
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,476 Member
    edited June 2020
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »

    1. Look for what's good ... lots of things!!

    Cycling outside

    Things I've liked since being at home from the end of March ...

    Being home all day with my husband. I've got a better understanding of how his day goes.
    Spending time with Rhody, getting to know him and getting him settled into our home.
    Being able to go outside to walk, run or cycle in daylight, despite the fact that the daylight hours are getting shorter.
    Having the energy to exercise regularly.
    Seeing more people outside exercising. :)
    Being able to sleep at least half an hour more each night than I was.
    Being able to go for a nap in the afternoon occasionally.
    Not having to spend 9-10 hours a week commuting!!!
    Spending my days with a 180° view of the bay and trees and outside instead of a wall.
    Being in an environment that rarely gives me sore, itchy eyes, sore throat, cough, and the sneezes.
    Being able to clean this and that.
    Wearing casual, comfy clothes.
    Not having as much stuff vying for my time.
    More time to work on my two courses at uni.
    Working remotely at my own pace ... which might lead to continued remote work ... maybe ... hopefully!
    Being able to attend church online.
    Feeling much more relaxed and less stressed!

    Just to name a few. :)

    2. Reframe a worry and try to find a positive ...

    A worry?
    Well, one of my many worries is that I won't pass my courses. So I'll use that as motivation to start studying for my final exam tonight!! :)

    3. Think of 3 Things to be Grateful For

    The COVID-19 shutdown.
    Working from home.
    I could go on and on!

    4. Show Appreciation to Those Who are Helping Others

    I think of people like Rori, Tracey, Allie and the others here who are caregivers and especially caregivers to those with brain-related issues. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Also, co-incidentally, June 2 was Thank A First Responder day. My husband and I have been fortunate to be able to thank those who have helped him. Wonderful people!

    5. Smile and be friendly, even when you're social distancing.

    That's something I've really enjoyed about all this. When I'm out walking, running or cycling, we exchange waves, nods and smiles with other people. It's nice. :) We can still be friendly, even with a road in between us.

    6. Notice the upsides during the lockdown, however small.

    There are so many upsides!! See the list I made for June 1 above!

    7. Find a joyful way to be physically active (indoors or out)

    For me, being active is joyful. I love being active.

    I love walking, running, hiking, cycling, canoeing, rowing, splashing around in water (my version of swimming), cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, etc. etc. Give me an individual or partner activity (preferably not a group activity) and I'll most likely try it. I've given body boarding a try. I've given both individual and dual kayaking a try, and tennis, badminton, golf ... and I've got archery and dance on my list.

    As I mentioned I am studying for my final exam. The course is about the interaction between technology and humans, and this actually ties into the lecture I'm currently watching (I'm watching the Q&A section after the lecture right now) as well as the talks I watched earlier today in that technology taking something away from our sense of place.

    The talks have hinted at it, but haven't come right out and said it ... balance. I like technology. I like being able to go online to work, to attend university, to communicate with people. But I also like setting it aside for periods of time, going outside and doing something.

    8. Write a letter to thank someone for what they did.

    I'm not one for writing letters anymore. I used to have a set of penpals and used to spend quite a bit of time writing, writing and writing but I stopped doing that in my late 20s. Now if I write, it's by email.

    However, I did thank my husband for Thursday when I wrote my exam. He was very quiet!

    9. Find the joy in music today: sing, play, dance or listen.

    I have ABC Classic FM on during the day and that has been great! I love having that sort of music on in the background when I work, and my husband and I are both also enjoying the small bit of commentary explaining some of the background to the pieces and bringing them to life. :)

    If I have to go back to work at the office, I'm going to have to figure out how to "listen live" there.

    10. Take a photo of something that brings you joy and share it.

    Rhody, relaxing in one of his favourite spots!!

    11. Say positive things in your conversations with others today.

    On Thursday the 11th, there wasn't much conversation. Most of my time was spent studying, then doing my exam, then going into a semi-vegetative state. But I'm usually pretty positive with my husband. :)

    And I hope you all have a great day today!! :)

    12. Make a plan with friends to do something fun together.

    Um ... even if we're starting to be allowed to do that, we're not doing that. We like the shutdown, staying away from people, staying home most of the time, and not socialising. :smiley:

    But if all goes well, we'll get outside for a bicycle ride tomorrow.

