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How often do you log your weight/weigh yourself?



  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
  • BrustMannEiner
    BrustMannEiner Posts: 360 Member
    Daily, at the same time.
  • thakurhimanshi815
    thakurhimanshi815 Posts: 10 Member
    Within a one month
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    Every day! Can't manage what you don't measure! ;)
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    glassyo wrote: »
    Every Saturday after excercise and shower all nekkid like.

    (Ok, I kinda got into the habit of doing a pre-weigh in before exercise and shower and only half nekkid like.)

    I keep track of the weekly weight and then average out at the end of the month and log it then.

    I don't do naked weight. I kind of like knowing that I am slightly less than the scale shows. I wear my under shorts. When I started wearing a watch I was taking it off to weigh but that became a nuisance so I weighed it on the food scale and now I deduct .2 pounds from the weight. It is weird how that felt like cheating somehow for the first couple of weeks but that is just irrational nonsense. What matters is a consistent system and, after all, I am always less than the scale shows anyway.
  • gewel321
    gewel321 Posts: 718 Member
    I weigh everyday in the morning naked after bathroom. I use it to track my trends so that I don't go completely crazy when the scale goes up. I sometimes get on after my nightly shower or after a work out but its just for curiosity sake and it doesn't go into my tracker. I don't freak out about it being higher (it always is). I think its fun to see how a few hours can affect it.
  • zamphir66
    zamphir66 Posts: 582 Member
    Every day, and then I use a 7-day moving average to get a look at where I am at minus day-to-day vagaries.
  • CFFT2002
    CFFT2002 Posts: 37 Member
    every 2 weeks ,and always 1 day after my cycle ends. I also keep track of body measurements, only once a month. Have a few issues and lose very slowly.
  • sal10851
    sal10851 Posts: 171 Member
    Every morning after going to the bathroom. I then average it out by week to track my progress.
  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 632 Member
    I started out weighing only Sunday, now I usually weigh Thursdays and Sundays but could hop on the scale in between.

    I’ve also decided to weigh the 1st of every month and take measurements at that time in order to have a consistent overview since I like thinking about monthly progress.

    I use an analogue scale (on purpose) and my eyesight is keen enough to distinguish 0.5kg increments. That’s enough for me 😊
  • AndreaTamira
    AndreaTamira Posts: 272 Member
    Once a week, early in the morning, after using the bathroom.
  • sal10851
    sal10851 Posts: 171 Member
    I weigh myself twice per day. I exercise a lot so my weight can vary by up to 10 pounds. I use that information to see how my body responds to different activity levels. It's also a good indicator of how different macros affect your body weight through water retention and digestion. I log every time I weigh myself and then I focus on the median number and that gives me a good number that is not on the high or low sides.
  • AndreaTamira
    AndreaTamira Posts: 272 Member
    edited September 2020
    Once a week.

    I know I have the tendency to obsess over things and get lost in minute of data, so I figure it is better to have one set time a week I weigh than ending up weighing possibly 10 times or more a day (oh, I would not believe my "true" weight changed thayy often, but "let's just see how much I weigh after breakfast." "so, how does weight after exercise look like?How is that different to yesterday? Why?" - etc. - I'd never get anything else done! 😅)
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,596 Member
    Once a week.

    I know I have the tendency to obsess over things and get lost in minute of data, so I figure it is better to have one set time a week I weigh than ending up weighing possibly 10 times or more a day (oh, I would not believe my "true" weight changed thayy often, but "let's just see how much I weigh after breakfast." "so, how does weight after exercise look like?How is that different to yesterday? Why?" - etc. - I'd never get anything else done! 😅)

    Once a week for me too but I *have* fallen into that "let's just see" trap. I did it when I was actively losing weight also. I just wanted to see if I could get below 100 and would go right back up again (which I did).

    I *have* taken to weighing myself twice on my weigh in day tho. Once before exercise and once after. It's usually about half a pound less after exercise.
  • slytherclawpride
    slytherclawpride Posts: 22 Member
    I weigh myself daily in my underwear after I use the restroom.

    To answer your second question, I do still weigh myself during PMS and during my cycle, as I feel it helps keep me in check. I don't freak out about gaining a pound or two during this time, honestly. I know that's it's just part of the cycle, so I'm more forgiving of myself. However, it still helps to see how much I gain during this time just to see my patterns. As for the extra calories, I do allow myself some extra calories, but make sure it's foods such as veggies, maybe an extra rice cake, extra fruit, or even an extra cup of milk. Though there are times where I do give in to my cravings and eat something sweet. I'm usually good at not letting that happen, but sometimes it does. Instead of feeling bad about it, I just get back on it the next day, and make sure that if I am having cravings that I drink some water, and give myself extra foods that would be considered a better choice. Though fruit seems to hit the spot for me if I have a sugar craving.
  • zackpeters
    zackpeters Posts: 10 Member
    I would recommend everyday so you can look at trends and averages.
  • sarahbetherck
    sarahbetherck Posts: 270 Member
    Once a week.

    I know I have the tendency to obsess over things and get lost in minute of data, so I figure it is better to have one set time a week I weigh than ending up weighing possibly 10 times or more a day (oh, I would not believe my "true" weight changed thayy often, but "let's just see how much I weigh after breakfast." "so, how does weight after exercise look like?How is that different to yesterday? Why?" - etc. - I'd never get anything else done! 😅)

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one. Lol.
    I used to weigh daily and then got ridiculous and obsessive and had to have hubs hide the scale for a while. Now I'm on a once a week weigh-in schedule. I track whatever it says and move on until the next week. *whew*
  • 4Phoenix
    4Phoenix Posts: 236 Member
    Daily....critical for me to stay motivated and reflect on cause and effect.
  • Dante_80
    Dante_80 Posts: 479 Member
    edited September 2020
    I weigh daily, average the last 7 days every Friday and then compare one week with the other for progress. Daily weigh ins help me correlate how my body responds to certain foods and/or physical exercise. Weekly comparisons help me see my actual progress without falling for daily noise.
  • the_stained_ape
    the_stained_ape Posts: 35 Member
    Once a week at the same time. First thing in the morning, fasted, post toilet. I really do not see the point i weighing yourself every day. Natural fluctualtion in body fluid/chemistry make this inaccurate at best.

    Much prefer a rolling average across the weeks.