Reboot Boogaloo, September - open group



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hey, new people, post again!

    Did better yesterday due to declaring a day of non food rewards. Blog post about this if you're interested.

    Today is writing/editing and a walk. Also more not stress eating and patience.:wink: tomorrow, I attack at dawn. Or something like that.:tongue:

    Shortest post ever, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I didn't have time to post this morning! We are out at the in laws right now and will be leaving soon. Got a walk in. Windy and 82! Love it!
    No news from Russia today. :( Hope it comes tomorrow. Getting antsy!

    Quick check in boogaloo!
  • everytimeifeelthespirit
    weird day. weighed in for Weight Watchers online and have lost 4lbs this week. And so what happens...I get completely and utterly depressed for the rest of the day and end up eating a big honkin piece of rich carrot cake. I did walk about 2 km today which is ok I guess. SO confused.

    boogaloo bleh.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,787 Member
    I'm in Corpus again. The fires are still burning, and the smoke is all the way down here.
    There was a new one last night, and the animal shelter I volunteer with had to be evacuated. So we now have an extra cat. Hopefully all will be ok this morning. I would like to do something nice for the firefighters, but I can't think of anything.

    I don't know what kind of exercise will happen today, but I'm aiming for a walk

    Rain please, boogaloo
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Mary, we thought we smelled fires yesterday while we were driving but didn't see any smoke. Turns out the new fan my hubby put on the mustang was melting! :grumble: No fires, just a burning plastic smell. Nice. I think a see a car for sale in the near future. I hope the fires get contained soon and that we get some good misty/rainy days!

    Sarah, why would you get depressed over four pounds? That is awesome! Keep your head up!:flowerforyou:

    We had a fairly good weekend. I can tell we are stressing though because we've been having a lot of heated discussions and making faces at each other when accidental comments are made. Yeah, we need to chill out. I didn't log yesterday but I didn't eat much because I wasn't feeling that great. I will try to log again today. Lots to do this week. Laundry and cleaning to catch up on, finishing up the house, errands to run, shopping to do. I hope to hear some news from overseas today!
    My back is still bothering me! I might try to do the gorilla app today since it doesn't really involve back muscles, and then maybe the P90x stretch. I have yet to do either one of those. But after all my Tuesday morning errands I may just clean house. :ohwell: I have goals/plans, but I just don't know if I will get to them.

    Too much stuff going on boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    weird day. weighed in for Weight Watchers online and have lost 4lbs this week. And so what happens...I get completely and utterly depressed for the rest of the day and end up eating a big honkin piece of rich carrot cake. I did walk about 2 km today which is ok I guess. SO confused.

    boogaloo bleh.

    Why depressed? not enough? sometimes I get depressed over success, like it's a letdown, or I need to "celebrate" it in a weird way. Yesterday was a mopey day. Over now, and keep going. Today is a new, less depressed day, or something.:wink:

    Today I have to go up to campus, and probably there isn't a fight. I have to go check a bulletin board for my assignment. Really? a bulletin board? is this 1897? Sorry, totally a first-world problem but it's a two hour commute to look at a bulletin board when someone could/should call or email me and tell me what I need to know. I could put it off until later in the week, but best to get it done. Blergh.

    Off to positivity: today I will eat real food (went out and had pub food, including, interestingly a shared piece of carrot cake (maybe it was the fall T.O. air yesterday?) and drink lots of water and move to combat my own mopeyness. I think most of mine is uncertainty/change of seasons. I also have to get packing/preparing as I leave Sunday, which will be here soon. Yikes.

    Real food, no more stress eating, and remembering to be gentle with myself because I am stressed.

    That's enough for anybody, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    We have news from Russia! We can go any Sunday through Saturday! We could even go as early as this weekend but it would be a bit stressful trying to get everything together. So it looks like we will be leaving the 17th-24th. :bigsmile: We will work on booking an apartment and plane tickets tonight. I can hardly believe this part of our journey is nearly over. When you've been waiting for something for three years it tends to become a dream, and one that may never happen.
    I was tempted to stress eat on the way home from my errands. I was super hungry and stressed so fast food sounded good. I came home and had my low carb taco salad and herbal tea. I did have a couple of cookies though. :blushing:

    My daughter is coming home boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    WOW MM!!!! I am so excited for you. It's been so long in coming that it's hard to believe it's real and it isn't even happening to me. . .I can't imagine what ya'll are going through.

