Just Give Me 10 Days ~ Round 118



  • aFit50
    aFit50 Posts: 502 Member
    edited July 2020
    Tesha231 wrote: »
    @aFit50 Glad to hear you fasting while working out experiences. I've only done this the last two days, so not enough to share my thoughts yet. I usually IF 16:8, but because of my vacation and gym reopening, I lost another hour or so of the eating window as I don't eat after 7 p.m. Next week, I'm back to working from home (WFH) so I'll need to rework my workout schedule again. I'm thinking a fasted 2.5 mile morning walk and the gym in the evening....hmmm, not sure. 🤔🙂

    Hope you see good results! Definitely keep us posted!

    Happy Belated Birthday!!! @Shortgirlrunning
  • aFit50
    aFit50 Posts: 502 Member
    edited July 2020
    NYC, 54, 5'9" | GW: 170-180 < 25% BF | HW: 278 | SW: 225.4
    Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th. ~ Julie Andrews
    R115: 225.9 (+0.5)
    R116: 222.1 (-3.3)
    R117: 218.8 (-3.3)
    R118: ????
    R118 Goals: 9-12K steps daily / strength training 5 days / IF 16:8 4-6 Days / 2-3 meals, no snacks 7 of 10

    06/25: 218.8
    06/26: 218.5 -- set new step record yesterday (17,188 - yeah baby!) but its all hands on deck today. Glued to my desk with no relief in sight! They'll be no avoiding sitting on my tuckas way too much today ....
    06/27: DNW -- (less than 2K steps yesterday!) woke feeling a bit bloated from too much takeout, but the goal is to match or beat my step record today. Already have 9,000 steps in, about to do a TaeBo weighted workout and plan on breaking fast with some salad, scallops and pesto potatoes when I'm done.
    06/28: 216.9 ~ didn't match steps, but was more than 10K so happy about that! Corralled into working additional hours and just want to lounge around like a cat in the sun today. No plans at all.
    06/29: DNW -- (9,327 steps)
    06/30: 216.6 (worked 12 hours; 8,118 steps)

    07/01: 215.0 -- (lost a total of 9.6 lbs and 3.8 inches in June)

    07/02: 215.4 -- totally ok with this, no hugs necessary (9,899 steps and massive calorie burn)

    07/03: 214.7 -- Hopeful, but not realistic I'll hold on to it. They'll be some restraint, but I fully intend to enjoy all opportunities presenting themselves this weekend! No work, worries, counting steps or even thinking about weighing til Sunday. #MentalHealthDays ~~ #80/20Rule ~~ (ended 5,206 steps / 1,371 cals burned / 1,757 consumed)

    OK ~ couldn't keep myself from counting, lol

    07/04: DNW -- ended 8,293 steps / 1,967 calories consumed / 2,545 cals burned (MFP macros in the red, but according to GoogleFit ~ still a good day. no regrets)

    07/05: DNW -- drinking lots of water today to combat all the extra fat, sugar and sodium since Friday. More grilling, fish and chicken frying on the agenda today for the kids ~ but will mix it up with some salad. Will also keep moving, stretching and toning in tiny bursts as much as possible so not worried what the scale says tomorrow.

    Hope you've all had a good weekend! See ya next round.
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    Round 113 starting weight 213.4 ending 209.4 ~ 4 pound loss
    Round 114 starting weight 209.6 ending 206.6 ~ 3 pound loss
    Round 115 starting weight 206.6 ending 204.5 ~ 2 pound loss
    Round 116 starting weight 205.4 ending 204.0 ~ 1.5 pound loss
    Round 117 starting weight 204 ending 202 ~ 2 pound loss

    Starting to lose focus! Went away for a couple of days and. and fell way off the wagon. Got up and hiked 3.5 miles today and just had a healthy lunch....Hoping for a successful 10 days!
    06/26 205 = (. up, up, up... got a bit out of hand at the beach!
    06/27 203.8
    06/28 202
    06/29 201.2 movie right along ....
    06/30 200.6 I saw it! It flashed for one minute, but wasn't ready to stay in onederland.... soon!
    07/01199.2.... ONEDERLAND! So excited, I forgot to post 😂😂😂
    07/02 198.2.... Just want to socially distance from that 200 !!
    07/03 199.2. Just need to stay in ONEderland!! I did not workout or walk yesterday. On my way to the trails now.
    07/04 199.6. I just want to stay! I have been keeping up the good work!
    07/05 201.2. sad, but expected. I definitely over did it at a 4th get together. I physically, did not feel well. Got up and hiked first thing this morning. Back on track.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,629 Member
    Female 59, 5'3" - S.E. BC Canada
    MFP start October 28.18 – 191
    GW 115
    Round 95 - Nov 09 - 18.19 EW 158.4
    Round 96 - Nov 19 - 28.19 EW 158.4
    Round 97 - Nov 29 - Dec 08.19 EW 157.5
    Round 98 - Dec 09 - Dec 18.19 EW 159.0
    Round 99 - Dec 19 - Dec 28.19 EW 161.8
    Round 100 – Dec 29.19 – Jan 07.20 EW 159.8
    Round 101 - Jan 08 - Jan 17 EW 159.7
    Round 102 - Jan 18 - 27.20 - EW 160.1
    Round 103 - Jan 28 - Feb 06.20 - EW 158.1
    Round 104 - Feb 07 - Feb 16 - EW 158.2 - AVG 157.7
    Round 105 - Feb 17-26 - EW 154.7
    Round 106 – Feb 27- March 07 - EW 155.2
    Round 107 – March 08 – March 17 – EW 156.7
    Round 108 - March 18 - March 27 - EW 155.7
    Round 109 - March 28 - April 06 - EW 155.4
    Round 110 - April 07 - April 16 – 154.9
    Round 111- April 17 - April 26 - 155.3
    Round 112 - April 26 - May 06 - EW - 154.1
    Round 113 - May 07 - May 16 – 154.8
    Round 114 – May 17 – May 26 – 153.1
    Round 115 – May 27 – June 05 – 151.3
    Round 116 - June 06 - June 15 – 150.9
    Round 117 - June 16 – June 25 – 150.7
    Round 118 - June 26 - July 05 - 149.1

    Friday 06/26 - 150.1 - Hard to believe that we will be into July by the end of this round!!
    Saturday 06/27 - 150.0 - If I lose 0.1 each day I will lose a pound this round. Hoping and trying.
    Sunday 06/28 - 149.3 - Could be artificial because I slept in so late. However, I have been burning mega calories this past week.
    Monday 06/29 - 148.7 - New low. Very pleased.
    Tuesday 06/30 - 148.1 - So happy to see some results. Guess that I will stick with chicken breast and veggies for dinners and working out lots.
    Wednesday 07/01 - 148.4 - How great it would be to park in the 140s for awhile.
    Thursday 07/02 - 149.4 - Somehow gained a pound, hoping that it is just a fluctuation.
    Friday 07/03 - 149.2 - Loving this 10-day format. A reason to stay strict with myself for the next 2 days.
    Saturday 07/04 - 149.1 - Happy 4th to my southern neighbours
    Sunday 07/05 - 149.1 - I partied yesterday, I will have to be extra cautious today and work out lots.
  • fmfdfa2020
    fmfdfa2020 Posts: 969 Member
    edited July 2020
    7/2 118.5 had a high carb drink yesterday evening. Our OMAD has crept to 5 or later. Today it will be around 3 so I can go meet my gal pals and DH can go to a meeting. Virtual doctor appointment yesterday was great. My cholesterol has AGAIN improved while eating LCHF. We are both slightly anemic from giving blood donation 2 weeks earlier. Who knew it it could take 2-3 MONTHS to get your hemoglobin back up at our age!?! So adding iron to the pill boxes! He also wants me to take gabapentin to see if it helps my leg (sciatica) and that concerns me because it can cause weight gain.

    @quiltingjaine Yikes!!!! I did not know that Gabapentin caused weight gain! I take 300 mg 3 times daily for a total of 900 mg. I take it for restless leg syndrome. I have been on my feet and on the go for so many years straight that my legs don't know how to stop. Without it, I would not even be able to get the 3-4 hours of sleep I get now. It also helps with my occasional diabetic neuropathy. I knew that my cancer pill caused weight gain but I never knew about the Gabapentin! Sometimes it just seems like an uphill battle. All I can do is soldier on!

    Hi @deepwoodslady I have restless leg syndrome periodically but not often enough for meds so this simple trick I've used in the past may not work for you. When I do have it, it's horrible and there is no way to sleep, much less even stay in bed. I read about this technique - I think in Prevention, not sure - but you put your back against the wall squatted down like you are sitting in a chair and you stay there until you can't hold it any longer because your legs are so tired. That's the key, your legs almost burn from holding it. I know it sounds counterintuitive but it works for me every time. I've been up doing it many times at 3AM. Again, with yours being so bad that you needs meds, this may not work for you, but thought I would suggest if it happened to give you any relief.
  • fmfdfa2020
    fmfdfa2020 Posts: 969 Member
    Thank you @GrandmaJackie

    Goals this round:
    Get back to my lowest weight on MFP, 173.2!
    IF 18+ hours (pretty much normal for me now since I'm never hungry in the mornings)
    Row at least 30 mins a day / weights 6 out of 10 days
    5 vegie/fruit each day
    Water, water and more water!
    No sugar

    End of Round 117: 174.9

    06/26 - 174.9
    06/27 - 175.2 - RUH ROH!! - going in the wrong direction. I haven't been doing very well with calories or exercising the past few days. Got to turn it around!
    06/28 - 175.0 - okay, better day yesterday, thank goodness. Have to catch it early or I'm done for weeks.
    06/29 - 174.9 back to where I started this round ;)
    Here's a 2017 blog I found on MFP. A good reminder about weight fluctuations:
    06/30 - 174.7
    07/01 - DNW
    07/02 - 174.6
    07/03 - 174.5
    07/04 - DNW
    07/05 - 174.5 A small loss but I'll take it. Onward!

    180s / 170s / 160s / 150s / 140s / 130s

    Short-Term Goal: Back to my lowest weight on MFP: 173.2


    Daily Tracking from start of MFP
    12/27 - 186.0 (Joined My Fitness Pal - heaviest weight ever)
    12/28 - 185.2
    12/29 - 183.9
    12/30 - 182.7
    12/31 - 181.0
    01/01 - 180.6
    01/02 - 180.1

    01/03 - 179.9
    01/04 -180.0
    01/05 - 179.1
    01/06 - 179.3
    01/07 - 178.4
    01/08 - 178.7
    01/09 - 178.7
    01/10 - 177.9
    01/11 - 177.7
    01/12 - 177.8
    01/13 - 177.5
    01/14 - 176.8
    01/15 - 176.6
    01/16 - 176.6
    01/17 - 176.5
    01/18 - 176.0
    01/19 - 176.0
    01/20 - 177.0
    01/21 - 177.0
    01/22 - 175.9
    01/23 - 175.0
    01/24 - 175.4
    01/25 - 175.2
    01/26 - 174.8
    01/27 - 175.0
    01/28 - DNW - Out of Town
    01/29 - DNW - Out of Town
    01/30 - DNW - Out of Town
    01/31 - DNW - Out of Town
    02/01 - DNW - Out of Town
    02/02 - 176.4
    02/03 - 175.3
    02/04 - 175.5
    02/05 - DNW - Forgot
    02/06 - 177.5
    02/07 - 176.8
    02/08 - 176.1
    02/09 - 175.9
    02/10 - 175.2
    02/11 - Out of Town
    02/12 - Out of Town
    02/13 - DNW
    02/14 - DNW
    02/15 - 174.7 New Low
    02/16 - 174.9
    02/17 - 174.6 New Low
    02/18 - 174.1 New Low
    02/19 - 173.8 New Low
    02/20 - DNW (glitch with scale - and not that it weighed me too much LOL)
    02/21 - 174.7
    02/22 - DNW
    02/23 - DNW
    02/24 - DNW
    02/25 - DNW
    02/26 - 174.3
    02/27 - 174.8
    02/28 - DNW
    02/29 - DNW
    03/01 - DNW
    03/02 - DNW
    03/03 - DNW
    03/04 - DNW
    03/05 - DNW
    03/06 - 174.5
    03/07 - 173.9
    03/08 - 173.2 New Low
    03/09 - 173.7
    03/10 - DNW
    03/11 - 173.5
    03/12 - 173.4
    03/13 - 173.4
    03/14 - 173.3
    03/15 - 173.3
    03/16 - 173.3
    03/17 - 173.3
    03/18 - 173.4
    03/19 - 173.3
    03/20 - 173.4
    03/21 thru 04/09 - No weighing - Off the rails!

    04/10 - 180.6
    04/11 - 180.8
    04/12 - 180.2
    04/13 - 180.0
    04/14 - 180.0

    04/15 - 179.7
    04/16 - 179.2
    04/17 - 179.2
    04/18 - 178.9
    04/19 - 178.9
    04/20 - 178.7
    04/21 - 178.8
    04/22 - 178.3
    04/23 - 178.3
    04/24 - 178.1
    04/25 - 178.0
    04/26 - 177.8
    04/27 - 177.8
    04/28 - 177.6
    04/29 - 177.7
    04/30 - 176.9
    05/01 - 177.3
    05/02 - 177.1
    05/03 - 176.8
    05/04 - 176.7
    05/05 - 176.6
    05/06 - 176.6
    05/07 - 176.5
    05/08 - 176.6
    05/09 - 176.4
    05/10 - 175.9
    05/11 - DNW
    05/12 - 175.7
    05/13 - 175.5
    05/14 - 175.5
    05/15 - 175.3
    05/16 - 175.4
    05/17 - 175.4
    05/18 - 175.3
    05/19 - 175.3
    05/20 - 175.1
    05/21 - 174.9
    05/22 - 175.1
    05/23 - 175.0
    05/24 - 174.8
    05/25 thru 06/15 - skipped rounds 115 & 116 - traveling
    06/16 - 175.8
    06/17 - 174.6
    06/18 - 174.5
    06/19 - 174.3
    06/20 - 174.3
    06/21 - DNW
    06/22 - DNW
    06/23 - DNW
    06/24 - DNW
    06/25 - 174.9
    06/26 - 174.9
    06/27 - 175.2
    06/28 - 175.0
    06/29 - 174.9
    06/30 - 174.7
  • susiemcmac
    susiemcmac Posts: 356 Member
    I am back. 51 year old midwestern wife, mom and fully employed. Annoyed with myself.

    SW: 200.4
    UGW: 165
    RGW: 198

    06/26 198.6 - 90 minutes of cardio kickboxing
    06/28 198.6 - fine after pizza and wine. 55 minutes of weight training
    06/29 199.3 - sore muscles. 90 minutes of kickboxing
    06/30 198.9 - sore muscles continue. Hoping to do some yoga today to help
    07/01 197.5 - maybe the yoga helped! 50 minutes of weight training
    07/02 197.3 - 45 minutes of kickboxing
    07/03 198.6 - sore muscles 90 minutes of kickboxing
    07/04 198.0 - rest day
    07/05 198.2 - 45 minute walk. Not bad after ribs, corn, potato salad, corn bread, blueberry cobbler and wine!
  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
    Current start weight: 161.0
    Goal weight: 130


    06/30 161.0 I've been eating clean for two days. My biggest challenge is drinking water.

    07/01 160.6 Yesterday I had a rest day at the beach (recovering from 2 consecutive days of cardio sculpt with my personal trainer via zoom). Today I hope to make sure that any weight loss is not due to dehydration and I'll make sure to get some yoga and walking in.

    07/02 160.4 I have a training session with my trainer via zoom today. 4,918 steps

    07/03 160.8 This could be because I drank so much water during my workout. I'm ok with it. I also had to taste the jam I was making. You know. Strawberry jam with Grand Marnier. Only 4,181 steps and a couple of glasses of wine.

    07/04 160.0 Happy Independence Day! I'm surprised by any loss today because yesterday I felt like crap. No alcohol for me today because I have to train tomorrow.

    07/05 161.2 I don't believe this number. Going 500 calories over does not equal 1.2 pounds. What-ever. Strength training session today via zoom. I ordered my NordicTrack s22i because I miss spinning and need the cardio workout. I think it's time to cancel the gym membership. I don't think we're going back any time soon.

    Looking forward to round 119!
  • jamfullhouse
    jamfullhouse Posts: 292 Member
    5’7" Age 40's
    Original start weight: 178 lbs (Oct. 10, 2019)
    Goal this round: loose and stay under 160.0.

    Ultimate goal 145 lbs.

    End of round 117 6/25= 162.0 lbs


    6/26 159.4lbs. Back to counting calories, now just need to start my back exercises again. So much to do outside that I forget.

    6/27 160.8 lbs Unexpected quests in the evening led to campfire, pizza, smores and a few beers. Ugh, way over on calories because I wasn't expecting to even eat in the evening. But a great time. I always thought it was harder to keep weight off in the winter but it is summer for me.

    6/28 158.9 lbs So when I first weighed the scale was actually 20 lbs less, I have an old house and the wooden floor is wavy in spots, goodness get one board over and you loose weight, who needs a diet. LOL Just find the weight you like and weigh there.

    6/29 DNW

    6/30 160.8lbs ugh, I do good all day until evening time, then I crave everything.

    7/1 161.0 lbs not sure for the gain, calories were under but some were from beer with friends again unexpectedly.

    7/2 157.8 lbs Going to town with friends for grocery shopping hoping to hold unto some of this.

    7/3. 157.0 lbs

    7/4 DNW

    7/5 157.8 lbs Not to bad for it being the fourth yesterday.

    Loss of 4.2 lbs for the round and am below 160. Hoping to stay there all next round.
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,396 Member
    fmfdfa2020 wrote: »
    7/2 118.5 had a high carb drink yesterday evening. Our OMAD has crept to 5 or later. Today it will be around 3 so I can go meet my gal pals and DH can go to a meeting. Virtual doctor appointment yesterday was great. My cholesterol has AGAIN improved while eating LCHF. We are both slightly anemic from giving blood donation 2 weeks earlier. Who knew it it could take 2-3 MONTHS to get your hemoglobin back up at our age!?! So adding iron to the pill boxes! He also wants me to take gabapentin to see if it helps my leg (sciatica) and that concerns me because it can cause weight gain.

    @quiltingjaine Yikes!!!! I did not know that Gabapentin caused weight gain! I take 300 mg 3 times daily for a total of 900 mg. I take it for restless leg syndrome. I have been on my feet and on the go for so many years straight that my legs don't know how to stop. Without it, I would not even be able to get the 3-4 hours of sleep I get now. It also helps with my occasional diabetic neuropathy. I knew that my cancer pill caused weight gain but I never knew about the Gabapentin! Sometimes it just seems like an uphill battle. All I can do is soldier on!

    Hi @deepwoodslady I have restless leg syndrome periodically but not often enough for meds so this simple trick I've used in the past may not work for you. When I do have it, it's horrible and there is no way to sleep, much less even stay in bed. I read about this technique - I think in Prevention, not sure - but you put your back against the wall squatted down like you are sitting in a chair and you stay there until you can't hold it any longer because your legs are so tired. That's the key, your legs almost burn from holding it. I know it sounds counterintuitive but it works for me every time. I've been up doing it many times at 3AM. Again, with yours being so bad that you needs meds, this may not work for you, but thought I would suggest if it happened to give you any relief.

    I’ve struggled with this too, yet not enough for meds. Maybe not even as much as y’all do. But a hot bath has always helped me. I’ve gotten up many times in the middle of the night to go draw hot bath water. Really helps me. Also, I pull my toes as far toward my knees as I can and hold it as long as I can. My “jitters” are in my calf. Don’t know if that’s true of everyone who gets it.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,163 Member
    Round 118
    ROUND 76 FOR ME.

    “Today…..I am choosing me!”



    Highest weight ever (2014/2015): 253
    Original starting weight for this current journey : (1-11-2018) 235.0
    R117 EW= 208.5
    R118 EW= 207.5

    Current New Goals:

    Short Term Goal: To weigh less at the end of this round than I did at the end of the last round.
    Final goal: 145-155. We’ll see how I look & feel when I get there.
    Exercise: Walk 3 or more miles per day a minimum of 4 x per week. Do aerobic dancing at home a minimum of 3 x per week.


    COLOR CODE: Fuchsia is a Happy Weight Loss for me. Blue is a sad weight gain.Black is no change.
    R43 through R53 (06/07/18 thru 09/24/18) = …..19.4 LOST (Ending weight 176.0)
    R53 through R63 (09/24/18 thru 01/02/19) = …..9.5 GAINED (Ending weight 185.5)
    R63 through R73 (01/02/19 thru 04/12/19) = …..6.3 GAINED (Ending weight 191.8)
    R73 through R83 (04/12/19 thru 07/21/19) = …..3.6 GAINED (Ending weight 195.4)
    R83 through R93 (07/21/19 thru 10/29/19) = …..7.4 LOST (Ending weight 188.0)
    R93 through R103 (10/29/19 thru 02/06/20) = …4.1 GAINED(Ending weight 192.1)

    R103 through 113 (02/06/20 thru 05/06/20) = …..12.2 GAINED (Ending Weight 204.9)

    R114 = ……0.7 GAIN(Ending Weight 205.0)
    R115 = ……xxx GAIN(Ending Weight 209.2)
    R116 = ……0.5 LOST(Ending Weight 208.7)
    R117 = ……0.2 LOST(Ending Weight 208.5)
    R118 = …… 0.7 LOST(Ending Weight 207.8)

    06/25 …..208.5….. ENDING WEIGHT LAST ROUND
    06/26 …..208.5 ….. Good luck this round everyone! I am hoping to make a bigger difference on the scale this time. A whole pound (or more) would be nice!

    06/27 …..208.5 ….. Making decent choices but not logging like I should. Still no sleep or downtime. Very tired.

    06/28 …..208.8 ….. I ate the two buns on the hot dogs. Carbs, carbs, carbs.

    06/29 …..208.8 ….. Another L..O..N..G day. Barely getting this documented before midnight!

    06/30 …..207.9 ….. Finally a bit of a dramatic drop on the scale for me. More snacking and grazing than eating yesterday due to time constraints so I hope this sticks!

    07/01 …..207.9 …..

    07/02 …..208.0 ….. Normal fluctuation and readjustment to yesterday’s loss.

    07/03 …..207.9 …..

    07/04 …..207.9 …..

    07/05 …..207.8 ….. My goal is to lose anything possible. My loss is 0.7 lbs so I will take it and strive to do even better next round.