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30 Pounds and Counting! (Closed Group)



  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    Hey everyone, today is my weigh-in day and I am sad to report that I have gained 3.1 pounds! That's right…3.1 (puts me back in the 180's – blast them 180's). I am not shocked by this as I have half assed it for the last 2 weeks as I had a lot going on (I am making excuses – I take full responsibility for the gain) but I am back on track as of yesterday and hoping that the 3.1 will melt off this week as quickly as it was acquired.

    My goals this week is to work out at least 5 days for an hour a day and up my water intake. Hope everyone else had a more successful week then myself.

    Dont give up!! We all have set backs! If we catch our set backs soon we can change it and not make it a huge set back!! It is so much easier to gain weight. I just keep telling myself that, for every pound that I gain it is just that much harder to get off again. :( GRRR why is that?
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    Lost 1 pound this week. I was really shooting for 2 because that would have put me at 179 and at the 170s!! Oh well next week is a new week.

    I set up my long term goals last night. Me and my husband talked about my rewards and set some up so now I have some goals in my head :) Also wanted to report that he has lost almost 25 pounds to my 5. He is almost at his goal weight and I am no where close so i hope when he is just maintaining it doesnt throw me off cause he is a really great motivater. And he starts hunting season this next week so he wont be home as much :( He has gotten up and ran this last week and I have maintained my workouts without him in the evenings so hopefully I can keep them up.
    ~~In other words I will need your guys' support!!! :)
    Goals this week:
    16 miles
    2 strength training sessions
    complete daily goals posted on here

    We r at the same weight. I was hoping to hit 179 too but didnt. Maybe we can help each other to really stick to our goals this week to achieve the 170s. Also, my husband is tall and thin and has never had to diet his whole life so if i can workout and eat right without him doing it with me, then i know you can do it too once ur husband hits his goal and is away hunting. Come on...lets hang in there and work hard to get to the 170s!!!! :smile:

    Did you make it to the 170's this week!!??!!??
  • rmjj5
    rmjj5 Posts: 55

    Ok I totally forgot to post that I lost 1 pound last week so that puts me at 179 and into the 170's!! So happy to be there but I really want to start seeing at least 2 on the weight loss per week. I have a long weekend so I hope that I can get 3 good, long and intense work outs done. I have been really good to get some good work outs done during the weekend because I know if I dont I probably wont reach my goal of working out 5 days a week. (I am pretty busy during the week)

    My husband got me a juicer for my birthday and have been experimenting with some juicing. Lots to learn about what to juice and what combinations are good together. Thinking of doing a reboot juicing fast. Here is the link I have been looking into. Watched a netfix movie on this guy and It was SSOOO interesting: http://jointhereboot.com/
    I would love some thoughts that you guys might have on this subject. I have not gone all day with just juicing but on the weekends I have replaced 2 meals with juice and feel incredible throughout the day :)

    That is a great loss! Congrats on breaking into the 170's!

    About six weeks ago there were many posts on the forums about the juicing fast which was sparked by the documentary, I believe they were under the nutrition or support if you have the time to search for them they had a lot of suggestions and opinions in them.
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    I don't know how I feel about fasts.. granted I don't have much information on them.. I personally wouldn't do one, but hey.

    For the past 3 days, I have been pretty off track, and the results showed up this morning on the scale. I'm thinking it's mostly water weight, but any weight gain just seems so significant. I'm starting fresh again today, upping my water intake, and getting a kick-*kitten* workout in. I'm thinking of jogging for about 20-30 minutes, then doing my 6 week 6 pack video. We will see if I can do it. My goal is to see 159.9 on the scale this Weds, but this morning I was 164.. I've noticed I've been creeping back up on emotional eating and I don't want that to happen. :( I will keep you updated!

