
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    I was pretty naughty this weekend, so I am glad I have today off so I can do some major working out. Got kenpo on p90 and I am going to take the little man on a very long walk to the park. Hope everyone is having a great holilday!
  • Feeling very dissapointed :( my main goal was to be able to run for 20mins but I'm still not able to train due to an injury. I workout everyday but running is a no no ! Guess I won't reach my goal in time.
  • tammihart
    tammihart Posts: 953 Member
    Hi Leah, I am up for a fit by October challenge.

    NAME: Tammi
    AGE: 40
    HEIGHT: 5'4''
    GOALS: More excercise, watch the snacking between meals
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    Good morning, Fitties! :heart: I hope that you are all having fantastic days. I had a three-day weekend and it was amazing. I wish that it could continue, but it's back to work.

    It's time for another QOTD!!! Here are the most recent 9 QOTDs for those who want to catch up, along with a new one for all.

    :flowerforyou: Remember to send me suggestions for QOTDs that you may want answered, and I will definately include them.

    QOTD #4: Have you "discovered" any new foods since you started eating healthier? Or realized that you DO like some foods that you used to claim to not like?

    QOTD #5: What do you do to keep yourself on track while traveling or on vacation?

    QOTD #6: What is your main motivation to get in shape right now?

    QOTD #7: Other than working out and losing weight, what have you done to improve your self esteem?

    QOTD #8: What's your workout plan this week? List it!

    QOTD #9: How do you stay on track with diet and exercise in times of severe stress?

    QOTD #10: How are you tracking your food right now? Do you pre-track or track as you go? Do you track everything you eat, or only certain foods? Do you eat your exercise calories or not? I wanna know everything, hahaha.

    QOTD #11: Do you drink diet soda and/or other drinks with artificial sweeteners? Why or why not?

    QOTD #12: What are your goals (weight, food, exercise, other) for September?

    QOTD #13: (repeat, but important) What's your workout plan for this week? List it!
  • janagardner
    janagardner Posts: 11 Member
    QOTD #12: What are your goals (weight, food, exercise, other) for Mini goals this week?

    Weight: - By Friday my mini goal is to have lost another 2 pounds - Down to 152 pounds :smile:
    Food: - Eat more veggies and fruit to fill me up and stop eating after 7pm.
    Excercise: - Run 4 times this week. Doing my first 5km on September 18th. Need to really train!!

    QOTD #13: (repeat, but important) What's your workout plan for this week? List it!

    Workout Plan - Monday - Run 4.5km (done) :happy:
    Tuesday - Light Weights and Yoga for 30 min.
    Wedesday - Run - 4.5km
    Thursday - Zumba (1hr)
    Friday - Run - 4.5km
    Saturday - Run 5km
    Sunday "REST"
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    QOTD #4: Have you "discovered" any new foods since you started eating healthier? Or realized that you DO like some foods that you used to claim to not like?

    I am amazed by the new foods I discover All The Time. Everytime I go to the natural food store, I try something new. And by joining a CSA, (localharvest.org), I've discovered veggies that I've never tried before and forced to try ones I *thought* I didn't like. Like tomatoes- thought i didn't like them raw (only in sauces) but after trying local organic ones, I like!!

    I'm also in love with hummus, avocado, spinach, almond butter, chickpeas, kale... and all sorts of good things I never tried before or just thought I didn't like are now my staples!

    QOTD #5: What do you do to keep yourself on track while traveling or on vacation?
    This is a hard one. I usually give myself permission on vacation to indulge once in a while, but at times it's been out of control. I'm hoping to do better on the next vacation- would love some tips! It's especially hard being vegetarian on vacation in a foreign country. I'm going to Hong Kong, Sri Lanka and Maldives in November- hoping I can find good food choices!

    QOTD #6: What is your main motivation to get in shape right now?
    Right now, to look good in a bikini for my next vacation! But in the long run, I'm doing it for my health and to prevent disease.

    QOTD #7: Other than working out and losing weight, what have you done to improve your self esteem?
    Positive self talk- it's one of the hardest things for me since I've been talking negatively to myself for decades, but I'm hoping to turn it around!

    QOTD #8: What's your workout plan this week? List it!
    Tuesday- Spinning
    Wednesday- Strength Training
    Thursday- Spinning
    Friday- Yoga
    Saturday- Zumba
    *Plus hoping to fit in some rollerblading in the evenings at least one day this week! :)

    QOTD #9: How do you stay on track with diet and exercise in times of severe stress?
    Remind myself that exercising and eating healthy relieves stress~! And doing the opposite will only make it worse!

    QOTD #10: How are you tracking your food right now? Do you pre-track or track as you go? Do you track everything you eat, or only certain foods? Do you eat your exercise calories or not? I wanna know everything, hahaha.
    I try to track everything- before or after- usually after since I'm not good at keeping with a plan...lol. I do eat my exercise calories, but I'm wondering if I start working out more, would eating more make sense?

    QOTD #11: Do you drink diet soda and/or other drinks with artificial sweeteners? Why or why not?
    NEVER!! I avoid artificial sweetener like the plague! I don't like that they are chemicals that our body doesn't know how to process, therefore disrupting our metabolism and causing all sorts of health problems that people aren't even aware of.

    QOTD #12: What are your goals (weight, food, exercise, other) for September?
    I hope to lose 10 lbs!! Seems like a lofty goal, but I want it bad! Also going to do The Reboot (jointhereboot.com) juicing for 2 weeks.

    QOTD #13: (repeat, but important) What's your workout plan for this week? List it!
    Tuesday- Spinning
    Wednesday- Strength Training-Bootcamp style
    Thursday- Spinning
    Friday- Yoga
    Saturday- Zumba
    Sunday - Rest or walk
    *Plus hoping to fit in some rollerblading in the evenings at least one day this week! :)
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    QOTD #13: (repeat, but important) What's your workout plan for this week? List it!

    M (completed): bicycle ride, time with weights
    T (completed): bike w/ weights
    W: 6 Week 6 Pack
    Th: 6 Week 6 Pack
    F: 6 Week 6 Pack + run/walk
    Sa: trampoline + gym (or DOR)
    Su: walk/run
  • daloverlyme
    daloverlyme Posts: 583 Member
    NAME: April
    AGE: 26
    HEIGHT: 5'2''
    START PANTS SIZE: 18/20 (US)
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET:I just count calories and stay under 1200 the best I can.
    DIET GOALS: Eat less!!!!
    EXERCISE GOALS: Holiday time is here at work, that keeps me moving (retail).
    OTHER GOALS: look better by my anniversary
    FUN FACT: I got married on Halloween 08'.
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    QOTD #13: (repeat, but important) What's your workout plan for this week? List it!

    I have been trying to take a walk everyday at work during lunch. I usually have time, it's only 10 minutes around the pond out back. I am also starting on week 2 of p90x today. Tues-Core, Wed-Cardio, Thur-shoulders, arms and abs, Fri-yoga, Sat-legs, back, and abs, and Sun-kenpo. Ready for it all!
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    QOTD #13: (repeat, but important) What's your workout plan for this week? List it!

    It's looking like rain all week...so I may be stuck indoors...

    Monday: 30 DS (20 mins) & Zumba (45 mins) - DONE!
    Tuesday: treadmill/elliptical (30 mins) & 30 DS (20 mins) & JD2 (20 mins)
    Wednesday: treadmill/elliptical (30 mins) & 30 DS (20 mins) & Zumba (20 mins)
    Thursday: treadmill/elliptical (30 mins) & 30 DS (20 mins) & JD2 (20 mins)
    Friday: treadmill/elliptical (30 mins) & 30 DS (20 mins)
    Saturday: 30 DS (20 mins) & Zumba (45 mins)
    Sunday: 30 DS (20 mins)

    Let's GO!!!
  • tammihart
    tammihart Posts: 953 Member
    QOTD #12: What are your goals (weight, food, exercise, other) for September?

    I want to lose 10 lbs and get to Zumba 3 times a week.

