SAHMU 60 day Challenge **Final Week** (Closed Group)

SAHMU 60 Day Challenge
Final Week

Cardio: Enter in you calorie burns each day = 1 point

** I am hoping that everyone by now has a routine and that they are excited about exercise. So this week I would like everyone to set a goal for themselves. What will you commit to? Your post today and everyday will read:
I will show you what my goals will be

Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
Add atleast an extra 100 calorie workout to my routine everyday, something new.
Burn atleast 500 calories per day.
Wednesday- Goal completed

Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)

200 sit-up's
Wednesday- 50 sit- ups completed

100 lunges
Wednesday 25 Lunges completed

100 push-ups
Wednesday 25 push-ups completed

200 squats
Wednesday- 25 squats Completed

Food: (1 point)
Stay under Carbs atleast 4 days.

Emotional challenge: (1 point)
What has this challenge meant to you? How has it helped you? Anyone that stands out on your team?

** I hope this works for everyone, share your goals here and on the main thread. You all have done an amazing job!! To those of you who are wanting to continue our challenge, I am so excited about it!


  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Awesome goals! I will have to get to thinking about what to do!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    WHAT?? You mean I have to think about this on my OWN??? LOL.. just kidding! I'll get back to this later tonight!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    SAHMU 60 Day Challenge
    Final Week

    Cardio: Enter in you calorie burns each day = 1 point

    ** I am hoping that everyone by now has a routine and that they are excited about exercise. So this week I would like everyone to set a goal for themselves. What will you commit to? Your post today and everyday will read:
    I will show you what my goals will be

    Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
    Do something different each day in addition to my regular stuff (like a different workout video, different exercises that I regularly avoid, etc.)
    Burn atleast 300 calories per day.
    Wednesday- Goal completed

    Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)

    200 sit-up's
    Wednesday- 100 sit- ups completed

    100 lunges
    Wednesday- 25 Lunges completed

    100 push-ups
    Wednesday- 50 push-ups completed

    200 squats
    Wednesday- 50 squats Completed

    Food: (1 point)
    Stay under Carbs atleast 4 days.
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    SAHMU 60 Day Challenge
    Final Week

    Cardio: Enter in you calorie burns each day = 1 point

    ** I am hoping that everyone by now has a routine and that they are excited about exercise. So this week I would like everyone to set a goal for themselves. What will you commit to? Your post today and everyday will read:
    I will show you what my goals will be

    Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
    Add atleast an extra 100 calorie workout to my routine everyday, something new.
    Burn atleast 500 calories per day.
    Wednesday- Goal completed

    Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)

    200 sit-up's
    Wednesday- 50 sit- ups completed

    100 lunges
    Wednesday 25 Lunges completed

    100 push-ups
    Wednesday 25 push-ups completed

    200 squats
    Wednesday- 25 squats Completed

    Food: (1 point)
    Stay under Carbs atleast 4 days.

    Emotional challenge: (1 point)
    What has this challenge meant to you? How has it helped you? Anyone that stands out on your team?

    ** I hope this works for everyone, share your goals here and on the main thread. You all have done an amazing job!! To those of you who are wanting to continue our challenge, I am so excited about it!

    Are we supposed to make up our own strength workouts? Or follow the ones you posted?
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    Can I just follow the ones posted? It would be so much easier for me. :)
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Posted on black teams thread as well. I just used the strength stuff that you posted Karie hope thats Ok.

    My goal for the week is to burn atleast 700 calories per day and to stay motivated even on days that I feel like nothing I do makes a difference.
    Wednesday-814 calories

    200 sit ups
    Monday-50 sit ups done

    100 lunges-
    Monday-20 lunges done

    100 push-ups
    Monday- 20 push-ups done

    200 squats-
    Monday-50 squats done

    Food-Stayed under carbs for Wednesday

    Emotional- This challenge has honestly meant the world to me. My family is a huge motivation for me but having this challenge and this group of women to keep me on track and help me to realize that every step I make is a step in the right direction! Its been such a great oppurtunity getting to know all of you and each and everyone one of you have helped me stay strong and commited! Im not about to pick favorites because you have all inspired me throughout this journey in you own ways! Y'all are such strong wonderful people and I am so lucky to have gotten to know you and I hope that we will stay friends outside of this challenge. Im always here if anyone needs a shoulder or somebody to talk to!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    WE 9/7 (posted on team Black & main thread)
    CARDIO: Strength training & Yoga
    Calories Burned = 415

    CARDIO Part 2:
    Goal =
    - Add a minimum of a 100 calorie burn each day playing with my kids
    - Burn an overall average of 500 calories/ day
    - Go for a walk with my husband every day that he does not work (approx. 4 days)
    Completed? Play = yes, Cal Burn = not quite, Walk = husband works

    200 sit-up's (25 completed)
    100 lunges (25 completed)
    100 push-ups (10 completed)
    200 squats (25 completed)

    Under Carbs? yes

    I'm going to think on this one...

    Have a great night/ sweet dreams! Let's rock this challenge tomorrow!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Can I just follow the ones posted? It would be so much easier for me. :)

    You are welcome to follow mine or make your own, as long as you have 4 thats great!~
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I hope you all have a great day, I am going to try to get my internet fixed today so if that happens I will be back on later today. Sorry the challenge was a bit short but without internet I was on a time crunch, figures the last weeek I have internet trouble, anyway talk to you all soon.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    We interupt your regularly scheduled thread for a much needed whine fest........

    I need to change my work out routinue, I feel like I'm killing myself.
    I use to get up at 5:45 and have time for my workout , a shower, do my hair, get ready for my day, but now that school has started and I have to get my daughter up at 6:45, half the time I don't have time to get a shower until after I come home from dropping her off at school, just before the daycare kids get here (gross I know!). I don't have time to do my hair, so I end up pulling it into a pony. Im trying to get up at 5:00am so I have enough time, but it's taking a toll, I feel like I'm wearing down, and not wanting to get up at all. I need to sit down today and see if I can chage something around in my day so I can make this all work....Ughh!
    I think I'm gonna have to set my goal lower than most everyone else's, I don't know how I can reach 500 a day without taking a lot of time away from "family time", which is why I try to get up early which takes me back to my original problem, vicious cycle isn't it!
    45 min on the treadmill at 3.5mph only burns around 168 cal for me, and I'm already working-out three times a day most days to reach the calories I've been burning for the challenges(around 460 - 477), so I need to find a goal that is actually do-able but is still a challenge.

    Okay whining over, we return you to your regularly scheduled thread......
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Okay ~ Here's mine!

    Cardio part 1: (1 point)
    Wednesday ~ 354 cals burned!
    Thursday ~
    Friday ~
    Saturday ~
    Sunday ~
    Monday ~
    Tuesday ~

    Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
    To get in Yoga at least 3 times this week.
    Burn at least 250 calories per day.
    Wednesday- Goal completed

    Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)
    150 sit-up's
    Thursday ~ 25 done
    150 lunges (per leg)
    Thursday ~ 25 done
    150 push-ups (Modified due to wrist strain issues ~ Will be done against a wall.)
    Thursday ~ 25 done
    150 squats
    Thursday ~ 25 done

    Food: (1 point)
    Stay under Carbs atleast 4 days.
    Wednesday ~ Under!

    Emotional challenge: (1 point)
    What has this challenge meant to you? How has it helped you?
    This challenge has meant a lot to me since it has helped me be more accountable with exercising! :) I think that answered both those questions! teehee!

    Anyone that stands out on your team?
    Well ... I have been on a few teams now! I think Circusmom has been there with me on each team! Yay! There are also a few ladies from other teams that share encouragement on my posts. I think having folks that cheer you on and encourage you are great! And always helpful! :)
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    We interupt your regularly scheduled thread for a much needed whine fest........

    I need to change my work out routinue, I feel like I'm killing myself.
    I use to get up at 5:45 and have time for my workout , a shower, do my hair, get ready for my day, but now that school has started and I have to get my daughter up at 6:45, half the time I don't have time to get a shower until after I come home from dropping her off at school, just before the daycare kids get here (gross I know!). I don't have time to do my hair, so I end up pulling it into a pony. Im trying to get up at 5:00am so I have enough time, but it's taking a toll, I feel like I'm wearing down, and not wanting to get up at all. I need to sit down today and see if I can chage something around in my day so I can make this all work....Ughh!
    I think I'm gonna have to set my goal lower than most everyone else's, I don't know how I can reach 500 a day without taking a lot of time away from "family time", which is why I try to get up early which takes me back to my original problem, vicious cycle isn't it!
    45 min on the treadmill at 3.5mph only burns around 168 cal for me, and I'm already working-out three times a day most days to reach the calories I've been burning for the challenges(around 460 - 477), so I need to find a goal that is actually do-able but is still a challenge.

    Okay whining over, we return you to your regularly scheduled thread......

    My goal is set low for a very similar reason!! I want to make sure I set reasonable goals for the long run. So, I'm just trying to bun 250 a day! That's extra stuff though ... like workouts or strength training stuff. Oh and any extra home improvement projects my hubby tosses my way! LOL! I'd love to burn 500 a day, but I weigh 164 and that ain't happening unless I sacrifice other things which can't be sacrificed, you know? You set your goals for what you can do with YOUR schedule and that makes YOU happy! It's not a competition on who is burning the most cals a day ... It's a competition on how to push yourself a touch more than you would with out the motivation to do so. It's about completing what YOU can complete! Don't feel bad because your totals are lower! You are doing what works for YOU! ;) Also, you know the lower your weight ... the lower the cal burn. So that totally sucks! LOL!

    ETA~ (((Hugs))) to you! Things will work out! ;)
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Cardio: Enter in you calorie burns each day = 1 point

    ** This week I would like everyone to set a goal for themselves. What will you commit to? Your post today and everyday will read:


    Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
    Burn at least 500 calories 6 days this week
    Stretch at the end of each workout this week

    Thursday- Completed

    Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)

    160 bicep curls
    Thursday - 60

    100 Front Shoulder Raises
    Thursday - 25

    100 push-ups
    Thursday - 25

    100 squats
    Thursday - 25

    Food: (1 point)
    Stay under Carbs at least 4 days.

