Daily Commitment Thread for 2020 -- JUST FOR TODAY



  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 1,044 Member
    edited June 2020

    JFT Saturday 20th June

    Log everything yes
    Stay under 1500 calories no, 1600 cals
    Back exercises no
    Walk no, helped son in garden instead
    5 fruit and veg 2
    Finish housework, just blitz through the rooms yes

    I'm hopeful that the weather will dry up and I'll be able to have family visit in the garden. I really miss spending time with them.

    We did have a very spread out meal in the garden, I'm now so used to silence that a toddler and 2 big excited dogs feels chaotic!

    JFT Sunday 21st June

    Log everything
    Stay under maintenance
    Back exercises
    5 fruit and veg
    Dig out large shrub

    I know I'm going to struggle not to snack today, hopefully having to log will keep me under control. I'm in a lot of pain after yesterday's gardening. It's also Fathers Day here, I can't visit mine as he is terminally ill and is shielding. I do speak to him every day though. I don't understand my brother, who only phones once every 4/6 weeks, I think he feels I'm seeing to everything and he doesn't have to bother.

    Don't let the weekend spoil a good dieting week!
  • teigansdad
    teigansdad Posts: 394 Member
    Saturday goal
    2 hr trainer ride✅
    Bring sofa to dump❌
    Mow lawn✅
    Plant roses✅
    120 pull ups ✅👍 did over 150
    200 push-ups ✅👍 did 380!
    Stay green😕❌ didn’t really eat much all day... then friends came over... beers were had and pizza was eaten

    Sunday goals
    Sufferfest training ride
    Do family stuff all day
    Stay green but don’t beat self up if can’t
    Log all doos
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,916 Member
    💐 If you're feeling blue 💐
    💐 here's a gift for You. 💐
    💐 Just a little bouquet 💐
    💐 to brighten your day.💐
    I choose to feed my body
    the nutrition it needs
    and feed my mind with
    the quality thoughts it deserves

    To all those essential workers still going out there....
    🙏🏻 Thank you for your service 🙏🏻
    Everyone else, please stay home!!!

    What am I doing to keep busy? To name a few...
      [*] working on a Memories Project for my grandson
      [*] structuring my day
      [*] morning and evening meditation
      [*] Using the internet to ‘talk’ to family
      [*] crochet, jigsaws, journaling, gardening, reading, writing .......
      [*] HIIT videos off YouTube,
      [*] yoga/Taichi
      [*] Walks with DH
      [*] Cleaning! Cleaning! Cleaning! 😂
      [*] Decluttering
      [*] Stress relievers (search YouTube for Paul McKenna)

      Keep your chin up!
      Turning up is the ultimate success!

      01 Aug 2019: 170.1
      31 Dec 2019: 151.2
      Total weight loss: 19.9lbs
      2020 Personal Discard Weight Challenge
      Name: Terri
      My plan is to weigh less at the end of each month than I did at the beginning
      SW: 152.1 (02 Jan)
      GW: 147.1
      Jan: - 2
      Feb: - 1.3
      Mar: - 0.9
      Apri: +1.3 (not too bad, considering lockdown/Easter/Birthday this month)
      May: +0.7(working on upping my strength to,tone muscles, sonot unexpected. It's a balancing act! 😂)
      Sun 31May: 148.7
      Week 1:
      Mon 01: 148.5 😎 Happy to maintain until I sort out strength w/outs.
      Tue 02: 148.5 🌻
      Wed 03: 148.8 🌻
      Thu 04: 148.6🌻
      Fri 05: 148.5🌻
      Sat 06: 148.6🌻
      Sun 07: 148.4🌻[
      Week 2:
      Mon 8: 148.8🌻 Still holding steady
      Tue 9: 148.8 🌻
      Wed 10: 148.6🌻
      Thu 11: 148.4 🌻
      Fri 12: 148.6🌻 bad case of the nibbles tonight.
      Sat 13: 148.8:🌻
      Sun 14: 149.1🌻Silly choices yesterday!!!
      Mon 15: 149.4 🤔
      Tues 16: 149.2🤔
      Wed 17: 149.3🤔
      Thu 18: 149.2🤔
      Fri 19: 149.4 🤓 I was wondering if this uptick is connected to the fact that I have started interval walking/jogging to get my steps in. I did a little research, and sure enough, there it was, in black and white. When you start jogging, the muscles hold on to fluid for muscle repair. Can be several lbs, and it sorts itself out when the body acclimatises, so I'm sticking with it until it settles down.
      😂 Just when you think you have it all sorted, one little change throws it up in the air again. I'm guessing that this is temporary.