    How is everyone else?
  • happyjacks
    happyjacks Posts: 31 Member
    Happy Holiday Weekend Ladies! Ugh. I really hate the long weekend! Yesterday was College Football Saturday at our neighbor's house - LOTS of stuff to eat. I think I did well keeping the grazing to a minimum, though I did eat two store bought sugar cookies. But no soda and no alcohol (they don't think I am any fun anymore!!! LOL)

    Went to a arts & Crafts fair today - they were selling funnel cakes, cotton candy, caramel apples, kettle corn, ice cream.. all sorts of goodies. I LOVE funnel cakes, so it was really hard to pass that one up, but I settled for some kettle corn. I still think I deserve to lose 5 lbs as a reward for passing up the funnel cake. LOL

    I was up on the scale this morning, but nothing too bad - I am trying to pay attention in terms of how my weight gains/losses are affected by my hormone levels at various times of the month. I think I am entering the "stall" time period and for the next two weeks the scale won't move much... and then BOOM - I drop weight really easy for a couple of weeks.

    I am enjoying reading everyone's updates. I totally sympathize with the frustrations on the gains.... I chart daily and my graph is a roller coaster for the most part - thankfully mostly down hill, but man, the days the scale is up, I get VERY irritated. I remind myself that patience is so important - I keep telling myself that. Patience Patience Patience. I need to tattoo that on my arm. LOL
  • Betheroo
    Betheroo Posts: 26 Member
    Even though it's been a rough week or two for a lot of us, it actually was really motivating for me to read people being honest about where they are at, because it's been a bummer of a week for me, too. TOM, lots of emotional eating, been afraid to even step on the scale. But I want to keep working downward, so I'm gonna keep chugging water and working on logging calories again (been just doing exercise - too depressing to count the calories I've been eating). I am going to pull out the inspiration page I made for myself a few months back (lots of great images and quotes from an inspiration thread I saw a while back) and reset my mind.

    Oh, and about the juicing, we have a terrific juicer and my husband does juice every morning for breakfast (usually carrot/apple, sometimes with spinach). He also does a few weeks of juice fasting every year, usually at the beginning of his teaching year, sort of as a focus/vision time. He usually loses a little bit of weight, which is nice, but mostly he just says he feels a lot better and healthier and has more clarity when he does it. If you are juicing both fruits and vegetables, you should be getting good nutrition and the calories usually are on target for what you would need for the say anyhow. Maybe a little lower because you aren't snacking .:smile:
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Even though it's been a rough week or two for a lot of us, it actually was really motivating for me to read people being honest about where they are at, because it's been a bummer of a week for me, too. TOM, lots of emotional eating, been afraid to even step on the scale. But I want to keep working downward, so I'm gonna keep chugging water and working on logging calories again (been just doing exercise - too depressing to count the calories I've been eating). I am going to pull out the inspiration page I made for myself a few months back (lots of great images and quotes from an inspiration thread I saw a while back) and reset my mind.

    Oh, and about the juicing, we have a terrific juicer and my husband does juice every morning for breakfast (usually carrot/apple, sometimes with spinach). He also does a few weeks of juice fasting every year, usually at the beginning of his teaching year, sort of as a focus/vision time. He usually loses a little bit of weight, which is nice, but mostly he just says he feels a lot better and healthier and has more clarity when he does it. If you are juicing both fruits and vegetables, you should be getting good nutrition and the calories usually are on target for what you would need for the say anyhow. Maybe a little lower because you aren't snacking .:smile:

    I'm glad we can keep you going! I tried to log some of my emotional eating days, but it seemed to just make me feel worse. Just put it behind you and keep on truckin'! And yes, throw back the water. I had 11 cups the other day, PLUS a cup of tea, I think I peed out like 5 lbs... :laugh: Looking at the success stories always gets me so motivated. Have you tried taking progress pictures of yourself? I take them every month, and it has helped SO much.
    Happy Holiday Weekend Ladies! Ugh. I really hate the long weekend! Yesterday was College Football Saturday at our neighbor's house - LOTS of stuff to eat. I think I did well keeping the grazing to a minimum, though I did eat two store bought sugar cookies. But no soda and no alcohol (they don't think I am any fun anymore!!! LOL)

