Healthy for the Holidays Challenge - 9/06 - 11/22



  • patty9013
    patty9013 Posts: 230 Member
    Morning all. Yesterday I got in 7/10 glasses of water and no exercise.
    However 7 glasses was probably 6 more that I have had lately. Been slacking in that area.
    Today I am at 3/10

    So I guess by NSV will be to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. :drinker:

    Thanks for the group ya'll sound like just what I need!:smile:
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    Didn't get my exercise or water in yesterday. I hope to be able to today. How can anyone drink 10 glasses of water in one day? I have a hard time getting 8 in. Are these 8 oz glasses?

    yes..8oz glasses. so pretty much aim for at least 80 oz of water/day.

    I have a 1 liter bottle that I will make a point to drink and fill up 3 bottles/day. thats 12 cups of water. I usually drink 1 before noon.. my 2nd one between noon and 4, and my last one with or after dinner.. it helps me stay on track.
  • Didn't get my exercise or water in yesterday. I hope to be able to today. How can anyone drink 10 glasses of water in one day? I have a hard time getting 8 in. Are these 8 oz glasses?

    It's CRAZY how much water your body needs! I'm one of the heavier girls in this group, and I learned I needed to drink anywhere from 97 to 120 ounces a day. (See Hydration Calculator at When I really started increasing my water intake, my energy levels are higher, my skin looks better, and I just feel so much better! Need more motivation? Check out what Bob Harper says about drinking water:

    We are up to 48 people now! If we all reach our GWs, we will have lost 473 pounds! That's like an entire class of kindergartners!! In the last challenge, we lost 291 pounds with 31 people checking in at the end. I challenge each one of you to keep with us until the end! Regular check-ins make a big difference in motivation levels and staying with your weight loss goals. Don't worry about weeks where you gain; it happens to most of us. Just keep checking in, no matter what! If we all stick together, I'm positive we can lose over 400 pounds this time. Let's get healthy for the holidays!!!
  • smknitter
    smknitter Posts: 88 Member
    Yesterday met water and exercise. I'm doing JM 30DS so for right now that thirty minutes works out. We will see though hopefully I song take a break.

    On a side note I am wearing work pant today that haven't felt comfortable for 6 months. :P
  • Post however often you need and about whatever you want! This group is very supportive. Oh, plus do the weekly reports of course :smile:

    I'm new to this.. Where do we do the weekly reports and what exactly is it?
    Do we just post our weekly weigh-ins and how we did on the weekly challenges on this forum?
  • I'm in
    C/W = 163
    G/W by ll/22 = 153

    Putting on my walking shoes now.
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    I want to join!! We are going to VEGAS on December 9th so this would be a great thing to keep me focused.

    SW: 185
    CW: 179
    GW at 11/22: 157

    Yesterday I did the Jillian Michaels 30Day Shred and ran for 35 minutes on the Treadmill.
    Today my goal is to eat only a healthy dinner and that is it after I get home. I do great when I am at work and then falter when I get home sometimes.
    I also want to do the 30DS and run at least 20 minutes today :)
  • Sandbug
    Sandbug Posts: 200 Member
    Doing great today. I actually did get up early and get my exercise in! I have also drank my water today.

    I am happy we are getting back to the basics. I think I needed this after this past week.
    Now, did I miss the link to the new spread sheet? or will we using the same one?
  • morgan511
    morgan511 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in! This is exactly what I need to get back on track!

    CW: 150
    GW by 11/22: 135
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Doing great today. I actually did get up early and get my exercise in! I have also drank my water today.

    I am happy we are getting back to the basics. I think I needed this after this past week.
    Now, did I miss the link to the new spread sheet? or will we using the same one?


  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    09/06/ 11 SW 198.8
    11/22/11 GW 190
  • I'd like to join this challenge also! I just re-committed today to losing the rest of my baby weight (my baby is 18 months, yikes!), and this is just what I need. I've got the exercise part down great, but I need to focus my diet.

    Height: 5'4"
    Starting Weight: 148
    Goal Weight for 11/22: 133
    Non scale goals: Cut down on processed food
  • dramaligre
    dramaligre Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in again :)

    My CW is 241
    My GW is 230

    I've got one more week til Bruce comes home from Afghanistan and I'm hoping I lose that last pound from the last challenge before he gets home. :)

    Thanks for doing this challenge again!!!
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    I'm back in!

    CW - 175.4
    GW - 165

    1 - Comfortably wear an old dance costume for Halloween (planning to go as an ice skater - I can get into it now just not quite comfortable). Last time I wore it I was 15.
    2 - Complete a 10 mile race on 10/29. My NSV is to maintain my training schedule - I have a tendency to do really well for 3-5 weeks and then miss one and fall off the wagon. To complete 10 miles in 8 weeks I need to stick to my schedule like glue!
    3 - Have the guts to post my before/after pictures.

    You can add me to the schedule for the challenges for one week. Preferrably in October (the company I work for gets REALLY busy in Nov and I may be distracted then.

    *edit - you can just put down NSV #3 in the spreadsheet.
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    Post however often you need and about whatever you want! This group is very supportive. Oh, plus do the weekly reports of course :smile:

    I'm new to this.. Where do we do the weekly reports and what exactly is it?
    Do we just post our weekly weigh-ins and how we did on the weekly challenges on this forum?

    yes, just post your weight weekly and any NSV you would like to share, weekly challenges, etc. probably should have said report in weekly, not weekly reports
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    FINALLY....I made it to the "Y" during my lunch hour. I haven't done that for at least 4 weeks and IT FELT AWESOME!!!!

    Fingers crossed that the hip doesn't hurt tonight.

    My new motto needs to be:
    One day at a time....One meal at a time....One workout at a time...I will succeed at becoming healthier!

  • Now, did I miss the link to the new spread sheet? or will we using the same one?



    Thanks for re-posting the link! I'm getting a message from a member who's having a hard time accessing the spreadsheet. When she copies and pastes the link, she gets a "Page Not Found" error. Is anyone else having a problem seeing the spreadsheet? Does anyone have any suggestions for people who can't see the spreadsheet?
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    My only suggestion would be to make sure you have the most updated version of internet explorer or firefox (whichever you use) or browser in general.. I can see it just fine and I'm pretty sure I'm still on IE7.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Thanks Stacy...gonna update my browser now. I have yet to be able to pull up the spreadsheet:(
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    also because its an https is a secure site.. so you might have to go tools, internet options and make sure that your accepting cookies. nom nom nom :wink: