Cinnamon, honey or apple cide vinegar

Hello all,
Just asking if anyone has tried the cinnamon and honey tea mixture or the apple cider vinegar mixture. Has anyone of them worked for you? And how long did it take for you to find results. Just curious.


  • StrongCrich
    StrongCrich Posts: 20 Member
    @harper16 hey! It was mainly curiosity. However reading up on it and seeing people taking these mixtures and it leading to weight loss is what I found interesting. Have you not heard of these working at all?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,907 Member
    While carefully counting calories, I drank apple cider vinegar for weeks at a time. For other weeks at a time, still counting calories carefully, I didn't drink any at all.

    It made no difference in my weight loss rate: Same either way. I felt no difference in appetite or cravings.

    (I wasn't doing it for weight loss, I was doing it for other reasons, BTW.)

    I'd expect the same with cinnamon and honey. I put cinnamon and blackstrap molasses in my oatmeal every day, and it doesn't have any noticeable effect on weight, either. (It tastes good, and has lots of nice potassium, though. And the oatmeal is really filling for me, though it doesn't do that for everyone.)

    Sadly, there is no weight loss magic trick. We have to eat fewer calories than we burn to lose weight. We can count them or not count them, but either way that's what causes weight loss. As with so many other things, just gotta put in the work.

    Best wishes!
  • StrongCrich
    StrongCrich Posts: 20 Member
    @Rosie3579 mmmm that’s sounds delicious. Never thought to use it like that. Personally I don’t like that stuff. Only used it once in a recipe in making pulled pork. Didn’t like it much
  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    @Rosie3579 mmmm that’s sounds delicious. Never thought to use it like that. Personally I don’t like that stuff. Only used it once in a recipe in making pulled pork. Didn’t like it much

    I drank a shot of ACV once. My sister told me it was like a sour apple juice. I ended up throwing up all over my kitchen. Not recommended. But I drink black tea with honey every day. Doesn't help with weight loss, but it does taste good.
  • StrongCrich
    StrongCrich Posts: 20 Member
    harper16 wrote: »
    @Rosie3579 mmmm that’s sounds delicious. Never thought to use it like that. Personally I don’t like that stuff. Only used it once in a recipe in making pulled pork. Didn’t like it much

    I drank a shot of ACV once. My sister told me it was like a sour apple juice. I ended up throwing up all over my kitchen. Not recommended. But I drink black tea with honey every day. Doesn't help with weight loss, but it does taste good.

    That’s funny!
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,097 Member
    Cinnamon and honey flavoured tea sounds nice - I like those sort of herbal teas.

    I only drink them because I like them though -and they are a low calorie drink (if you only use a dash of honey)

    No magic weight loss effects.
  • JosephChacko
    JosephChacko Posts: 14 Member
    I drink honey+cinnamon+ginger+green tea+ghee mix every day in the morning. It helps stomach and general health. Over the period of two years, I feel a lot of changes. These help fat cell activation and metabolism.

    But weight loss happens if one eats healthy calories to the activity levels.

    I drink ACV diluted with water. Taste feels ok over a period of time. Pour it straight to the throat avoiding the teeth because they will weaken.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    mmapags wrote: »
    I drink honey+cinnamon+ginger+green tea+ghee mix every day in the morning. It helps stomach and general health. Over the period of two years, I feel a lot of changes. These help fat cell activation and metabolism.

    But weight loss happens if one eats healthy calories to the activity levels.

    I drink ACV diluted with water. Taste feels ok over a period of time. Pour it straight to the throat avoiding the teeth because they will weaken.

    I've never seen any research that supports that statement. So you have anything?

    Green tea does have a small benefit in terms of metabolism (it was covered on the Physqnomics site a while back) but there are 2 caveats - (1) it is a very small boost and (2) just like the energy boost you get from caffeine, your body adjusts to the stimulus so it takes more and more to get the same benefit. I would guess that if this person has been doing this for 2 years and is not drinking gallons of green tea a day, any metabolic benefit he was getting has long since disappeared. Cinnamon might help with blood sugar control but the jury is still out on that one. I know of no studies that show any benefits to the other ingredients in the guy's morning drink.
  • tekctrlr
    tekctrlr Posts: 30 Member
    If you want to help with weight loss drink some water before you eat. You will feel full faster. That is what I have found, for me anyway. Good luck.

  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    Hello all,
    Just asking if anyone has tried the cinnamon and honey tea mixture or the apple cider vinegar mixture. Has anyone of them worked for you? And how long did it take for you to find results. Just curious.

    If it works, it'll be because you were sipping something in lieu of (boredom) snacking on something higher calorie...which would work with any low-/non-calorie beverage you would slowly sip. If caffeinated tea, then might see some appetite suppression from the caffeine.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,097 Member
    or if you replace a high calorie drink like coke or 3 sugars and cream sweetend coffee or fruit juice - with a very low calorie one like herbal tea ( cinnamon, ginger, any random flavour) or water or even diluted ACV - sure, it could help in weight loss.

    Just like swapping any high calorie food or drink for a lower calorie one would.

    Low calorie X replaces high calorie Y = helps in weight loss.

    works with any X or Y . ;)