    QOTD #13: (repeat, but important) What's your workout plan for this week? List it

    T- strength training
    W- walk
    Th- zumba
    F- strength training
    S- walk
    Su- Day of rest
  • NAME: Jerry
    AGE: 52
    HEIGHT: 5' 9"
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: Calorie intake 1480
    DIET GOALS: To be more aware on what foods I eat.
    EXERCISE GOALS: Just to be able to do them more easier
    OTHER GOALS: more energy, be toned and sexy :blushing:
    FUN FACT: I want to be able to keep up with the grand kids bigsmile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    QOTD #13: (repeat, but important) What's your workout plan for this week? List it!

    On Monday, I did a cardio step-class. Today (Wed), I will do a cardio step-class after work. I hope to get a 5 km walk in tomorrow (thurs) and *maybe* Friday, but doubtful for Friday. I am off to las vegas Friday night to Wednesday night, and won't do any "planned" exercise, but will walk LOTS and try and make smart food choices.

    And, my weight loss was only 0.5 lb this week. But, since it was only 0.1 lb last week, this actually was a GREAT week, lol!!

    When I'm back from vegas, I'll be in FULL DAMAGE CONTROL MODE and I'll get right back-on-track.

    (When you DON'T have a lot to lose, it takes FOREVER to come off!!!!!)
  • sp53
    sp53 Posts: 40
    My daughter is getting married this weekend, and all this week I have been in a situation where I can't entirely control what food is available. So far I've eaten mindfully, enjoying the company and the celebration--but man, is it harder than being at home with all my "safe" food. Also, not in my regular exercise classes, but very active with mowing, housework, endless running around. It'll be interesting to see the results on Monday.

    Good luck to all the rest of you in the challenge!
  • NAME: Agnieszka
    AGE: 29
    HEIGHT: 164cm
    START WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: I don't know - I checked my weight this weekend, so I might have lost something since then. I think it is about 65.
    START PANTS SIZE: I think I am now 12/14
    DIET GOALS: Eat within calorie limit, eat less fruit as they boost my sugar levels (I will be allowed max.3 portions of fruit a day).
    EXERCISE GOALS: I will ride a stationary bike every day without fail. I will start a workout DVD and exercise along with cycling.
    OTHER GOALS: Just feel more confident about myself.
    FUN FACT: I worked in a radiostation when I was in high school and at uni.
  • Hi Leah! Just saw this challenge and I'd love to join also. Here are my stats. Also, I'll do a spreadsheet for the group if you guys want to keep track of weight loss each week. I don't think anyone has offered to do that so I will if you'd like.

    NAME: Bonnie
    AGE: 56
    HEIGHT: 5'8''
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: Weight Watchers
    DIET GOALS: Stay under points, do both tracking for WW and logging in MFP
    EXERCISE GOALS: Increase my walk to 60 minutes (currently 48 minutes)
    OTHER GOALS: be able to do 20 minutes on my neighbor's elliptical machine
    FUN FACT: I just "retired" from 20 years of homeschooling my children
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    Hooray an open challenge!

    NAME: Pandabear
    AGE: 19
    HEIGHT: 5'6''
    DIET GOALS: More fruit and vegetables, less bread.
    EXERCISE GOALS: To start 30DS and to complete C25K!
    OTHER GOALS: More tone.
    FUN FACT: I'm not actually a panda!
  • I've done an excel spreadsheet with everyone's starting weight and goal weight. I didn't realize this challenge has been going on for quite some time so I'll just count the next four week's weight loss for everyone. If you'd like to report your weight loss so far since you've started I'll log it under week 1 loss and then from then on whoever wants to log their weight with me can. Leah, I hope this is okay. If not, let me know. Don't want to step on any toes. I set my goal a little low because my weight loss has not been great, even though I'm exercising all the time and staying under my calories/points plus. Hope everyone has a great day and feel free to add me as a friend if we're not friends already. Thanks for starting this challenge, Leah. Sorry I didn't find it sooner! :heart:
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Just wanted to stop in and say hello! I think I have been doing pretty good so far. I really don't think that I will actually make my goal, but I am trying my hardest. I hope everyone else is doing well!
  • Today I get weighed in by my trainer along with measurements a little worried but that is just me once again being hard on myself. will let you all know.