Stress Belly / Visceral Fat



  • Joskinnie
    Joskinnie Posts: 9 Member
    I agree with the others about your posture. Bend your knees slightly. That helps pop your low back into the proper position. (Got that from my chiropractor and it works for me.) Also, many women seem to have that bump. Try some ab exercises. That might help.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,990 Member
    edited May 2020
    OP, I don't think that you have anything to worry about, not even your posture; judt looks like ur leaning back 2 take the photo but not ur natural posture.

    FWIW, ht/wt ratio and BMI are just "indicators" of risk for certain health problems but neither is definitive. Thet sreALWSYS exceptionsand individual differences

    Also, if you are Asian as you appear to be from your avatar photo, BMI is also admittedly inaccurate for Asians , trending higher than for other ethnic groups and I would guess the same for ht/wt.

    If you want to get a measurement of your VAT, get a DEXA scan done. It is the ONLY commercially available BF test that can provide you w/this info

    BTW, IMO just because you have a little belly pooch doesn't necesssrily mean that you have an excessive amount of VAT (visceral adipose tissue aka "belly fat).