    Emotional challenge: (1 point)
    What has this challenge meant to you? How has it helped you? Anyone that stands out on your team?

    This group has meant so much to me. It has given me the drive to workout each week, and it has helped me want to eat right! This challenge has helped me realize that there are many other mother's out there taking a little time out of their day for themselves, and that doesn't make us selfish, that above all has been the best thing for me. Also the constant support that Karie, Becky and Louie have given me over the last 7 weeks has been priceless and much needed. A HUGE thank you to everyone in the SAHMU challenge!!!
  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 178 Member
    Okay gonna be brainstorming my goals as I type them lol... Here goes nothin'

    STRETCH before and after each workout. I know the lack of that has been causing me issues.
    Ride my bike 3 times this week (at least). I love it and need to do it more!

    Circuit Training at least 3 times this week.
    Crunches/Ab work at least 3 times this week.

    What has this challenge meant to you? How has it helped you?
    This challenge has meant so much to me to be able to share this experience with all you wonderful ladies in the same stage of life as me..therefore understanding the ups and downs of making it all work, the stress, TOM showing his ugly head to all of us lol! This has helped me to push myself farther having something to look forward to. It's important for the workout routine to not become monotonous. Doing different things has helped keep this fun!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    My internet is back!! Yay!

    **I need everyone to post there weigh ins and points for last week! What is up with that! Lets finish this challenge strong, if you can't follow through with this than how will you follow through with this weight loss journey, this was only 60 days! I also need calorie goals posted for this week.

    You all have done a great job! I am so glad that those of you who are here and strong have really dedicated yourselfes to becoming the best you can be. I truly believe that one of our biggest problems with losing this weight is follow through. It is important that we finish this challenge strong so when we move on or for those of you who decide to stay we keep working hard and we don't get lazy or slowly slip back into bad habbits.

    Have a great night,
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    We interupt your regularly scheduled thread for a much needed whine fest........

    I need to change my work out routinue, I feel like I'm killing myself.
    I use to get up at 5:45 and have time for my workout , a shower, do my hair, get ready for my day, but now that school has started and I have to get my daughter up at 6:45, half the time I don't have time to get a shower until after I come home from dropping her off at school, just before the daycare kids get here (gross I know!). I don't have time to do my hair, so I end up pulling it into a pony. Im trying to get up at 5:00am so I have enough time, but it's taking a toll, I feel like I'm wearing down, and not wanting to get up at all. I need to sit down today and see if I can chage something around in my day so I can make this all work....Ughh!
    I think I'm gonna have to set my goal lower than most everyone else's, I don't know how I can reach 500 a day without taking a lot of time away from "family time", which is why I try to get up early which takes me back to my original problem, vicious cycle isn't it!
    45 min on the treadmill at 3.5mph only burns around 168 cal for me, and I'm already working-out three times a day most days to reach the calories I've been burning for the challenges(around 460 - 477), so I need to find a goal that is actually do-able but is still a challenge.

    Okay whining over, we return you to your regularly scheduled thread......

    You hit on a very important point for long term success: that you have to be able to not only maintain the intensity of your routine but be really "in to" it; I'm not always enthusiastic about my routine (tough to get to the gym somedays) but I love the classes I'm taking, truly enjoy them, so I keep going!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    TH 9/8 (posted on team Black & main thread)
    CARDIO: Zumba, Personal training, & playing with kids
    Calories Burned = 585

    CARDIO Part 2:
    Goal =
    Add a minimum of a 100 calorie burn each day playing with my kids
    Burn an average of 500 calories/ day
    Go for a walk with my husband every day that he does not work (approx. 4 days)
    Completed? yes except walk w/ husband (he works)

    200 sit-up's (65 completed)
    100 lunges (35 completed)
    100 push-ups (25 completed)
    200 squats (25 completed)

    Under Carbs? yes

    This challenge has been a way for me to be even more accountable for what I do/ don't do, eat/ don't eat; it has helped me to focus my efforts & energy in a much more efficient way which in turn has really boosted not only my success but hpw I feel about myself (& when I don't feel too hot about myself, the Teams have been there to support). The Challenge has also just been fun!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    My internet is back!! Yay!

    **I need everyone to post there weigh ins and points for last week! What is up with that! Lets finish this challenge strong, if you can't follow through with this than how will you follow through with this weight loss journey, this was only 60 days! I also need calorie goals posted for this week.

    You all have done a great job! I am so glad that those of you who are here and strong have really dedicated yourselfes to becoming the best you can be. I truly believe that one of our biggest problems with losing this weight is follow through. It is important that we finish this challenge strong so when we move on or for those of you who decide to stay we keep working hard and we don't get lazy or slowly slip back into bad habbits.

    Have a great night,

    I totally agree with you! Lets finish strong ladies!!!!! "Determination today leads to success tomorrow!!"
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I have started a new thread for those of you who want to continue the challenge after this final week.:smile:
