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Covid19 and Cashiers

TarynF226 Posts: 62 Member
Right uh story time of sorts, sorry, if this isn't allowed it can be deleted. Everyone please stay safe! Dont forget to wash your hands often and bring hand sanitizer if you're sharing equipment with people.

If you've got your own perspective of a job field you'd like to share and tips to help out I'd love to hear them.

**A Cashiers perspective.**

Being a cashier sucks right now (that's the polite phrasing to be sure🤣), please don't share your germs with cashiers we deal with hundreds of people each day.

I'm doing what I can to keep the corner store where I work clean, washing my hands often and disinfecting counters, door handles and keypads (everything really) with bleach water as frequently as I can manage while still getting my actual job done but stores are high traffic. (😕Also the bleach is giving me headaches from the smell...)

I know it looks odd to us/western society (I'm in ON Canada btw) and maybe you think people will snicker at your caution but please consider wearing masks when you go out to stores. If your going to talk to your cashier stand back whatever distance you can or angle you face downward/away from them.

Travelling. Ugh. It's not just European countries. If you've travelled /Anywhere/ please don't come in. I actually had a regular customer go on vacation to Cuba for a week and so I didn't think I'd see him for three. He came in for his regular coffee and when I asked him why he wasn't self quarantine he told me that was only for travelling to European countries. It's already over here and you're going through high traffic ports. It's any travel. Once he left I wiped down all the door handles coffee station stuff and counters etc with disinfectant and washed my hands but he still came in and there were other people in the store too. That is A Bit Not Good. (I hadn't been wearing a mask at work yet, I think I'm going to from now on. I wore one to go shopping because while I don't display symptoms I have no idea whether anyone I came in contact with shared with me. Hundreds of customers remember? 😷I don't want to get sick but if I do I hardly want to spend two weeks incubation period spreading it around, you know?)

I'm normally up to chat with regular customers but I'm a lot more brisk with saying goodbye right now. Don't take that personally please if your usual cashiers seem to be standoffish. We're trying to do our best to not get sick despite dealing with a lot of people. A lot of cashiers are part time and minimum wage, we need our hours and aside from being sick itself we can't afford to miss weeks worth of shifts if things go bad. Please don't be snide if we don't seem friendly right now.

Also please don't hoard items. It shouldn't need to be said but don't buy what you don't need. There are others who genuinely need those baby wipes you swiped for cleaning your hands. Over the course of the weekend I heard from two mothers who couldn't find baby wipes for their baby's butt until they'd visited multiple stores and from Four mothers who had to go to three or four stores (or order online) to get their baby formula. Unless you actually plan on staying inside for the next three months don't take more than you need for a few weeks quarantine.

Use the tap feature on your cards. I'm one of those who doesnt like having tap on my cards because I don't feel it's secure but I've used it exclusively this past while rather than handle the card terminal. Reduce whatever amount of contact you can.

Lottery and cigarettes are a Huge thing for corner stores. If you think you Absolutely have to have either or both consider (I know it's super expensive) buying multiple draws on your lottery and consider buying cartons instead of just a couple packs to reduce the number of visits you have to make. Also, sign your lottery at home. I can only clean the store pen so often.

Overall, please be polite. We as cashiers are dealing with a lot of stress as new memos are passed down from higher ups who (seem to us) get to hide away in offices. We are trying our best to not get sick and to not spread this around, please do your part.


  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Very good and insightful post. Thank you! When I shopped for groceries yesterday, there were 2 clerks; one was wearing gloves and one was not. Just think of all the germs that get exchanged between hands all day long. :(
    Hope you stay healthy Taryn!
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    You are obviously really thoughtful and energetic about doing all you can, in a difficult situation, and in a job where it seems like some people don't properly respect or even notice your efforts. Thank you.

    I've been thinking a lot about how the burden of the current situation falls more on some of us than others, whether financial burden, risk of contagion, or other effects.

    It speaks to your character, how hard you're working to protect people who aren't always conscious of their own health practices, or conscientious about protecting others (hard to tell which, sometimes).

    Your post humanizes some of the implications for us. I hope you and yours are able to stay healthy through this whole challenging process. People will rely more on the convenience stores as other options are reduced.

    Thank you for all that you do, and sympathies for what you're experiencing. :flowerforyou:

    Well said!
  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,008 Member
    I used to be in the service industry so I can relate but I can't relate to what you're going through with this pandemic! Thank you stay healthy!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Our cashiers, in Italy, have masks and gloves. Stay safe hon!
  • TarynF226
    TarynF226 Posts: 62 Member
    lokihen wrote: »
    I'm heading in to cover the graveyard shift in the ER for an ill coworker. I haven't seen my parents in weeks because I won't be the one to expose them. Honestly, they are being very good about isolating already.

    I hate the way things are right now, but if everybody was as careful as the OP, I would worry less. Thank you.

    OP here and thank you for continueing to show up at the ER. I know people with your kinds of jobs get a lot of exposure to this situation but we all still need hospitals to run and we have to count on staff like yourself showing up to places we'd all rather avoid ourselves. Please stay as safe as you can❤
  • TarynF226
    TarynF226 Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks for your post OP and for starting an interesting topic.

    My perspective of working as a practice nurse in a medical centre.

