

  • Nica_LosN_It
    Nica_LosN_It Posts: 115 Member
    Hello teammates,

    I have a split second here. I want to thank everyone for the support and prayers. I can not express how much it means to me to have you all supporting me. My daughter is in need of all of the prayers that she can get.
    I am so emotional these days, so I may type things that don't make sense. I could not stop crying today. My daughter got worst lastnight. I will update her caring bridge later. I completed todays challenges. Too far under calories. My appetite sucks right now.
    Anina, yes you can do the 5k/funraiser for my daughter.
    TTYL. She is in pain and I just want to hold her, but I can't because of the pain:sad: God, help us!!!!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Nica my prayers will be with you and you family. I am so sorry for the trials you are having to go through. You are such a strong and amazing person. God Bless!
  • Lori_menorahlover
    Hello teammates,

    I have a split second here. I want to thank everyone for the support and prayers. I can not express how much it means to me to have you all supporting me. My daughter is in need of all of the prayers that she can get.
    I am so emotional these days, so I may type things that don't make sense. I could not stop crying today. My daughter got worst lastnight. I will update her caring bridge later. I completed todays challenges. Too far under calories. My appetite sucks right now.
    Anina, yes you can do the 5k/funraiser for my daughter.
    TTYL. She is in pain and I just want to hold her, but I can't because of the pain:sad: God, help us!!!!

    Nica praying for "Dee", you and your family today. TY so very much for the update. It's killing my heart that she is in pain today. I've asked others to start praying as well. :heart:
  • Trans4mations
    Trans4mations Posts: 90 Member
    Hello everyone! My power is back on and I am in the process of trying to catch up on everything....give me a bit..but,

    Nica - You and Dee are in my thoughts and prayers. I am in awe that you find the time to participate in this challenge with all that you and your family is going through.

    Lori - I would like a personalized team pic if you are still able to do it.

    Everyone - you guys are doing fantastic!

    Love and hugs to all!
  • Lori_menorahlover
    Hello everyone! My power is back on and I am in the process of trying to catch up on everything....give me a bit..but,

    Nica - You and Dee are in my thoughts and prayers. I am in awe that you find the time to participate in this challenge with all that you and your family is going through.

    Lori - I would like a personalized team pic if you are still able to do it.

    Everyone - you guys are doing fantastic!

    Love and hugs to all!

    Reesa, I will have it done by tomorrow and send it to your MFP mail. LOVE YOU and I'm THRILLED you have electricity again!!!!
  • Trans4mations
    Trans4mations Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks Lori.

    Above water, under calories, and challenges done :) ... I did the Points Tracker sheet...

    Goodnight all!
  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    Just checking in before I hit the sack and start over again tomorrow. Over on water, under on calories, tabata, bear walk, and Bushmen challenges completed. Tomorrow I will attempt a 5k :):):)
    I had everyone in the house do the bear walk with me tonight...yes, for 5 min. my husband, son, daughter, and two of my teenagers were all bear walking in a big circle through the living room and around the dining room table. :laugh:
    I hope you all sleep well tonight and get good rest for the week ahead.
    Good night and God Bless each and every one of you,
    :heart: Marie
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Lori not sure how to add the points.

    I did all challenges, low on calories, super high on water, I did 10 miles today.. Can you add the points so I can look at them and figure out how I should put it.
  • Brandirina
    Brandirina Posts: 67 Member
    Hi all! It's the end of the third day of a week long survival with the in-laws in town. Today's challenge was that they wanted to go to Taste of Colorado - where I was surrounded by fair food. But I was victorious! I stayed away from the fried goodies and had some wild boar and some alligator (gotta love CO!) instead - Yummy!

    Way over on my water, under on my calories, exercises finished. Good night!
  • janetj518
    Hi All,

    Today was a fabulous day!:glasses: Went to dinner with friends tonight and knew that sushi would be a feast. Limited myself to 2 rolls and 2 tobiko and 2 bites of hubby's cheesecake (so delish) and I was still under calories. Then we went to the carnival and that's where I saw it... the Waffle Cone Sundae vendor. OMG!!!:noway: I walked up to it, looked at the menu, smelled the fabulous scents coming from the homemade waffle cones and... yep. I did it...I WALKED AWAY!!!:drinker: :bigsmile: I was so proud.

    I can not believe that I walked 4 miles today. 1.5 for regular exercise and 1.5 for the challenge and 1 for the team challenge. Did the Jumping Jacks (ICK) split squats, crunches and bear crawl too. Under calories and over water for the day too. (Due to the soy sauce, I better be over water for the next week!)

    Hope everyone had a great day.

    P.S. - Nica, I am saying prayers and thinking of you and yours!! XOXO
  • aninamika
    hello everyone it's getting past my bedtime so this will be real quick

    today: tabata followed by bushmen series exercises - just completed the final exercise which was 20 push ups.
    over water and just made it under cals. Tomorrow I won't be able to be here except to check out exercises and challenges. Hopefully Thursday I will have more time.

    Love to everyone and promise will catch up properly soon xx
  • kjnicol
    kjnicol Posts: 198 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Sorry but this is just a quick note to check in as I can hardly keep my eyes open:yawn: :yawn: .
    So I did todays and yesterdays exercises
    was under cals both days
    and over water both days.
    attempted the bear walk but will have to try to make it to 3 mins 2morrow.
    I'll be back to check in 2morrow and hope to have time to read and see how everyone is doing.
    sweet dreams everyone I know I'll be having some!!
  • Lori_menorahlover
    I have a lot to catch up on this am. I will go back and read everyone's posts in just a moment but first want to post today's challenge for anyone who needs it:

    ★GOOD MORNING TRIBE VICTORIOUS SECRET★ Here's the link to Gary's blog: http://www.mfpchallenges.blogspot.com/ WEEK 2 - DAY 2!! ********************************************************************************* PYGMY - Day 2 – 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers. Same water and calories challenge plus Walk, Run or Jog an extra mile this week. (This is a mile above days 1, 3, 5) IF you choose you would 1 mile for daily and 1 mile for weekly on days 1,3,5. For each day you do an extra mile your team will get an additional bonus point. 1 point per day per participant) ********************************************************************************* BUSHMEN - Day 2 - 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of 15 Woodchops, 20 Pushups (modified if needed). Same water and calories challenge plus Walk, Run or Jog a 5K this week. For each day you do a 5K (3.1 miles your team will get an additional bonus point. 1 point per day per participant).
  • Lori_menorahlover
    Ok I went back and read all of your posts and I am EXTREMELY proud of the team we have assembled here!!!! We have a really strong core group where everyone is being loyal to coming in here and posting. You guys are a team captain's dream!!!! Have I thanked all of you enough yet? Didn't think so! THANK YOU!!!!! THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!

    Ok now I have one favor to ask of you all and that is hold me accountable this month and I mean really do it! Team I've lost 116 pounds and have only 6 more to go to hit my goal. 6!!!!!! I want to hit my final goal by the end of this month. I want it and I want it BAD!
  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288

    Ok now I have one favor to ask of you all and that is hold me accountable this month and I mean really do it! Team I've lost 116 pounds and have only 6 more to go to hit my goal. 6!!!!!! I want to hit my final goal by the end of this month. I want it and I want it BAD!
    No problem Lori, we're all gonna rock it this month and that starts with you! :bigsmile:
    I've completed my Bushmen exercises for the day and am currently working on logging in miles so I can get my 5K in today, watching my food choices and drinking lots of water. What have you done so far today? :wink:
    September is gonna be epic! Team Victorious Secret will be Victorious! :drinker:
    :heart: Marie
  • Lori_menorahlover

    Ok now I have one favor to ask of you all and that is hold me accountable this month and I mean really do it! Team I've lost 116 pounds and have only 6 more to go to hit my goal. 6!!!!!! I want to hit my final goal by the end of this month. I want it and I want it BAD!
    No problem Lori, we're all gonna rock it this month and that starts with you! :bigsmile:
    I've completed my Bushmen exercises for the day and am currently working on logging in miles so I can get my 5K in today, watching my food choices and drinking lots of water. What have you done so far today? :wink:
    September is gonna be epic! Team Victorious Secret will be Victorious! :drinker:
    :heart: Marie

    Thx Marie that was a very cute post!!! I'm just now back from the track and getting started on my weights after I finish these almonds, lol! Ty for the support!!!!!!!

  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    Hello Beautiful People!
    Just checking in before bed. Bushmen series - check, 5K run/walk in 48 minutes - check, bear walk - check, under calories - check, over water - check, I think that's everything.
    Tomorrow is hump day which means the week will be half over and we need to get out there and push hard :bigsmile: My family and close friends have our annual beach trip for a week at Myrtle Beach the week of the 18th and I need to loose at least 3 pounds before then and the more the better :smile: So let's start a new day and live it like there's no tomorrow :drinker:
    Good night all and sweet dreams!
    :heart: Marie
  • Trans4mations
    Trans4mations Posts: 90 Member
    What a long day this has been! Whew! I hope everyone is doing well. I'm headed to bed, but pygmy challenges done plus extra mile, over water and way under cals.

    Love and hugs to all. Goodnight.
  • janetj518
    Hi All,

    Not a very good day for me today. So tired. Was up at 3:30am after going to bed at 11:30pm. Then back to bed at 5:30am and back up at 7:15am. Just sluggish, but shall be better tomorrow. I vow to get sleep tonight!! Challenge done, regular exercise done, extra mile done, under calories (barely but under) and over water. Hope everyone had a great day!!
  • aninamika
    Hey everyone!
    Just not long ago got home and I'm about to hit the sack. Today and for the rest of the month I'll be a Pygmy however, I'll be kickin' it off with a TABATA workout.


    1 min bear walk, 50 crunches, 100 jump jacks, 25 split squats
    2 miles

    Really hoping to have a chance to fill you all in on the morrow. Until then, keep up the AWESOME WORK! xx