love your posts; you are so full of warmth and good feelings. Annliz23, thanks for your wishes. Very lovely! I haven't lost any weight for a little over a week despite exercising more and staying on track with food. Not giving up though. You all inspire me! Have a great day everyone.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,662 Member
    bacpath wrote: »
    Good morning all
    Back from our trip last night. It was fun. I didn’t exert as much control as I’d hoped. I’m up 3.1lbs. Yikes. Back on track today. @rseward53 hunger is indeed my friend today.

    Overwhelmingly likely that a big chunk of it is just water weight, or more-than-normal temporary digestive contents still in transit (full transit can take 50+ hours). Travel time (even by car, but especially by air) tends to contribute to retaining water. I predict that you'll see at least some of that drop of fairly quickly over the next few days, to a week or so. Don't stress about it, for sure! :)

    I had a couple of really indulgent days last week (pizza/beer plus one day, favorite Mexican restaurant another day where I fully indulged), all of this 100% intentional, not loss of control. I was up 3.4 pounds at yesterday's weigh in from last week's pre-indulgence low, but already down 1.8 of that today, and expect most of the rest to be gone by mid-week. I may've eaten enough calories to gain a whole real pound, tops. It's NBD, it's something that I work with, in maintenance.
  • j29t
    j29t Posts: 228 Member
    Greetings all, glad to see everyone's posts. Sunny and warm here today. I'm back from traveling and was pleasantly surprised with my weigh-in loss this morning. My trip was grand, spent a lot of time behind the wheel stopping to stretch and enjoying the changing scenery. The farther south east I traveled the more the spring blooms are evident. Once into NC saw daffodils and camellia in full bloom and the rapeseed fields were showing just a few sprigs of bright yellow. Weeping willows are greening and Bradford pears trees were showing new white flowers. I drove south onto Hatteras Island, NC to take a walk over the dunes to the ocean and look around the area where I've rented a cottage for a family vacation in early summer. Connectivity made tracking a little difficult, but making good food choices wasn't. Keeping up with three Grandkids four and under kept me moving for sure. It's so good to be able to keep up with the kids, before MFP that was a struggle.
    Keep up the great work!
    Special shout out friends.
    Wishing you a great day to get out and move.

  • pippo_11
    pippo_11 Posts: 42 Member
    rseward53 wrote: »
    ...Now I have changed my eating habits...
    This is it for me too. 21 days to break a habit. Your new habits are now the norm. Well done!
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    62 yo here in Cheyenne Wyoming. Returned to MFP after a 8 year hiatus from caring about myself. Previously lost a total of 90 pounds using MFP, gained all of it back, plus an additional 10 pounds. Re-doing this weight loss 8 years older is much harder, but I can do this. Restarted my journey December 22 and have lost 22 pounds so far. Reached my first mini goal last Saturday. Next goal is to lose 10 pounds by 03/31/2020.
  • bethe
    bethe Posts: 79 Member
    Yesterday I worked in my backyard planting some shell ginger in the new flowerbed, and was pleased to discover that according to fitbit I burned almost as many calories doing that as the walk taken earlier in the day. I'll continue working on the backyard this afternoon after today's dog walk. I'm also 1.4 pounds down from yesterday, so that's a good thing. If it's not a fluke, that means five pounds lost since going to the doctor back on January 8. Getting daily exercise really helps with how I'm feeling physically, and I'm thinking cutting sodas out of my diet is really helping re: weight loss. I'll have a coke once or twice a week instead of everyday like I was doing. I'm also trying to use truvia instead of honey in hot tea. One or two sodas and several teaspoons of honey in tea everyday day adds up to a lot of calories in the form of sugar and carbs, so goodbye to that! Plus I'm eating A LOT better now that I have a ninja grill/air fryer - it's so freaking easy to use compared to conventional cooking.

    Have a beautiful day!
  • lynnchristy
    lynnchristy Posts: 75 Member
    Good afternoon 60 & uppers :)

    j29t, your trip sounds wonderful, walking over the dunes to the water, the blooms and the 3 grands <3 Happy to have you back (((hug)))

    lindagalbreath577, whoohoo ;) look at you go LOL I know from personal experience hitting that number under 200 must have felt like flying of your own accord :D Congrats!!!

    AnnPT77, remind me again, if you don't mind, how long you have been in maintenance?

    barbiecat, good for you writing in a gratitude journal :) I have this creepy feeling whenever I've thought about journaling. I guess it's the idea of people roaming through my head after I'm gone :| Perhaps one of these days I will get to a point where I don't care B)

    Fishwishing, thank you so much for your very kind words :) Goodness were you hurt badly when you had your fall while biking? Don't get discouraged, you will get on the scale one time and you'll have dropped a bunch ;)

    bacpath, trip? What trip? Did I miss a post about a trip? Where did you go and was it fun, other than making you feel guilty when you stepped on the scale? Geesh, questions, questions, questions LOL

    rseward53, Welcome and thanks for sharing your story (((hug))) You are going to be an inspiration to all of us who are still in route to our GW :)

    Enjoy the afternoon and have a nice evening everyone :)

    Shout out to my friends <3
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,662 Member
    Good afternoon 60 & uppers :)

    (snip bunches of lovely friendly positivity!)

    AnnPT77, remind me again, if you don't mind, how long you have been in maintenance?

    I started losing weight for serious in April of 2015, joined MFP in July 2015, hit my current weight (mid-130s) around the end of 2015, overshot that weight (lost more), regained some, and have been someplace around the mid-130s (at 5'5") since. :) So, 4+ years, I'd say; 5 years sometime in 2020.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    Hey, y'all. Catching up here after four days on the Salmon River. Good friends, good R&R and slow fishing. C'est la vie!

    I live in southwest Idaho - between Boise and the Oregon border. Spring is on the way here - had to peel off my jacket while walking the dog this afternoon. YAY!
  • bacpath
    bacpath Posts: 326 Member
    @AnnPT77 thanks for the wise words, again. I did great today after putting the scale # out of my mind.
    @lynnchristy I was at a wine and food festival in Vancouver plus visiting my sister. The visit was great. Lots of fun, interesting wines and great food..... but well you know how that goes! Congrats to all who measured some success today. Onward and upward (?downward).🙂