    I was thinking of cycling or running today but I'm just really, really tired.

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,093 Member
    yesterdays stats for that day:

    didn't ride to wrk, just because...

    Bike ride home 2 dome, windy- 10.24min, 137mhr, 15.9amph, 2.75mi= 95c
    Apple Watch- 83c
    Bike ride puy 2 sumn sta- 14.27min, 14.9amph, 155mhr, 3.60mi= 173c
    apple watch- 155c
    walk sta 2 wrk- 7.58min, 133mhr, 4.0ap, .53mi= 64c
    apple watch- 83c
    walk wrk 2 sta- 6.50min, 144mi, 4.0ap, .48mi= 69c
    apple watch- 55c
    bike ride dome 2 home- 15.23min, 157mhr, 9.6amph, 2.46= 206c
    apple watch- 161c

    total cal 607
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    edited June 2020
    I've tidied up and cleaned up a bit for the cleaner. :laugh: I don't like her spending her precious time doing things that we would get around to later, like the washing up, so I always make sure the kitchen is clear. I empty the bins and wastepaper baskets.

    I've prepared the tandoori chicken and the raita. :D

    Now to do some rowing! Phew!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,093 Member
    what are the chances of matching my same speed on today's ride to work ALONG with getting here at the same time, wowzers. did 15amph again :0)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) I've been out a lot this week. On Wednesday Jake and I picked up take out Chinese food, yesterday I went to the grocery store in the morning and took Bernie to the vet to have his nails trimmed in the afternoon.

    :) I set myself up to be stressed at the grocery store because my goal is to shop for enough that I won't have to go back for three to four weeks. I went early so it wasn't crowded. We are so well stocked that it seems even more absurd to me that Jake is continuing to research the difference between an Instant Pot and a Ninja Foodie. If he buys one, he'll need to buy all sorts of ingredients that we don't normally have in the house.

    :) Going to the vet was easy. I didn't even have to get out of the car.

    :) Imagine the absurdity of this---Jake didn't feel like fixing the eggs and potatoes he'd promised me for lunch yesterday so he served microwave mac & cheese while watching a video comparing the Instant Pot and Ninja Foodie cooking a whole chicken.

    :) I did make one absolute pronouncement about the new cooker (if Jake decides he needs one)---it will not live on the counter. There is already too much that I'd love to put away but Jake likes easy access.

    <3 Barbie from NW WA
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Barbie ~ My sister has the Ninja Foodie and seem to like it a lot. I have the Foodie Grill/Air Fryer and like that. You are right, they do take up a lot of room. Makes me wish I had more counter space.

    Carol in GA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kate UK: I’m sorry that your family wasn’t able to follow its traditions when DBIL passed away. I hope your traditional get together is able to happen before too long. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Our IP “lives” behind cupboard doors. When DH gets it out to cook, he often leaves it on the counter and I’m the one who puts it away. It takes up a substantial amount of shelf space when not in use.

    Our county has entered phase two of reopening. We still need to wear masks but some of our businesses are allowed to reopen. My athletic center is one of those that can reopen. I look forward to resuming yoga in the near future. DH is looking forward to Thai food. They’ve been offering take-out service since the Covid19 situation began but we haven’t eaten out anywhere in months.

    One of my bean plants did not survive the deer and I’ll be planting another bean seed there, but the rest of the plants are doing well, and I didn’t see any new damage this morning. Yay!!! DH & the dog are still sleeping. I’m enjoying the chance to catch up here and have a quiet cup of coffee.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,093 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,008 Member
    Morning ladies
    Got up and took a shower and went and picked up Homer..
    Watching long lost family..
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited June 2020
    Finished trimming the couple acres near the house with the walk-behind trimmer... I know by the fact that the sweat is still dripping off me 45 minutes later that I worked hard.

    Which got me to thinking about that Fitbit. I want to get to the point again where I can work hard physically for two hours and not drive myself completely to exhaustion like I did this morning. Not necessarily to lose weight, though I probably will, but because I'll gain other things - my health, my sense of utility, my sense of worth.

    The Fitbit, while it recorded steps, also shaped my thinking--and I know this by how disappointed I would be if I let the battery run too low and it stopped recording my steps. It was like all my effort was for nothing.

    That's not a good thing for me, and not a healthy place for my head to live. If it works for you, helps you, makes sense for you, motivates you, that's fine. I object to allowing technology to determine my self-worth.

    Well, now I do. :) I wore one for the last five years or so, so take it all with a grain of salt. It's possible I'm simply justifying my reluctance to spend the money. :smiley:

    Finally cooled down... time to jump in the shower and go pick up a couple things.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member
    My little garden was doing well and safe from raccoons after my DH put an electric fence around the plants. Then, the big winds and heat came. Things pretty much came to a standstill but still healthy.

    Instant coffee— not for me. Will have tea instead.

    We are still in phase 1 in NM but brewery’s were allowed to open now. I’m surprised Texas and others are still moving into phase 2 with the C19 numbers still climbing. Our governor is pretty strict and it seems to be working here. Still waiting for changes that affect the park.

    RV Rita
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,833 Member
  • momlady6
    momlady6 Posts: 31 Member
    Several years ago I was on this thread and fell out with some major health issues. Well ladies . . . . . I'm BACK!!!
    June is going to be a banner month for all. :smiley:

    Just came back in too! I fell off the wagon for a while, but remembered how much I enjoyed this thread and had greater success because I felt more motivated
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Ate my soup. Not sure for dinner figuring it all out. Cleaning house . Rest is well I’m in a ho hum drum mood .Just another day. Hubby too must be a theme.
    Talked to Daughter she’s still well.
    Dad no word from any doctors yet. No news is good news they said before they did the bone scans.
    Amber Tx
    House is quiet except when JR yells at the neighbor lady for parking in our neighbor across the street way far away from her houses spot. JRs a good Gaurd dog lol 😂.
    Toddler barking lol yes he jumps up y down in the window like one too.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Purchased meatballs....can’t do it after reading the ingredients list on the ones available around here. Machine separated meat, high fructose corn syrup, just to name two things. ugh!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2020
    Lisa: I’ve never bought a fitbit. I use my cel phone to let me know how long I’ve been active. I can set a timer that runs up as I go along, or a time clock that counts down to tell me when I’ve reached my goal. The phone is nearly always in my pocket or a bag that slips across my upper body. Since DH is mostly housebound these days, I am on the telephone leash when away from home, and sometimes when I’m in another room. :ohwell:

    RVRita: Our governor has allowed some counties to move on to phase two but the towns & cities from Portland to Salem are still in phase one. Out little city is in phase two. I have a medical procedure on the calendar for Portland & I will be wearing mask & gloves while there. :ohwell:

    Momlady6/sandhillsmom: Welcome back! :flowerforyou:

    Dr. Katie: DH likes some commercially made sausage brands but we’ve never bought premade meatballs. I didn’t know they exist. We’re careful to read ingredients on the sausage packages before we buy. DH has a very sensitive digestive system. :star:

    We’re having a rainy day. I have a work party to attend in a county park on Saturday. This is a project of my equestrian group. The people are wonderful. I hope we get a dry day!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,833 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    Ah, Kate I am so sorry your brother-in-law's death rituals have been so disappointing for the family. The pandemic has transformed being sick and dying into such a lonely, solitary process. I hope you and your family make up for it with a rip-roaring wake later on. Some of my best family reunions have been at funerals. (((hugs)))


    It is a gorgeous day - upper 70's, sunny, low humidity - the dogs and I walked early this morning, I spent several hours neatening up my yard, and then transplanted a bunch of volunteer blue Morning Glories I had saved from my raised garden area. They are now planted along one side of the garden enclosure where we can see them from the deck. They should be showy later this summer. Then I went for a "yard tour" with my spouse to prioritize yard projects - the yardwork is endless, but I do enjoy it as long as it's not too sweltering, and I am totally loving having plenty of time to spend this way! It's like being retired! :D:D:D When I'm done posting this, I'm going back out to work on my drip irrigation project some more.


    I like homemade meatballs made with ground chuck and pork sausage. I haven't had them for a long time! Right now they don't sound too appealing. The recent hot weather has me wanting cold foods like salads, fruit, cold soups, cottage cheese, etc. Looking forward to gazpacho, one of my summer favorites.


    Here's a picture of my Crazytunia Moonstruck:



    Karen in Virginia
