2020Lose 52 Pounds in 52 Weeks Challenge



  • montevalloroad18
    montevalloroad18 Posts: 36 Member
    Starting weight: 203 lbs
    Goal weight : 145 lbs
    Current weight :191 lbs 4 /6/20
    Total weightloss: 13 lbs

    This week's successes: got in good amount of work out
    This week's challenge: fried food
    4/13/20 - 191 lbs
    4/20/20- 191 lbs
  • mariatn2003
    mariatn2003 Posts: 238 Member
    Starting weight: 188
    Goal weight: 135
    Current weight: 183.5
    Total weight lost: 4.5
    This week's successes: Continuing to stay active by housework, exercise or both. Ate some good meals lately.
    This week's challenges: Ate lots of cinnamon swirl biscuits today with icing on them! Also had a late nice snack at night.
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    Starting weight: 190
    Current weight: 177.6
    Week 17 Total weight lost: 12.4

    This week's successes: Spring weather has allowed me to get outside to work and play

    This week's challenges: Continued pandemic restrictions are still impeding things I do to stay active: Exercise-Group, Bowling and Softball all curtailed or postponed.


  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Hoping to get back on track now that its warming up.
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    HSW: 257.8
    CSW: 218.2 lbs (01.01.2020)
    UGW: 143
    CGW: 163

    Weigh-ins on Mondays

    00. 01.01.2020 218.2 lbs
    01. 08.01.2020 213.8 lbs
    *skipped a few!*
    14. 30.03.2020 211.8 lbs
    15. 06.04.2020 210.6 lbs
    16. 13.04.2020 208.2 lbs - hit a new decade :sweat_smile:
    17. 20.04.2020 205.4 lbs
    18. 27.04.2020 204.2 lbs

    Total challenge weight lost to-date: 14.0 lbs

    Week 17
    This week's successes: I am starting to develop a new mindset toward activity and become more focused on strength and flexibility training. Also, the 16:8 IMF seems to really suit me in terms of hunger and energy levels. It feels very natural.
    This week's challenges: I am struggling to maintain a proper sleep schedule. It's affecting motivation and sometimes I am having lethargic slumps at the start or middle of the day. I just love unwinding in front of the telly at the end of the day too much! It's hard to switch it off before 10 at night.
  • montevalloroad18
    montevalloroad18 Posts: 36 Member
    Starting weight: 203 lbs
    Goal weight : 145 lbs
    Current weight :190 lbs
    Total weightloss: 14 lbs

    This week's successes: workouts
    This week's challenge: calorie control, losing motivation to stay on track with my workouts and my sleep schedule has no schedule.

    4/13/20 - 191 lbs
    4/20/20- 191 lbs
    4/27/20 -190 lbs

    Planning for a better month.
    Changing check In's to Sundays so that I dont over eat on the weekends.

    3rd -
    10th -
    17th -
    24th -
    31st -

    The situation right now seems like something out of a movie. But we are still here. Let's make something out of it.
    Have a good week y'all !
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    Starting weight:196
    Goal weight: 143
    Current weight: 199.6
    Total weight lost: +3.6
    This week's successes: I actually had a really good workout week, finished the 30 Day Shred and started SWEAT - but somehow gained 5lbs overnight which is super disheartening
    This week's challenges: No cheating this week whatsoever.
  • laureljenn
    laureljenn Posts: 267 Member
    Starting weight: 204 on 1/1/2020
    Goal weight: 150
    Current weight: 209.8 on 4/27
    Total weight lost: +5.8
    This week's successes: Losing again after completely falling off the wagon during this challenge. Motivated by the realization that if I don’t start immediately, I have no hope of losing weight this year. No time to lose, only weight!
    This week's challenges: Easing back into exercise by walking. I want to start running, but starting slow so I don’t hurt myself.
  • MelodiousMermaid
    MelodiousMermaid Posts: 380 Member
    Current Weight:
    194.2 (switching to 28-day average -- this morning's weigh-in was lower at 191.8.)

    Weekly change:

    Cumulative change (Month/Quarter/Year):

    This week's successes:
    • Accurate logging.
    • Getting some walks in.
    • Maintaining meeting my step goal, added 100 more steps/day (current goal streak at 114 days).

    This week's challenges:
    • Struggling to add exercise to every day (was intending to do dog walks each day, but haven't been doing it.)
    • Most other issues are at a standard level, rather than excessively elevated, so while they are challenges, I'm a bit more functional following the cyclical change. Guess that's probably positive, even though they're still issues.

    I think I might be on to something for getting some intake consistency going. Today will be day 6, as long as it continues to go well. Since I was generally maintaining before, I decided I'd like to move to reporting based on a 28-day average. I think that will help me hold a better outlook on things too.

    High Weight/Stats:
    252.0 pounds, 5'1" F

    Challenge Starting Weight:

    21.5% body fat
    (currently estimated around 140)


    Last post (April 8):

    Current Weight:

    Weekly change:

    Cumulative change (Month/Quarter/Year):

    This week's successes:
    • Accurate logging.
    • Getting some walks in.
    • Maintaining meeting my step goal.

    This week's challenges:
    • Struggling to return to maintenance, let alone deficit.
    • Zero motivation.
    • Overwhelmed with so much to do in so many tasks and next to no help.
    • Skipped check-ins on both accountability threads because I couldn't find it in me to do it. Need to force myself to do it going forward.

    I'll be honest, I haven't really even had the inkling of motivation to do much of anything. Even distraction/procrastination tasks that have been mildly enjoyable/passable in the past bring no satisfaction now and seem to be more of a chore than anything. I'm guessing I'm in a downslump with my mental illness. Trying to "tick the boxes" but really struggling.

    On the upside, I've been generally maintaining for the month, with perhaps a small gain, but probably not because of monthly water weight. Truly, it's astounding considering what I've been taking in. My body must be sneaking extra NEAT in that I'm not noticing. My mind is in a state of disbelief, as it's considerably higher than any of the means I've used for calculating estimated TDEE or MFP's method.

    Q2 History:
    2020/04/08: 192.5
    2020/04/15: 191.8
    2020/04/22: 194.5
    2020/04/29: 191.8, 194.2 (28-day average)

    Q1 History:
    2020/01/01: 197.1
    2020/01/08: 192.5
    2020/01/15: 190.7
    2020/01/22: 187.2
    2020/01/29: 185.0
    2020/02/05: 184.1
    2020/02/12: 182.5
    2020/02/19: ???
    2020/02/26: ???
    2020/02/29 (end of month): 184.7
    2020/03/04: 181.2 (estimated using different scale)
    2020/03/11: 183.4
    2020/03/17: 189.4
    Original post:
    I'm not sure I have 52 pounds of fat that I want/need to lose at this point, but I'm close enough that I'm going to call myself "in."

    Starting weight: 197.1 pounds
    (HSW: 252, MFP restart: 242.7)
    5'1" F

    Goal: 21.5% body fat
    (currently estimated at 140-145)

    Current weight: 197.1
    Total challenge weight lost: 0.0

    This week's successes: Getting back into deficit after a maintenance break.
    This week's challenges: Extremely low motivation (for life-ing in general -- not out of the norm, as I battle physical and mental health issues on an ongoing basis).

    A heads up: I will likely go faster than 1 pound/week for the first 4-ish months, then looking to tighten up and go into a slow loss followed by a recomp phase. I'll likely make 52 pounds of weight loss on the scale with some skin loss (hopefully), along with lean mass having to do with the support of the fat stores I have. I am aiming to maintain/increase muscle mass and bone density, so that may throw off the scale results. I do hope to reach my goal body fat percentage by the year's end, whatever scale weight that puts me at.
  • ezbreeze6888
    ezbreeze6888 Posts: 78 Member
    10/10/2020 Challenge
    Highest Weight 11/1/2019: 282
    Challenge Start Weight: 1/6/2020: 260
    Phase 1 Goal 4/27: #1: 224 LBS. #2: Heal Herniated Disks in my neck without surgery (Achieved). #3: Be able to play golf club again (Achieved).
    Phase 2 Goal 7/27: #1: 198 LBS. #2: Free Dive for 1+ Minutes. #3: Run a 5K(Achieved).
    Final Goal 10/5: 189 LBS. & Run a 10K(Achieved).
    Exercise Goal: Minimum 4 workouts per week including minimum 1200 Leg Lifts/Leg Kicks/Side Leg Lifts/Sit Ups. Minimum 20 minutes stretching & abs, 20 minutes strength training, 20 minutes cardio per workout.

    1/13 Goal: 256 / Actual: 253.2 / -28.8 Over All / -6.8 for the Challenge
    1/20 Goal: 253 / Actual: 251.4 / -30.6 Over All / -8.6 for the Challenge
    1/27 Goal: 250 / Actual: 246.0 / -36.0 Over All / -14.0 for the Challenge.

    2/03 Goal: 248 / Actual: 244.4 / -37.6 Over All / -15.6 for the Challenge. 4 Workouts Achieved & 2 PT sessions. A little more movement in the neck. Swinging a golf club not so good, need to strengthen lower back.

    2/10 Goal: 246 / Actual: 238.6 / -43.4 Over All / -21.4 for the Challenge. 4 Workouts Achieved & 2 PT sessions. Neck getting a little better. Golf swing with weighted training club seems a little better. Maybe ready to hit a few balls on the range.

    2/17 Goal: 244 / Actual: 234.8 / -47.2 Over All / -25.2 for the Challenge. Fun Week but a tough one on the diet. 2 Days in the Bahamas… Stone Crab Claws & Mustard Sauce & Conch Salad! And 2 days out of town with family. Worked hard this weekend to get back under last week’s weight and actually lost a few pounds. Managed to get in 4 workouts & 1 PT session. 230 in my sights!

    2/24 Goal: 242 / Actual: 237.8 / -44.2 Over All / -22.2 for the Challenge. I think my body finally caught up with what is going on and put the brakes on the weight loss. Gave back a few pounds this week. That’s okay, hopefully it is muscle and I am still under my Weekly Goal. Eating Healthy and Working Out but I Need to fine tune my calorie intake and get back to logging in food daily.

    3/02 Goal: 240 / Actual: 237.6 / -44.4 Over All / -22.4 for the Challenge. Hope everyone had a great week! I’ve been eating healthy and exercising but still stuck at 237-238. Going to have to really watch my daily calorie intake and cut back on portions some. Still under weekly goal weight so that is a positive.

    3/09 Goal: 238 / Actual: 236.8 / -45.2 Over All / -23.2 for the Challenge. Hello All. Hope you had a good week. It has been a battle for me. My body is not making it easy for me. Finally got my neck feeling better and now I’m having issues with my middle and lower back. Workouts haven’t had the intensity I would like. Still managed to lose a pound and stayed under weekly goal weight.

    3/16 Goal: 236 / Actual: 235.2 / -46.8 Over All / -24.8 for the Challenge / -1.6 this week. Had a good start to the week but was out of town Thursday, Friday and Saturday and ate out a lot and missed a few workouts. Got back on track Saturday night and Sunday to get back under my weekly goal.

    3/23 Goal: 234 / Actual: 237.4 / -44.6 Over All / -22.6 for the Challenge / +2.2 this week. Good news / Bad News… Good news: I was able to play 2 rounds of golf and my neck and back are doing well. Bad news: (other than the world shutting down for Corona Virus) I was out of town for a couple days and ate out and take out and I gained a couple pounds back and I am above my weekly goal weight for the first time since I started November 1st. Doesn’t help that my gyms (even the community gym at my complex) are closed. Really need to bear down and stick to healthy eating and get my exercise in this week and get back on track with weekly weight goal! No Excuses!

    3/30 Goal: 232 / Actual: 234.4 / -47.6 Over All / -25.6 for the Challenge / -3.0 this week. Hope everyone is staying safe and virus free. Even more reason to eat healthy and get your vitamins and minerals in and keep your immune system strong. Tried to keep from splurging this week and was able to get 3 pounds back. Need to get some good cardio in this week and get back to my weekly goal weight.

