Accountability buddy



  • kstpierre52020
    kstpierre52020 Posts: 60 Member
    How is everyone else doing? This feed has been quite quiet lately. I know it’s a big time of flux for many with school starting in various ways, etc..... everyone hanging in there??
  • Slider678
    Slider678 Posts: 113 Member
    Hey Everyone! I need friends on this journey. It started today. I have maintained through the lock down but haven't excersised. That changed today! Today I ran 2.3 miles in 30 minutes and walked another 10 minutes. And I feel pretty good! Need to do it every day and eat healthy!

    I am 6'4" and weigh 254 pounds. my goal is 240 by November 1, then see where I am set a new. The good lord willing if I could ever get to 220 I would feel so much better, lower BP, sleep better, lower anxiety, so many reasons to press on.

    Anyone want to be buddies on here let me know, I need all the friends I can get.

    Jay in Atlanta.
  • etolv
    etolv Posts: 48 Member
    Interested in being part of a support network for others working towards their weight loss goal!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member
    edited August 2020
    @kstpierre52020 - Thank you so much for being so welcoming and orienting newcomers to the group! You are such an anchor of support to all of us!!

    I was getting my older son settled in his new place. He’s living off-campus for the first time because of the pandemic, and it’s more of a commute, but he has a little more space of his own so he seems happy. Classes are online for now so he won’t have to commute to campus much anyway...

    While traveling, I did a decent job staying within my calorie range, and I think I was close to my goals for balancing macros nutrition-wise, but I wasn’t able to exercise much. I didn’t count moving furniture and walking up and down the stairs of the townhouse, where my son is on the third and fourth floors, so I definitely burned a few calories along the way. It’s tough to know how it all adds up in terms of the scale but my clothes fit better these days and the trend is in the right direction. Tomorrow is weigh-in day so I’ll post an update soon.

    My goal is to weigh under 140 pounds by the end of September and I’ve been ranging between 144 and 146-147. I’m on a slow path of -.5 per week.

    It feels important for me to sustain my weight below 145 because that is within the healthy BMI range (and out of the overweight category) but I really feel best when I’m closer to 125-130. So, for now, the short-term goal is to get under 140 at this slow-but-steady pace.

    I’m also planning to get more serious about logging and tracking food in September. So, this week, I started using the bar code feature to log food more exactly instead of ‘guesstimating’ from the MFP list. I also dusted off my food scale to record more accurate amounts and started adding the tedious details to the ‘My Foods’ catalogue, but I still need to work on that piece over time.

    This week, I’ll continue building the ‘My Foods’ library and calculate common meals (or recipes) that we typically eat. This will take some new habit building but I feel as though I’m on the right path. I’ve got to tighten up my calorie counting so I can make more progress!

    Well, that’s a long check in for me ... How are you all doing this week in setting and meeting your health and fitness goals?
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member
    @Slider678 - You sound advice though you’re off to a fabulous start and have a clear plan ahead. Welcome and congratulations on making a solid commitment to exercising, etc. You’re so right about the positive effect on other areas that comes with fitness ... like better sleep and lower stress 👍🏼

    @etolv - I got you friend request and look forward to cheering one another along as a way to promote accountability and support through this journey.

    @dietingright and @etolv - Have you set some small goals for yourself? We help each other stay accountable to manageable goals so let us know what you envision for yourself and how you plan to set yourself up for success. We are here for you and want everyone to succeed! Let’s go!!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member
    edited August 2020
    Sorry for all the typos above ^^ ... I think there was a bit of auto-correct going on, and I was rushing to get out of the house by 4pm for rowing class, but I don’t even know what I was trying to say 🤣!

    @Slider678 - You sound *AS* though you’re off to a fabulous start and have a clear plan!

    @etolv - I got *your* friend request and look forward to cheering one another along ... and supporting each other through this journey.

    I rowed with a more experienced group tonight because my afternoon group canceled (due to the high temperature). Let’s just say I got a lot of individualized attention from the coach 🙄😬😳. It was humbling but I burned more calories than usual. Now, I’m motivated to improve my stroke and come back strong after a couple months practicing more seriously with the intermediate group. I’m not competitive with others but I do like to compete against myself so the experience lit a spark 🔥!
  • Slider678
    Slider678 Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks Patrice! Any other newbies on here want to be friends?
    Sorry for all the typos above ^^ ... I think there was a bit of auto-correct going on, and I was rushing to get out of the house by 4pm for rowing class, but I don’t even know what I was trying to say 🤣!

    @Slider678 - You sound *AS* though you’re off to a fabulous start and have a clear plan!

    @etolv - I got *your* friend request and look forward to cheering one another along ... and supporting each other through this journey.

    I rowed with a more experienced group tonight because my afternoon group canceled (due to the high temperature). Let’s just say I got a lot of individualized attention from the coach 🙄😬😳. It was humbling but I burned more calories than usual. Now, I’m motivated to improve my stroke and come back strong after a couple months practicing more seriously with the intermediate group. I’m not competitive with others but I do like to compete against myself so the experience lit a spark 🔥!
    Sorry for all the typos above ^^ ... I think there was a bit of auto-correct going on, and I was rushing to get out of the house by 4pm for rowing class, but I don’t even know what I was trying to say 🤣!

