Weight loss has completely stalled for 1+ month, looking for advice!


I hope you are all well and are keeping safe!

I have been using MyFitnessPal for a long time, however it is only since the turn of the year I have been using it consistently after a diabetes diagnosis. By consistently I mean; I track every single thing I eat and drink no matter how large or small, I want my diary to be a complete and accurate reflection of my health and what I am eating. I have also, over the past 3-4 weeks purchased a FitBit and set it up in accordance with my weight, height, age, etc. It is linked to MapMyFitness and MyFitnessPal - I do not enter any exercise in to either, each device or app provides the update to MFP which adjusts my calories accordingly.

I lost around 30lbs between January and March/April, following the similar rules to what I am right now. However, since May - today my weight has barely budged. I am hovering around 32-35lbs lost and have been for 5+ weeks or so now. My weight will fluctuate up and down and up and down but never budges any further down than what it has, I have stuck with it for this long and I plan to - this is a lifestyle change for me. It is just frustrating as I would also like to look AND feel good about myself. I know I have been making the right changes, but I wonder if there is something I am missing.

I am walking. A LOT. Most days are 10,000 steps or more and I try to go on walks that have elevation to get the heart rate higher. According to FitBit I am burning anywhere from 300-900 calories per day with my exercise and I very rarely eat to my calorie limit, outside of the last few days where I have tried to eat more to see if I was eating too little.

To put this in to perspective I am a 5'8, 27 year old male who weighs 238lbs. In my eyes, with what I am eating and the exercise I am doing the weight should not be sticking to me like it is as I am trying to reach around 150lbs. I started at 273lbs, this would equate to a 123lbs loss in total, this is not a small amount of weight to lose.

For the most part - (90-95%) I eat well. I have had 3-4 days over the last month of McDonalds (only because they re-opened and I craved it! I didn't binge.) and I don't eat fast food outside of that, pretty much at all anymore. Even THAT didn't affect my weight.

I am just a little frustrated and I don't know if there is something I am missing here. My diary should be open if anyone wants to take a look at my food, what I am eating, drinking, exercise, etc.

Any help or advice is always greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


  • quemalosuerte
    quemalosuerte Posts: 242 Member
    Have you updated your goal since losing 30lbs? Your calorie needs change when you lose weight and you might have you calorie target too high if you are still basing it off of your 273 weight (I am a female with similar stats and went through the same thing)
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    I'm only saying this because I recently found my "scale problem" and "plateau" were somewhat related to it: check the bottom of your bathroom scale. Mine had a broken foot and therefore didn't really know what it was doing. It might be new scale battery or whole new scale time. My new one arrives Tuesday.
  • I3umble
    I3umble Posts: 30 Member
    Have you updated your goal since losing 30lbs? Your calorie needs change when you lose weight and you might have you calorie target too high if you are still basing it off of your 273 weight (I am a female with similar stats and went through the same thing)

    Hey, thanks for the reply.

    Yeah, I updated my stats. At losing 2lbs per week MFP has me at 1,800 calories. At 1.5lbs per week I'm at 2,000.

    I also set myself lower carb and sugar goals.
  • I3umble
    I3umble Posts: 30 Member
    Are you using a food scale?

  • I3umble
    I3umble Posts: 30 Member
    I'm only saying this because I recently found my "scale problem" and "plateau" were somewhat related to it: check the bottom of your bathroom scale. Mine had a broken foot and therefore didn't really know what it was doing. It might be new scale battery or whole new scale time. My new one arrives Tuesday.

    Thanks, I'll check the scale. I actually just replaced the battery not long ago.
  • I3umble
    I3umble Posts: 30 Member
    edited June 2020

    Yeah I have, thanks I read over it again though.

    I don't actually think I eat that bad - like I said I've had a few days of fast food where I am still under my calorie goal. I log everything right down to any spices used and I use a scale.

    Weight melted off me for a few months and has just stopped now. I am not eating any worse and I actually think my habits have become better and I no longer crave things like sugar, etc. My thoughts towards food have completely changed.

    A typical food day for me is no added sugar porridge Or muesli with unsweetened almond milk.

    Lunch is either tuna, a salad, fish, vegan burgers or a sandwich.

    Dinner is fish, chicken, vegan burgers, vegan sausages - pretty much always with a salad.

    Snacks are typically either low fat Greek yoghurt, Small amount of fruit, tuna, rice cake, olives, crisps

    I am almost always (98%+) under my calorie goals.