      Sat 20: 149.5
      Sun 21: 149.2

      JFT Sat 20 June:
      Daily goals:
      Sleep: 🌷
      Intentional exercise: > 50🌷68
      Cardio: > 30🌷Walking, jogging
      Strength: > 10🌷Legs
      Flex: >10🌷General stretches
      Prelog: stay in the green🌷
      Weight: < 150🌷
      Steps: > 7500🌷10126
      Fitbit > 6 active hours 🌷12
      Mood: 😎
      Activities I got to do:
      🌷meditation: :relaxed: ✅ journal: ✅
      🌷Walk/Jog: :sweat_smile: ✅ Read:✅
      🌷Laundry: ✅ declutter: bathroom✅
      🌷crochet: ✅🌷Watch TV: ✅ Puzzles: ✅
      🌷Plant up troughs with summer cover😜✅

      JFT Sun 21 June:
      Daily goals:
      Intentional exercise: > 50
      Cardio: > 30
      Strength: > 10
      Flex: >10
      Prelog: stay in the green
      Weight: < 150
      Steps: > 7500
      Fitbit > 6 active hours
      Mood: :sunglasses:
      Activities I got to do:
      🌷meditation: :relaxed: Write journal:
      🌷Walk/Jog: :sweat_smile: Read
      🌷Laundry: Chores: Declutter hall
      🌷Watch TV: Puzzles: Sudoku: crochet:
      🌷Sew masks:
    • HEGoddard0928
      HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
      @ZizzyBumble I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, but I'm really glad you had a good time riding! It's important to do things for yourself.

      @teigansdad Sometimes pizza and beer with friends are exactly what the doctor ordered. Lol

      @Snowflake1968 Me and my best friend were going to go camping in May but Covid killed that idea. I'm hoping that we might be able to go sometimes in the early fall after the summer heat goes down.

      @pridesabtch I agree with your Coach! Definitely take some time to get yourself leveled out again. Falling over, in general, is never a good sign. Hopefully you are feeling better now!

      @littleblackskirt My brother is the same way with my mom. He calls my dad almost every day but hasn't talked to my mom since the last time he and my SIL were over last year sometime. She and my dad live in the same house. I see my parents almost daily. Granted I live right down the road but still. Lol

      @fairy_daisy Try not to be too disappointed. Sometimes weight loss plateaus and it can take a while for it to start moving again. Try switching things up a bit. Maybe eat a different kind of food. Like a new source of protein or a new kind of veggie. Or try a new kind of exercise. Sometimes little changes like that can jumpstart it back up again.

      @AJB1014 How's the little one doing? Is he just as adorable as he was before? I bet he is! Lol
    • HEGoddard0928
      HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
      JFT, 6/20/20

      - JFT :smiley:
      - Dishwasher :smiley:
      - wipe down kitchen counters(take everything off first! Don't be lazy!) :smiley:
      - work on a few lessons of the writing course :smiley:I ended up working on like 6 of them. I was bored yesterday while Matt was at work and just pounded some of them out.
      - meet step goal. It's supposed to be gross out so do it a bit at a time :smiley:It rained around noon. It really helped to cool down the air and some of the humidity went away. It did bring the mosquitos out though.
      - clean grill plate :smiley:I think this is my new way to cook things. I'm going to use it again tonight too.
      - work on cleaning out the fridge :disappointed:Tbh, it really isn't that bad. A lot of the stuff I just put in. I do have to try and reorganize it. What I really need is a new one. The thing is suuuuuper old and freezes half the food in the fridge. But when I turn the fridge temp up it also turns up the freezer temp and everything starts to thaw. I learned that the hard way :confounded:
      - pick up bedroom floor :smiley:I always forget just how much empty floor space I have in the bedroom. Lol

      Guys! I'm down 2.4lbs from last week! I can't believe it! And my "friend" came this week so I know there is probably some water retention going on too so it might be even less! I can't believe it! I'm so proud of myself! I also had a huge food win for me last night too! So I had every intention of eating my dessert which is vanilla yogurt, fresh raspberries, and chia seeds. I prelogged it and everything. But after dinner and a measured out portion of 1 oz of popcorn, I just wasn't hungry. But by 9pm I really really wanted that snack even though I still wasn't hungry. So I made myself a cup of tea and distracted myself on my phone. And I ended up going to bed WITHOUT eating my treat! Lol. I've been eating under my calorie goal the last few days but I've been eating a lot of protein and fiber so that's been filling me up. I can't believe that I'm actually starting to pay attention to my hunger signals! It only took YEARS! I actually asked my friend if that strong desire was what food addiction was. Because I really really wanted it. Lol. I do still need to take my measurements, although I think I may wait until next week so all the bloating goes away. I don't want false reads.

      Today is supposed to be another gross day outside. Like really gross. A real feel of like 92F with 100% humidity. I highly doubt I am going to get my steps in today. It's supposed to storm this afternoon so maybe it'll be like yesterday and improve the weather after. I hope so, but since I cleaned off the bedroom floor, I have a lot of space to put down my mat and spend some time working out. Lol. That's going to be one of my goals today. That and to not eat everything in sight. This week does not give me an excuse to go overboard!

      Okay, enough of the novel. Onto goals!

      JFT 6/21/20

      - JFT :smiley:
      - Meal prep
      - Dips
      - Cut up veggies
      - Finish writing course section
      - Look up a good turkey burger recipe
      - Clean off grill plate
      - Trim recipe folders
      - Do a workout(it doesn't matter how long it is. Just do something!
      - Don't eat everything in sight!
    • merope2
      merope2 Posts: 60 Member
      Saturday: logging complete
      Sunday: complete logging
    • pridesabtch
      pridesabtch Posts: 2,456 Member

      JFT Saturday
      - Sleep in :smiley:
      - Laundry :(
      - Hair & Nails :neutral: Hair only
      - Exercise 30-60 minutes :( took a rest day
      - No alcohol :smiley:
      - No cookies/candy :( Had a candy bar
      - Log everything :smiley:
      - Stay green :( Ate at excess because I didn't feel good
      - No soda after lunch :smiley:

      Be your best you today!

      Yesterday was a bust.

      JFT Sunday
      - Sleep in
      - Log everything
      - No alcohol
    • busoxnardmg
      busoxnardmg Posts: 11 Member
      JFT - Day 6

      Log everything
      Stretch/strength training
      No snacking
      No eating after 7pm
      Enjoy the beauty of the day
    • PackerFanInGB
      PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,421 Member
      Hi my JFT friends! I'm 250 posts behind (10 whole pages!) and that will take some time to catch up on, so I'm just going to post my goals and will try to catch up a few pages at a time over this next week.

      I joined a weight loss program this week, and I'm kind of nervous that it is could be too much for me to keep up with if I get called back to work but I will figure that out when and if I need to! If it is important to me, I will find a way! :smile: I'm pretty excited about it actually!

      Happy Father's Day to the dads and single moms who play both roles! :smile:

      Just for Sunday:
      • Stick to food plan
      • 90 oz water
      • No ice cream today
      • Focus on how I'm talking to myself.
      • WorryTime@6 (make a list of anxious thoughts and then don't think about it again until 6 pm)
      • Spend time in sewing area downstairs (either sew on quilt, declutter, decorate or start something new)
      • Listen to Unit 2 of PnP cx
      • Print off worksheets for PnP NoBS week and fill out
      • Evening routine and early bedtime!

      Today, I am grateful for a quiet day to myself and air conditioning! :)

      WOTY 2020: Persistence

    • jenwalkingfurther
      jenwalkingfurther Posts: 224 Member

      JFT - Saturday
      15k steps👍
      Log everything 👍
      Stay within calorie target 👍
      7 hrs sleep👍

      Bit late but

      JFT - Sunday
      15k steps👍
      Log everything
      Stay within calorie target
      7hrs sleep

      Happy Sunday everyone ! X
    • fairy_daisy
      fairy_daisy Posts: 247 Member

      @fairy_daisy Try not to be too disappointed. Sometimes weight loss plateaus and it can take a while for it to start moving again. Try switching things up a bit. Maybe eat a different kind of food. Like a new source of protein or a new kind of veggie. Or try a new kind of exercise. Sometimes little changes like that can jumpstart it back up again.

      Thanks @HEGoddard0928 . That's a good point - I've got into a really set routine of eating a lot of the same foods and doing the same daily walks, it's not very inspiring any more. Tomorrow is a new week, I'll see what I can to mix things up. Even if the scale doesn't shift, I might have a more interesting week. And I'm so impressed that you managed to distract yourself from eating your treat! I know that feeling of wanting something even when not hungry so much...
    • ZizzyBumble
      ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
      Sunday 21 June

      Good morning everyone. I hope your day goes according to plan. Today I will:

      Log :)
      Stay in the green :)
      5 fruit and veg :)
      Water :)
      Fitbit exercise goals :)

    • AJB1014
      AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
      edited June 2020
      @HEGoddard0928 omg your evening treat sounds so yummy! I was obbsessed with yogurt when I was pregnant but havent had it much lately. Im gonna add that to my next grocery order. Ray is good! Hes sleeping thru the night at 4 months! Im a lucky mama
    • AJB1014
      AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
      AJB1014 wrote: »
      1. Wash face/brush teeth am ✔
      2. Log food ✔
      3. One water every time I'm at the sink 👎 at work and wore a mask all day, too busy hardly got a break no water :|
      4. Eat when hungry/stop when full 👎 see above
      5. Go for a walk with R ✔ went for a swim! First swim! Im counting it
      6. Log JGM10Days challenge ✔
      7. Write chore goals on fridge 👎 hardly any home time after swimming and work
      8. Wash face/brush teeth pm ✔
      9. Be kind (even if the other person isnt) ✔
      10. Bed by 1030 ✔

      1. Wash face/brush teeth am
      2. Log food
      3. One water every time I'm at the sink for rest of day
      4. Eat when hungry/stop when full
      5. Log JGMTD
    • clicketykeys
      clicketykeys Posts: 6,572 Member
      JFT Monday
      1. Therapy exercises: lunges, push-ups, ankle lifts, box jumps, plank. Balance work. Feed cats. Meds. Tea!
      2. Check email. Write everything down before it goes in the mouth. AM run 6 miles.
      3. Review papers by desk. File or trash. Check green room for paintbrushes and donations.
      4. Lunch: steak? Write a blog post - album? Email Dr. Bates. Garden 3-8.
      5. Write a letter. Dinner: wrap. 1 hr writing: letter to B.
      6. Color! 1 hr reading. Critique writing group submissions.
      7. Drink more water. No, more. Keep the pitcher in the fridge full. You're not actually hungry. Make some tea. Drink more water!
      8. Writing: Album post. Message Z.
      9. Gratitude journal. Therapy exercises: lunges, push-ups, ankle lifts, box jumps, plank. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. Check on free NAIE membership? Tues 23 writing group via Zoom. Wed book group. Thu play practice. N 10-3 3, M 3-8 6, T 10-3 3, W 11-7 rest, R off 10, F 12-6 walk, S 12-6 3, N off 6, M 10-6 walk, T 3-8 6. Check with PCP about SHBP screening. Call about blood work Monday. Loyal Tea before play practice Thursday. Tues 23 pick up book from library. Thursday visit parents. Need to begin working on Google certification!

