Craziest thing you’ll read today



  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    TLDR: As you said, metformin may be prescribed for weight loss (depending on the country). As I said, should the OP want to explore pharmaceutical products for weight loss, she should discuss it with her healthcare team.

    not just as you said - just as everyone, including me, said.

    Nobody said otherwise. OP was never going to do otherwise.

    You seem getting on your high horse about something nobody condoned or implied in any way.

    I am leaving this now so as not to further derail the topic -as OP said, this thread took a turn and I have no intention of continuing to further that.

    Good Luck Uma. :)

  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    Uma, how's everything going for you.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    Your aunt, besides being rude, is just full of baloney.

    I'm going to respond to each of them one at a time.
    1. Liposuction

    Liposuction really only works for spot reduction of surface fat deposits. It is not used for weight loss, is major surgery, and has many possible complications.
    2. Injection for weight loss which costs 400 USD
    I assume she is talking about lipotropic injections which are basically vitamins, especially B12. They must be used in concert with a reduced calorie diet and exercise to keep side effects at bay and none of the ingredients have been shown to enhance weight loss in research.
    3. Amway product ( her cousin lost weight because of some magical drink)
    Ah, Amway. One of the oldest and most firmly established multi-level-marketing companies (glorified pyramid scheme, barely legal ponzi scheme). No, there is no Amway, GNC, Vitamin Store, Beach Body, NOOM, etc. product that will cause weight loss long term. Some might make you lose some water weight. Some might speed you up a bit but you can just drink some coffee or tea and get the same effect. Old amphetamine-based diet pills are illegal in many countries.
    4. Steal Metformin from my mom and take 1 tablet everyday. Metformin is a diabetic meds . My mom has diabetes yep
    I've taken multiple Metformin every day for years. Oh, would that it really worked for weight loss! Sadly, you can remain quite "well rounded" on Metformin. I'm living proof.
    5. Cut out rice completely forever.
    Rice calories are no more likely to fatten you up than other calories. Eat 1 cup less cooked rice a day and you will save about 220 calories. In one year, at that rate, you could lose about 11 kilos. Oh, wait, you already did better than that.
    6. Stop doing gym because it’s making my upper body look bigger ( losing my femininity)
    Women don't suddenly become bulky weight builders and no one develops that sinewy, muscle builder look without hours in the gym every day.

    Just tell her you are going to stick to your own methods which are to eat less and move more -- the only things that work. (Then start taking bets in the pool for when she starts complaining you are too skinny!)
  • Dayannahernandez30
    Dayannahernandez30 Posts: 30 Member
    Tell her if she pays the lipo you will go..