German Body Composition

dewit Posts: 1,468 Member
edited July 2020 in Fitness and Exercise
I've started lifting at home with dumbells following GBC. After 8 weeks I switched to M&S, the 4 days/week split programme. I am happy to return to GBC and I read that you can either alternate Day 1 and Day 2, to train 3 times a week or (if I understand it correctly) lift a whole week according to Day 1 (3 x week) and switch to Day 2 the next week and so on.

Any advice on which combo is best? Any experience with it, to know what brings better results?

Is a 48h rest between lift days compulsory? If I do cardio with weights (see below) every now and day during "off" days, will this impede progress? I am not so worried about fatigue. Should I be?

Further infos:
* the other days I'm doing HasFit Torch 2, because I rather train than starve and don't feel like this is draining me
* until I have sleeping under control, I wont be able to get a proper macro ratio; darn sweets bring too much fat in my diet


  • dewit
    dewit Posts: 1,468 Member
    Good morning to the American mfps. I am posting at unpopular times, so trying my luck by bumping this in "recents". ☺
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,463 Member
    I'm in the US, have been a lomg time lifter and to be honest I have never heard of the programs you mention.

    Perhaps links or descriptions of the programs would be helpful.
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    I don't have any direct experience with any of the three programs you listed but better outlining your goals and what you define as "results" will help direct posts and provide more targeted advice.

    from what I could learn from a quick google about these programs, GBC and the M&S 4 day split are aesthetics focused and HasFit Torch 2 is a pretty standard as-seen-on-TV-style 30 day home workout program, touting accessibility, efficiency (only 30-45 minutes a day!), and maximum fat blasting power :| .

    In my judgement, the program you pick has less to do with success than execution, consistency, and diet (noun, not verb). If you want to build muscle, pick a well designed program and follow it. Assuming it has an element of progression involved, you should get stronger and/or gain muscle if you follow through consistently. Prioritize getting enough protein each day to support said muscle growth and you should be on your way.

    Based on your comment of "I rather train than starve" I'm guessing you're relying on that cardio program to create your caloric deficit for fat loss. That's fine but i suggest still having some element of process control on your diet in the event you suffer an injury or need to skip a workout for any reason. It's fairly well studied that exercise alone is often insufficient for weight management, despite what the fitness industry is intent on peddling.
  • dewit
    dewit Posts: 1,468 Member
    I chose GBC out of these reccomandations:

    Once I decided on the programme, I used this for further guidance:

    As for M&S, I asked on MFP what to do next and was suggested to try it. Happy I did.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,394 MFP Moderator
    GBC is a 3-4X a week program, that cycles 2 workouts. It goes ABA, BAB. If you can, just keep going every other day if possible.

    It's largely based on essentric or concentric overload thru Time Under Tension (metabolic stress essentially). I haven't run this program continuously but did try it. It was unique and is probably that isn't too bad to work in occasionally if hypertrophy is the goal.

    Like stated, if you enjoy the program and you are seeing gains (strength, size, etc) then its an appropriate program. What i found is that TUT can impact your ability to increase weight. May be a mute point of you are able to see increased TUT.
  • dewit
    dewit Posts: 1,468 Member
    Thank you, @psuLemon

    Any advice on whether doing cardio with weights on the other days would interfere with lifting (muscle fatigue or any other reason for concern)?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,394 MFP Moderator
    dewit wrote: »
    Thank you, @psuLemon

    Any advice on whether doing cardio with weights on the other days would interfere with lifting (muscle fatigue or any other reason for concern)?

    I would cardio that won't interfere with recovery or impair leg days. I generally play tennis or even a light cycle.