Cottage Cheese Mix-Ins?



  • algrif37
    algrif37 Posts: 107 Member
    hmhill17 wrote: »
    From the Centr "cook book" - Mix with tahini and honey. Put on toast. Top with banana and nuts.

    I made a tomato onion jam the other day and have mixed that with cottage cheese to have on toast.

    Oh man I would love a tomato onion jam recipe! That sounds delicious!

  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,007 Member
    edited June 2020
    another one that may sound strange, but I think is delicious.

    Cottage cheese mixed with tuna and avocado..mix in some Frank's Red Hot and a little bit of Soy sauce. yum!
  • Ale_Nka1
    Ale_Nka1 Posts: 6 Member
    I always loved the Hungarian cottage cheese spread.
    This is my recipe on how to make it:
    200 grams of cottage cheese (most common is made from cow’s milk, but if you find one from sheep’s milk - it will blow your mind)
    Half of an onion (young white onion or 1 shallot) – finely diced
    1 teaspoon of sweet red paprika powder,
    1 level teaspoon of fennel seeds
    1 good tablespoon of sour cream
    Salt to taste

    Some people put spicy paprika, and some put butter - I don't find it necessary, but you do you :smiley:
  • smilynn13
    smilynn13 Posts: 1 Member
    Slice of toast, avacado, cottage cheese, slice of tomato, salt & pepper....DELISHISH
  • CobaltTurtle2
    CobaltTurtle2 Posts: 5 Member
    As faux lasagna dip-- cottage cheese, a little tomato paste (I'm using the sort from a tube), garlic, basil, oregano, mixed, then top with red pepper flakes, and either Parmesan or Romano cheese, heat through.
  • avtlove
    avtlove Posts: 82 Member
    Pumpkin seeds (pepitas), dry roasted chick peas, cherry tomatoes, salt and pepper. I like to make it crunchy.
  • ksushyguy
    ksushyguy Posts: 1 Member
    I blend it with ranch seasoning to make a veggie dip (thinned with water or milk it becomes ranch dressing). For breakfast I'll blend together equal parts (by volume) of egg whites, rolled oats, and cottage cheese with a pinch of salt, a little vanilla extract and some cinnamon to make waffles or pancakes.
  • TNRiverRat
    TNRiverRat Posts: 1 Member
    Mix 2/3 cottage cheese with 1/3 (or more) of your favorite greek yogurt. Sometimes I add a few blueberries....Yummy.
  • BackwoodsDarlin
    BackwoodsDarlin Posts: 109 Member
    This is gonna sound really weird, but it totally works, delicious and I love it!
    You can mix things in to make a soup (it will end up with texture, kinda think and chunky but not real chunky.. you'll still be able to have some of the texture of cottage cheese, just not all the texture (if that makes sense) which I adore 'cause it makes the soup have substance.

    All ya do:
    Put 2 cups of cottage cheese (one container is what I eat as a serving or you can make less) in a microwave safe bowl.
    Add sauteed onions and bell peppers
    Mix in 1/4 cup of whatever pasta sauce you like (I try to find low carb ones) - the one in the pic is Saucy Cajun. I've also used Tikka Masala, Poblano Sauce, Creamy Masala, Enchilada etc... (choices are endless)
    Add 1 grated Reduced Fat Mozzarella String Cheese Stick
    Add any spices if so desired (usually the sauce will have enough, but it's to taste)
    Pop in the microwave for about 3 minutes... remove, stir
    Top it with whatever you want.... The pic, I used some low carb tortilla strips I found, but I've also used crispy Jalapeno strips, crispy bell pepper strips, green onion, tandoori seasoning, paprika etc... or nothing at all LOL
    The combo of the cottage cheese and string cheese will give it substance and when you eat, the string cheese will kinda pull like eating cheese on a pizza LOL

    Enjoy... it's quite yummy!

  • caitlinbc87
    caitlinbc87 Posts: 58 Member
    I like sliced up cherry tomatoes and bacon bits
  • hthr1969
    hthr1969 Posts: 35 Member
    My favorite brand of cottage cheese is Good Culture (organic). NOTHING else compares! My favorite mix in is Eden brand spicy pumpkin seeds.
  • Buttermello
    Buttermello Posts: 127 Member
    I usually just mix in a LOT of black pepper..