    Here's hoping everything moves forward perfectly!:heart:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Sarah, I am the same way sometimes - as soon as I actually make some progress, I immediately find a way to discount it ("yeah, that's great, but...<insert depressive self-abuse here>"). Anyway, like V said - today is a new day. Reboot! :flowerforyou:

    MM, I'm so happy for you! And good job on not stress-eating.

    Mary, yikes - I hope they are able put the fires out soon. So sorry about the pines. :frown:

    V, how'd your trip to campus go?

    New folks, what are your goals today/this week?

    I had a pretty nice weekend, though I ate a few too many sweets. For this week, drinking water and getting to bed early as much as possible. And no more sweets until the weekend. I am just going to try to get through this week (crazy work stuff) and then set some better (or, slightly more ambitious) goals for next week.

    Oh, I also have committed to my husband to work on a project. We have been wanting to do some work on our kitchen pretty much since we moved in 5 years ago. But I'm so afraid of screwing things up, and I can always think of so many questions I need to answer first, or interdependencies between different decisions (can't decide on the floor until we decide if we're changing the layout; can't decide if we're changing the layout until we know what options are feasible; etc.) that I never make any progress. So, this may sound silly, but I am drawing up a project plan for myself to re-do the kitchen - complete with all the dependencies, and (most importantly) DEADLINES for making certain decisions (so I can't spend the next 5 years in research mode). Anyway, my deadline for giving him a plan WITH A DATE by which the wheels of actual work will begin turning is Saturday. :ohwell:

    Deadlines, boogaloo.
  • everytimeifeelthespirit
    thanks for your encouragement! today was a better day, I walked over 3 km and did about 3 hours work prepping for my choir and other projects. I feel it has been a pretty productive day. Let's hope I can keep some consistency.

    blessings to you all!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,787 Member
    I'm so excited for you MM!

    I can't imagine redoing a kitchen.

    Going back home today - walk this morning, yoga tonight.

    Short, boogaloo
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    CP, I hope you get the kitchen remodel decisions made and they come easy for you. That would be a fun, but difficult thing to do. I hope it all turns out like you want!

    Mary, safe travels today!

    V, how did the campus trip go?

    Sarah, it sounds like you had a good day yesterday. :heart:

    Newbies, where did you go?

    I didn't log yesterday. I should have. I think I needed to. Then I felt really really nauseated after dinner last night. I don't know what that was all about. Steve said it was anxiety. Maybe. I hate that my stomach gets nauseous when I am nervous/anxious. It only makes me feel more nervous/anxious. It may have been something I ate too. I need to limit my dairy intake. My lactose intolerance gets worse the more stressed out I am. I did clean for an hour or more yesterday and got the house looking really decent. :happy:
    I'm not sure what's happening today. There's always some cleaning to do, so I will probably do that for about an hour or more. I'm logging my food. I need to make a grocery list. I am working out today. I don't know what I am doing. It will either be a walk or the stretch P90X video, which I haven't gotten to do yet. Or both. Steve is working late tonight so it's going to be difficult to be motivated to go to church.
    We tried figuring out all the flights last night but they weren't working out. It's looking like we may have to drive to Houston again to fly out. :grumble: We could fly on AA with a stop in London, but the return flight leaves Moscow at 5:50 AM. Andrei will drop us off at midnight like he did the first trip we went. It was awful for us that time waiting for 5 hours in rock hard chairs, trying to sleep. It would be worse this time with a five year old, who's exhausted and probably scared. It would also cost my mom over twice as much to go. We have airline miles. Anyway, it's kind of a mess. Steve's contacting a travel agency to see if they can come up with something better. We were planning to fly to Houston because it issn't that horribly expensive, but there weren't enough seats left on the flight we need to make it to the connecting flight. :ohwell: So I don't know what's going to happen. I won't worry about it. That's my husband's job. :tongue:

    Ten more days (I hope!) boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    As is my usual mode, this time I was worried about nothing, although I essentially had to beg the secretary to please just tell me my assignment if she knew, because I was going crazy times.. I'm still going to go have a talk with my union rep because when I went to see the interim dept head to get my contract, she said "eye roll, those probably won't be ready until November." and when I asked her if I would get paid on time, she replied "probably not, eye roll, you guys really need to relax." luckily I had gone into her office with a colleague of mine, who is Jamaican, and she grabbed me by the arm and whispered in my ear "keep your head down, sister." which allowed me to smile and nod, say nothing and leave the office. Wow.:noway: note to self for future office visits: hit record on voice memo before entering office.