    4/06 Goal: 230 / Actual: 233.3 / -48.7 Over All / -26.7 for the Challenge / -1.1 this week. Hello everyone. I hope you and your family and friends are staying safe. Hang in there! Things will get better! It has definitely been a challenge to stay active since everything is shut down. I was able to get in a 7-mile run and a 22-mile bike ride to get in some cardio. Doing some stretching and core exercises and practicing the golf swing at home.

    4/13 Goal: 228 / Actual: 232.5 / -49.5 Over All / -27.5 for the Challenge / -.8 this week. Slacked off this week. Gotta be more consistent with my exercises. Got in some bike rides and some golf swing practice. Eating pretty healthy but need to cut back on my portions.

    4/20 Goal: 226 / Actual: 233.6 / -48.4 Over All / -26.4 for the Challenge / +1.1 this week. Started the week off good but out of town for a few days got me off my routine. Was good to get away on the boat for a couple days… 11 tuna, 4 dolphin, 3 kingfish!

    4/27 Goal: 224 / Actual: 231.8 / -50.2 Over All / -28.2 for the Challenge / -1.8 this week.

    Phase 1 Recap:
    #1 Goal: Weight 224: Well… I wasn’t able to reach my Phase 1 Weight Goal but I did reach the -50lb loss mark so pretty happy with that.
    #2 Goal: Heal my Neck & Back without Surgery – Achieved.
    #3 Goal: Play Golf – Achieved, back in the swing of things and able to play or practice on a regular basis (If courses are open)
    Phase 2 Goal: Run a 5K: Achieved. I actually skipped the 5K and went right to the 10K. Definitely didn’t break any records but got it done!
  • montevalloroad18
    montevalloroad18 Posts: 36 Member
    Starting weight: 203 lbs
    Goal weight : 145 lbs
    Current weight :189 lbs
    Total weightloss: 15 lbs

    This week's successes: calorie control

    This week's challenge: food portions went outta proportion. Laptop sleep repeat cycle. My workout needs to fit in there somewhere.

    4/13/20 - 191 lbs
    4/20/20- 191 lbs
    4/27/20 -190 lbs

    3rd - 189lbs
    10th -
    17th -
    24th -
    31st -

  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    Starting weight:196
    Goal weight: 143
    Current weight: 191.2
    Total weight lost: -4.8
    This week's successes: I worked out, but I hurt my knee...
    This week's challenges: Sticking to the plan
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    Starting weight: 190
    Current weight: 174.2
    Week 18 Total weight lost: 15.8

    This week's successes: 3.4-pound weight loss. Starting to catch up to the 52 in 52 goal.

    This week's challenges: Started Alternating Day Fasting (ADF). Hoping this, new for me fasting technique, moves the needle again. I’ve been stuck in a rut too long.

  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    HSW: 257.8
    CSW: 218.2 lbs (01.01.2020)
    UGW: 143
    CGW: 163

    Weigh-ins on Mondays

    00. 01.01.2020 218.2 lbs
    01. 08.01.2020 213.8 lbs
    *skipped a few!*
    14. 30.03.2020 211.8 lbs
    15. 06.04.2020 210.6 lbs
    16. 13.04.2020 208.2 lbs - hit a new decade :sweat_smile:
    17. 20.04.2020 205.4 lbs
    18. 27.04.2020 204.2 lbs
    19. 04.05.2020 201.2 lbs

    Total challenge weight lost to-date: 17.0 lbs

    Week 18
    This week's successes: I am starting to develop a new mindset toward activity although my focused is certainly more on cardio atm than on strength and flexibility training. The 16:8 IMF seems to really suit me in terms of hunger and energy levels. It feels very natural. I think I've been eating like this long before ever hearing about 16:8. It's something I love.
    This week's challenges: I am STILL struggling with sleep. Although I am getting on average more and more each week. As the lockdown's ease, another challenge is to maintain home-cooking habits.
  • dlhollin1
    dlhollin1 Posts: 664 Member
    Every pound gone is a plus, don't get discouraged if the progress is slow.

    Starting weight: 272 (1-1-20)

    Goal WT 220: ohhh that would be freaking awesome bro

    3/29: 265.0 slow and steady. trying to keep focused with all the distractions, working from home etc.
    4/08: 266.4 Wt has kind of been all over the place lately
    4/28 :267.0 Hoping for good progress in May.
    5/04: 266.1 ok May lets get this thing moving

    Weight lost YTD: -5..9

    This week's successes: Food choices were pretty good. Exercise was really good.
    This week's challenges : More weight training, healthy choices limiting carbs & added sugars
  • MelodiousMermaid
    MelodiousMermaid Posts: 380 Member
    Current Weight:

    Weekly change:

    Cumulative change (Month/Quarter/Year):

    This week's successes:
    • Accurate logging.
    • Intentional exercise 6/7 days.
    • Maintaining meeting my step goal, added 100 more steps/day (current goal streak at 120 days).

    This week's challenges:
    • Avoiding the hungry monster and emotional eating.
    • Other standard mental/physical challenges at a "standard" level (not overly elevated).

    I've done a few step-downs successfully, and will be taking the next step today (for intake).

    High Weight/Stats:
    252.0 pounds, 5'1" F

    Challenge Starting Weight:

    21.5% body fat
    (currently estimated around 140)


    Last post (April 8):
    Current Weight:
    194.2 (switching to 28-day average -- this morning's weigh-in was lower at 191.8.)

    Weekly change:

    Cumulative change (Month/Quarter/Year):

    This week's successes:
    • Accurate logging.
    • Getting some walks in.
    • Maintaining meeting my step goal, added 100 more steps/day (current goal streak at 114 days).

    This week's challenges:
    • Struggling to add exercise to every day (was intending to do dog walks each day, but haven't been doing it.)
    • Most other issues are at a standard level, rather than excessively elevated, so while they are challenges, I'm a bit more functional following the cyclical change. Guess that's probably positive, even though they're still issues.

    I think I might be on to something for getting some intake consistency going. Today will be day 6, as long as it continues to go well. Since I was generally maintaining before, I decided I'd like to move to reporting based on a 28-day average. I think that will help me hold a better outlook on things too.

    Q2 History:
    2020/04/08: 192.5
    2020/04/15: 191.8
    2020/04/22: 194.5
    2020/04/29: 191.8, 194.2 (28-day average)
    2020/05/06: 192.3, 193.6

    Q1 History:
    2020/01/01: 197.1
    2020/01/08: 192.5
    2020/01/15: 190.7
    2020/01/22: 187.2
    2020/01/29: 185.0
    2020/02/05: 184.1
    2020/02/12: 182.5
    2020/02/19: ???
    2020/02/26: ???
    2020/02/29 (end of month): 184.7
    2020/03/04: 181.2 (estimated using different scale)
    2020/03/11: 183.4
    2020/03/17: 189.4
    Original post:
    I'm not sure I have 52 pounds of fat that I want/need to lose at this point, but I'm close enough that I'm going to call myself "in."

    Starting weight: 197.1 pounds
    (HSW: 252, MFP restart: 242.7)
    5'1" F

    Goal: 21.5% body fat
    (currently estimated at 140-145)

    Current weight: 197.1
    Total challenge weight lost: 0.0

    This week's successes: Getting back into deficit after a maintenance break.
    This week's challenges: Extremely low motivation (for life-ing in general -- not out of the norm, as I battle physical and mental health issues on an ongoing basis).

    A heads up: I will likely go faster than 1 pound/week for the first 4-ish months, then looking to tighten up and go into a slow loss followed by a recomp phase. I'll likely make 52 pounds of weight loss on the scale with some skin loss (hopefully), along with lean mass having to do with the support of the fat stores I have. I am aiming to maintain/increase muscle mass and bone density, so that may throw off the scale results. I do hope to reach my goal body fat percentage by the year's end, whatever scale weight that puts me at.