

  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    It feels like fall here today...a far cry from the 100+ temperatures we have had all summer, it was in the high 40's this morning.

    I kind of got lost over the holiday, all entirely my own fault because I made potato salad full well knowing I could not resist eating more than I should. But, today is a new day and I am going to the gym and will go right back to staying on plan. I have a little over 6 weeks until our cruise and want to lose just a few more pounds. Think tonight's dinner will be grilled salmon and a big salad...not potato salad, lol, just a big green leafy one with lots of veggies.

    The TV on the recumbent bike at the gym has been broken for the last few weeks and think that it might be repaired today..woo hoo, it is so difficult to pedal for 40 minutes with nothing but a blank wall to look at..I try to play little mind games with myself just to keep from being so bored.

    Robert tore out the garden yesterday, this year we had a very sparse crop of veggies because it was just too hot here in Oklahoma...I still have a cuke and a tomato and serrano chiles growing in pots on my deck and since it has cooled this last week they have blossoms and tiny little peppers now.

    OK, a good week to everyone and I am off to the gym. xoxoSissy
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :happy: *Fit Kick* today: Walk at lunch time. Who else needs a *kick* in the B-hind today? :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Rebel :heart:
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I did indeed survive the wedding. Yesterday, the family was still here and we went out to Fort Larned National Historic Site for the morning. The weather was lovely and we had a good time. We had a picnic there at the picnic area. Anyway, the last of the company left this morning, and I am trying to return to the real world. I had to come in to work early today to tutor a geometry student, and will be staying late this evening to keep score at a volleyball game. Long day and I am already tired, but it will be okay. I did manage to pack all three of my meals for today before going to bed last night, so at least I won't be so tempted to grab junk (like a hot dog at the game). Happy Tuesday, all!
  • smelliott
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello, All!

    Hope you had a nice long weekend, those in the USA. We enjoyed the wedding in MN...I just love weddings. Such happy occasions! Everything was lovely and it was fun to see old friends!

    Our house here survived the onslaught of 14 adults and 12 children. They all paid for a cleaning service so that was wonderful. I saw it BEFORE it was cleaned and it was a big job! They had a great time and we were able to see everyone before they left. I think my DS and DDIL were exhausted though. It's a lot of work to be in charge of that many people!

    Birdie: If you find a nice substitute for the glass or glasses of wine, please let me know. That is my biggest challenge as well! It certainly puts me over my calories most days. In the winter I do have a cup of decaf hot tea that I like and that helps, but it isn't as nice as the red wine for me.

    I am taking a salad to a Potluck with some neighbors tonight. Another day, another challenge!
    Take care, dear ladies! Kackie
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks to all that has welcomed me to the group.I'm trying to remember names
    but it is hard for me, So bear with me.
    I don't know how the people deal with the heat.
    I live in the Pacific NW. I can't walk in this heat. 90 degrees
    I know it isn't as bad the midwest. And it won't be long before the rains hit.
    Just whinning
    Good about the heat I don't feel like eatting. But I'm forcing my self.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hello, All!

    Birdie: If you find a nice substitute for the glass or glasses of wine, please let me know. That is my biggest challenge as well! It certainly puts me over my calories most days. In the winter I do have a cup of decaf hot tea that I like and that helps, but it isn't as nice as the red wine for me.

    I also am a red wine person! I posted on another thread also and got this reply from one of the lovely ladies there:

    "someone mentioned diluting her juice to reduce calories. I dont know if that would work in wine, but grape juice might be nice, or grapefruit juice. There is a diet juice as well,but I forgot which one it is. Maybe a little wine mixed with it. My aunt always drank one glass of water with every glass of wine."

    Diluting wine does not appeal to me as much as having a glass of water with each glass of wine. I am going to try that. My hubby does that with his brandy. He sips some brandy and then some water. It might help a glass of wine to last longer, so perhaps drink less.
    I think with the seasons changing, I will have less time thinking about it as it gets dark early. In the warmer months....I especially like sitting out on the deck with my hubby and enjoying the sun and the outdoors with a drink. We also go out to eat more in the summer time because we live in the ocean state and have many lovely choices for eating outside with a view.Now it will get colder and darker so I won't want a drink until later in the evening before I go to bed. In the summertime we just love indulging in the wonderful weather :love: so am tempted to have a drink earlier.

