Help! Persistent oily, greasy, waxy feel in mouth!



  • ryblade
    ryblade Posts: 1 Member
    I may have a similar experience. I don't really have a different feeling in my mouth, but a while after eating grasy food like pizza, my saliva will take on a greasy taste.
    It almost seems as though my body is trying to get rid of the excess grease by exuding it, which happens to be detectable in my mouth due to sense of taste.
    Not that I think this is actually what's happening, just trying to illustrate the experience.
    This also happens the day after drinking alcohol, where it tastes like I'm exuding alcohol through my saliva (drinking is extremely rare for me)
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,839 Member
    My guess is that it might be silent reflux. It can cause damage to the tongue, the sense of feel, etc. Last time this happened to me I certainly had reflux, and now it happened again. Alternatively it could potentially also be from something one is allergic against.
  • limittoyourlove
    limittoyourlove Posts: 2 Member
    it's a change in your gut microbiome due to the meat
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,839 Member
    it's a change in your gut microbiome due to the meat

    Do you have any scientific evidence that meat (what kind of meat?) changes the gut microbiome and causes a greasy taste/feel on the tongue?
  • deborahfulleroley
    deborahfulleroley Posts: 1 Member
    So, I starting searching the internet for this phenomenon and came across this thread. This happened to me yesterday after I ate macadamia nuts. Can’t say as I had no symptoms before, can’t remember but after, it was noticeable within about 10 minutes and overnight got worse. Now every time I eat anything with fat it is worse still. No recent surgery’s, no allergies to any foods in my life, no strange new foods. I will say that I am on week 2 of a strict Keto diet which I have never been on. No keto flu or metallic taste, just a numbing greasy feel in my mouth. Considering how low my carbs have been I am pretty sure I am in Ketosis but have not measured it yet. Trying to research if this is a side effect of Ketosis.
  • adrphd
    adrphd Posts: 1 Member
    I have these exact symptoms. It’s been happening for the last 4 months. Maddening! I’ve had no recent dental work, not currently on any meds except daily allergy and occasional Benedryl, definitely not in ketosis. In addition to the waxy feel and slight metallic taste, my tongue swells slightly. I’ve had thrush before, but it wasn’t like this. The intensity of symptoms gets better and worse again with no identifiable pattern. I have a chronic disease, but the doctor said these symptoms woukdn’t come from that. I would suspect allergy, but with the amount of meds my doctor has me on, I just can’t see it being allergy. Has anyone figured this out yet? Oh... and... I feel like my breath should be horrendous with such a horrible taste and feel happening, but my husband and close friends assure me that it is fine. Anyone else? Any new ideas?
  • colivera17
    colivera17 Posts: 1 Member
    Any answers?
    Started about a week ago. Noticed it while I was swinging in the pool. Thought it might just be the pool water but anything I drank left me with that waxy/greasy feeling on tongue and top of mouth.

    Haven’t noticed it while eating, only happens when drinking any liquid.

    Diet is pretty consistent. I haven’t changed any routines and or am I on any medications/ supplements.
  • debbiesue0711
    debbiesue0711 Posts: 1 Member
    My 83 year old mother is experiencing this same waxy feeling in her mouth constantly. This started about a week ago. She has not been at the dentist recently. 6 months ago she was in the hospital for surgery and contracted several very serious staff infections. She was put on four different anti-biotics which she received intravenously for about a month. The waxy feeling is making really aggravating to her and I don't know where to turn to help her. Did anyone ever get to the root of the problem and what caused it?
  • mcuozzo3
    mcuozzo3 Posts: 2 Member
    edited September 2020
    Hello debbiesue0711 I do believe after a long course of antibiotics this will deplete B12 and Folate levels. This started with me three years ago after I took antibiotics on and off for three months. The original poster also was on antibiotics for several months. It first started out like there was something stuck under my front teeth in the gum area and palate. I did not stay on the B12 and it progressed to the rest of my mouth especially the inside of my lips causing a waxy feeling. This waxy feeling is constant and gets worse while eating. Now a loss of taste and very dry mouth. I am going back on the B12 -- You can get it on Amazon -- It is Superior Source sublingual B12 1000 with Folic Acid 800 and B6 2mg in one small pill that goes under the tongue. Since it goes under the tongue it will be absorbed better. Also if you mom has problems swallowing pills or if pills upset her stomach this would be ideal for her. Since this just started for your mom the B vitamins should help fairly quickly. Since I didn't follow through with the B12 supplementation the waxy feeling spread to different parts of my mouth and only worsened. This is why I am going back on the B supplement. I hope this helps.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,839 Member
    Hmm.. B12 could be something, but then don't just take random tablets but get tested to see if there's a deficiency. Many old people cannot absorb B12 from tablets/food sufficiently anymore. Yet still taking a supplement will skew the blood test and make getting a diagnosis impossible. Thus: at least 4 months no B12 supplements if possible, then a blood test to see how B12 and folate look like. If too low in the range then injections might be the way forward.
  • jshabatu
    jshabatu Posts: 24 Member
    So I’m going to chime in here, and what I have to say is very likely going to be unpopular, but I have the answer for the woman who originated this thread...

    It DEFINITELY was lidocaine!! How am I so sure? I was a chronic cocaine user for years, and later began smoking crack (thanks, but not looking for any sermons on my past deeds - I have been off all drugs for over three years). Anyway, after several months of smoking crack, I began to get this very distinct waxy, oily feeling in my mouth. It became a mystery, but obviously given the illicit activity, not one I could openly share with others.

