Women 200lb+, Let's Be Extra Awesome This August!!!



  • sjeagen7
    sjeagen7 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm Suzy. I'm new to posting on these boards and I have a few things I need to work on.
    Keeping up on exercising so I can start walking better and do more than just on the days I go to physical therapy. I need to stay away from the couch!

    Starting weight: 218
    current weight: 213
    first goal: get under 200. I realize this might not happen this month but every little bit helps!

    I have been working on eating more veggies.
    I have gotten up to 20 minutes on my exercise bike. I need to work on this every day, (perhaps sit here while I watch Boston Legal on Hulu! :) )

    I need to walk more to regain strength in my legs and lower back. I have a job where I sit all day which leads me to sitting when I'm not working as well.

    Do you have things that keep you motivated to exercise more?

  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    @sjeagen7 - Welcome! I started really slow with exercise. I started walking to and from the train instead of taking the bus, then going for a nice walk in the woods or around the neighborhood. I got more and more energy from doing this, which started me riding my bike more, doing some yoga, and running.

    Even though I love my exercise now, I'm still super lazy a lot of the time lol. So I try to keep a consistent schedule, and fully prep before. I usually go in the morning when I first wake up, and kind of run on autopilot until I'm out the door. I prepare all of my clothes the night before and lay everything out, so I can't use the excuse of "but I can't find my shirt/earbuds/socks."

    Sometimes I also trick myself, lol. One day I really wasn't feeling a run-I was so tired. I decided that if I didn't feel like running, I would just go for a relaxing walk. Once I got out the door and walked for a bit, I slowly perked up, and ended up running anyway. If I hadn't felt like running, I would have just kept walking. As long as I did something, it was a win.

    Find something you enjoy, ease into it, and keep doing it :smile:
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    mphollins wrote: »
    I am very ashamed of my starting weight of 240 pounds because for decades I wore size 10/12 clothes. I never had to watch what I ate or to keep a food diary. I was active, walked a lot, and participated in the exercise groups in the Y and local gyms. Then after menopause, everything changed.

    My immune system went haywire, I developed GERD, IBS, Fibromyalgia, depression, urinary incontinence, hemorrhoids, migraines, dry mouth, insomnia, and hair loss. In the midst of all these problems, I experienced back to back stress caused the vehicle homicide or our 13-year-old daughter, flood and toxic mold damage to our home, several contractor con scams, work terminations, funeral expenses for my mother, assault and kidnapping, legal disputes, and injuries caused by accidental falls. All these things happened within a period of 20 years and my weight increased from 140 pounds to 240 pounds. I transition from being an active working adult with various hobbies and social activities to a disabled senior barely able to walk ten feet without horrible pain.

    In June 2020, I told my doctors that I decided to discontinue taking their Rx pain medications and would rely on exercise, diet, and vitamin supplements. My mother became dependent on Rx and OTC pain drugs and these medications totally destroyed her digestive organs. Also, I felt that many of my doctors were dishonest and unethical because they consistently referred me to more and more specialists or gave Rx medications that caused disrupting side effects. I had one doctor that advised a colectomy to treat hemorrhoids and another a gastric bypass for weight loss.

    I purchased a Cubii elliptical and began keeping a precise food diary. I limit myself to 1450 calories per day but sometimes, due to eating snack food or a sandwich, I will eat 200 calories more. My August goal weight is 220 pounds, so far I've lost 16 pounds. Each month, want to reduce my weight by 5 pounds or more and I am crossing my fingers that limiting myself to less than 1500 calories per day of healthy non processed foods will allow me to accomplish this goal. :|

    I just want to say, welcome. I'm so sorry for all that you have gone through in the past two decades. I know what it's like to have life knock you down again and again and again, and to wake up feeling like you've aged decades because of it. And I'm so tremendously sorry for the loss of your daughter and your mother. I think your plan is solid and that this new beginning will be the start of great things for you. Don't forget to ask if you ever need help or support! This is a wonderful group of people. <3

  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    @rpbarkernc Congratulations in reaching your goal weight! 1st celebrate!
    Then the hard work of maintaining begins. If you keep your focus on this you will be successful. Unfortunately maintaining is not much easier than losing except for what you have learned in the process of losing. Just like you figured out what worked to lose, you now need to figure out what works to maintain. Reading more closely you are thinking about losing a little more. You look really toned in the upper right hand picture. So a high % muscle will be a higher weight than a skinny less toned body. Either way you should be extremely proud of yourself. I got the weight off my 1st baby but not my 2nd. Yay for you!!!

    @grandrory All the best with reaching Onderland this month. Just make changes to your diet that you can sustain. Don’t try a plan that isn’t sustainable. Remember you do not just want to get the weight off you want to learn how to keep it off. Make changes you are happy with for the rest of your life. Find what sweets you need at least for now and get rid of those you can live without.

    @eliezalot It would be hard to be so close to Onderland and not budge but it is really a matter of distractions for you. Focusing this week will help. There are times life happens. But eventually we need to get back to work and focus.

    @aliciap0116 not a bad loss for a short week. Lots of decisions it seems right now but you seem like you are more focused. I love the quote.

    @MuttiNM I think you and aliciap0116 have something here for this pandemic when we are more sedentary. Have one exercise that is broken up through out the day and look on it as what I call NEAT or activity not exercise. I think I will use my Gazelle that way and also use the stairs more. If I have a lot of activity fine, but if not I’ll use the gazelle in short bits throughout the day. In fact my walks are no longer on my status anymore since they are synced from my fitbit as steps instead so MFP is using them that way. I don’t get extra exercise calories even unless I have my steps go over a certain calorie range that they figure is my daily activity level. In the past sometimes I felt I was taking my Mom to the Dr and then not having anytime to make my own appointments when I needed to. Now it is better. Her retirement community gives her rides sometimes and my brother and sister share the duty with me. We also have asked her Drs to make sure she has video meetings when possible due to the risk to her given her age and being exposed to COVID-19.

    @mphollins I am sorry the past years have been so hard and I was glad when I got to your last paragraph to see how you have been able to turn the corner and It looks like you may make good progress. Just eating healthier is great.

    @speyerj I have been having dreams where I get a job or am at school/convention and realize that I am just not committed to it like the others in my dream are. The thing is that just really wasn’t me at my last job. I was known for my passion for my work. I think that although I am still putting weight loss as a high priority, like @aliciap0116 I need to focus on something else right now than being perfect about all the details.

    I got out of my Dr appointment and decided I wasn't up for grocery shopping. I had walked some before my appointment and I planned to go to the best bakery in Seattle which was near the Drs office. I hadn't been there since before the stay home stay safe order. I got dinner and some treats there then went home and rested after I shared my lunch I got at the bakery with my daughter. The small walk to the bakery gave me a little more exercise as well. My husband after work made a salad to go with the dinner I bought. While he did that I got on my grocery store site and ordered the groceries for pick up tomorrow. That is a much safer way to handle shopping for food anyway. I saw they had prepared enchiladas and I was going to make something similar so I got that instead to make meals simpler.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,770 Member
    Happy Friday friends!
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Happy Friday! Boyfriend is communing with his alters, kicked back in his recliner with his eyes shut, and I have cleaned the sitting room around him. The one cat has the morning zoomies, and the other is sitting on top of the cat tree watching the birds in the sunroom. I'm sitting down because my lower back doesn't like me shoving the vacuum cleaner around, and finishing my morning glass of water.

    Today I'm having leftover curry from last week for lunch, and he's having chicken fingers. Tonight is taco night, so that will be very tasty. I prelogged everything today just after breakfast, so that gives me a nice sense of security.

    I went to bed with a migraine starting last night and am still dealing with some cog-fog from that, but this too shall pass.
  • changeforeverlj
    changeforeverlj Posts: 222 Member
    mphollins wrote: »
    I am very ashamed of my starting weight of 240 pounds because for decades I wore size 10/12 clothes. I never had to watch what I ate or to keep a food diary. I was active, walked a lot, and participated in the exercise groups in the Y and local gyms. Then after menopause, everything changed.

    My immune system went haywire, I developed GERD, IBS, Fibromyalgia, depression, urinary incontinence, hemorrhoids, migraines, dry mouth, insomnia, and hair loss. In the midst of all these problems, I experienced back to back stress caused the vehicle homicide or our 13-year-old daughter, flood and toxic mold damage to our home, several contractor con scams, work terminations, funeral expenses for my mother, assault and kidnapping, legal disputes, and injuries caused by accidental falls. All these things happened within a period of 20 years and my weight increased from 140 pounds to 240 pounds. I transition from being an active working adult with various hobbies and social activities to a disabled senior barely able to walk ten feet without horrible pain.

    In June 2020, I told my doctors that I decided to discontinue taking their Rx pain medications and would rely on exercise, diet, and vitamin supplements. My mother became dependent on Rx and OTC pain drugs and these medications totally destroyed her digestive organs. Also, I felt that many of my doctors were dishonest and unethical because they consistently referred me to more and more specialists or gave Rx medications that caused disrupting side effects. I had one doctor that advised a colectomy to treat hemorrhoids and another a gastric bypass for weight loss.

    I purchased a Cubii elliptical and began keeping a precise food diary. I limit myself to 1450 calories per day but sometimes, due to eating snack food or a sandwich, I will eat 200 calories more. My August goal weight is 220 pounds, so far I've lost 16 pounds. Each month, want to reduce my weight by 5 pounds or more and I am crossing my fingers that limiting myself to less than 1500 calories per day of healthy non processed foods will allow me to accomplish this goal. :|

    Hi! I've just read your story, you have really had to deal with so much! I applaud you for making the decision to take control of your health! Limiting your calorie intake with healthy whole foods, works! And the exercise helps with everything else, physical and mental health. This is a great community for support and advice, I encourage you to check in daily! Have a great weekend.