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello ...

    I began another Weight Loss Challenge tonight. It was great to get inspired and to reengage the good things I've learned. I feel ready to make the changes I need to make. I also need to be alert. It's the little slips that lead to trouble. Being able to recognize the things I do that stall my progress before it gets to be BIG trouble is important to me. It still surprises me at how gradual the "road to going backwards" can happen. What are the things you do to keep the changes fresh? How do you stay alert??

    Birdie....I can understand your struggle. I think what can start out as a little way to unwind...can lead to me looking for it (be it wine or in my case ice cream) every night. Your post really made me think about how I can gradually add calories.....

    Have a good night!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Randy - congrats on the weight loss! That's awesome. Sounds like you're really going to do it, and I'm so proud you let me be a part of this great journey of yours.

    birdie - I'm sure you've had times when you've been doing great on MFP, right now you're in a bit of a slump. We all get there sometimes. I know that I just did and I'm trying my hardest to get back. According to the Wii (not what I would call exactly the most precise tool for measurement) I've been gaining the past few days, yet I've been under on my calories. Not under a whole whole lot. Sometimes your body just gets to its "set point" and doesn't want to lose any more weight. Don't get discouraged. You'll get there. I'm thinking that for Lent (OMG, I'm already thinking about Lent) I'll give up eating after dinner. That'll be a real sacrifice for me. I've tried it before and haven't succeeded. Can you maybe use 1/2 glass of wine and mix it with 1/2 glass of seltzer water (or something like that). That way you can have 2 glasses of wine, but only the calories of one. I could never give up totally what I like (in your case, the wine, tea or soda just wouldn't cut it for me).

    Went to mahjongg today. One gal asked me to bring to Mexican Train Dominoes tonight our card table and four chairs. That's not a problem. My fear is that where they're having it, it's getting really crowded and it'll only get worse. Well, maybe someone will mention something. I've offered our house, it's much larger and there's a room that was built specifically to be a game room so it's really large. I'm just going to make Vince leftover short ribs before we go. I will have something there, just nibbles

    Kathy - when we were looking for a house, we really wanted one without a HOA. Some of them can be mini-Nazi's. I remember that someone had a religious statue in their front yard, it wasn't real big or garish, yet the HOA made them take it down. When I told people here in NC (bible belt) about this, you can just imagine how that went over. Fortunately, our HOA isn't very strict. As a matter of fact, the rules state that you are to have a concrete driveway, but there are a lot of homes with a blacktop driveway. I really wish we could have a clothesline, tho. It wouldn't surprise me if in the future we were, if this country is trying to be energy-saving, using a clothes dryer rather than the sunlight contradicts that.

    Did an hour today on the Stairmaster. It's like a set of moving stairs. They have another kind that is like a pulley. Honestly, I'd like to see them get more of the ones like moving stairs. I realize that they are more expensive, but women and men need (not always) something with impact to help their bones stay strong. We have recumbant bikes, ellipticals, AMT (I think that's what it's called), but only the treadmill provides any impact (as far as cardio machines are concerned). Tomorrow I'll do water aerobics. I usually did yoga before, but I'm not real crazy about this instructor. She does the same thing week in and week out. That's great for some people, but I get bored too easily. So before the water aerobics, I'll probably go into the hot tub some.

    Talking about gardens -- I don't have one, I have the brownest thumb this side of the Atlantic. However, I really liked the beets but I don't want to have the scare of the toilet water being pink when I'm half asleep. I know there is a variety of beets that are orange, I may have to grow them myself (perish the thought)

    Here's wishing everyone a really nice evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: This is from "The Thin Commandments Diet" about maintaining your weight loss.

