Coronavirus prep



  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,160 Member

    This doctor is not only knowledgeable but he also speaks clearing so he is easy to hear. Since he is doing this on the fly he must be very bright. This is good info from start to finish. Yes it is technical because it is a serious disease but the things we can do to help ourselves and others are spelled out very well and is worth sharing with others.
  • DecadeDuchess
    DecadeDuchess Posts: 315 Member
    edited March 2020
    Dang it - taxes could be delayed 90 days :/ and ours haven’t been filed yet... bummer

    I read that they're extending the deadline to file, 90 days but're encouraging filing asap.
  • kperk91
    kperk91 Posts: 226 Member
    As of yesterday, all Florida universities are to finish the semester through online courses. Spring graduations (if not already cancelled) are most likely going to be cancelled soon. This was after 4 students at University of Florida tested positive. My best friend teaches 8th grade, and after spring break, they will be teaching from home using Microsoft Teams until April 15th for now.

    Bars and nightlife are closed and restaurants are under new capacity and distancing rules. Might be just a matter of time until forced closures? The beaches here are still open though. Florida just hit 216 positive and are finally admitting to possible community spread.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    The John Hopkins map is showing 114 deaths in the US as of 8:33 this morning; that's 6 up from just last night. The US's death percentage has been hovering between 1.7% and 1.9% as more cases roll in (based upon my quick method of just dividing the # of reported deaths on the John Hopkins map with the total number of cases).

    I hadn't heard much on Spain, but it looks like its starting to expand rapidly there.

    Is anyone here from Germany or know about what Germany has been doing? I'm just curious because according to the map, Germany, in spite of having over 10,000 cases, has kept their death percentage way, way low - so I'm curious as to what measures they are using as they seem to be having success.

    Meanwhile, the governor of WV mandated the closing of all bars and eat-in restaurants yesterday and all other places to go to drive through or carry out only. The school teachers are coming in and putting together daily work packets for their students and the cafeteria workers are preparing meals. Both the packets and the food are then being given to the school bus drivers who then driver their route and give the stuff out to their students. The next day, they'll take up the previous day's packets and give out the next set. I give kudos to whoever came up with this idea! Unfortunately, in WV, with it being so rural, broadband is very, very limited and home internet access itself isn't widely available, so except for schools who's student population is almost entirely in the Charleston or Morgantown metro areas, and likely in the eastern panhandle, our school system isn't going to be able to continue the semester online, hence the packets idea. The biggest problem with the packets, however, is getting the parents to make their children do them. That's going to be very spotty at best.
  • SisterSueGetsFit
    SisterSueGetsFit Posts: 1,211 Member
    Our numbers today are scary--I'll spare you. You can get them online. They helicoptered 50 grave patients from North to South yesterday because there is no more space in the Northern hospitals. One died on the way. A doctor died yesterday. China is sending us doctors and supplies--hugs to them. The US is putting up a tent ER in Cremona. It's a hospital group called "Good Samaritans" I think. I know many of you are thinking "but we need them at home!" and this is true. However, they will see first hand how the Italians are coping and will then go back better prepared for you. I'm proud of my country for doing this.

    The Italians are fighting this tooth and nail, and I'm proud of them too. I used to post from the front lines--you guys are almost there, so soon all of you will be taking over. Hugs to all--stay strong.

    @snowflake954 Sending love from Minnesota, to my fellow Minnesotan. Thank you for the continued updates and I will keep you in my positive thoughts. I wish you safety, health and continued healing for Italy.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,674 Member
    My office has started dispensing latex gloves for the commute. We are asked not to wear them in the office. Most people are working from home already.
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 626 Member
    Our numbers today are scary--I'll spare you. You can get them online. They helicoptered 50 grave patients from North to South yesterday because there is no more space in the Northern hospitals. One died on the way. A doctor died yesterday. China is sending us doctors and supplies--hugs to them. The US is putting up a tent ER in Cremona. It's a hospital group called "Good Samaritans" I think. I know many of you are thinking "but we need them at home!" and this is true. However, they will see first hand how the Italians are coping and will then go back better prepared for you. I'm proud of my country for doing this.

    The Italians are fighting this tooth and nail, and I'm proud of them too. I used to post from the front lines--you guys are almost there, so soon all of you will be taking over. Hugs to all--stay strong.

    I am so, so sorry for what all of you are going through. I noticed that your number of new cases seems to have leveled off--a week after you went into national lockdown (3/10). Does that sound correct to you? I will be praying for all of you.

    Has your government announced any plans to help people who are completely out of work and will not be getting paid anytime soon? If so, what have they said and do folks in Italy expect it to work?

  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    I live in Canada. Schools in Alberta are officially closed until September. I am working from home. Most places are closed or have reduced hours. Cases are doubling roughly every two days. We have 97 (confirmed cases in Alberta only) as of this morning's news. 70 of those cases are in my city. Grocery stores are out of most canned goods and definately no toilet paper. So far that's the extent of the panic. It's pretty quiet out there. We are fairly well supplied so far. I have an MRI on Friday if it's not canselled. Until then it's free weights and the treadmill.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    acpgee wrote: »
    My office has started dispensing latex gloves for the commute. We are asked not to wear them in the office. Most people are working from home already.

    That's surprising. I have heard that hospitals are running out of gloves, but they normally would use nitrile rather than latex because of allergies. While this is what I have heard, I haven't seen anything reliable to confirm that is true. Does anyone know anything positively about that?