    I also walk for 1-3 hours every day. Some days I use the kettlebell.

    I'm genuinely at a loss. I am not kissing myself with what I put in to MFP - I track literally everything and that is what is frustrating me more. I have tried eating more and eating less. There's no change at all.

    EDIT: Also today I have tried to eat more, tomorrow I will eat less. Seeing if this has any effect.

    EDIT 2: For my height and weight, from any calculation that I have seen I am absolutely eating WAY below my resting calorie limit so I shouldn't need to reduce calories, should I? If that's the case and I keep reducing from 1,800 calories until I lose a further 80-90lbs I will be at such a low daily calorie limit it really wouldn't be possible.

    There's clearly something I'm missing here.
  • Redordeadhead
    Redordeadhead Posts: 1,188 Member
    Can you make your food diary public? There are some common logging mistakes, perhaps we can spot something.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,751 Member
    Can you make your food diary public? There are some common logging mistakes, perhaps we can spot something.

    Their diary is public already :smile:
  • Nativestar56
    Nativestar56 Posts: 112 Member
    You've got both Mapmyfitness and Fitbit linked to MFP, is it possible you're getting your exercise calories logged twice on here and its overinflating how many you can eat back?

    I've only got one device linked to my account so I don't know how it works when you link two apps, how does MFP know which one to use?
  • Redordeadhead
    Redordeadhead Posts: 1,188 Member
    Lietchi wrote: »
    Can you make your food diary public? There are some common logging mistakes, perhaps we can spot something.

    Their diary is public already :smile:

    Indeed, now I see :-)

    OP, you say you are using a food scale but your diary contains many entries with "1 slice", "2 burgers", "20 pieces ", "1 biscuit" etc. It may help if you tighten up your logging for a few weeks and see if that gets things moving again.
  • I3umble
    I3umble Posts: 30 Member
    Lietchi wrote: »
    Can you make your food diary public? There are some common logging mistakes, perhaps we can spot something.

    Their diary is public already :smile:

    Indeed, now I see :-)

    OP, you say you are using a food scale but your diary contains many entries with "1 slice", "2 burgers", "20 pieces ", "1 biscuit" etc. It may help if you tighten up your logging for a few weeks and see if that gets things moving again.

    Thanks - However with those I am taking the exact readings from their packaging. Most of these are vegan/veggie meals that come with specific readings on them, i.e, 1 burger, etc rather than 100g, 200g, etc.
  • I3umble
    I3umble Posts: 30 Member
    You've got both Mapmyfitness and Fitbit linked to MFP, is it possible you're getting your exercise calories logged twice on here and its overinflating how many you can eat back?

    I've only got one device linked to my account so I don't know how it works when you link two apps, how does MFP know which one to use?

    Hey! I select which one to use - so MFP is taking my steps from FitBit but does not include any calories burned from it. Any calories/exercise showing is coming directly from MapMyFitness.
  • I3umble
    I3umble Posts: 30 Member
    edited June 2020
    So, I didn't reply for a bit as I was experimenting.

    I have been trying to "ZigZag" my calories as I believe I may actually be eating too little for my weight - I am under no illusion that I still have A LOT of weight to lose, so eating 1,500 calories at my weight seems so low compared to what my body may have been used to? The only thing that is throwing me off here is that I lost 30-33 lbs over 3 months eating anywhere from 1,300 - 1,800 calories per day and one day I have stopped losing and I am just fluctuating constantly between 237lbs - 240lbs.

    So in my attempt to zigzag my calories I forced myself to eat more for 2-3 days in which I lost 0.4lb the first day, 0.6lb the second and 1lb the 3rd day totaling a 2lb loss across 3 days. This was the 19th, 20th and 21st of June. When I weighed in on Monday 22nd June I was at 236.8lbs - suddenly I am making progress and FINALLY burst through that 237.8lb barrier I was stuck at for so long. However, I ate 1,854 calories on Monday and gained 0.6lb and today have gained a further 0.6lb during my weigh in after eating 1,583 calories yesterday.

    Generally, I am drinking the same amount of water every day and water is the only liquid I drink. I have no soda, etc.

    I get that weight fluctuates but I am wondering why the 0.6lb across 2 separate days. I have the same weighing conditions every day. And yes, I should try weigh myself weekly instead of daily so I don't obsess and because weight fluctuates.