    Went to a arts & Crafts fair today - they were selling funnel cakes, cotton candy, caramel apples, kettle corn, ice cream.. all sorts of goodies. I LOVE funnel cakes, so it was really hard to pass that one up, but I settled for some kettle corn. I still think I deserve to lose 5 lbs as a reward for passing up the funnel cake. LOL

    I was up on the scale this morning, but nothing too bad - I am trying to pay attention in terms of how my weight gains/losses are affected by my hormone levels at various times of the month. I think I am entering the "stall" time period and for the next two weeks the scale won't move much... and then BOOM - I drop weight really easy for a couple of weeks.

    I am enjoying reading everyone's updates. I totally sympathize with the frustrations on the gains.... I chart daily and my graph is a roller coaster for the most part - thankfully mostly down hill, but man, the days the scale is up, I get VERY irritated. I remind myself that patience is so important - I keep telling myself that. Patience Patience Patience. I need to tattoo that on my arm. LOL

    Good job on your self control with just getting the kettle corn! I know what you mean about the funnel cake.. SO. GOOD. I've also hit a stall but I've really been pushing water and trying to work out as much as I physically can.

    My goal this week: Burn 500+ cals each day for 5 days this week. I've got weigh in on Wednesday, and I am SO hoping to see 159.9999999. I need that push! I feel like I might get a boost in my motivation if I can see that I'm FINALLY in the 150's. I've lost almost 15 pounds guys! I never though I could do it. I still have about 20 to go, but I am still so proud of myself. My boyfriend STILL says he can't see any difference ( I MEAN REALLY?! :grumble: ) But that's okay, it's only motivating me more so he can finally tell me he sees a difference :)
  • happyjacks
    happyjacks Posts: 31 Member
    Happy Wednesday!!! I am surprising down 0.8 lbs. I will take what I get as the scale was not being cooperative over the long weekend. I think part of the problem was I didn't eat my "once-a-day salad" that I usually eat (corrected that starting yesterday!) and likely the hormonal issues associated with ovulation and TOM. (I hate being a woman sometimes!)

    I was thinking about it last night that the scale difficulties really put it to test my whole committeemen to eating healthy. I've told myself that it doesn't matter what the scale says, this is just HOW I EAT from now on. The scale will eventually cooperate, but I can't let it dictate how I do things simply because it was up 2lbs after eating two little sugar cookies!

    I am committed to the long haul. THAT will be the difference this time. No excuses. ;)

    Alexandra_anne - looking forward to hearing your weigh-in report! May there be a 5 in the middle! :)
  • for beautiful ladies here who goal to shed 15 to 20 lbs and no time to make lots of exercise you can try herbalife products.
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Happy Wednesday!!! I am surprising down 0.8 lbs. I will take what I get as the scale was not being cooperative over the long weekend. I think part of the problem was I didn't eat my "once-a-day salad" that I usually eat (corrected that starting yesterday!) and likely the hormonal issues associated with ovulation and TOM. (I hate being a woman sometimes!)

    I was thinking about it last night that the scale difficulties really put it to test my whole committeemen to eating healthy. I've told myself that it doesn't matter what the scale says, this is just HOW I EAT from now on. The scale will eventually cooperate, but I can't let it dictate how I do things simply because it was up 2lbs after eating two little sugar cookies!

    I am committed to the long haul. THAT will be the difference this time. No excuses. ;)

    Alexandra_anne - looking forward to hearing your weigh-in report! May there be a 5 in the middle! :)

    You are always so positive, I love it! Good luck on your eating healthy. I'm doing so much better than I did when I started, but I am still not fully used to it yet. I get angry when people eat things I can't have which is a little childish but when food was so much part of your life it's hard to just take it away.

    As for me, I was 161 this morning... I think I will be in the 150's by next week, and if I'm not I will literally cut off fat from my body until I reach it. :laugh:
    I posted new pictures (they are the ones of me in the bikini). It is a size S top and a size L bottom, the same one I wore to Hawaii at my lowest weight last October. I also posted a blog if anyone is interested in seeing my measurements. I added up the difference from when I first started and I have lost 20.5 inches.