    @Slider678 - You sound *AS* though you’re off to a fabulous start and have a clear plan!

    @etolv - I got *your* friend request and look forward to cheering one another along ... and supporting each other through this journey.

    I rowed with a more experienced group tonight because my afternoon group canceled (due to the high temperature). Let’s just say I got a lot of individualized attention from the coach 🙄😬😳. It was humbling but I burned more calories than usual. Now, I’m motivated to improve my stroke and come back strong after a couple months practicing more seriously with the intermediate group. I’m not competitive with others but I do like to compete against myself so the experience lit a spark 🔥!

  • ohmyglob603
    ohmyglob603 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey guys! I feel extra down about my 20lb+ weight gain because it’s not like I had an excuse to use food as medicine last few months. Compared to many people my family and I have been doing well - my child is not school aged so don’t have to worry about distance/in person learning, we live with my parents so I can keep an eye on them and they can help us, and my husband still has a job and is lucky enough to work from home. How did I become so inactive and constantly stress munching when comparatively there shouldn’t be that much stress? Maybe it was more guilt eating.

    Anyway, it sucks so bad because last year I did a major weight loss post labor and now I’m back to square 1 and then some. Besides trying to look good I’m at the point where it’s dangerous how much weight I’ve gained in such little time. It was funny the first few months everyone joking about quarantine 15 but now not so much 😥 I started at 122 lbs in late Feb, now at 146. Tomorrow is a new day. Anyone else feel like you kept promising to start tomorrow, then tomorrow became September?!

    These are my following starting goals:

    1) in bed ready to sleep by 9:30pm (NOT in bed at 9:30 and then just messing around on phone.
    2) log food daily
    3) eat more high protein foods
    4) walk at least 3x a week to start
    5) get down to 140 by mid September (or sooner)
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member
    Welcome! @ohmyglob603 - It’s great that you recognize and appreciate the fact that your family has been relatively unscathed by the pandemic but the personal stress you are feeling is completely understandable, too! You’re not minimizing the pain of others by acknowledging the unrest you’re feeling. Life as we knew it has changed and this is a good place to find support as we create a ‘new normal.’ I hope you allow yourself some grace. 💕

    Fortunately, my family has also been spared most of the fallout from COVID-19 (so far 🙏🏼) but the world still feels upside-down with all the national civil unrest and global problems we’re facing. As a member of the ‘sandwich’ generation, we are often the caretakers of two or more vulnerable groups and can feel the secondary stress or trauma of that role, similar to what first-responders experience.

    Best wishes in reaching the goals you outlined above ... they’re excellent. I hope your walks feel more like a self-care break than an obligation. If not, maybe you can work in a relaxing bath or meditation (in place of the phone) to help you sleep.

    You’ve been successful In the past and I’m confident you’ll do it again. Be kind to yourself and keep the fun sense of humor you express in your writing! As you said, “Tomorrow is a new day” and you’re right about COVID-Time ... tomorrow became September! ... but we won’t see most people for at least another ‘tomorrow’ so you’ve got this!
  • carriestrine
    carriestrine Posts: 214 Member
    Hi everyone, and welcome to all of those new to the thread!

    August has been an interesting month for me. I hit 30lbs lost, which is a huge milestone but now my progress had stalled. I also started the month thinking I would reach onederland, but it was pretty clear mid-month that I wouldn't. I realized last week that it was probably time to recalculate my calorie goal. Sure enough, mfp is suggesting 100 less per day for the same 1.5 / wk rate of loss. This is forcing me to really look at what I'm eating and streamline for the most nutrient rich calories at every meal. I feel a little bit back to square one.

    I am also back on the strength training bandwagon. The soreness has been brutal, but I'm pushing through. Hopefully I'm close to turning the corner to some progress.
  • LMBelladonna
    LMBelladonna Posts: 71 Member
    How is everyone else doing? This feed has been quite quiet lately. I know it’s a big time of flux for many with school starting in various ways, etc..... everyone hanging in there??

    Hi there! Thanks for checking in. I am in it for the long game and am happy to say that I met my weight loss goal for August!

    I am proud that I am sticking with this and the MFP community has been a great support system.

    Holding myself accountable for the food I take in (tracking) and knowing where I need to make adjustments has been a game changer.

    I know that my daily walking has helped a lot and I do not put pressure on myself to do “more” when I know I only have the mental/physical/emotional capacity to get my steps in!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member
    @carriestrine and @LMBelladonna - Great job to both of you. The 30 pound milestone is well-worth celebrating @carriestrine! 🎉 You’ll be in ‘one- derland’ before summer ends so hang in there! What an accomplishment and the fact that you had to recalculate your daily calories is a GOOD sign because you don’t have as much body to maintain!! It might feel as though you’re starting again but you’re not in the same place you were before ... You’ve moved farther along the path. Keep up the forward momentum!

    @LMBelladonna - Congratulations on meeting your August goal! You SHOULD be proud. Great reflections on what’s working for you and I love your attitude about being in it for the ‘long game’. Best wishes for the coming week!

    How’s everybody else doing? Let us know what your plan for this week and what’s working well for you...
  • beshamama
    beshamama Posts: 240 Member
    Back again. I feel like I have so many false starts it’s kinda embarrassing 🤦‍♀️ But this time I am really going to give it my all! I recently bought a sewing machine and really want to try to make myself a dress. I am going to use that as my motivation. If I stick to MFP and really try to stay within my calorie budget I’m going to buy the pattern. I think 2 weeks of logging in and staying in my calorie budget will be good. Hopefully 2 weeks of really sticking to it will make it be a habit?
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member
    @bashamama - No need to feel embarrassed about a fresh start! Each time we try, we can learn something new through the experience. As the old Japanese saying goes: Fall down seven times, get up eight! Sewing is a wonderful skill. Do you have a particular style of dress in mind? If so, maybe you can visualize yourself wearing it and think about (1) how competent you’ll feel after making the dress yourself, and (2) how good you’ll feel about eating healthy and wearing your new dress with confidence. It sounds doubly satisfying! Enjoy 😊
  • beshamama
    beshamama Posts: 240 Member
    @PatriceFitnessPal I am so new to sewing that I’m a bit intimidated by all the patterns but there is one in particular that I’m in love with. I have a couple of other pattens that I’m going to practice before trying a dress 😊
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    I have hit a 10 year high. I know the first bit will be easy to lose since it came on Fast. August was kind of a write off. Not much for exercising and eating like CRAP. Going to try to be strict with eating then taking the September long weekend off. Then it’s hard core September 7. Can’tbelieve I let myself get to here. Have 25 lbs I would love to lose. Just need to stay focused. And not just jump back hard into things. Will start this week with walking and some abs.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member
    @beshamama - My sister made a lot of beautiful curtains while building her sewing skills. It’s such a worthwhile talent to develop. Good for you!

    @renaegry - You can do it! How is your walking going this week? Your plan to add abdominal work is motivating me ...

    I haven’t been doing my usual abdominal workouts with my son because he’s been settling into online coursework as a college freshman. He quickly realized he wanted to adjust his long-term plan - based on the classes he started with in late August - so he had some ‘major’ schedule changes and catchup work to do after the switch. He’ll be moving on campus next week, so one of my recent goals was to set up a transition plan for my core workouts now that he’s back to classes online (from home) and will be moving to his dorm once late next week.

    So, I set a goal to book a few sessions with a personal trainer in September. I accomplished that goal a bit ahead of schedule by contacting the trainer last month and working through the scheduling and distancing plans. I started with the trainer on Saturday and he commented that my abs were strong so I hope to keep the momentum going ... though I’ll miss the opportunity to connect with my son during that time together. I often joke that I have six-pack abs - under some layers! - so maybe they’ll be more recognizable when he’s back home during his next college break. I’ll need to jump into it quickly in case the college students get sent back home due to a campus COVID-19 outbreak as my son suspects might happen! 😀

    I’ll have to go back to check the other goals I set. I was planning to watch some yoga in the morning and I didn’t build that habit. I also hoped to walk during conference calls, which was not really possible because it was difficult to interact as needed. My new approach is to stretch during conference calls to see if that works to combine both goals, though not as perfectly as planned. As they saying goes: Don’t let perfect get in the way of good! Have a great week and best wishes on achieving your goals!
  • kstpierre52020
    kstpierre52020 Posts: 60 Member
    Continuing to exercise, eating mindfully, sticking to my tracking and not going over except when I make the choice to do so. Have dropped alcohol out of my life. Definitely don’t go over 1200-1300 calories daily. And. The. Scale. Isn’t. Budging.
    If anything it’s creeping up!
    Seriously frustrating. I’m not giving up because It’ll be all over. And honestly- this is my lifestyle by now. But I need to figure out what to do to change this! I’ve been to my doc recently and I’m healthy as I can be. Just need to drop these 9 (now- used to be 6-7) lbs. I believe in the calories in and calories out concept. I don’t think I can live at much more of a deficit. Especially the deficit needed to drop 10.
    Any advice out there?
  • beshamama
    beshamama Posts: 240 Member
    @kstpierre52020 I’m there too. Except truthfully I wasn’t really sticking to my calories...kept going over a bit(why does food have to taste so good?!). I was getting really discouraged cause it felt like I was doing all this hard work for nothing. But then I put on a pair of pants I hadn’t worn for awhile that had always been a bit too tight(like uncomfortably tight) and they fit so much better!

    So maybe your scale isn’t budging now cause your body is panic mode and trying to hold on to the extra weight but maybe you’ve slimmed down. What are they called? Non scale victories? I’m all about them now. 💕💕
  • beshamama
    beshamama Posts: 240 Member
    @PatriceFitnessPal curtains would be nice....but I really like the ones we have already. My friends who sew told me to make bags but ugh I have so many bags already I don’t want or need anymore! I’m going to attempt to make a skirt. And little toys for my daughters.