    • Remember to think historically, not calorically
    • Keep in mind that even though you’ve lost the weight, you haven’t lost the vulnerability
    • Stick to strategies and planning so you stay in control
    • Throw out all your larger size clothing
    • Keep problem foods you have a history of abusing out of your home
    • Set a weight ceiling and defend it
    • Keep a photo of yourself at your heaviest weight
    • Keep a food diary

    There may be a beginning and an end to weight loss, but never to weight control.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I do really well at all of them except the one about keeping problem foods out of the house........I still keep forgetting that I can't have just a little peanut butter on a banana, apple, or sandwich thin.....once I open the jar, I am ready to eat right out of the jar.........my other problem food is Kashi Go Lean Crunch and yogurt.........some of you may remember that the last time I bought the cereal i found myself eating it right out of the box.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :bigsmile: Michele, we moved into a neighborhood with a HOA after living in a neighborhood where people left their garbage cans at the curb all the time, parked their cars on the grass, had several junker cars in front of the house, and many other annoying things. We liked being somewhere with no signs of any sorts on the lawns and well cared for yards. It's interesting to hear your view on the subject......now we're in a place where we pay monthly for the space and have no say in the rules but there are no cars along the curb onron the lawns and no political signs but all sorts of decorations in the yards .

    :bigsmile: Joyce, I don't deal well with heat......we live on the North Olympic Peninsula in Washington where it is pretty cool all summer :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • charlibets
    charlibets Posts: 83 Member
    Hello Ladies - just found you today. I am 55 and working on losing 20-25 pounds. Just recently proved to myself that calorie counting alone doesn't work so well for me, so I'm back to carb counting too. I've started doing the c25K workout...not because I'm interested in running a 5K...but because the training phase is so much interval type training and I find that works well for me. I work out at home so I change it up occasionally so I don't get bored. My biggest challenge is to stay motivated to work out.

    I'm glad I found you all and hope to get to know everyone better. It's definitely a different time of life for weight loss than even say 15 years ago.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi

    :heart: Just to let you know I'm still about :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Sorry I've not been here lately, marking my spot for later. Hope you are all ok, - I'll need to catch up with the posts to see what is going on.

    Viv xx
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I made it through my long day of work yesterday, and was exhausted. Today is a little easier, just came in early for tutoring, school all day, and church choir practice starting for the fall tonight. I don't even have to cook dinner, as we will have dinner provided at the church. It's homecoming week here at the high school, and the students are a little wild and crazy. I guess it wouldn't be normal if they weren't though.
  • cathys01
    Hi Ladies:

    Just wanted to check in to let you know I will be gone for a bit. I have to get cracking and get ready for this cruise. I have not even started packing yet. We head out to Buffalo on Friday morning and then fly to New York Saturday to sail from there for a week's cruise on the Eastern Seaboard. I am so looking forward to it. Work has been nasty of late and extremely stressful so I will be glad to get a chance to unwind with my DH and unwind for a while!!

    So, Ladies, I will check in with you when I get back. Take care of yourselves. I will try to be accountable :laugh:

    Love, Cathy
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I am going to do this. I have changed my profile pic to remind me of what I once was so I can do it again.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Cathy...Have a great trip!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Hi Ladies:

    Just wanted to check in to let you know I will be gone for a bit. I have to get cracking and get ready for this cruise. I have not even started packing yet. We head out to Buffalo on Friday morning and then fly to New York Saturday to sail from there for a week's cruise on the Eastern Seaboard. I am so looking forward to it. Work has been nasty of late and extremely stressful so I will be glad to get a chance to unwind with my DH and unwind for a while!!

    So, Ladies, I will check in with you when I get back. Take care of yourselves. I will try to be accountable :laugh:

    Love, Cathy

    have a great time

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    I am going to do this. I have changed my profile pic to remind me of what I once was so I can do it again.

    robin, you can do this.....you have so many reasons, first one being YOU....now lets moving

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    hi all,
    i would like to introduce myself, my name is pam, i am divorced, 55 years old and a mother to 3 sons 30,27, and soon to 21....i never struggled with my weight until 9 years old when i was going through my divorce....and gain 50lbs....i kept the weight on for the last 9 years i think as some sort of shield....i didnt want any sort of relationship(i thought if i stayed fat no one would be interested in me),,,,i have always exercised, when i was younger(before children)alot, then as i started having a family and more responsilbities, i would exercise 2x a week...for the last few i have workout at least 5-6 week ......i started MFP in august of 2010 and i did well until january of this year, when i feel off the wagon, but i came back in may ...i have notice though that losing weight is so hard, i guess it must my age....

    well enough for now, its nice to meet you all
