So you fell off the wagon eh?...



  • brianward81
    brianward81 Posts: 217 Member
    I went over my calories yesterday BUT I have an excuse. It was Fathers Day and I had 3 separate big meals made for me that would have been rude to refuse;

    1 - My wife made this awesome lightish french toast with bananas and maple syrup for breakfast.
    2 - Off to my Mums house where we all had a scrambled egg, bacon, hashbrown and homemade bread brunch
    3 - Off to my inlaws where I had a nice steak, a beer, one and a half glasses of wine and some homemade spring rolls. Then a Weight Watchers recipe of Apple and Strawberry meringue pots.

    Completely off my calorie mark but not going to get depressed about it, I had a great day and am back on track today. I did a bit of exercise dancing with my kids for about 15 minutes but I don't think that had a chance in hell of helping me back to my break even calorie mark.
  • SandraMay1982
    Since my joining date I had lost 11kgs (over 20lbs). I have in the last 3 months (half the time) gained almost all of it back (I think I am 1kg shy).

    sometimes we fall off the wagon because of life's changes. which are constant. It's learning to deal with life's changes and your diet that makes you stronger.

    find the balance. May the force be with you.
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    I push people off the wagon. :devil:
  • vkcooper
  • aeneadelacroix
    This is a great topic!

    I have a big sin to confess.

    I fell (well, jumped since it was completely my own faul) off the wagon big-time. I'd been going pretty well for a few months, then had to do 10 weeks of shift work - and stopped all my efforts completely after one week. I haven't been going to my taekwondo classes since I started shifts 10 weeks ago, my diet efforts changed from healthy options most of the time, then to some of the time, and then... I have to confess that I had some late-night runs to McDonalds after work. I didn't even go to the gym at all after about four weeks in.

    I'm now on annual leave, going overseas in two days, and hoping I can get back on track. It feels better just to admit how much I've gone off track!
  • nkswans
    nkswans Posts: 469 Member
    Oh man is this perfect for me! I started this in Feb and have been very committed losing at the most 16 lb. However....sometime at the end of July I fell off the wagon hard and gained 3 lbs in Aug. I haven't actually exercised since end of July, spent most of August eating lots of carbs like pasta, breads, desserts and currently have peanut butter chocolate chip cookies baking for Labor Day picnic tomorrow... But I do have somewhat of an excuse, I had a cousin visiting from Italy staying at my house the entire month of August so had to entertain and didn't have a lot of time to exercise. I can't wait to get back on the wagon, we all hit rough spots once in a while!!
  • 1_up
    1_up Posts: 1,414 Member
    I have a half hearted confession... I had filet mignon yesterday and two beers but I stayed under. :bigsmile:

    That my friend is well worth it and staying under was a great bonus :P
  • 1_up
    1_up Posts: 1,414 Member
    I almost gave in last night....

    My daughter wanted me to pick her up a donut at dunkin donuts on the way home last night. I didn't realize it at the time, but the guy hooked me up with 3 donuts instead of 1 (i paid 87 cents)... I guess cause I said it was for my daughter. She's 5 (evil too..), so I figure she wouldn't eat more than 1 anyway. I started to rationalize to myself that its fine just eat the damn thing, especially because I had almost 1000 extra calories I burned earlier that night. But I said no, put the donut back into the bag and went to bed 30 mins later ;P
  • paavy
    paavy Posts: 16 Member
    I fell off the wagon as well! I had come so far ( lost 27 lbs) ANd worked really harf to get that far! I got on the scale yesterday and to my shame I have gained 11.5 of it back!!! Gerrr! It does feel good for me to admit this as well! Hang in there! And I know you can get back on track!