Accountability buddy



  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    LJRS2019 wrote: »
    kiay131982 wrote: »
    Also... Would anybody who is my friend be willing to open up their food diaries so I can see what they're eating? I find that so helpful!! But everyone's food diary is closed x

    I will, how do I do it?

    Awesome :) i dont think we are friends yet... Will add you now x
  • LJRS2019
    LJRS2019 Posts: 66 Member
    @kiay131982 I will open mine now for you.

    Also - totally smashed my protein goal today of 100g boom

    @kiay131982 if you do look at my diary ignore the pizza, it's not pizza, it's actually salad...honest ;):|:#
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    LJRS2019 wrote: »
    @kiay131982 I will open mine now for you.

    Also - totally smashed my protein goal today of 100g boom

    @kiay131982 if you do look at my diary ignore the pizza, it's not pizza, it's actually salad...honest ;):|:#

    @LJRS2019 ok, so now I'm jealous... Not only for the pizza... But you hit 100g protein!! This is my aim and I fail woefully EVERYDAY.
    Also, now I want pizza.. 🍕🤣🤣
  • jvando74
    jvando74 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi all! Getting back to the group after a busy couple of days with Easter and getting homeschool started back up again. Back at work today. I’ve not had good calorie days (until yesterday when I finally ran a deficit), but I’ve been happy with the way I have been eating — no crazy nighttime chocolate binges. Unfortunately I did myself no favors by making an amazing (if I do say so myself) coconut cake for Easter. Now the gd thing has to be eaten. Sigh. I did cut a small slice for myself last night, so I consider that a win. And today I slipped a run in between clients so I am feeling very good about that and optimistic about running a deficit for the day.

    @kiay131982 happy to open my diary if you want to friend me. It will definitely keep me honest. 😁

    Keep it up ladies! I’m so inspired by you all. I am hoping my clothes will start to feel less snug soon. I may have to find myself a scale to step on somewhere so that I can log my journey along with the rest of you. No way I am buying one, though, I can’t go back there, I know I’ll get obsessed! :)
  • CatieMay123
    CatieMay123 Posts: 26 Member
    @PatriceFitnessPal that is such a wonderful way to burn calories, on the water. I’m really hoping to pick up some kayaks for the summer I think it would be very relaxing plus a good workout.

    @mnalsa83 I hope you did ok with your walk today. Hopefully your toe is feeling better! You’d be surprised how much you’ll burn doing your housework too! Looks like a very productive day.

    @renaegry I’ve never tried the Fitbit workouts. I’ll have to look into that in addition to the beach body program I’m working on.

    Today I completed day 15 of 80 Day Obsession... twice! I did it in the morning then I was feeling extremely motivated this afternoon so I gave it a second go. I’ve been on track with food. All around it’s been a great day! 👏🏻⭐️😃
  • EarthyEm
    EarthyEm Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Would love to join this group of accountability buddies! I'm walking daily & trying to stick to calorie counts & would live to check in & support y'all!
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Morning all!!

    @jvando74 I have friend requested you. I do find knowing others can see what Im eating keeps me on track!!
    On that note... Anyone feel free to tell me off if I fall off the wagon!! :)

    @PatriceFitnessPal @CatieMay123 I miss being on the water!! Hubby surfs and I own a couple of boards, Im not great at it but I love to go out and have fun. I have a paddleboard too and I love that!! We only live 10 minutes from the sea so usually we are out alot...

    @EarthyEm welcome!!! Its a lovely group :)

    So today would usually be my aerial class, with that not on I am struggling a bit on a Wednesday to know what to do. Maybe some low rep heavy weights, yoga and my steps....
    I WILL come out of lockdown fitter than I went in! :)
  • Cerizez
    Cerizez Posts: 155 Member
    @astrid and @mnala83 : I used to do a gentle version of IF: not the hard-core 16/8 that some people try; I found it manageable to stick to 14-10: eating between 8am and 6pm.

    I was doing great for a few days, and then Easter really threw me off stride. 3 cheat days. So today, am back to counting and accountability.

    I have a hideous sister who's always making 'side-eye' at people's bodies/clothes/hair: she works in fashion. We're out of lockdown on 5 May and the extended family are planning a large celebration. So I'm super-motivated to be toned and at my short-term goal weight by then. Nothing will annoy her more than seeing other people being skinny and well-groomed/dressed. They'll probably extend the lockdown for another few weeks, but focussing on short term deadlines is the best way through this.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    edited June 2020
    Morning all. Yesterday was a good day. Ate not to bad. Got in 2 outdoor walks. A Fitbit workout and did weights. Body is a tad sore today. Plan to get in an evening walk but that will prob be it since today I am going to help unload truck and stick shelves at my local grocery store.

    @CatieMay123 I like the Fitbit workouts. They range from 7 minutes to 30. All varieties. Also enjoy doing weekly and daily challenges on Fitbit as well. If you want to friend me on fitbit my email is [removed by mods; please share contact details in private messages]
  • LJRS2019
    LJRS2019 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Love how our group is growing :smile:

    Can I ask for a sense check on what I am thinking?

    So I have been counting for nearly two weeks now and although on most days I eat within my calories, on some I have gone over. I think the reason for this is that I have no actual strategy at the moment and where i want to go long term currently is not matched up to my behaviours today.

    I have spent today reading the nutrition section of a book i bought ages ago (Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle - if you are interested) and I have come up with a nutrition strategy. Blindly eating anything I want to 1460 cals is not going to work long-term. Instead I have set a macro percentage of 40% carbs 30% protein and 30% fat and I now want to focus on bringing nutrition into play. I am not healthy internally. I know that. I want to start addressing that now and I think that by being a bit more thoughtout with what I eat will support me in getting to my goal.

    Hope you have all had a good day !
  • jvando74
    jvando74 Posts: 29 Member
    @LJRS2019 I think the mindful eating is definitely the way to go. If you can plan your meals out it will really help. I personally think it helps to essentially eat the same breakfast every day. That way you don’t have to think about it, and you know it’s a healthy and satisfying way to start your day. You may have to play around with what that is for you. I eat the same breakfast M-F, and often the same lunch, as it is quick to make and eat, healthy, and easy to track the calories. I don’t know about macros and such, but if it works for you, go for it! I think to myself when I put a meal together: lean protein source, fruit and/or veg, quality whole grain carbohydrate. That’s my rubric. Good luck, you’ve got this!
  • mnalsa83
    mnalsa83 Posts: 181 Member
    @ljrs2019 I have my macros set to the same 40%Carb, 30%fat, 30%Protein at 1440 cals a day.
    I do struggle to hit the 30% protein... (roughly 108g... I normally eat about 80g). My fats can be up and down... (should be around 50g... I am between 50g-80g some days, but this comes from avocados, cheese, EVOO... so it's generally healthy fats and not from junk food). So I don't beat myself up too much.

    I try to judge what I eat based on eating clean options and intuition too... @jvando has a good way of "plating" your meals to. Find ones that you like and are easy to prepare, so you have a foundation and set your plate to include aspects of a healthy carb, good source of protein & lots of veggies. I do have a few meals/recipes that are go-to's when I am short on time and/or my day didn't go as planned. but I also meal plan... not cook all in one day and pack it in the fridge, but I sit down on Friday nights, after paying my bills and look for new recipes to try and plan my week to include them (and left overs become lunch) so I don't get bored.

    I try avoid boxed items and prepackaged and processed, as much as I can, and eating till I am satisfied & not over eating at a sitting. It's difficult sometimes, especially because my trigger is salty crunch... Tortilla chips! I have to make sure they don't come in the house 😆

    Nutrition is a science but also a trial and error & every person's body will process differently based on the internal issues. You have to play with the macros to figure out what will work for you as well. example: My sister, who has kidney disease, can't have high levels or protein & now just found out she is also diabetic, so she has to watch the type of carbs she eats.

    I also found for me... even though they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, if I do have a solid breakfast, I am starving all day long and will have stronger cravings.
  • EarthyEm
    EarthyEm Posts: 18 Member
    Today has been good so far. Went for a 3 mile walk, and downloaded a pedometer app so I can really measure things!

    My good friend has a free yoga channel - she does a live class every weekday at noon Pacific Standard time - wanted to share that will you all.

    @kiay131982 - Thank you for the warm welcome! Do you do aerial silks?

    @Cerizez Oh man, hopefully these tough times will soften your sister up!

    Keep up the great work all!
  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    edited April 2020
    Hi all, I just reset my macros, I like the 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fats plan. That @mnalsa83 and @LJRS2019 described above. I’ve been thinking of how to plan my meals better. I’m going over on fats but I’m staying within my calorie range mostly each day. That will be my plan for the next week.

    I’ve been continuing with my daily walking. I’m hoping to add in another walk by getting up earlier and going before work.

    I find you are all very inspiring and keeping me thinking of my plans and progress!

    Cheers everyone !
  • tabilw
    tabilw Posts: 50 Member
    MYwGoal15 wrote: »
    Hello! Since this COVID-19 has taken over and shut my work down I have had a terrible terrible time with binge eating.. emotional eating I’m not sure. I have lost 60 lbs since 2017 but just in these two weeks of being off the scale numbers are rising. I am a mom of two young kids and would really like to have a person to hold be reliable or check in on eachother to make sure we aren’t slipping with eating... anyone else have this problem? ☺️
    Definitely have the same problem! I need support too and accountability!
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Morning from the UK :)
    Its nice to get up to loads of messages from across the seas to put myself in the right mindset for the day!!

    My percentages are also set at 40,30,30. My PT initially changed them to 40 carbs, 40 protein and 20 fats, however I REALLY struggle with the protein target so was off all the time. Ive moved them back down until I am Consistently hitting 100g of protein a day, then I might play with them again..

    I didnt get a yoga in yesterday :( but I did got for an hours walk and did some heavy (as heavy as I can at home!) weight reps so I still felt good.

    @EarthyEm yup, I do aerial silks and aerial hoop. Usually attend a class once a week with my teenage daughter, Its kinda our bonding time :)

    So today's plan... Aim for the elusive 100g protein (again), go for a run (Im aiming for 5k today) amd make sure I keep moving enough to hit my steps.
    I've also been working on creating a workout specifically targeted at strengthening the areas we use surfing, neither hubby nor I have been in the water yet this year so if I can at least get him working on his strength in those areas.... (hes kinda not motivated AT ALL by exercise...)
  • mnalsa83
    mnalsa83 Posts: 181 Member
    I have a hideous sister who's always making 'side-eye' at people's bodies/clothes/hair: she works in fashion. We're out of lockdown on 5.
    Sorry to hear that you sister is like that. I always say, when the critique, it’s because they have hidden impurities about themselves. HOWEVER, it’s a positive light to hear that your lockdown is being lifted soon. Where are you at?

    @kiay131982 we are in same boat. My hubby was saying how he wanted to start working out with me and getting active… the most he’s done is 1 workout and 1-10 minute yoga session with me & gave up. Grrr…

    Welcome @tabilw

    Work today is going to be quiet. The office isn’t as busy as it has been and with the lockdown, our doctors aren’t referring as many new people as they were at the beginning of CV-19. The next few weeks are going to be rough with trying to keep hours for my current healthcare staff. It’s a whole new mindset we all have to be in now & convincing our patients who were in the office for PT that they can still do it at home through telehealth, is tough.

    Well today’s schedule includes :
    School Science project when I get home
    I am trying BOD Tai Cheng… decided to work on balance and posture
    Plus keep up with my usual workout…

    Happy Thursday EVERYONE
  • CatieMay123
    CatieMay123 Posts: 26 Member
    @mnalsa83 let me know how you liked that program!

    This morning I made banana muffins and substituted the peanut butter for pb2 and maple syrup for diet syrup. 100 calories each! They are delicious. This way I can freeze the rest and not have to worry about breakfast for a while. Hopefully this will help me stay on track.

    Time for some 80 day obsession cardio 🔥Have a good day everyone! 😃

  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    @CatieMay123 that looks delicious!! What is PB2??
    I need to pre plan breakfast... I occassionally make an overnight oat but they feel like alot of cals!!
  • mnalsa83
    mnalsa83 Posts: 181 Member
    So far I did the foundation portion & realized just how bad my posture and balance is and I did the first 2 days of the Phase 1. The moves are easy to get down, but you have to remember you posture and my knees really feel it.
    I've been following it up with a BOD cardio... I tried Project You2 foundation today, to change things up... I am uncoordinated too.. I am trying to find one that really calls out to me. Which ones have you tried and liked?