    I tried to rule everything out through many self created trials - the pipe through which it was smoked, the filter used in the pipe, the source of the drug itself. Nothing helped whatsoever. The waxy, oily feeling remained.

    Then very late one night, after scouring the internet for literally weeks, I came across a discussion on a very private drug forum, and stopped dead in my tracks. An actual chemist on the site was discussing the various cuts used in cocaine, and specifically mentioned some of their side effects. The one that jumped off the screen at me had to do with lidocaine. Sure enough, he indicated that converting coke cut with lidocaine (dealers often add it for numbing purposes to try to replicate the cocaine feel but at a much cheaper cost) into crack, might eventually produce a waxy, oily sensation in the mouth, especially for very habitual users.

    Well, that was me! I had been using the drug every day for months. But I had to find out if my product actually contained it. Through further online research I found some more sophisticated drug testing kits. I tested the product from three of my usual dealers, and sure as hell ... lidocaine in all samples!

    Funny enough, these symptoms were actually a major contributor to me getting off drugs. And about four or five months after I did, the horrible mouth feeling was totally gone - not to mention the other great health benefits from stopping!

    Thanks for obliging me here, and I fully appreciate this is a very strange post to come into this forum. But I wanted to pass on what I could to help others. Cheers.

    Wow! This is incredible and thank you for sharing your story so openly. I am 100% convened for me it was the lidocaine too, and your story back that right up. I am sure that similar nerve damage can be caused by other things that folks here are listing (GERD, infections, etc) but I think the core of the issue is that nerves in the mouth are not firing properly. Congratulations on embracing your health, and thanks for posting.
  • kayesdaughter70
    kayesdaughter70 Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2021
    Hello All! After reading this thread it seems that this is still a mystery. Someone described what I am experiencing to a T. Greasy feeling on roof of mouth and tongue is unusually smooth and greasy feeling as well. I just had a total hysterectomy a week ago so I thought it was related to the anesthesia but now I'm not sure. It seems like we all don't have just ONE thing in common that would solve the mystery. Anyone had a doctor solve the problem or respond as if they were sure they knew what caused it?
  • Xiavier
    Xiavier Posts: 2 Member
    Hey all! I started having similar symptoms yesterday after Easter dinner with my family. It feels like wax on my lips. I doubt it was food as I have no known allergies.
    I could definitely see something like sun damage. 2 days ago I did a hike into the backwoods. It took me ~ 9 hours, and due to paranoia it was a solo hike. Though I burned many calories I doubt it is entering ketosis as I ate plenty of food before and after. I am avidly drinking water in case of dehydration. I’ll try to report any changes better or worse. Also I’m bringing this thread to 2021!!!
  • Xiavier
    Xiavier Posts: 2 Member
    My symptoms are already subsiding. I think I just sunburnt my mouth.
  • maryann12364
    maryann12364 Posts: 4 Member
    jshabatu wrote: »
    I am having the strangest feeling in my mouth and heading to the doctor soon if I can't get it resolved. The symptoms are a waxy, greasy feeling in my mouth, mostly on the tip of my tounge and the roof of my mouth.
    • Sensation started Friday night after eating some sirloin sliders. I have never had them before and I recently started eating beef again after a 27 year break. Last time I ate beef was about 2 weeks ago and this didn't happen.
    • I am 40 yo female, 120 lb, who eats healthy but no special diet.
    • It seemed worse over the weekend if I ate any fatty food, like cheese.
    • Monday morning it is worse. If I eat anything, even just plain oatmeal with no butter or salt, the sensation is so bad that I have to push the food to the back of my tongue--or it feels like I am eating the melty wax of a candle.
    • No history of peptic upset (I have a fairly iron stomach)
    • No change in saliva rate from usual
    • Maybe a very slight metallic/acid taste?
    • Also, just to disclose everything-- I went to the dentist the day before the symptoms started and had a filling put in, so some aesthetic and UV light was in my mouth. But my mouth felt totally normal for the rest of Thursday and Friday until the beef.
    • I am on no medications except for a 1/3 decongestant tab each night a sleep aid, which I have done for years
    • Vitamins: Cal/Magnesium, Vit. D, probiotics, Hyaluronic Acid

    Anyone have any thoughts? I have not found hardly anyone describing such a thing online---and usually they are on medications or have GERD.

    Thanks! I am pretty worried, but I hate to go in for nothing...

  • maryann12364
    maryann12364 Posts: 4 Member
    hey I was wondering the same thing
  • maryann12364
    maryann12364 Posts: 4 Member
    toxikon wrote: »
    A metallic taste and oily mouthfeel are signs that your body is in ketosis - as a result of consuming 50g net carbs (or fewer).

    Have you been eating mostly meats and veggies? If so, you could be in ketosis. There's nothing wrong with that, it's not harmful. But I know my mouth feels oily when it happens.

  • maryann12364
    maryann12364 Posts: 4 Member
    same thing to me but can u really reach ketosis in a few weeks??
  • graveytrain4u
    graveytrain4u Posts: 1 Member
    OMG...I've been feeling this for a month. couldn't find anything on internet. actually i can feel it in my eye ducts...i swear. even on my skin.