    However, like I've said, I lost that 30-33lbs and was losing weight daily. I have now been stuck at this weight for 5-6 weeks and it is frustrating. It is not discouraging because this is the way I am going to live from now on and I have no issues with restricting calories or knowing what I should and shouldn't eat. I don't have any cravings, etc, at all and I generally find it easy to eat the way I am.

    But for me, it is a confidence thing. When the weight was falling off I felt more confident than ever - my clothes became HUGE on me and that boosted my confidence and self-worth further, I felt great. I haven't gained any weight since then and I am happy at what I have lost so far. But I feel like I have made drastic changes to my diet and lifestyle compared to how I was eating and living before, so to be stuck like this is highly frustrating.

    Thank you to everyone who has helped me so far. I've typed this long message out as clearly as possible because maybe there is something In here I am missing with regards to eating more, less, zigzagging, the plateau, etc.

    Thanks again, I appreciate it.

    EDIT: This is what I was using to calculate my calories per day for zig zagging; https://www.freedieting.com/calorie-calculator
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    You ate more, you weighed more. Keep in mind that not all weight is permanent/fat/bodyweight. You consume a greater quantity of food, and for a little while afterwards: your body contains more food mass.

    Our bodies are not so efficient that what you do NOW shows on the scale IMMEDIATELY because there are other factors at play. How much food/drink waste is in your body. Water retention varies from day to day for a number of factors.
  • I3umble
    I3umble Posts: 30 Member
    You ate more, you weighed more. Keep in mind that not all weight is permanent/fat/bodyweight. You consume a greater quantity of food, and for a little while afterwards: your body contains more food mass.

    Our bodies are not so efficient that what you do NOW shows on the scale IMMEDIATELY because there are other factors at play. How much food/drink waste is in your body. Water retention varies from day to day for a number of factors.

    Thank you. I needed that.

    Do you think zig zagging calories is a good thing to do? I.e eat 1800 on Monday, 2100 Tuesday, 1750 Wednesday, 1900 Thursday, 1900 Friday, 2400 Saturday, 1800 Sunday type of thing? Numbers are just an example. Can a plateau happen by eating the same amount of calories every day for months, even if it is technically lower than what your body is burning each day?

  • SeanD2407
    SeanD2407 Posts: 139 Member
    I3umble wrote: »
    You ate more, you weighed more. Keep in mind that not all weight is permanent/fat/bodyweight. You consume a greater quantity of food, and for a little while afterwards: your body contains more food mass.

    Our bodies are not so efficient that what you do NOW shows on the scale IMMEDIATELY because there are other factors at play. How much food/drink waste is in your body. Water retention varies from day to day for a number of factors.

    Thank you. I needed that.

    Do you think zig zagging calories is a good thing to do? I.e eat 1800 on Monday, 2100 Tuesday, 1750 Wednesday, 1900 Thursday, 1900 Friday, 2400 Saturday, 1800 Sunday type of thing? Numbers are just an example. Can a plateau happen by eating the same amount of calories every day for months, even if it is technically lower than what your body is burning each day?

    I Zig Zag. I love it. It allows me more calories on a day where I want to go on a date, get a drink with friends, have a family bbq or want to devour a pint of halo top ice cream if i'm having a bad day.

    Mine is similar to you, but one or twice a week I eat just above the bare minimum 1500-1600 calories, to REALLY save up calories if I know I have an event coming up. It probably doesn't matter, but on those days I try to avoid supplements like protein powder's so I'm actually digesting real food sources with my calories.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Have you considered incorporating diet breaks into your routine? Read the OP in this if you are interested:


  • I3umble
    I3umble Posts: 30 Member
    SeanD2407 wrote: »
    I3umble wrote: »
    You ate more, you weighed more. Keep in mind that not all weight is permanent/fat/bodyweight. You consume a greater quantity of food, and for a little while afterwards: your body contains more food mass.

    Our bodies are not so efficient that what you do NOW shows on the scale IMMEDIATELY because there are other factors at play. How much food/drink waste is in your body. Water retention varies from day to day for a number of factors.

    Thank you. I needed that.

    Do you think zig zagging calories is a good thing to do? I.e eat 1800 on Monday, 2100 Tuesday, 1750 Wednesday, 1900 Thursday, 1900 Friday, 2400 Saturday, 1800 Sunday type of thing? Numbers are just an example. Can a plateau happen by eating the same amount of calories every day for months, even if it is technically lower than what your body is burning each day?

