Less Alcohol - MARCH 2020 - One Day at a Time



  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,190 Member
    @whitpauly Sending you a big virtual hug. You are an inspiration and thank you for being so honest. Love you! <3
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,190 Member
    MissMay wrote: »
    whitpauly wrote: »
    Hello all, well last Tuesday when the governor shut down NV I completely lost my steam! I had to drink to ease my disbelief at what's going on, this all feels like some bad dream I can't wake up from but yet it's real, I'm feeling very negative even still now but luckily put down the beers 3 days ago after a 4 day drinking bender, ho hum🙄 well shoot at least I finally stopped, no job so no need to be wasting money on alcohol anyways, 11:44 am in Vegas another 24 and a big hug to everyone here💗

    💜💜💜💜💜 hugs and thoughts to you @whitpauly. I feel for ya girl. I am a self employed person. So NO unemployment benefits for me. My clients have shut me out. Overnight I went from happily working at my 33 year old business( that I started when I was a young 27 year old girl) to out breaks of crying uncontrollably in disbelief. I would have rather had a massive heart attack and died on the spot.
    Good for you for stopping. I know it has been a long long time since you drank. I have so admired your " another 24 AF in Vegas" posts. You ARE still an inspiration.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your business. It is heartbreaking. I know that there are wonderful things ahead for you; take time to mourn the business. <3
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,560 Member
    RubyRed427 wrote: »

    I'm so sorry to hear about your business. It is heartbreaking. I know that there are wonderful things ahead for you; take time to mourn the business. <3
    Thank you Julie. How goes your battle? I know a lot has changed in your life since we first met in Jan 2018. You are a very strong, giving person. I would not have crawled out of my sinking pit without your daily posts.
    Much love your way.......

  • forestdweller1
    forestdweller1 Posts: 363 Member
    Middle daughter has been working from home during the current unpleasantness and this has thrown off the schedule of both househusband and cats. She still takes her morning walk to Crazy Mocha...6 blocks in the hood and then home to make her own fancy drink, and her lunch walk, during which she shows up at my house to make sure I'm still staying home, like a dutiful old person. On one of her lunch breaks she grabbed up a newly fallen twiggy branch and pranced around my yard with it on her head like antlers. We are all stir crazy here...thankful for little things...my magnolia is blooming beautifully... ALDI's delivers...
    Headed out to my gate to receive the monthly prescription delivery with my OWN pen and a previously sanitized bag, only to find that the driver hung the meds on the fence and instead of a 3 signature clipboard...he took a phone photo instead !!

    Not being able to get wine by ANY means has caused me to go into conservation mode. Ain't gonna touch the cellar rack til I can actually get more. Just in case. It may be months. The fear of running out is my motivation. o:)
    Boy, do I have plans for later----> much later.

    Not everyone has the luxury of still having a job and I hope that things can get better for everyone soon. @MissMay , thanks for the positive post above.