Women 200lb+, Let's Shoot for the Moon this June!!!



  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    For the second day in a row, I did not have a peanut butter sandwich before bed. And now I am going to bed so that I don't stay up past my bedtime snack (a cheese stick and three crackers).

    Just in case anyone was thinking I never have to fight a craving. (wry grin)

    Evenings are the worst for me. DH & I got into a really bad habit of “rewarding” ourselves for making it through the day by having treats after DS was in bed. We stay up too late, get munchy. & any resolve we might have had during the day is long gone 😅 Great job keeping it under wraps!
  • changeforeverlj
    changeforeverlj Posts: 222 Member
    @speyerj Wow Jane that was a hectic thing to go through and I'm sure all your stress levels were at max! But good to hear all tests clear! I'm routing for you to get to your half marathon in July, just take it easy for now and heal!
  • speyerj
    speyerj Posts: 1,369 Member
    Linda, that is awesome news, the whole way round! From your daughter's achievements to your blood work to your bargain finds!
  • micwrites
    micwrites Posts: 120 Member
    Hello Ladies! 🥳🥭🍆🥝🍅🥑🥕🍠🧘🏽🚴🏾‍♀️🚴🏾‍♀️🚴🏾‍♀️🎼🎼🏝🏖🎊🎉🎁♋️🕉🎶

    Name: Linda
    Age: I will be 52 years young this month🥳🥳🥳
    SW: 288 (6-1-2018)
    CW: 226 (6-1-2020)

    My month of May was absolutely excellent in many ways!

    I had my annual physical and bloodwork on 5/28 and it was excellent! My last physical/bloodwork was 3/19/19 and I weighed 271.8 pounds!

    A few highlights:
    1) I went from pre-diabetic to normal👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽!
    2) My GFR (kidney function) went from 86% to 100%👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽!
    3) My cholesterol dropped 18 points👏🏽👏🏽
    4) My triglycerides dropped 23 points👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽!
    5) My HgB (hemoglobin) dropped from 14.7 to 13.9 which is still fine because normal is between 12 and 15👏🏽👏🏽!
    6) My protein urinalysis is negative..the last time there were “traces” of protein. Protein in urine is not good because it means that prolonged high blood pressure is negatively affecting how the kidney is functioning👏🏽👏🏽
    7) Normally when I come to the office visit my BP is higher because I’m nervous. This time 122/81👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

    Weight wise I fluctuated a bit but it’s all good:

    Our daughter graduated from The George Washington University with a degree in International Affairs and Political Science! Two weeks later she was hired by one of the top political consulting firms in DC👏🏽👏🏽!

    And yesterday I struck it rich at TJMaxx! I love Madwell jeans! I’ve purchased them for our daughter but never for me. Yesterday we visited TJMaxx looking for candles. As I strolled down the women’s jeans isle and what did I see?!?!? Three pair of Madwell Jeans..for $5.99 a pair! Now their fitting rooms were closed so I decided to purchase them anyway because it looked like they would fit me well. Got them home and wouldn’t you know it THEY FIT!! Holy Moly!


    These are our new candles...Peace Be Still🙏🏽


    Awesome news all around, Linda! You are rocking it! Three cheers for health! And for your daughter!!! 👊 ... Our TJ Maxx is reopening this week and we are very excited. Fingers crossed there are some great deals waiting there for inspiration!!

  • aliciap0116
    aliciap0116 Posts: 231 Member
    @speyerj so glad that you are going to be okay! That sounds incredibly scary. I love that you are continuing on with your goals, slightly adapted.

    @brownsugar174 very well done! Having tangible
    evidence of all you have accomplished is really meaningful. I was scheduled for my annual physical in early March that was cancelled. I would really like my numbers run to see what a difference 50 lbs makes for me.

    Let’s go get this new week everyone!!
  • BrownSugar174
    BrownSugar174 Posts: 311 Member
    @speyerj I’m so so sorry your going through this. One day at a time for sure🙏🏽. When I ran my first half marathon in 2009 I was 265 pounds and had not trained at all. I don’t know what I was thinking. I ran it in 3:49. When my husband and daughter met me at the finish line it was exhilarating! As we walked back to the hotel I could feel a sense of “oh my God what have I done😬”. I walked in the room and sat down next to a six pack of 24 ounce Gatorade. My husband and daughter went to get food. I drank one of those 24 ounce Gatorades...then another...then another...then another until I’d drank them all. It still took me a few hours to pee🤯🤯🤯. I literally felt like my body was being drained of life. I had no idea that drinking only water wasn’t cutting it.

    The next year I ran three of the training runs and was ready. My time was 3:31. The last time I ran it in 2011 my time was 3:15👏🏽👏🏽!! I drank gallons of Gatorade while training and throughout the races.

    (After that all hell broke loose with my thyroid, iron and lady parts...so I was on the bench until I got that all straightened out😬😂).