    I Zig Zag. I love it. It allows me more calories on a day where I want to go on a date, get a drink with friends, have a family bbq or want to devour a pint of halo top ice cream if i'm having a bad day.

    Mine is similar to you, but one or twice a week I eat just above the bare minimum 1500-1600 calories, to REALLY save up calories if I know I have an event coming up. It probably doesn't matter, but on those days I try to avoid supplements like protein powder's so I'm actually digesting real food sources with my calories.


    I am wondering, how did you calculate your zig zag exactly, I am wondering if I am doing it correctly, just want to make sure. Thanks.
  • I3umble
    I3umble Posts: 30 Member
    edited June 2020
    A plateau (weight loss stops for an extended period of time such as more than 6-8 weeks) happens by eating at maintenance over the long haul. In reality a plateau is not really a 'thing' as it means something is off somewhere. And it is easy to err, to think we are burning more or eating less than we really are.

    If zig zagging works for you, go for it. It can have benefits while keeping you in a deficit. Looking at your weekly calories (instead of daily) can mean you have an easier time fitting in favorite/treat/family meals - essentially 'saving' calories from other days to 'pay' for them.

    I highly suggest incorporate some goals that are future facing. It is extremely hard (mentally) to only focus on the weight loss, and what we have accomplished over the past X days/weeks/months and torment ourselves because we think we should have accomplished more. Find some things to look forward to. Find a pair of goal jeans - something that does not fit now or perhaps you can only get buttoned/zipped with a struggle - and note on your calendar to try them again on July 15 and Aug 15. Find some sort of physical challenge for yourself. You're walking a good bit now - perhaps find a virtual 10k and register for it, and increase one walk each week by adding an extra 1/2 mile until you are able to do 6.2 miles. Or pick a virtual 5k (3.1 miles) and challenge yourself to improve your time each week. You don't HAVE to sign up/pay for these sorts of things, but personally if I commit to something with $ I'm more likely to put in the effort.

    Weight loss becomes easier to manage mentally if can shift your focus so that weight loss is a byproduct of other things you are doing, instead of being your one and only priority.

    Thank you. I have actually signed up for a Diabetes One Million Steps Challenge which is the equivalent of completing 19 marathons in 3 months. I am raising money for charity.

    Oh I absolutely know that something somewhere has to be off, because I was losing weight very quickly - it was melting off me without much effort. I am putting in more effort now, I am even more conscious of what I eat and drink, I am exercising more than ever but I am consuming roughly the same amount of calories I was before I was walking this much - So in theory I am actually burning more.

    Also, my FitBit, which I put all of my correct information in to, is saying I am burning 2,600 calories roughly on a light activity day, when I go long walks it can hit 3.5k burned calories. However, I am unsure how fully accurate these devices are.

    It just doesn't make much sense to me as I was losing weight quickly but sustainably; I wasn't starving myself, etc. Then all of a sudden it his just stopped. It didn't slowly creep up, my weight just completely stopped. It has barely moved in 5-6 weeks. If it ever does go down it is for 1 day or so and then it will shoot back to the 238.8lb mark. It is frustrating when I know I am putting in more effort than ever, physically, mentally and with food and drink and nothing is budging in any which way. Tried eating more and eating less, tried eating much more and much less. Nothing.

    Do you have any ideas on what it could be? I appreciate all of your input so far.

    Also, is it possible to lose inches from your waist, stomach, neck, etc without losing weight?

    EDIT: I actually tried to hit around 2,500 calories yesterday for a "big eat" day during this zig zagging I am trying and I actually had a 900 calorie fast food meal and then at night I forced myself to eat another 250 or so calories. I still only hit 1,900 and that was me trying to eat a lot more. I do not eat that much at all.
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    It will take time to build up data to get a feel for how accurate your Fitbit is for you. For me, mine is pretty good and if anything: it underestimates my burn #s. But I've used it for YEARS.

    If you've changed a lot in the past 5-6 weeks (exercising more, exercising more intensely) following a period where you shifted a good bit of weight in a short time: water weight for adjusting to the new routines could play into it. Patience is hard - but more than likely if you continue doing what you're doing the weight loss will resume so that you can see it on the scales.

    I hear that as you become more fit and do strength training, the muscles under the layer of fat can improve making the body look different and change shape somewhat. That could explain the inches. Not to mention, you probably are losing weight that is masked by water retention.

