Has anyone just started and has over 100 pounds to lose



  • blueunicorn125
    blueunicorn125 Posts: 411 Member
    Yes!! Anyone please feel free to add me and we can motivate each other!
  • shellebell2
    shellebell2 Posts: 2 Member
    Me! June 1st was my restart day and I have at LEAST 100 to lose. I've literally tried everything and the ONLY thing I've ever been successful at all is counting calories. So here I am again. I was on a good roll a couple of years ago, but have now gained it all back. It feels so overwhelming. I especially need help with what to do to keep from overeating at night. I can eat perfectly well all day long and then just completely ruin it in the evening. I do this constantly and sabotage myself. That and portion control are my biggest issues for sure. I'd love to have friends on here to help and encourage each other. Please add me!
  • louisejen5918
    louisejen5918 Posts: 66 Member
    I too have a 100 to lose!
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    I'm 72 and have lost and gained several people throughout my lifetime. I decided if I want to live longer I need to lose weight (I'm morbidly obese) and keep it off; and I need to exercise. One thing I'd never done before was to join any groups. This time I have.

    LARGER LOSERS -- Like @bmeadows380 above, I'm part of the Larger Losers group -- https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/133315-larger-losers ---
    I start my day with a thread called Today's Goals. It allows me to get my mindset into MFP, healthy eating, doing exercise, and planning my tasks for the day. I do pop into a couple of the other threads in the group occasionally.

    FAT2FIT --- https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10797998/june-2020-fat2fit-registration#latest

    ..... I like Fat2Fit because it is a team based group and sets competitive goals each month. One is usually a STEP Challenge. I especially appreciate that they consider 5 minutes = 500 steps since I can only do aerobic stuff in 5 minute chunks (due to lung issues), I can still record 2000 steps for the day. Different teams may have different challenges. My team has a June jump rope challenge A June challenge for all members is Two Magic Numbers -- meaning you determine 2 measurable things you want to work on; i.e., amt of water/day, hours of sleep/night, amt of exercise, etc.
    ..... F2F gives me challenges I can do to compete with myself ... and with my team. There is also a Habit Tracker that I've found helpful.

    Women 200lb+, Let's Shoot for the Moon this June!!! -- This is a thread in the Motivation & Support category. Since my starting weight was 308 lbs, I thought this group of women who also have a great deal of weight to lose would help me keep my motivation ... as well as allow me to support others.

    I hope you'll try any of the above -- or all -- I'm finding it has made a big difference to me.
  • Redmond70
    Redmond70 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me.
    This is a great starting point. There are lots of people on here willing to share their experiences. I Lost, gained and now I've given myself a kick and im back in the saddle.
    Good luck
  • mc62412
    mc62412 Posts: 195 Member
    manyasin wrote: »
    Hi there! I would like to lose 100lbs but realistically my first goal is to lose 50lbs, and making little goals of 10lbs along the way. I only started last month so I've got a long way to go!

    That’s what I’m doing as well. Almost at a 20 pound loss. With many more to go like a lot of others here. Ur I also and setting mini goals. That way I feel accomplished when I reach it and can have little victories along the way. If you set too big a goal then it seems like it’s not do-able.
  • sarah198321
    sarah198321 Posts: 3 Member
  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
    Any of you can add me! I’ve still got 100 pounds to lose.
  • rockconner
    rockconner Posts: 75 Member
    I started in January 2020 with 187 to lose. I've lost 64, so I'm roughly 1/3 of the way. We can do this!
  • harley79
    harley79 Posts: 79 Member
    Yes me 😥😥 120lbs
  • Dogmom34
    Dogmom34 Posts: 9 Member
    🙋‍♀️ me
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Lots of folks on here have lost in the 100s. I had 140ish to lose. I still have 115ish to go. I've been here for years off and on -- it's the off that has slowed down my weight loss. I'm expert at putting that weight back on. Of course. That's how I became a fat person.

    It's really very simple. Learn to eat like someone who weighs what you want to weigh. It takes a while to slide into it. You'll start out slowly by eating a little less than you do to weigh what you do now. You will slowly go down to eating like a thin person and you will be thin.

    Calories in/calories out. That is really all there is to it. The hard part is changing my eating habits to not graze enough to weigh twice what I ought. Old habits die hard.

    Don't try to take it too fast. You have a long road ahead. Know that you will be sharing that road with hundreds/thousands of like souls on MFP.
  • larryc251
    larryc251 Posts: 143 Member
    I'm not new to this but I've been there. Just take it one day at a time with healthy eating and exercise and you'd be surprised by what you are capable of. Also I've found that it helps to take a lot of pictures through your journey as encouragement.
    I started out at 350lbs and now about 215, aiming for about 185-190
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    Hey peeps.

    This is my second go at MFP, I need to lose more than 100 pounds. The first time I was here I lost 101 pounds in 2.5 years. I am here for you! Add me if you'd like.
  • EmBee827
    EmBee827 Posts: 2 Member
    cesse47 wrote: »
    I'm 72 and have lost and gained several people throughout my lifetime. I decided if I want to live longer I need to lose weight (I'm morbidly obese) and keep it off; and I need to exercise. One thing I'd never done before was to join any groups. This time I have.

    LARGER LOSERS -- Like @bmeadows380 above, I'm part of the Larger Losers group -- https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/133315-larger-losers ---
    I start my day with a thread called Today's Goals. It allows me to get my mindset into MFP, healthy eating, doing exercise, and planning my tasks for the day. I do pop into a couple of the other threads in the group occasionally.

    FAT2FIT --- https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10797998/june-2020-fat2fit-registration#latest

    ..... I like Fat2Fit because it is a team based group and sets competitive goals each month. One is usually a STEP Challenge. I especially appreciate that they consider 5 minutes = 500 steps since I can only do aerobic stuff in 5 minute chunks (due to lung issues), I can still record 2000 steps for the day. Different teams may have different challenges. My team has a June jump rope challenge A June challenge for all members is Two Magic Numbers -- meaning you determine 2 measurable things you want to work on; i.e., amt of water/day, hours of sleep/night, amt of exercise, etc.
    ..... F2F gives me challenges I can do to compete with myself ... and with my team. There is also a Habit Tracker that I've found helpful.

    Women 200lb+, Let's Shoot for the Moon this June!!! -- This is a thread in the Motivation & Support category. Since my starting weight was 308 lbs, I thought this group of women who also have a great deal of weight to lose would help me keep my motivation ... as well as allow me to support others.

    I hope you'll try any of the above -- or all -- I'm finding it has made a big difference to me.

    Thank you for this. I am just starting back with MFP after several years. I used to be very fit and active. I was at the gym doing Zumba and strength training 5 to 6 days a week. Now, 6years later I need to lose probably just under 100lbs. In that time I've developed fibromyalgia and just a day of housework takes me 2 days to recover. I'm constantly sore and stuff. I bought an elliptical on Craigslist hoping I could start working out in small chunks here and there but it just kills my knees. I guess I have to start slower than that, lo Anyway, I'll definitely check out the groups you mentioned. Thank you.
  • Laurelzwreath
    Laurelzwreath Posts: 5 Member
    Sad to admit but I have 250 pounds to lose. To date I have lost 54 pounds( not part of the 250 I still need to lose) Lots of health issues and limited mobility. Trying to find the focus I lost. I always believed in the adage “there is strength in numbers” Looking for a buddy or two or three who has a long and I mean long journey ahead of them. Today is my day one. Care to join me in becoming the best versions of ourselves?
  • krabuck
    krabuck Posts: 39 Member
    Me! Started yesterday. Third attempt at weight loss. Lost and found again 30+ lbs the first two times. Heaviest weight ever now. Looking to lose 91 lbs at the very least. Seems impossible!! But an earlier reply stated “time will pass whether you’re heavy or losing weight” and that was so spot on. Anyone can add me!!! Motivation and support both go a long way!! Let’s goooooo!!!
  • Deemaevt
    Deemaevt Posts: 4 Member
    I do as well. Actually, I have 160ish to lose before I hit my goal weight. Seems like such a long road, but I'll get there a day at a time. Feel free to add me; I could always use the extra support!
  • BreeBeas
    BreeBeas Posts: 7 Member
    I want to lose just over 100 pounds, I miss being fit and active. My thyroid gave out after I got in really good shape and I've spiraled since then. My youngest is about to head off to college, so it seems like a good time to refocus on my health.
    I welcome any friend requests
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I want to lose just over 100 pounds, I miss being fit and active. My thyroid gave out after I got in really good shape and I've spiraled since then. My youngest is about to head off to college, so it seems like a good time to refocus on my health.
    I welcome any friend requests

    I joined MFP one year ago and I have lost 83 lbs..I only started exercising a few weeks ago, mostly swimming...I still have 70 lbs to go....there is a group here Larger Losers for people who need to lose 75+ lbs...it is a wonderful group of people who are very helpful and supportive...feel free to join us for great advice,conversation and motivation!