Women 200lb+, Let's Be Extra Awesome This August!!!



  • charsuzy
    charsuzy Posts: 234 Member
    Hello, please friend me! I was COSAFE1

    My account was deleted so I'm using this account I had last year...trying to rebuild on MFP, lost all my information!
  • charsuzy
    charsuzy Posts: 234 Member
    cosafe1 wrote: »
    Walking progress... I'm not good at exercising - I'm not motivated but I have been walking 30 mins/day for the last three days and feel better already! I also download the Map My Walk app that connects to MFP and this makes the walk funner to track and I like that it maps out where I walked. I believe I've not made the progress I want because I'm not very interested to do exercise but I'm holding myself accountable with the MMW app now. I hope to see progress in the coming weeks :)

    This was me - I am now found under CHARSUZY. I am trying to add friends again, please feel free to add me! <3
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    edited August 2020
    32F, 5’3”
    SW: 245
    Goal 1: 220
    Goal 2: 200
    Goal 3: 185 **Previous LW**
    UGW: 140-170 (will reassess closer to goal)

    Week 1: 226.2 (🔻 3.2lbs)

    Weightloss Goals:
    🌻 No snacking after 9pm - (7/7)
    🌻 No more than one 12oz soda per day - (7/7)
    🌻 Mitigate stress with exercise, not eating - Not so much... but I didn’t overeat either, so 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • BrownSugar174
    BrownSugar174 Posts: 311 Member
    So yesterday my hubby and I decided to go to our favorite spot for a cheeseburger and sweet potato tater tots. We decided ahead of time to split both. We had not been to this spot in over a year. It was wonderful.

    Now normally when we wake I fix a small breakfast (yesterday was supposed to be one slice of bacon, 1/2 an avocado and orange juice for me). Instead of eating breakfast at our normal time we headed out to do lawn care (I burned 1,000 calories). I’ve done this before. I didn’t have anything until after finishing (Chobani Greek Yogurt Drink and hardboiled egg around 11:00am).

    After I ate my 1/2 of the burger and sweet potato tater tots (around 3:00pm) within an hour I was absolutely starving like I hadn’t eating one shred of food all day long. I mean like a hunger I haven’t felt in almost two years.

    I ended eating some ground turkey with orzo pasta, three chicken wings, mandarin fruit cup and then peach ice cream🤯 (all small serving sizes).

    Was it what I ate that caused such hunger?

    Further, this morning I get on the dang scale and I was 223.2 pounds. I am not gonna record that weight at all because What! The! Hell! The day before I was 227🤯.

  • speyerj
    speyerj Posts: 1,369 Member
    @brownsugar174 - you were starving because you burned 1000 calories doing yard work! It's okay to eat back those calories. And yes, that weight drop is real. You had a big whoosh, no doubt from sweating up a storm the day before. Nice going! And I'm glad you got to indulge in your favorite foods.
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Hi everyone! I’m new here so I’d like to introduce myself and give a little background so I’m not a stranger :)

    My name is Cate (Caitlin, not Catherine if you’re interested 😊) she/her pronouns, I’m 34, married and I’m a first time mom to a beautiful 7 month old girl named Logan. Her dad and I met at Logan airport in Boston when we were 19, So to say I’m obsessed with her name would be an understatement 🥰 I’m a special education teacher in CA, originally from MA.

    Years ago I tried MFP when I was living with my parents after college and I lost 30 lbs, getting me to about 155 (my lowest adult weight - go me!!) My weight has fluctuated over the years, but I’ve stayed around 185-220 for the last 6. The day I learned I was pregnant I weighed 208. I was super healthy during my pregnancy, and a week after I gave birth I was down to 185 (a VERY pleasant surprise!) This didn’t last very long, and then COVID hit, and I got up to 223. Not fun.


    Almost the same situation but my little guy is 15 months old. It completely sucks to know that I had essentially lost the weight gained during pregnancy only to have gained it back plus some in his first year of life. We're hoping to try for another one at some point, so I'm trying to shed some pounds before we go back down that path. If we're blessed enough to have another kid, I'm not gonna let history repeat itself! We got this!
  • changeforeverlj
    changeforeverlj Posts: 222 Member
    Monday Check-in
    SW 230.78 lbs (16/03/2020) 104.9 Kgs

    03/08 83Kg 182.6 (-0.3Kgs) (-0.66lbs)
    10/08 82.8 kg 182.16 (-0.2kgs) (-0.44lbs)

    I definitely had more calories on a few of the days, and I'm 3 days short of completing my 5th 30-day challenge. I will really watch the type of calories I'm eating, was good with water so will continue that, I was good with walking. So I'm focusing on the long term goal and realizing it comes with highs and lows as long as I keep on with the daily discipline! I'm hoping for a better swoosh this week, the last two weeks haven't been great!
  • changeforeverlj
    changeforeverlj Posts: 222 Member
    @orangequilt Great loss! You should definitely take it!
    @brownsugar174 Well done on the yard work! That's some calorie burn! I love the fact that you halved your burger and tots, and then just ate small portions later and had a great loss! That's how I want to be eventually once I've lost a lot more!
  • changeforeverlj
    changeforeverlj Posts: 222 Member
    @speyerj Great loss Jane, you are doing a lot of exercise, 20 000 steps a day is amazing!
  • changeforeverlj
    changeforeverlj Posts: 222 Member
    @wanderinglight Well done on your loss! I get what you mean about doomsdayscrolling I also do it, sometimes without even realizing it! And FB is really awful! And by the way another great swimming top!