Women 200lb+, Let's Shoot for the Moon this June!!!



  • Zodiacsmom
    Zodiacsmom Posts: 105 Member
    @Zodiacsmom if you like a weekend treat, is there a way you can make it work for you?
    If you have the patience to do the maths (or the ability to set up an excel sheet that does it for you!) I’m a huge advocate of averaging calories over the week, or even month once you’re in the swing of logging.

    I find it can be helpful for keeping your head in the game, as if you overeat one day you haven’t gone “off plan”, feel no guilt so can actually enjoy the treats (this is so so important!) and can spread out making up for it.

    It means when eating out/having a takeaway (assuming you don’t do this several times a week) you can have what you fancy rather than a low calorie option. For me, I reason that I’m developing habits for life, and the thought of never stuffing my face with a huge pizza ever again is both daunting and unrealistic.

    I guess this is why people rave about 5:2 etc, as nothing is off limits. Not for everyone of course, but might be worth a try?

    My treats during the weekends are usually too many beers and then eating bad LOL... no trick for that unfortunately, just changing habits, June is going to be a good one for me because I am determined to change my habits. Thank goodness I don't have any chemical dependencies to alcohol, just love a cold beer over the summer. I am most likely going to TRY and pre-plan meals and snacks for the days on the water and if there is room for beer, great and if not, just do without... I have GOT to get this weight off. I am giving myself 3 years to get to my ultimate goal but I am so tired of feeling like this.
  • Daisyfinch90
    Daisyfinch90 Posts: 28 Member
    @Zodiacsmom ahh that old chestnut! I used to be the same, all my drunken mistakes were edible 😂
  • procolorer
    procolorer Posts: 326 Member
    @Bunnyhopkris I have hypothyroidism too. It can feel impossible to lose weight at first. Are you being medicated? You definitely want your levels in normal range or it will be next to impossible to lose weight.

    It might take longer for you to lose weight than others but it is completely possible once your levels are in range.

    If you have any questions feel free to message me :)
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    @mmccloy12 I thought I had gotten to the last page of posts but I hadn't. I think quitting smoking is much more important than losing weight right now. I think you cutting down on that is a great accomplishment and you maintained. Great job. You made the right choice to do this now. Keep up the good work.

    Also although I am generally doing well with the loss of my job for now I know it is more than just the loss of income. I had a funk day thinking about the loss the sense of accomplishment I got from my work. Recently I realized I hadn't worked for 3 months! It blew my mind as we used to say. I just wanted to think about what was the next step after completing my training book and I got hung up on that. However something I have always known about working is that you spend almost more time with co-workers than anyone else even family. 5 days 8 hours or 9 hours if your lunch hour is added a day with co-workers and only 5 days at 4-5 hours plus 10 hours 2 days with family. So it is a very significant loss in socializing. At least those working at home get time on the phone or zoom. I hear my husband when he starts a call or meeting. You can hear in the voices the pleasure of the interaction of those lonely workers working from home.

    As to water intake if you up it your body takes a while to get used to the new level and it is normal to need to go more often but it should go back to normal. You definitely can drink too much water but most need at least 8 glasses. Other drinks may have an effect as well.

    I hope June is a better month.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    mmccloy12: It's deeply miserable to have those issues. I know from experience.

    I found that strengthening my abs and hips made a lot of smaller pelvic floor muscles activate and without me noticing, the stress incontinence has improved somewhat. It also seems that I have a better sense of when I'm at "yeah, I could go" instead of missing it until things are so desperate that I don't make it. I'm sure that as I continue to move towards the strong body I want, things will get better.
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    @mmccloy12 Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers. Sounds like you have a crap-ton of issues on your plate as well. Sending prayers for you. I had one thought about the week you are alone when your son is at his Dad's. Is there somewhere you could do some volunteer work? Most communities have a great need for volunteers ... perhaps you could find something of interest where you could volunteer a couple of hours each day during that week? Sending prayers and hugs your way. 🙏
  • mmccloy12
    mmccloy12 Posts: 151 Member
    @keria thank you! I appreciate the understanding and support!

    @cesse47 thank you, that is a great idea! I do need to find something I can get out and do to combat the alone time.

    @AlexandraFindsHerself1971 thank you! I have been doing kegels and hope that helps...basically strengthen the pelvic floor.

    I did also add to my goals to post here every other day. It will give me a task that isn't a chore!!
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    Height: 5”2
    SW: 207
    CW: 189
    UGW: 136
    GW for June 182

    Goals was 141 but just realised there is a 5lb difference between 5foot 2 and 5 foot 3 which is what I thought I was so now it’s 136!!! That seems completely unattainable right now! And that’s just to be in top range of healthy! So I’ll go for 161 for now as then I’m just overweight
    😀 continue with c25k
    😀 cycle 20 miles
    😀 maintain calorie deficit
    😀 10000 steps a day
    😀 get vo2 to 34.4
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    Cesse - age 72
    308.6 lbs - starting weight on 3/28
    295.4 lbs - weighin on 4/30 -- (-13.2 Total Loss to date)
    291.2 lbs - weighin on 5/30 -- loss = 4.2 lbs for month of May (17.4 lb Total Loss To Date)

    June Mini Goal -- 285 lbs - (need to lose 6.2 lbs or approx. 1.5 lb/week)
    Onederland - first major goal
    165 lbs - goal weight

    June Goals ---
    Log all food and beverages honestly; Drink 8+ water
    Exercise 30 min minimum; work at increasing
    Clean 30 min per day: house or yard or declutter
    Step Challenge for F2F Group: 5 min = 500 steps --- do 4 sets of 5-min walks each day

    Plan for Today ---
    (1) I'd like to trim the forsythia and lilac bushes outside; put cuttings in yard waste bin. (2) Vacuum kitchen and dining room floors. Then use Swiffer Wet Mop to clean. (3) Go to Ace Hardware to pickup 3 more tomato cages for peony and hibiscus support; then go to Farmer's Market for fresh Lake Perch and asparagus.

    Have a great day Y'all. :)