    A mental game I play: I get on the scale most days. The only time I do not is if something accidentally gets altered in my morning routine so that I eat or drink something before I've weighed. (And then I don't get on the scale.) While it plays around, I only 'count' the new weight once it goes to a lower #.

    My #s since starting (again) on June 13th:
    150.2 <--started tracking again, eating reduced calorie range this day
    147.8 <--less food mass as a result, shift in water weight?
    146.1 <--Friday
    148 <--this was a Monday, I had a 'bigger' food intake on Saturday with a couple of drinks so imagine this was skewed by food mass and water retention
    145.9 <--today

    My goal is .5 pounds per week, and though I technically am down 4.3 in 2 weeks: I understand part of this is water & food mass. To negate that, I would probably ignore my 1st weigh in and consider the 147.8 a truer 'starting' point.

    If you're going to weigh daily, also take notes about what else you're doing. It could help you to figure out how your body responds to things. And keep going thru the frustration.
  • xxzenabxx
    xxzenabxx Posts: 935 Member
    To me it seems like you need a diet break. It will honestly help you mentally and physically. There’s no such thing as starvation mode unless you’re talking about countries like Yemen right now, but there is such a thing as adaptive thermogenesis. So eat at maintenance for 2 weeks and then come back to your deficit. Good luck!
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    PS on Fitbit. Until you know otherwise, assume it has some rate of error perhaps 10%. Instead of 2600-3500 assume it is 2340 vs 3150. If you had 3 active and 4 lightly active days in a week, your total estimated burn would be about 18810 or an average of 2687 per day. Round down to 2600 for simplicity. A 1.5 weight loss goal would put your target at 1950 average daily calories. Tweak that if you like to perhaps eat 1700 5 days and 2225 twice a week if you feel cycling your calories will help you along.
  • I3umble
    I3umble Posts: 30 Member
    xxzenabxx wrote: »
    To me it seems like you need a diet break. It will honestly help you mentally and physically. There’s no such thing as starvation mode unless you’re talking about countries like Yemen right now, but there is such a thing as adaptive thermogenesis. So eat at maintenance for 2 weeks and then come back to your deficit. Good luck!


    Thanks for your input. I am getting a little confused when it comes to what I need to eat to be at maintenance.

    I have calculated my BMR which is at 2,227 (I set this at lower activity so it is probably higher than this) and then I calculated my caloric needs on the same website (active.com) and it states I require 3,331 daily calories at a light activity or 3,700 at an active level or 3,041 at sedentary.

    I am unsure what level I am eating at here? The BMR or the caloric needs?

    Also I am eating anywhere from 1,500-1,950 calories per day for months and suddenly i just stopped losing weight. If I can't eat too little then what could be causing it?

    Thanks for the help, I appreciate it. Just trying to figure out what is going on with my body.

    Also, can you lose inches but not see a change on the scale? Looking for thoughts on this subject.

  • I3umble
    I3umble Posts: 30 Member
    Also, I am struggling to even hit 2,000 calories per day even if I have fast food at all. No idea how I would eat 3,000+ if needed.
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    edited June 2020
    BMR does not take activity level into consideration - it is what your bodily functions need to keep you alive. Energy spent by your heart, lungs, maintaining body temperature, brain functions, etc. Estimated based on gender, height, wage, age. So you may be mixing some terms.

    As for what could be causing the 5-6 weeks of little to no weight loss? Water weight. 5-6 weeks is not enough time to determine all efforts have failed. What you don't want to do: start going thru a series of actions where you try X for a week or two, then try Y and then change again to try Z. Each time you make a change, to really know if it accomplishes anything - you need to give it time. 4-6 weeks perhaps. By your own statement you've made changes during this time of stall: increased exercise. The body retains water for muscle repair when you increase exercise intensity or start a new exercise routine. Do you have anything to lose by eating in a healthy deficit for another 5-6 weeks?

    Based on established guidelines that men should not eat under 1500 daily, I would think 1500-1950 should be a safe range for you. Assuming you generally have energy to complete your daily activities and exercise and such.
    I3umble wrote: »
    xxzenabxx wrote: »
    To me it seems like you need a diet break. It will honestly help you mentally and physically. There’s no such thing as starvation mode unless you’re talking about countries like Yemen right now, but there is such a thing as adaptive thermogenesis. So eat at maintenance for 2 weeks and then come back to your deficit. Good luck!


    Thanks for your input. I am getting a little confused when it comes to what I need to eat to be at maintenance.