      Scale goals
      End of 2017: 174.6
      End of 2018: 189.2
      End of 2019: 196.4
      End of January: 194.6
      End of February: 196.2
      End of March: 193.8
      End of April: 192.6
      End of May: 191.8
      Today: 191.6

      Ongoing plans/ideas behind the cut
      1. Purchases: Look for an "ugly Christmas sweater" and a long-haired doll at thrift stores. Practice French braiding. Go to used bookstore and look for On Writing (Stephen King), Dying for a Paycheck (Robin Hardman), The Prince (tr. Tim Parks, Russell Price, or Robert Adams), The Secret Adversary (Christie).
      2. E2: What should the controlling ideas be in a study of world literature? Review world lit options. Create vocabulary lists for each unit that come from the texts used: Animal Farm, Julius Caesar, Wes Moore, I Am Malala. Find a way to incorporate changing words from one part of speech to another. Students need to know how to review multiple sources and synthesize information in order to draw a conclusion. Need practice with the difference between transitions and overlapping (at end of paragraph - "another issue is Y" vs "there are other issues besides X"). Quit using "in conclusion" and "I believe" and other writing-about-my-writing phrases. Confusion between direct/indirect objects and prepositional phrases. Use the UDHR and the Declaration of Independence to study paraphrasing; use that to front-load Machiavelli and how to deal with challenging texts. Confusion between everyday / every day and similar constructions.
      3. E1: Need practice with quoting & paraphrasing sources, identifying claims that would need support, use of last names for reference, and capitalization practice (common/proper nouns, titles). Difficulty using possessive nouns in their own writing. Honors: practice subject/object pronouns (my friend and I / my friend and me). Poetry: Revise "Songs are Poetry" handouts.
      4. Curriculum Development: Writing mini-unit. Review scholarly research on 5PE. (I think I can have this as an intro to the research unit so that they also get exposure to how quotes are integrated and cited.) Parallel structure; use of emotional language, specific detail. Use "Write About a Pebble" lesson from Atwell. How long should each unit take? Do research on characteristics: curiosity, persistence, resilience, creativity, responsibility, optimism, courage, integrity, authenticity, leadership, self-awareness, humility, compassion - others? Include grammarly check on essays! Review assessments. What is the purpose for each unit? What should the controlling ideas be in a study of world literature? Review world lit options. Schedule assessments for Fall 2019; plan out return times. Write 1 reflection weekly; type one in Classroom by Weds. Copy-paste to discussion board for comments due Friday. Homework: Online journal Mon due Tue; Reflection Tue due Wed; C&P journal in class Wed; Comments Thu due Fri. Bonus if you are the first response; further bonus if you respond to comments on your post. Grammar practice Mon & Wed; quiz Fri.
      5. Professional Development: Write blog post weekly. Comment on 3 posts each week - Tu Th Sun? Check with PSC. Talk with Z about articles and/or conference proposals. NOTE: ATTENDED PRE FLEX DAY.
      6. Medical: Dentist call to schedule cleaning. PCP July 15 10:30. ObG schedule for October. PCP - allergy shots? left toe joints. Sleep center 778 3316.
      7. Theater: 1984.
      8. House: Crawl space repairs. After that - siding? Or perhaps bathroom floor.
      9. Fun: Open beading on Thursdays. Coloring at library on Tuesday. Put jewelry away. Edney Hack Nights alt Weds. ASL? Spanish/Portuguese practice? Practice piano. ROL Secret Adversary. Buy bike rack for car.
      10. Volunteering ideas: Theater. Library. Animal shelter. Community Kitchen. Emerge Georgia training.
      11. Family: Google Hangout. Dinners?
      12. Other: Practice hair braiding with D. Check on appts for drs. Remind D to ask his dad about the table and check with home repair contractors. START BLOGGING AGAIN. 3 posts/week? Create test for MLA format. Create test for infographics and visual information. Therapy exercises: lunges, push-ups, ankle lifts, box jumps, plank. Remember that M does not like surprises! Check dates of classes and update semester plan. She Should Run vision statement. Update standards on board. When to change bulletin board?

      WFTY: Progress. I need to remember to take a towel with me when I go for a run because I'm sweaty and then I don't want to just get into the car to drive home when I'm gross.
    • Kuhl50
      Kuhl50 Posts: 416 Member
      Daily habits: track, exercise, journal
      Saturday Action Plan
      1. No alarm wake, pill, timer, weigh, pill😀
      2. Breakfast = eggs🤷‍♀️
      3. Lunch = salad + chicken👿
      4. Dinner = ?🤷‍♀️
      5. Review appraisal😀
      6. Meal plan🤨
      7. Grocery shop😀
      8. Wrap dad day gifts👿
      9. Upstairs by 10🤨
      10. Journal👿
      11. Meditate 👿
      12. Lights out 10:45👿

      Daily habits: track, exercise, journal
      Sunday Action Plan
      1. Weigh, pills😀
      2. Wrap Father’s Day presents😀
      3. Breakfast = Kashi+ yogurt😀
      4. Lunch = salad + turkey wrap😀
      5. Pack cooler for dad day visit and load in car with gifts😀
      6. Dinner = tacos😀
      7. Make 3 salads👿
      8. Check in on work status😀
      9. Determine Monday workout slot 😀—weights and walk at noon, else at 5:30
      10. Upstairs by 9🤷‍♀️
      11. Lay out clothes😀
      12. Journal😀
      13. Meditate
      14. Lights out 9:45

      So yesterday I suffered from too much lack of structure in my day + a long workout in the morning that left me tired and lazy. So I didn’t even work to the plan I had up above and I definitely overate. Today (Father’s Day) was more structured so I was able to right this ship and get back on course.

      Happy Father’s Day to all those out there!

      Daily habits: track, exercise, journal
      Monday Action Plan
      1. Up at 0600, pill, timer, weigh
      2. Pets, Shower, pill
      3. On video 0655
      4. Breakfast = yogurt + Kashi
      5. Mid day snack: 1/2 protein bar
      6. Weights at noon
      7. Lunch = salad + chicken
      8. Dinner = grilled sausages + corn
      9. Walk at 5:30
      10. Make 3 salads
      11. Upstairs by 9
      12. Layout clothes
      13. Figure out Tuesday workout slot
      14. Journal
      15. Meditate
      16. Lights out 9:45

      Setting Intentions personal challenge
      One yoga figure for each day I set my intention before eating (through June)
      1, 2, 3, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10

      GRATITUDE: I am grateful for the strength I feel growing in my body and the opportunity to build it.

      WOTY: Habits
    • littleblackskirt
      littleblackskirt Posts: 1,044 Member

      @AJB1014 , your babe is such a cutie, I love his lovely dark hair and his smile :)

      JFT Sunday 21st June

      Log everything yes
      Stay under maintenance yes, 1417 cals, pretty good for a Sunday
      Back exercises no
      5 fruit and veg yes
      Dig out large shrub yes

      Yesterday I was thinking I'd like a treat, it being Sunday, but I didn't have anything in the house (no treats or chocolate bought on weekly shopping trip). After a while I suddenly remembered I had some little pieces of cake in the cupboard...how could I forget that?! I'm putting it down to the fact I'm eating more healthily, not that my memory is going lol. So treats were 100 cals of cake and 100 cals of crisps, I would have been in the green if I hadn't had them, but I still feel it wasn't too bad. A bit peeved that the scales have gone up a pound this morning though!

