Victorious Vixens September Challenge (CLOSED GROUP)



  • sknopps
    sknopps Posts: 166

    cals: under
    water: over
    exercise: complete
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    Daily Checkin for 09/06/2011:

    Cals: under
    Daily exercise challenge: done
    Water: double
    Weekly team challenge: half done
  • Daily Check in


    Cals: under
    Daily challenge: Done!
    water: Yes!
    Weekly Challenge: 1 extra mile walked!

    Thank you, TEAM VV, for your continued hard work!!! You are the BEST!!
  • Hi, my name is Candice. I have 1 daughter, Audrey. I have been married for 7 yrs. I work at the YMCA so there is no reason why I shouldn't be at the gym everyday. I weighted 85lbs at 19, got pregnant at 20, weighing about 125. Got back down to 110. Went thur 8 rounds of fertility treatments last year gaining about 20lbs. I steadily gained weight after my daughter and eventually topping out at 136. And for a girl thats 4 ft 11inches with a small frame, thats signifigant. I started MFP with some girlfriends in Feb. Lost about 15 lbs gaining 5 back on vacation and lost 3 of those last week.
    I'm really excited to start in a new group. I want to push myself as hard as I can. My goal is to be at 110 Oct 15th for my husbands reenlistment ceremony, 8 yrs in the Navy. Ultimately I want between 100-105.

    Hey CNParker,

    I can relate when you mention gaining weight during pregnancy. First pregnancy barely gained and bounced back. Second gained a little more than first pregnancy. Bounced back, but not as with the first child. Then, I hit my 30's and it went south. I weighed 95 lbs in my teen and 20's at 5'3". Now I'm trying to get back down to 105 from being 114 lbs. Last week I really started hitting the workouts hard beginning the P90X program. On week 2 and haven't lost motivation yet. Good luck with your fitness goals!
  • CNParker
    CNParker Posts: 108 Member
    Daily check-in:
    September 6, 2011:

    Calorie challenge: completed
    Daily exercise challenge: completed
    64 oz water: yes
    mini-challenge 5k: completed
  • Daily Check in


    Cals: under
    Daily challenge: Done!
    water: Yes!
    Weekly Challenge: 1 extra mile walked!
  • mikeyken
    mikeyken Posts: 118 Member
    daily check in sept 6

    Cals: under
    daily exercise: done
    exercise challenge: done
    64 oz H2O: done
    weekly challenge: extra mile jogged
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    Daily check-in:
    September 6, 2011:

    Calorie challenge: under
    Daily exercise challenge: done
    64 oz water: over
    mini-challenge 5k: done
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    Daily Check in


    Cals: under
    Daily challenge: Done!
    water: Yes!
    Weekly Challenge: 1 extra mile jog/walked!
  • daily check in sept 7

    Cals: under
    daily exercise: done
    exercise challenge: done
    water: done
    weekly challenge: Walked an extra mile
  • I am so impressed by our team!!! Ihave been reading through the check ins, and th enewsfeed updates...we are getting strong and lean!!! TEAM VV!!! RAWR!!!

    Daily check in

    Sept. 7, 2011

    Cals: break even
    64 oz water: YES!
    daily challenge: yes!
    Extra mile walked: Yes!!! Woohoo!

    (Insanity Max Cardio workout DONE)
  • CNParker
    CNParker Posts: 108 Member
    Daily check-in:
    September 5, 2011:

    Calorie challenge: completed
    Daily exercise challenge: completed
    64 oz water: Yes +some
    mini-challenge 5k: completed, I'm pretty sure my legs hate me now.
  • sknopps
    sknopps Posts: 166

    Cals: under
    daily exercise: done
    exercise challenge: done
    water: done
    weekly challenge: extra mile on elliptical- hope that counts.
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    Daily check in Sept. 7, 2011

    Cals: under (too under actually)
    64 oz water: double
    daily challenge: done
    Extra mile walked: yes

    I didnt log my exercise because I did not have my HRM on and I am way to under my calories for today as it is. My stomach was upset most of the day. (stressed, not sick) :(
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    daily check in sept 7

    Cals: yes
    daily exercise: done
    exercise challenge: done
    water: done
    weekly challenge: Walked/Jogged an extra 1.5 miles
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    daily check in
    Sept 7

    Cals: under
    exercise challenge: done
    water: done
    weekly challenge: Well I biked 10 miles, but I supposed that shouldn't count seeinngs how it was biked and not ran, jogged, or walked. Sorry my feet were killing me cause of new shoes :(
  • How long does victorious vixens challenge last? Just the month of September?
  • CNParker
    CNParker Posts: 108 Member
    Daily check-in:
    September 8, 2011:

    Calorie challenge: completed
    Daily exercise challenge: completed
    64 oz water: Yes
    mini-challenge 5k: no
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    Daily check in Sept. 8, 2011

    Cals: under
    64 oz water: double
    daily challenge: done
    Extra mile walked: yes
  • daily check in
    Sept 7

    Cals: under
    exercise challenge: done
    water: done
    weekly challenge: Well I biked 10 miles, but I supposed that shouldn't count seeinngs how it was biked and not ran, jogged, or walked. Sorry my feet were killing me cause of new shoes :(

    Hi Mios,
    GREAT JOB!!! You do get to count the "extra mile"! Individuals can bike it, rollerblade it, walk, jog, run, elliptical trainer...the goal is to do a mile in addition to everything else for the day. Fantastic job!!!