    How is everyone else? And why is it a ghost town again??
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member

    You are always so positive, I love it! Good luck on your eating healthy. I'm doing so much better than I did when I started, but I am still not fully used to it yet. I get angry when people eat things I can't have which is a little childish but when food was so much part of your life it's hard to just take it away.

    As for me, I was 161 this morning... I think I will be in the 150's by next week, and if I'm not I will literally cut off fat from my body until I reach it. :laugh:
    I posted new pictures (they are the ones of me in the bikini). It is a size S top and a size L bottom, the same one I wore to Hawaii at my lowest weight last October. I also posted a blog if anyone is interested in seeing my measurements. I added up the difference from when I first started and I have lost 20.5 inches.

    How is everyone else? And why is it a ghost town again??

    Wow that is great on all the inches you have lost!! And you are looking wonderful!!

    I feel the same way you do when I see what people are eating and know that I can't (or shouldn't) have it. It gets depressing sometimes but then after I ignore them and don't have what they are eating I get super proud of myself and feel SOOO much better then if I would have eaten it.

    AFM: I was up one pound :( Its my TOM so I am trying not to get discouraged and hopefully next wednesday I will see it go back down. This week I have been running and doing the 30 day shred and my muscles are super sore, also I think I am retainig water from sore muscles so double whammy this week. Hopefully next week my body will be more used to this exercise routine and not be so bloated. I am keeping up with my water intake and getting 8 hours of sleep so that is a plus.

    ITS THURSTY THURSDAY EVERYONE!!! GET THAT WATER INTAKE UP :drinker: (I know some of you thought I was talking about beer but NOPE, WATER!!!!!) :laugh:
  • rmjj5
    rmjj5 Posts: 55
    So today was my weigh in day and I have lost 2.6 of the 3.1 pounds that I had acquired in the pervious 2 weeks. I am happy about the loss as it puts me back in the 170's but was really hoping to see all 3.1 go this week.

    I am trying to step up my activity and will really have to as football season has started. I am sure that I can make healthy choices snack wise on Sundays while watching the games but I really enjoy drinking my beer while watching so I will have to do extra all week to burn off the extra beer calories....wish me luck.
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    So today was my weigh in day and I have lost 2.6 of the 3.1 pounds that I had acquired in the pervious 2 weeks. I am happy about the loss as it puts me back in the 170's but was really hoping to see all 3.1 go this week.

    I am trying to step up my activity and will really have to as football season has started. I am sure that I can make healthy choices snack wise on Sundays while watching the games but I really enjoy drinking my beer while watching so I will have to do extra all week to burn off the extra beer calories....wish me luck.
    Great job on getting those pounds off!!
    It is always a relief when the pounds you put on just melt away!!
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    This weekend was a rough one!! We had our annual Harvest Fest at my town this weekend and I drank way to many beers. I did not eat anything while I was there so I was proud of myself for that and I was very active during the days this weekend so I am hoping that it will balance itself out. I got on the scale this morning just to check it out and I was not up any weight so I was happy about that. Now I just have to kick some butt these next couple days to get some weight off for this weeks weigh in!

    Goal this week:

    5 days of 1 hour work outs (probably 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes of 30DS)

    How did everyone else's weekends go?
  • rmjj5
    rmjj5 Posts: 55
    This weekend was a rough one!! We had our annual Harvest Fest at my town this weekend and I drank way to many beers. I did not eat anything while I was there so I was proud of myself for that and I was very active during the days this weekend so I am hoping that it will balance itself out. I got on the scale this morning just to check it out and I was not up any weight so I was happy about that. Now I just have to kick some butt these next couple days to get some weight off for this weeks weigh in!

    Goal this week:

    5 days of 1 hour work outs (probably 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes of 30DS)

    How did everyone else's weekends go?

    Great will power on refraining from eating the foods at the festival :drinker:
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Well, it had been a rough week for me. Very bad eating, not enough working out, PMS. I know I'm bloated and maybe gained a few and I'm way too scared to get on the scale. I think I'm going to wait until my monthly weigh in which is October 5. I feel like I might not be as obsessed about each pound. It's also been very stressful as I'm moving back to my hometown from the woods and I've been freaking about a job and a place to live, not to mention we've been back and forth every few days so I don't have a fridge or anything. I'm back on track today and just went jogging for 45 mins.

    Congrats on only drinking the beers and not indulging in delicious fair foods!

    My goal is to just get back on track. I don't want to set anything too drastic but just make sure I don't fall off the wagon again.

    P.S. Again, WHERE THE HELL IS EVERYONE? I love you guys and I'm glad you're always here!
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    Hey Ladies! I'm back after much to & fro travelling! I gained about 3 pounds this last month. So now I'm at 155.2 and that's after I lost one. :laugh: I tried not to eat like a pig but there's somthing about the air at the beach that makes you want to wolf down everything in sight!!

    Alexandra...when you're in the middle of a move, it tends to be more stressful which in turn will make you keep/gain weight. Just try to pick the healthier bad eating and at least drink a ton of water. You're so close to hitting the 150s that I KNOW you can do it!! Just don't stress about it. Just do what you've been doing (before the move and the housesitting) and you'll drop it in no time.

    It seems that everyone's doing pretty good with tad setbacks here and there. I just want to say that if you're having a hard time, just look back at your highest weight and see how far you've come already! Don't get discouraged or give up! We can do this!!
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    Hey everyone!!

    Alexandra, I think you are doing the right thing by not getting on the scale. I tend to get super depressed when I get on the scale and I weigh more than what I thought. Which leads to overeating and feeling sorry for myself. It is a vicious cycle! I actually do really good when i have worked out which then leads to me eating healthier because I am like " no way am I going to put that crap into my body after all that hard work", another thought that goes through my mind " WHOA that food has that many calories, no thanks I would die on the treadmill before I burnt those calories off!" :) But also dont beat yourself up over it, everyone falls off the wagon ( I had cheesecake for my hubbys birthday last night) but this morning I woke up and made a few changes to what I packed for food at work (to lower my calories a bit) cause I knew that I over indulged last night. Every day is a new day and every day you learn new things. Today what can you learn from your previous days and how can you change it today to be a better tomorrow. :)

    Missyfit, glad to have you back on the board!! Great job with only gaining 3 pounds being away! (I think that is an achievement, I would fall apart if I was not able to log and count calories) Now time to kick it into high gear and make those pounds melt off!!

    AFM: I lost 1 pound overall this week so I am at 178. Seeing that number was a huge motivator, I am not sure why. I guess cause it is one pound closer to 170! haha
  • rmjj5
    rmjj5 Posts: 55
    Hi Ladies, How is everyone doing?

    cdevine10- great loss of 1 every pound gets you further away from the 180's.

    Brenna - glad to have you back!! Hope you had a great time vacationing.

    I weighed in on Friday and have no change from last week. Somewhere I have lost the motivation but hopefully got it back this weekend. Saturday I did a 7km hike through some very steep terrain and Sunday I ran the Terry Fox 10km in memory of my close friend who passed from brain cancer 4 weeks ago and was impressed with myself for finishing the 10km in 54 mins. and not stopping at all. I did this without training, in fact decided to run it on the Friday so for me that is a very big NSV. I have a second NSV to report as well. I went shopping on Friday and am now wearing a comfortable size 12 pants (starting this journey I was a very snug size 14, and I mean snug!). I went home and threw out all size 14 pants. It felt great. Although I am not seeing the numbers on the scale move at all, I am seeing differences in my clothing which is okay with me.

    Happy Monday everyone. :wink:
  • :mad: I am soooooo stuck at 19 pounds lost !!! Grrrrr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!