      JFT Monday 22nd June

      Log everything
      Stay in the green
      Back exercises
      5 fruit and veg
      Walk if not too wet
      Tidy up paperwork
      Do small jobs around house
    • SERmom3
      SERmom3 Posts: 568 Member
      @PackerFanInGB - I like your new picture!

      - Landscaping 🟢
      - Start sorting paperwork from school🔴
      - Continue clearing out Gmail🟢
      - Computer work: Taxes, Budget, Product Reviews, Review resume🔴

      I basically spent the weekend digging holes for a fence. I have never been so dirty in my life! It was 90* both days and the area that we’re working on is filled with tree roots and rocks. It was slow going, but at least the holes are done! 🥵

      - Log everything
      - Stay green
      - Exercise (maybe...I might need a rest day)
      - Go through school paperwork
      - Continue clearing out Gmail
      - Computer work: Taxes, Budget, Product Reviews, Review resume

      Be well! 💕
    • teigansdad
      teigansdad Posts: 394 Member
      Sunday goals
      Sufferfest training ride✅
      Do family stuff all day✅
      Stay green but don’t beat self up if can’t❌
      Log all food✅

      Was doing good until my daughter made brownies. Pretty good Father’s Day just the same.

      Monday goals..
      Just a 4 day week then vacation ...

      Stay green w/ cal deficit (need to make up for last few days)
      Stop at grocery store on way home
      Trail ride after work
      Clean race bike
      No beer
      No M&Ms
      Healthy snacks (fruit) only
      Check insurance papers

      Btw what the heck is with raspberries????
      They look fantastic when I buy them and literally the next day (over night really) they turn to blue fuzzy mold..
      Should they not be in the fridge? Do any of you know any tricks?
    • aubyshortcake
      aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
      Good morning all! I got a bit behind on here. @pridesabtch @cschmitz110515 @Snowflake1968 thank you so much for the support. We sell customized porcelain pictures that go on people's monuments and Graves so we've just been slammed busy since coronavirus and have been unable to keep up with the demand.

      I've decided this week I need to go back to setting time boundaries for myself and only work 40 hours instead of 50, I only get paid for 40 anyway and the extra work is really taking a toll on my wellbeing.

      JFT 6/22:

      1. Pay attention to hunger levels and listen
      2. Get 30 minutes of some kind of activity/movement
      3. Finish work by 5:30
    • ZizzyBumble
      ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
      Monday 22 June

      Stay in the green
      5 fruit and veg
      Fitbit exercise goals
    • merope2
      merope2 Posts: 60 Member
      Sunday: all food logged
      Monday: log all food.
    • pridesabtch
      pridesabtch Posts: 2,456 Member
      JFT Sunday
      - Sleep in :smiley:
      - Log everything :smiley:
      - No alcohol :(

      I had another day of planned calorie excess, which ended up being beer and pizza. Not the end of the world, but I don't like how bloated I feel today. Back to eating at a deficit today.

      I was still a little tanked yesterday, but hubby and I did a short ride just to get outside on such a beautiful (but hot) day. He was a bit worn out too because he had already run yesterday before we rode. We picked up pizza and ate on the screened in porch. When we finished dinner the girls joined us for some cards, then Tim and I played backgammon. As usual, he won.

      I talk to my doc tomorrow, so I'm going to bring up the fact that I only sleep like 4 hours a night since I've started exercising. Not sure what's going on, but I have restless legs syndrome and wake up around 2 every night, and can't get back to sleep until 5 or 6 because of my legs. It's terribly annoying.

      JFT Monday
      - Work by 8:30 :smile:
      - Protein bar for breakfast
      - Scrounge for lunch since I didn't pack
      - Log everything
      - Stay green
      - Get at least 30 min of exercise
      - No cookies/candy or BROWNIES (man they were good)
      - No alcohol

      Have an amazing day y'all!
    • Snowflake1968
      Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,932 Member
      JFT - Sunday June 21
      1L of Water - >:)
      Log all Food - >:)
      Gratitude Journal - >:)

      JFT - Monday June 22
      1L of Water
      Log all Food
      Gratitude Journal

      @AJB1014 - Ray is absolutely adorable. You are a lucky Mama to have him sleep through so young.

      @SERmom3 - I think you need a rest day after that weekend!

      @teigansdad - I don't wash my raspberries before I put them in the fridge and it seems to help. I only wash them as I'm getting ready to eat them. Strawberries are the same but I haven't found a way to keep a strawberry good for more than the day you bring them home unless you mash them up for strawberry shortcake. ;)

      @aubyshortcake - That is cool, that's not something you see around here very much, but I like the idea of it. I can imagine how busy you must be now. You really do need to limit your hours to what you are paid for, I have found in my experience that employers take advantage of people that work extra way too easily and then sometimes when the employee tries to pull back or take any of the extra hours off with pay they don't get it.

      @pridesabtch - restless legs are so annoying, I hope you get some answers so you can sleep more.

      Well this weekend I overate all weekend long. Unlike @HEGoddard0928 I didn't resist my treats. I need to just stop buying them again. I also bought new shoes for walking but by the time the sun came out yesterday I didn't feel up to walking. I won't be tonight either as I'm FINALLY getting my hair cut and coloured. My daughter is doing it at her house. I'm looking forward to spending the evening with her.

      I think I finally convinced my husband that the window I want in our front door is actually doable. I am willing to buy a whole new door but I think he is leaning towards installing the window in the existing door. I'll let him ponder it for a couple more weeks and then he'll decide. I like the cost effectiveness of the install, but I really think we need a new door frame too.

      I should get to work, I am tired today and really wish I had slept better last night.

    • PackerFanInGB
      PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,421 Member
      Just for Sunday:
      • Stick to food plan
      • 90 oz water
      • No ice cream today
      • Focus on how I'm talking to myself.
      • WorryTime@6 (make a list of anxious thoughts and then don't think about it again until 6 pm)
      • Spend time in sewing area downstairs (either sew on quilt, declutter, decorate or start something new)
      • Listen to Unit 2 of PnP cx
      • Print off worksheets for PnP NoBS week and fill out
      • Evening routine and early bedtime!

      Hi all! I still haven't caught up, but I did see that @ZizzyBumble 's mother's health took a turn and I want to send you hugs and love. :heart:

      Cloudy day today with rain in the forecast. I'm good with that, since it makes me feel better about staying inside and getting household chores done! Nothing new around here otherwise. Life is much slower when you're not working! I've decided to use this downtime to look into doing things I've always wanted to do and maybe give them a try. I've always wanted to be a writer, so I'm going to research blogging. I've also always been interested in photography, so I'm going to dig into that a bit. If neither of those seem like a good fit for me, I'll move onto my next adventure... :smile:

      Just for Monday:
      • Assess yesterday's food plan and create today's
      • 75 oz water
      • No ice cream
      • Pay attention when negative or anxious thoughts sneak in / WT @ 6PM
      • Listen to next NoBS course
      • Research benefit costs if part-time, research COBRA cost just in case needed
      • Research blogging
      • 30 minutes activity
      • Pay bills, balance checkbook, look at budget
      • Evening routine and early bedtime!

      Today, I am grateful for good health, another day off work and that my husband is doing the grocery shopping today and I don't have to go! :)

      WOTY 2020: Persistence

    • PackerFanInGB
      PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,421 Member
      Hello! Hoping I can join in for daily motivation, encouragement, and accountability. I just spent a "cup of coffee worth" few minutes reading the last couple pages of the thread---Already I am encouraged!

      Hope it's Ok that I just jumped in acting like I was one of the cool kids!

      WELCOME ANNETTE!!! :flowerforyou:
    • busoxnardmg
      busoxnardmg Posts: 11 Member
      JFT - Day 7

      Take a long walk ✅
      Log all food and drink
      Be grateful for beautiful day