    Anyway, today is a pretty busy day, in which I will try to walk a lot and maybe do some reverse planning. I have a zillion deadlines coming up, and another one came up yesterday when I was informed of a journal doing a special issue pretty much tailor made to my topic, deadline for submission Nov. 1st. :noway:

    Oh, yeah. . .fitness and food! I went to the produce market and laid in a supply of requires-no-thought good for me food I can eat while writing or editing. Mary and CP might find the following interesting: in my "eat but don't binge" plan, I eat meat a lot less. I still eat it, but now only once or twice a week. My body does seem to desire it (anemic person) but not nearly as often as I used to think when I wasn't paying close attention.

    Today's goals are: real food in fueling portions, lots of walking and introducing my husband to the gorilla trainer. I need encouragement to do it, and he's been expressing an interest in doing "something", so maybe that could work. Also, I have therapy, and acupuncture.

    Sorry, I have crossed the line from novella into tome.

    Fight the Power, boogaloo:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Good morning. :yawn:
    Had some crazy dreams last night so I am out of it this morning.

    Since I am not getting work outs in because too much is going on, I decided to concentrate on my eating for right now. If I exercise, great. If I don't exercise okay, as long as I stay within my cals. My stomach has been torn up for a couple of days and I'm pretty sure it's because of what I am eating and also because dairy right now is just not good for me (due to stress). So I *hope* to log all my food for the rest of the week and into next week, today. If I already have it planned out, then I will know what to eat and I won't have to go searching for stuff in the pantry which inevitably leads me to not so healthy stuff. I don't know how I could log my food every week, but it would probably be a good idea to try. And things will change. I will eat something different than planned but I will then know how much I can have ahead of time and still stay in my cals. So that's what I am going to try to do today after going to the store.
    I really need to start walking again to prepare for our trip, so I will work that in when I can. I am wearing tennis shoes to Moscow this time (weather permitting) and I am hoping the walking will be not as far and slower since we will have a 5 year old with us. (BTW we have not been able to book plane tickets yet. It just hasn't been working out yet.)
    So goals today: grocery shop, log my food for a week, get a walk in, and some more general cleaning around the house. Oh and lists for myself and for other people to prepare for the trip.

    Determined boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,787 Member
    I'm with you on the crazy dreams - mostly involving fires and cats. Our forecast today is : areas of smoke. Yuck. Though it looks rather clear out now.

    V - I would have had a fit. "Relax because we aren't getting paid? Are you out of your mind? What would you do if they withheld your check?" I think that would be an hour walk just to get over that - in the stress/exercise meter.

    So I'm back on the computer and fast typing again, so I can update y'all. We took a cat from the shelter on Monday since the shelter was in the path of one of the fires. Luckily, every thing is ok. The cat left this morning. My cats are happy about this. Janis has a growth in her ear. We should hear the results of the biopsy in a few days. My husband had a heck of a time juggling all this while I was away. I would like to do something really nice for him. Usually, this is the type of stuff I take care of.

    Today: long walk this morning. I would like to just zone out on the treadmill for awhile. Yoga tonight. Hopefully, the smoke will be cleared tomorrow and I can go for a bike ride in the cool morning.

    Update, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Did we scare off new folks? I think we're friendly. Are we not friendly?

    Anyways. . .Have pretty much decided to go have a talk with the union rep when I get back from the trip. It is not OK to treat workers or people in general this way, and I for one will not put up with it. I will at least calmly put my complaints/dissatisfaction on record. I think it was probably good that I did not get up and speechify at the meeting itself, as it would have only caused trouble for me personally/politically this year in the department.

    In other news, had my last "restorative" summer session yoga class today. It was v. good, essentially just 5-6 different versions of savasana. I'm trying to decide how much work/technology to take/how much to leave on next week's trip. I'm actually considering not taking my laptop and just taking a notebook (old school!) I want to do some writing on the convention itself while I'm at the convention, but also realize that I will be doing a lot of moving around, so there will need to be downtime as well. Today is the first day I've really been able to sit down and do things like figure out "what time my plane leaves" and the like.

    Walked to/from yoga. Going out to hear some music tonight. that's enough for today. Resting up for the stress of travel. Have I mentioned that I hate to fly? Not looking forward to the extra security that will no doubt be in place on Sunday when I'm flying, on three connections on little teeny tiny commuter planes. ugh.

    Glad to hear that kitties are OK for now, Mary. These fires seem super scary from where I'm sitting watching the news, so they're internationally famous, in case you were interested.

    Getting ready for the road, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    V, I pretend that I like to fly. I tell people that I don't mind it. But I really do. I think I say that I don't mind it so they won't think I'm afraidy cat or something. :laugh: So I am with you about flying. And I get to do it in just 10 days and then with a five year old girl I barely know. Wow. I hope everything goes smoothly for you, especially in the air.

    Mary, we smelled smoke here the other night from the fires down there. It was just whiffs of it. I can't imagine having to smell it strong day after day. I heard that like 800 homes have been destroyed. I am praying we get some good rainy days soon. (Looks like it's raining in Moscow a lot right now. I'd rather it be here for sure!)

    I got quite a bit accomplished today but no "work out". So far I'm staying in my calories. Feeling pretty hungry though so I hope I don't pig out tonight. My back is hurting worse today. I really can't have it hurting this bad when we go to Russia. No bueno! We finally got the adult tickets bought for the trip but getting a one way for our daughter has proven to be most difficult. The airlines want to make sure the child is not flying alone. We also may have an apartment booked by tomorrow morning. It will be close to the touristy area so finding English speaking places for food will be easier.
    Anyway, I might see if DH wants to go for a walk this evening, if we have time.

    Posted twice boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I hope we didn't scare off the new people. Come back new people! And Pebbs we haven't seen in awhile!

    I logged on to MFP and it said I had -80 calories left for the day. Must be a glitch. Then I realized I have already logged my food for the day! :laugh: Some days I'm just not fully here.
    Have any of you been jetskiing before? Steve signed up for a Groupon thing two months ago. We have to go this weekend, or it's just not going to happen. I don't really want to go but my only reasons not to go are fear based and I refuse to give in to that. I just wondered if it's fun. I don't want to fall off. Steve said part of the fun is getting wet. Not for me. I like going fast and I like riding a motorcycle, but I'm not sure about doing both of those on water. I'm not really looking forward to it. And I don't want to get sunburned! I haven't been burned this year and I'd prefer to keep it that way. I don't really care a whole lot about being tanned and all that, like I used to. I'd rather not get skin cancer.
    Okay I'm done venting. Today is Bible Study, more prep work for the trip, eating healthy, basic cleaning and hopefully a walk. We leave one week from tonight! Ack!

    No fear based excuses boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,787 Member
    Jet skiing is fun, MM. It's alot like riding a motorcycle. I think you'll enjoy yourself.

    Are you going to sign up for another yoga class, V?

    I had a dream last night that we were running to catch the train, I couldn't find my purse, we couldn't get the tickets to print, etc. Which is amusing if you've ever traveled by train. Most of what you do is sit and wait. I've been looking at the status of other Texas Eagle trains - the fastest one was 30 minutes late, the least promising was one that was 9 hours late - most are 1-2 hours late right now. I'm going to go get our tickets printed this weekend. I worry that there will be a problem. Actually, one time I really screwed up and thought our reservation was for a day earlier than it was (I guess it could have been worse - a day later!). So to calm my mind, I will make the drive downtown. Or...I could ride my bike. I did need somewhere to ride this morning.

    Today: ride my bike, yoga this afternoon. I didn't really do yoga yesterday - I lazied out (can't believe lazied is a word).

    Lazied, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Ugh, there are workmen on our roof (so maybe it won't rain in my bedroom this spring?) but it's my teaching day, and they're using a smelly generator and the whole building is shaking and I can't find my first student's number. I want to flee my apartment.

    In other news, goals for the day are to flee (absolutely beautiful day outside) in an active way. Mary, the senior teacher wasn't there to speak to about what class I would fit into for active practice. I think I will email her, as she's always busy even when she is there.

    I'm in denial about my trip, haven't done any of my over planning. Probably tomorrow will be a planning binge, but really, there's not much to plan. Really it's just go and watch and write.

    Building shaking boogaloo.:flowerforyou: