Once the trust is broken



  • Eyematter
    I am so sorry to hear this, and I understand the feeling of helplessness, hopelessness and pure frustration. I too have been through a situation like this. I have learned to tap into my true self. I learned that no matter what you change about yourself, it still won't be "good enough" for the person that you are trying to please. Infidelity is something that is very hard to move past. What I will suggest is definitely get into some counseling. Pick up a healthy hobby and work on yourself. Because after everything is said and done and regardless of the outcome, you still have to be a complete healthy person, to be in any healthy relationship. Again I am truly sorry for you.
  • ginny1214
    Thanks ladies. There has been so much, I mean I moved to another state with our two kids to take a break for 6 months. Well I was here for a week and we fight and he tells me he is filing for a divorce, so ok we talked off and on for a few weeks like three weeks, then all of a sudden he starts calling me everyday for 10 days acting like he has a fresher attitude, the whole 9 yards, and a few days ago I ask him where we stood and he tells me"to be honest were probably not getting back together" which was like what totally not the vibe I was given. So then this morning I get an email saying sprint family locator was activated again and sent me n email of my location as well as his, and he (early in the am) is all the way on the other side of town, so naturally I don't trust him, I text him where he was and he needs to delete that feature of our account. So he gets snippy with me saying were not together he doesn't have to tell me where he is or who he is with, and that I haven't changed and I'm e same person I was, and that if he had any inkling of trying to make it work again over the past few weeks it's been smshed now.

    I just feel so hopeless, how can I love someone who obviously doesn't love me or care for me back. And it's like so I have to suffer the consequences of HIS actions
  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    Im sorry your going through this. And to me it sounds like he is done with your marriage. If he hasn't said sorry and says he dosnt want to work on it. I wouldn't trust him just based on that fact.
    If he really wanted to be with you he would say hes sorry and wouldn't blame you for him being unfaithful. But if he is really sorry and you both work things out. You can trust again. But its going to take a looonnnngg time before you trust him fully. And he needs to show you he really loves you and wont do it again.

    this this this this this
  • sunrise611
    sunrise611 Posts: 1,912 Member
    What concerns me is that he didn't apologize. I don't know his side or if he wants a divorce.

    If he wants to separate, then you shouldn't try to keep the marriage going for the sake of the kids because it probably won't be happy.

    And you DO deserve better than that. You deserve someone who is happy and wants to be in the marriage and will treat you right.

    Not trusting him at this point is only part of it. There's no reason to reason to trust him if he isn't sorry or can't promise that it'll never happen again and let you know that he values your marriage and wants to make it up to you.
  • Laurabetha
    I think you know the answer within yourself and you posted here to get confirmation of the decision. Do what YOU feel is best for you. You have permission to make the decision that YOU want to make. In this case, any decision you make is going to come with bad "stuff". Just weigh the positives and the negatives. If your work has EAP, take advantage of therapy. Just saying things out loud to an objective person can make a world of differences!
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    It never comes back. Everytime that he comes home late from work or he gets a text message, you will wonder who it's from or who he is with. It opens up fresh every time you see something that reminds you or hear something or if your mind just starts to wander. It's terrible.

    I am still married to my husband, but I don't think the trust will ever be there again. Not like it was.
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    You can add me as a friend to talk to me, or message me whenever you may need support. Not only did my husband cheat and we were a month away from being divorced.. we also had a young son. This was a year ago.. and now my husband's and my marriage is better than ever, we have a new son and divorce isn't even in our vocabulary. I am a little busy now but I want you to know it is possible to make it work and I will come back and share it with you when I have time.
  • Eyematter
    Trust can be regained. I've seen it in some difficult marriages. My best advice can only be to pray, even if you don't pray. Talk to God if you're willing. That has worked for me in much more difficult circumstances. Also, you can only work on you. You can't fix him. Only do what you can. Go for what you want and need. Praying; putting trust in God will lead you towards what God knows is perfect for you.

    I LOVE THIS! SO Trueeee! Work on yourself, because if this one wasn't right for you. God has something better for you!
  • SJT75
    SJT75 Posts: 134
    Hi, this happened to me about 3 years ago. I knew he was seeing someone but it took me finding hard evidence for him to admit it. The difference is that he apologised, was gutted that he had hurt me so badly. We both had counselling and although i no way i condone what he did, i can admit that we were both a little bit to blame for the lack of communication and love in our relationship at the time (that and the 2 small children we had).

    We have worked through it, It was really hard at first and sometimes even now its harder than others to trust him, but i know that if i feel like its getting to me i have to now tell him how i feel, and we talk about it.

    I'm glad we have worked through it, but if my husband hadn't apologised and insisted on blaming me for his actions I don't think it would have worked.

    Go with your instinct as you have to live with your decision....do you love him enough? does he love you enough?

    I'm sorry that you are in that position, I know how you feel......Good Luck with whatever you decide
  • kristarablue
    Ok, this breaks my heart because I understand much more than I wish I did and I have to tell you that if he does not want to try it will be difficult to make a marriage work it does take two people. I am not sure you can get trust back at this point with the way you have described the situation and honestly it may be unhealthy if you were able to trust him again. Lets look at this, he has not apologized nor has he even begun to make amends. I do not advocate divorce and think that just about anything can be worked through if both parties want to work through them, if that were the case my post would be completely different. He is finding everything you did "wrong" because he is trying to find reasons to justify his infidelity or to justify breaking up of the marriage to himself…please don’t own these reasons…ultimately you doing _______ does not cause unhappiness, we find happiness from within if it is contingent upon another we will never be content, but I am sorry that he is doing that because it feels awful. Unfortunately when we are in that situation we begin to believe it and then we are beaten down over and over until we are a former shell of who we once were and it takes time effort, energy and strength to come out of that place, it is an awful place to be. If you don't want a divorce, then by all means do not file but may I make a suggestion and really focus on working on your self and your inner strength this does not mean neglecting your husband but this means being a strong women and not being needy...easier said than done, trust me I am cognizant of this fact. I have no good answer for you because quite frankly there is no good answer, all I can offer you is understanding and send you positive and strengthening vibes your way.
  • ginny1214
    Thanks for all the replies. Yes there were underlying problems, I guess it all started when I had our first child, started fighting after that alot, it would get good bad good bad. He says I'm negative, he didn't want to be around me bc I acted like a b**** he would call me lazy, say i acted pathetic. Everything in the book, like you cannot tell him he has done anything wrong. I mean our fights used to be about how I never got the time. We only had one car and he would run off to do his thing leaving me and our kids home constantly.

    As far as the cheating now he says it wasn't sexual however I beg to differ because he sent her lude pictures from his phone. He still won't admit what really happened. After that he starts talking to other girls, on Facebook, then one on the phone at all hours of the night, during the day, and said she was just a friend. I guess I really have my own answer, I mean I know I deserve more, it's just so hard to move on.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I know this is REALLY hard for you. And I am SO sorry you're going through this. So, first of all: ::huggz::

    Now...to business: Once a cheater, ALWAYS a cheater. Get you some good love, sweetie. ♥
  • ginny1214
    He has never said he wants our marriage to work, just strings me along basically.

    Don't get me wrong. Hve done my fair share in our relationship unraveling but it's both of us and he refuses to see it. He even texted me when I first got here that I should kow it was my fault our marriage didn't work. It's hard, and I know I deserve something better, but it's so hard to move on.
  • Murphk323
    Why would anyone stay with a cheater? Don't belittle yourself or choose that for yourself. You deserve so much better.

    Personally, the trust never came back and the fact there was unfaithfulness will always be an issue in the relationship. Resentments about that never die and everytime there is a big arguement it gets brought up. It will always be in the back of your mind. Once someone cheats and you forgive them, it seems like a green light goes off in their mind that you just forgave them for doing the unthinkable, so why not cheat again?

    This is hard and no one deserves to be cheated on...but it's best to move on...
  • sweetmornings
    I know this is REALLY hard for you. And I am SO sorry you're going through this. So, first of all: ::huggz::

    Now...to business: Once a cheater, ALWAYS a cheater. Get you some good love, sweetie. ♥

    Totally agree. I had the same thing happen to me only it wasn't just one. It does take two to make and break a marriage but HE did not have to be unfaithful. And with him not taking responsibility for his actions because they were his, you have your answer. Move on. It's hard at first trust me but you'll get through it and be stronger in the end.
  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    He has never said he wants our marriage to work, just strings me along basically.

    Don't get me wrong. Hve done my fair share in our relationship unraveling but it's both of us and he refuses to see it. He even texted me when I first got here that I should kow it was my fault our marriage didn't work. It's hard, and I know I deserve something better, but it's so hard to move on.

    If he can't even accept any responsibility? I so much hate you have to go through this.
    It takes two to fall in love, and it takes two to hurt that foundation.

    It is so strong for him to string you along.

    you're more than welcome to friend me, I've made it out of bad stuff and am always happy to help.
  • daddyssunshyne
    I know I felt just as you did when my marriage ended the same way. It took years to get closure and really move on.

    However, it is not always black and white and nobody is perfect. I know I made mistakes in the marriage too. That does not justify those actions or choices. But it is complicated.

    I will say that life goes on eventually. If I am reading your posts correctly, it sounds as if you know deep down there is no hope to reconcile. My husband was the same way, he did not want to work things out. Acceptance is the first step in that. You have no choice, and it isn't fair, but the sooner you accept it the sooner you can heal.

    9 years after the initial experience for me, I am happier than he ever made me, in the best relationship of my life and have been for 4 1/2 years now.

    "When one door closes, another one opens. But often we spend so long looking at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us." I may not have gotten that exact word for word, but the message is the same.

  • melliemel818
    melliemel818 Posts: 46 Member
    I've been there. It's a very long road to recovery. Don't jump into a divorce. That doesn't make anything better. Just be patient. I have to say this though... If it weren't for the Grace of God I wouldn't have survived it. It's devastating and my heart breaks for you. My best suggestion for you would be to get before God. Only He can mend your heart. You have to heal but I am here to tell you that THERE IS HEALING. I wish I could tell you that if you do "this and this" things will work out. I don't know what will happen. If there's not a change in your husbands heart and a repentance, you'll encounter this again and again. Just sit and be still. It's so soon afterwards - you take care of you. If he can't do that for you, then you concentrate on YOU. Be patient and pray. I feel so bad for you I want to cry! It's a terrible thing to have to endure. Good Luck Sweetie. Friend me if you'd like.

    I agree entirely! don't jump into anything like divorce just yet. I worked for a family (i'm a nanny) and the Husband cheated on his wife while she was prego with there set of twins. He said he didn't love her anymore or want to be married to her anymore. They ended up separated for around 9months and while they were separated she worked on herself, (because he blamed her for his cheating) went to personal counseling a woman's support group and told him that she was working on herself to make there marriage better because she stilled loved him, after seeing everything she was doing he started going to counseling on his own and getting help, he realized that the real reason why he cheated was b/c of him and not her and he used her as an excuse, they both started going to counseling together and eventually he moved back into the house (but separate rooms) long story short, there back together after 2yrs of hard work and they renewed there marriage vows after 3yrs.
    Trust isn't something you can fix immediately, but with a lot of work it can be done, especially when he see's your working on forgiving him and see's how much you still love him. Just give it time. Don't jump the gun on divorce. As for the friend.....tell her you forgive her and then It's time to move on and find a new friend, Don't have any contact with her again (if at all possible) It helps to forgive her as part of you being able to completely move on with you and your husband. Good Luck, I hope everything works out for you.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I say go see a marriage counsler and see if they can give you the tools to repair your marriage.
    Are there kids involved?

    It's never all one persons fault even when there is cheating involved.
    I had a dear friend go through this a couple of years ago. His wife cheating on him.
    Before counseling... In his mind "she broke the rules." end of story
    After counseling that he acknowledged that he SOME responsibility, for his actions which made their marriage/home, well... less than what it should have been.

    Good Luck
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    It is hard and I totally feel for you.

    I've been married twice. The first time, I left and filed for divorce because of his infidelity. The second time, when the subject came up, I stayed. I can't say it has been easy. It takes time, energy, and would probably been easier if I had gone to counseling.

    The biggest difference? My ex-husband tried to blame me. My husband apologized like crazy (and it helped that I caught it right before it turned from emotional to physical). It still hurts 6 years later. Even just typing this out makes me want to go hide and bawl my eyes out over the things he said to her. Some months are great and some days I am a mess. It's a healing process, still.

    My husband is completely different from yours though. Your husband seems to be out playing the field as if he were single and is blaming you because you moved away. Honey, you know things aren't right and you knew it when you left. He's trying to punish you for leaving him. In my opinion, you won't be able to salvage this situation. Get your head up, get you and your kids through this, and flip him the bird. He calls you a *****? Well, own it. Be a ***** who can take care of her own business and doesn't need a no-good POS holding her back, calling her lazy and pathetic and sleeping with random women.

    The best revenge really is living well. If you can get through the first few weeks, it gets easier. Focus on your job, your kids, your family, trying to get out with your girlfriends to have some fun and leave trash in the dirt where it belongs. He will either see that he misses you (unlikely) or he'll be even more pissed when you prove you aren't lazy or pathetic and trust me - its awesome to be able to laugh at them for making stupid choices when they could have had you.