    I have calculated my BMR which is at 2,227 (I set this at lower activity so it is probably higher than this) and then I calculated my caloric needs on the same website (active.com) and it states I require 3,331 daily calories at a light activity or 3,700 at an active level or 3,041 at sedentary.

    I am unsure what level I am eating at here? The BMR or the caloric needs?

    Also I am eating anywhere from 1,500-1,950 calories per day for months and suddenly i just stopped losing weight. If I can't eat too little then what could be causing it?

    Thanks for the help, I appreciate it. Just trying to figure out what is going on with my body.

    Also, can you lose inches but not see a change on the scale? Looking for thoughts on this subject.


  • I3umble
    I3umble Posts: 30 Member
    BMR does not take activity level into consideration - it is what your bodily functions need to keep you alive. Energy spent by your heart, lungs, maintaining body temperature, brain functions, etc. Estimated based on gender, height, wage, age. So you may be mixing some terms.

    As for what could be causing the 5-6 weeks of little to no weight loss? Water weight. 5-6 weeks is not enough time to determine all efforts have failed. What you don't want to do: start going thru a series of actions where you try X for a week or two, then try Y and then change again to try Z. Each time you make a change, to really know if it accomplishes anything - you need to give it time. 4-6 weeks perhaps. By your own statement you've made changes during this time of stall: increased exercise. The body retains water for muscle repair when you increase exercise intensity or start a new exercise routine. Do you have anything to lose by eating in a healthy deficit for another 5-6 weeks?

    Based on established guidelines that men should not eat under 1500 daily, I would think 1500-1950 should be a safe range for you. Assuming you generally have energy to complete your daily activities and exercise and such.
    I3umble wrote: »
    xxzenabxx wrote: »
    To me it seems like you need a diet break. It will honestly help you mentally and physically. There’s no such thing as starvation mode unless you’re talking about countries like Yemen right now, but there is such a thing as adaptive thermogenesis. So eat at maintenance for 2 weeks and then come back to your deficit. Good luck!


    Thanks for your input. I am getting a little confused when it comes to what I need to eat to be at maintenance.

    I have calculated my BMR which is at 2,227 (I set this at lower activity so it is probably higher than this) and then I calculated my caloric needs on the same website (active.com) and it states I require 3,331 daily calories at a light activity or 3,700 at an active level or 3,041 at sedentary.

    I am unsure what level I am eating at here? The BMR or the caloric needs?

    Also I am eating anywhere from 1,500-1,950 calories per day for months and suddenly i just stopped losing weight. If I can't eat too little then what could be causing it?

    Thanks for the help, I appreciate it. Just trying to figure out what is going on with my body.

    Also, can you lose inches but not see a change on the scale? Looking for thoughts on this subject.


    Hi, thanks again!

    The increased exercise has started around February, not in the previous 5-6 weeks. I am exercising as much now as I was then. Somedays its more, some its less.

    Oh, I have nothing to lose eating like this - Like i've said I have no problems with eating like this and it is now how I see me eating for the rest of my life, I have very little to no cravings for things like sugar.

    I really do appreciate all the help and advice you have given me so far. According to my diary I began logging measurements of my neck, waist and hips 8 days ago. If I am measuring correctly, I have lost 0.4 inches from my neck, 0.4 inches from my waist and 1.3 inches from my hips.

    So, this is inches lost (if I am measuring correctly - something I will keep track of now) but very little to no weight loss. So this, along with what others have said in this thread has set my mind at ease that you can lose inches but either very little or no weight loss.

    I do have another question however and I am sorry that I have asked so much! Last night I visited family for the first time in months due to COVID. I had some beer (all logged) and then ate about 500 calories when I came home. This is the first time I have been able to get above 2,000 calories in some time and actually ended up at 2,567. It was 602 over my calorie goal for the day, but I don't mind as I was trying to hit 2,500 calories for a while now - something I didn't manage even on the day I had designated for 2,500 calories!

    However, I weighed myself this morning and dropped to 235lbs. Does alcohol have a weight affect on your body? I have noticed weight dropping when I have drank alcohol in the past, as well. Although I am not sure if this is a blip (I think it is!), and I will judge if I have lost weight over the coming days by seeing where my body lands/weighs close to for a few days. I am not sure if it was because I drank alcohol, ate more or a combination of both. Any insights are welcome.

    Again, thank you I really appreciate it.