fit for october challenge



  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    thanks nelski i feel somewhat better still alittle off it but not quite as bad and brilliant nsv i like the ones that creep up and surprise us

    i just did level 3 shred and what a load of pants i had high hopes as level 2 i like its a good workout level 3 was rubbish i just didnt feel like i worked out the modifications for beginner where like well why bother as i felt as tho i wasnt working anything out and the cardio would leave me with severe knee pain and her superman pose get the chest of the ground well sorry at the size of my bust the only way thats going to happen is if i either get a boob reduction or strap em up like a mummy or maybe bend my back in half backwards so that was a pointless exercise as all my weight was supported on the floor i eneded up doing strength moves from level 2 really have no clue what she was designing there as nothing left my muscles feeling like they worked out im usually stubborn and keep at it but nope i shall do the last 9 days of shred on level 2 as at least i feel like thats a workout overall assesment of the 30ds is level 2 good fun and a workout levels 1 and 3 werent worth the bother of doing them
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning friday at last

    i hope every one has some good plans for the weekend?

    my sister is coming to viist belated eid celebrations for us she makes me veggie food i make her meat curries bake cakes and buns and generally enjoy viisting with family also need to make a start getting school things sorted for tuesday this 6 week holiday has gone by so fast

    i need to go meat shopping last minute clean to house again i really do not want a messy house when guests visit and try to sort my bathroom out something is leaking from bathroom into my kitchen not a good sign

    have agood day and be good
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member

    I got up and worked out this morning. It was kinda hard since I'm not great in the morning so I only made it through 28 min of the 45 min Chalean Extreme workout. I started feeling like I was going to puke. I'm only working a half day then heading straight to the shore for the weekend so I had to get in something this morning. Labor Day means 3 day weekend! It also means trouble for my diet but I will do my best. I'm bringing my resistance band and told my husband we HAVE to go for long walks.

    I'm down 1.4 pounds from last week. :)
    I'm really only down 1 lb since starting ChaLEAN Exteme & TurboFire because my weight was back up the next week. Oh well, I just hope it keeps going down and the inches come off.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    have a great weekend nelski mine will suck as well im having belated eid with my sister shes visiting tomorrow it involves rice which i always go overboard with and cakes and buns but i cant say as i mind im looking forward to it its been 6 weeks since i last saw her so im going to enjoy it

    next week will be better school starts tuesday that means i get out more in a morning and do more walking around i am going to miss the sleeping late tho ive gotten used to that

    today im thinking i need to workout but i dont fancy shred i like level 2 but it gets monotonus after 11 days but i hated level 3 as i didnt feel like id worked out so do i stick at level 2 for another 9 days so ive done 30days of shred or do i just go back to my wii jogging which i love and use the time as an excuse to catch up on my tv shows i recorded (i usually set the wii free jog going get on trampoline and jog but change channels so im watching tv) im thinking jog i need some better cardio but i also feel that shred should really have a full 30days before righting it off as doing nothing for me so far i lost nothing no weight and the inch i was hoping id lost i havent
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    morning a quick happy saturday before i have to start baking and cleaning and fitting in some wii jogging i will be good and exercise today and i will have a clean house or i may have to cry i also may end up making my kids sit outside on the grasss so my house stays tidy lol

    have a good day everyone ill try check on you later be good
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Happy Saturday. Hope you all have great weekend plans. I am trying to save money for the next few months as I want to have a great Christmas break. So I need to find some cheap fun things to do at the weekends, other than doing workouts!
    I had a sneaky weigh in this morning and I was under that evil 11stone. But its not weigh in day and don't want to get too excited, but its going to make me keep on track today!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    oh no sunday already lol

    i had great fun yesterday i burned calories cleaning and jogging on wii and i had a great time with my sister ate way too much rice but i wont regret it i will just be good today and hope it doesnt show on the scales on monday

    today i have plans for more wii jogging and alot of relaxing i did loads yeasterday with the tidying etc so i deserve a rest today i hope everyones having a fantatsic weekend
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    How is it Sunday already?
    Yesterday was my rest day, but did indulge a bit much in the evening as we saw the 2 dine in for 10 pounds at waitrose and I am a sucker for those deals! Such good value!
    Today will be a good gym day and will be doing some cooking, making treats and dinners. All healthy of course!
    Weigh in today and I hit my goal of 154lbs. I think it would have been more as I did have a splurge last night. I'm not complaining at a 1.8lb loss though!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    it came to sunday too fast cdpm and my kids start school again on tuesday that came around too fast as well time is speeding forward it will soon be my holiday and im not near wher ei want to be yet and then it will be xmas can i go into hibernation lol
  • Gembo82
    Hello everyone, well i have had a good weekend, went to dad's and for the pub lunch i had a ham ploughmans but without the bread roll or cheeses. I basically just ate the ham (but the fat off) and the salad. I did have 2-3 glasses of wine though =/
    The birthday party i had a diet coke and afew nibbles but no bread/nuts/crispsor birthday cake.

    I had Fri and Sat as my rest days this week and have lost all motivation for the 30DS now i am currently still on level 2 and really really hate it!

    Hope everyone else has had a good weekend =)
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    motivation kicked in and ive done 1hr jogging on wii on my trampoline and im pleased with the calorie burn

    gem i loved level 2 shred but i couldnt do it as a full time workout theres not enough cardio for my liking you need to find something you like and then you will want to do it its why i love wii fit plus variety so i can mix it up if i want
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    well monday morning arrived way too fast for my liking and even more yuk im up 1lb thats the kick in the butt i need to be good this week and keep up the exercise 7 weeks until i go away and i would really like to lose some by then

    in the past 4years ive dieted lost got to this weight and kinda stuck here then ive given up and gained the weight back before realising hey my clothes dont fit again and starting again this is the tim ei need the extra motivations because when i dont se ethe scales moving or the inches shifting i get discouraged feel free to kick my behind repeatadly and keep me on track

    hope you all have a good week i havent bene seeing many acheivments for posting in couple weeks try and tell me what youve lost and ill add it and ill also put what you aimed to lose so we can see how close we are to them goals might kepe me off of fb for a while
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Oh boy I was not good this weekend. Way too much indulging. I won't even get into it all lol. I did get in a couple good walks and did a short workout with my resistance bands yesterday but I know it was not enough. I gotta stop doing that!

    I just gotta move on and do good this week.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning happy tuesday

    well i hope it is its horrible weather here raining cold dark like a december morning not september weather is not inspiring me

    but kids start school today so ill be busy i have my plans for shopping with a friend this morning and macdonalds ive missed out macdonald breakfast i also have to food shop with hubby this afternoon more walking involved there and i will do another hr jogging on the wii i hope
    bust day with little bits i still have top do like shoe shop for my 4yr old school shoes and sort worming treatment for the cat both done in differant stores in differant nearby towns so alot of running around
    hope you have a great day lets see if we all be good now schools started and summer is over
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Hello everyone!
    It's a real horrid day, all windy and rainy and to make it worse I have to get the bus to work! Nothing worse than bussing it in the rain!!
    I thought as it's a wet and horrid day I would make myself a warming and comfort lunch. I have got brown pasta, turkey and pesto all mixed up ready to re-heat later. I love it!
    No workout for me today it's a rest day and I defiantly need one. I got cramp really badly in my leg last night :( Hopefully I'll be back to top form tomorrow!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    well ive had a day that was full of stresses apart from the horrid weather i had my watch battery die my phone battery die my car door refused to close the lock broke and door was stuck on open the cat had to go vet because she refused to eat the food with worming powder in and i was so busy with all the school run things i never even got to food shop that will have to be tomorrow i did get in 30minutes of wii jogging but now im just ready for bed and a praye rthat tomorrow please be better day
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Well I am back down to 139lb, but still no new ones.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning happy hump day

    these school mornings are starting to take there toll im exhasuted already roll on the weekend

    today splans coffee with a friend i am avoiding all the cakes scones and sweet stuff we then have a good 30-45min walk around shops before i drop her to work and hopefully do the food shopping i didnt get a chance to do yesterday then drop my 4yr old school and come home to clean my house seriously is it all men or just my hubby i left him for 1hr with 3 of the kids while i went to the vets and OMG my house its like a mini tornado swept thru followed by a herd of rhinos i also have to fit some jogging in at some point today i kinda overate last night with mini sweet bags very bad me

    bjshooter if its anyconsolation im am stuck yoyo effect between 134lbs and 135.6 i never seem to get anywhere else lets hope the colder weather does us some good
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Hey all.
    I've been tracking my food and exercise really well, but I have been having cravings for snacks. Especially in the evening. I am drinking my 8 glasses of water a day, sometimes more, but still wanna eat snacks.
    Does anyone have any ideas hints or tips of how to curb the cravings?
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning happy thursday am i bad for counting down to the weekend i am super shattered i need a few more weeks of school to be back in this routine

    today i need finish of the cleaning i only barely touched yesterday and i will get on the wii yesterday was just full i never stopped but i did get in over an hr of walking so i dont feel too bad

    cdpm i know this sounds weird but brush your teeth to stop cravings or find a very strong mint mint has something in it that makes all foods tastes weird so you dont like the taste the chewing also produces more saliva so your body gets tricked into thinking its eating not sure why it works it just does a friend whose been dieting for years uses it as well and stops her snacking worth a shot and if it doesnt work at least your dentisit be happy lol