    Reception has a barricade around it now so people have to be 1.7 m away from the receptionists.

    and nobody is allowed in with flu like symptoms - they all have to ring from their car and Dr does a phone consult and if deemed neccesary, sends them to hospital for testing, by staff there in isolated room with full PPE

    Some patients are coping with this and following it better than others

    some get really cranky about waiting in their car - as if having a phone consult means Dr drops everything in the surgery to ring you instantly - no, he/she doesnt, you still have to wait your turn.

    Do not do what one stupid patient did - after waiting in his car for a little while, he came in to the surgery, coughing and spluttering his way through a waiting room of non flu symptom patients, to ask reception how long the wait will be. :o

    and of course it is impossible for us to keep social distance for everything. One person wanted me to give their child's vaccine from 1.7 m distance - no, I'm afraid I have to get closer to do that. :s

    and of course people still need to come to the surgery for non Covid issues - and babies still need vaccinating.

    No good them avoiding medical centers/us avoiding touching them on account of potential Covid - and then getting whooping cough because they aren't vaccinated - so crazy time and everything more complex.

    Flu vaccinations start in another fortnight - always a crazy busy time of year but will be utter bedlam this year.

    Good news for me of course - no danger of being laid off because not enough work, so Covid wont be a financial issue for me.
    Except ,as for everyone, superannuation balances in free fall.

    OP here, thanks for sharing how things are going in medical centers and thank you for doing your best to put up with all us cranky panicky people❤

    I just want people to be aware of and to consider both sides of each interaction. Maybe knowing how you guys are dealing will help people be a bit more patient when demanding health services.

    (In crap news globalnews.ca just let me know 23 new confirmed cases for Ontario bringing active cases to 205. 😝Gonna have to check if any are near me. Before now only three in my area But they were all travel related not community spread - I'd like to keep it that way.)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    TarynF226 wrote: »
    Thank you everyone for the well wishes! We're doing ok here for now, as far as confirmed cases there was only one in my immediate geographic area as of Saturday. (I havent checked these past couple days for stats) So maybe it seems like over cautious actions but better too much action than too little.

    I'm young (almost 30😒🙈) and relatively healthy so I'm not terribly worried for myself if I get sick but my grandparents what if they go out? My grandma just had to get her hair done on friday despite myself and my mother telling her to stay in. Church service was cancelled so we told her it was only grandpa that was going to see her *rolls eyes* but she went anyway...

    What if that hairdresser didn't clean things as well as he could because he didn't think it was a big deal? What if she goes to pick up something she needs for dinner from the store and that cashier rolls his eyes and thinks everyone is overreacting and doesn't wipe down his station as frequently as he should? (One of my coworkers is young and like this😒😓) What if they get sick? My grandma is pretty healthy. My grandpa isn't. Losing him if he got sick would be a real terrifying possibility.

    I don't want to be that cashier to someone else's grandparents.

    Just consider even if you think you'll be fine, you probably know someone who might not be. Your parents, grandparents, kids or grandkids might be in the categories that are at higher risk. What about your best friend? Do they have someone who fits in one of the higher risk categories? What if they lost that person when it could be prevented? Imagine how they'd feel.

    My best friend is my age and pretty healthy but she catches a cold or flu way more frequently than I do. I worry for Her. Her younger sister works as a psw in a few different places. I worry for Her.

    I don't want to be alarmist or preachy or pushy and it would totally absolutely suck if I got sick personally but I hope I'd be fine. I just want everyone else to be fine as well.

    Your grandmother and her hair and my mother and her plant.

    I've been shopping for my mom and Sunday she asked for her credit card back.

    Me: Where are you going to use it?

    Mom: At Lowe's for a bush.


    Mom: It's seasonal.

    Me: Can't Sean [her sometimes gardener] get it for you.

    Mom: He hasn't called me back.

  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,087 Member
    Since last posting here, we now have 6 cases in my town. 2 have fully recovered and completed their isolation period and allowed out again ( well, to the extent anyone is allowed out)
    I think the others are doing ok but not as far along in their time frame.
    Surgery is now only doing phone consults with doctors and any paperwork, like scripts, radiology,blood tests, referrals etc gets forwarded to the pharmacy or emailed on.
    All elective procedures have been cancelled
    Nurses are doing drive through clinics for flu vaccines and other neccesary injections. You stay in your car, nurse in PPE does injection through the window.
  • TarynF226
    TarynF226 Posts: 62 Member
    In my Region we have 189 confirmed 66 resolved 10 deaths. In my actual City I don't know. I've avoided looking too closely because I was winding myself up and now when I try to look it up I keep getting the region stats because my city name is the region name.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    My local Kroger installed plastic shields at the checkout lines. Most of the employees are wearing masks now.
    They already had spacing markers at the checkout lines for a couple weeks, but now they've also designated the aisles as one-way wherever possible.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    My local Kroger installed plastic shields at the checkout lines. Most of the employees are wearing masks now.
    They already had spacing markers at the checkout lines for a couple weeks, but now they've also designated the aisles as one-way wherever possible.

    my local Krogers did as well, but they were all installed backwards :eyeroll So the shield is in front of the belt but when I customer comes up to the card reader, they are still eye-to-eye with the cashier and close enough to cough on them, etc. And its obvious they are backwards because the little cutout that is supposed to give the customer access to the card reader is on the opposite side of the cashier.......