

  • Anna247exo
    Anna247exo Posts: 41 Member
    Initial Start Weight: 237 (June 2019)
    Sept Start Weight: 199
    Sept Goal Weight: 190
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130

    Sept 1: 199
    Sept 6: 197.6
    Sept 13: 197.4
    Sept 20: 197
    Sept 27:

  • tehanuyorbcn
    tehanuyorbcn Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for having this challenge!

    Initial Start Weight: 104kg
    September Start Weight: 100,5 kg
    September Goal Weight: 95 kg
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 75 kg

    Sept 1: 100,5
    Sept 8: 97,3
    Sept 15: 99,8
    Sept 22: 98,5
    Sept 29:
    Sept 30:

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • SamskiB
    SamskiB Posts: 211 Member
    Ive been on and off here for a number of years but all the weight i lost previously ive put back on and more so i need to stick to it this time!

    Initial Start Weight: 76.5kg
    September Start Weight: 75.4kg
    September Goal Weight: 74.5kg
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 53.5kg

    Sept 1: 75.4kg
    Sept 8: no reading this week
    Sept 13: 75.5kg
    Sept 20: 74.6kg
    Sept 27:
  • creesama
    creesama Posts: 128 Member
    Initial Start Weight: 274.2lbs
    September Start Weight: 242.8lbs
    September Goal Weight: 235lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 174lbs

    Sept 1: 242.8lbs
    Sept 8: 245lbs
    Sepy 15: 243.2lbs
    Sept 22: 243.4lbs
    Sept 29:
    Sept 30:

    Well I've about had it with this month. Everything started to settle down after stopping breastfeeding and then BAM mother nature slaps me with my first period post pregnancy and all I can say is wow. So much bloating, cravings, cramps and misery. So now I'm just counting myself lucky if I maintain this month and hopefully my hard work will start paying off again soon. By far the most difficult weight loss weeks since I started in June.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,256 Member
    My name is Donna and I am 60 years old. I am from the Midwest USA. 5’ 5
    I will be keeping the Thursday weigh-in (in addition to the 1st and last day of the month for the full tally)

    September start Weight: 211.1 (Weight on August 31, 2020)
    Sept Goal Weight: 205.1 (6 lb loss)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145-155 (I’ll know when I get there).

    Sept 01 : 211.6 Wrong way!
    Sept 08: 211.6 All progress made earlier in the week was lost over the holiday. Disappointed.
    Sept 15: 211.6 Gotta shake things up!
    Sept 22: 210.8 Finally under my starting weight. Got to get a grip and hang onto it.
    Sept 29:
    Sept 30:
    Total Weight Loss for September:

    Final Challenge Thoughts:
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 309 Member
    I would like to be a part of this challenge. I need to start participating and holding myself accountable and hopefully in the process starting to believe I can do it!

    Sept 9...I guess I did better than I thought, was pleasantly surprised by the scale this morning. I haven't been very mobile because of pain in my legs and hip, seeing a chiropractor but not helping yet, hope to do some walking this week. Thanks for the challenge, it helped me this past week for sure!
    Sept 16..I blew it over the week end and that is usually my signal to give up but I'm trying not to do that this time.
    Sept 23..Well, it's coming along, but I can't take credit for the loss. I am still trying to find out what's going on with my legs and hip, even the chiropractor can't help. Waiting for a cat scan. Thanks again for the challenge, it helps to keep me focused.

    September start weight: 253
    September goal weight: 246
    Ultimate goal weight: 180

    Sept 1 253
    Sept 9: 249
    Sept 16:248
    Sept 23:244
    Sept 30:
  • msapplek
    msapplek Posts: 95 Member
    September Start Weight: 152
    September Goal Weight: 150
    2020 Goal Weight: 145

    Sep 1: 152
    Sep 8: 153.5
    Sep 15: 150
    Sep 23: 153.5
    Sep 29:
    Sep 30:

    Sep 23: I got a last minute invite to a friend's beachhouse rental for a long weekend. So per usual, I enjoyed myself immensely according to the scale. Seems like I've been losing the same 5-7lbs since August with these vacation weekends. Something I noted: my thin and fit friends can sample 1-2 pieces of candy/cookies or a few chips from a bowl and be done; I keep reaching into the bag/bowl and want to keep eating until it's done, or until the dopamine is exhausted (something I've always done). I wonder if it's a habit that I can eventually break, or is this behavior wired neurally in the same way that other addicts also feel compelled to keep drinking or taking drugs?

    Sep 15: A few days ago I hit my 100 day food logging streak on MFP! The food logging has definitely been the game changer in my health and weight loss journey. Some days I have a self-pity party thinking that I might have to do this for the rest of my life. On other days, I feel the control that I have over tracking food and calories is a small but positive action worth doing.

    Sep 8: I was very active over the long weekend, but also, ate lots of sodium laden & calorific foods. While I also had some cool NSV's over this past week, I'm noticing a trend that the weight is very slowly going up rather than down over the past few weeks. Time to nip that now and get focused on reaching my goal this month.

    Sep 1: In the August Weight Loss Challenge, I ended the challenge yesterday with scale readings of 155-157. This morning, I got readings of 150.5 and 152. I'm a broken record about my wonky scale, and at this point, I should probably just get a new scale. Ugh. Anyone have scale recommendations?
  • kalchthaleri
    kalchthaleri Posts: 231 Member
    Initial Start Weight: 338lbs.
    September Start Weight: 134lbs.
    September Goal Weight: 130lbs.
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 123-125lbs.

    Sept 5: 134lbs.
    Sept 12: 132.5lbs.
    Sept 19: 131.5lbs.
    Sept 26:

    So tomorrow is the official weigh-in day but as is my obsessive nature, I get weighed every day. This has been an awful week. Most days, including today I am at 137. I know this happens. I just hate it and can’t make sense of it. I have weighed every group of cherry tomatoes, counted every ounce of water, measured my vegetables in cups, not added sugar to anything, weighed my peaches and nectarines and assigned the appropriate calories. I’ve run 45 minutes every day, had some good times, done my aerobics daily. Walked more steps. I just don’t know how I have gained 6.5lbs. Even though I read it could be water weight, hormones (I do have my period). I just hate the scale some days....
  • kalchthaleri
    kalchthaleri Posts: 231 Member
    Initial Start Weight: 338lbs.
    September Start Weight: 134lbs.
    September Goal Weight: 130lbs.
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 123-125lbs.

    Sept 5: 134lbs.
    Sept 12: 132.5lbs.
    Sept 19: 131.5lbs.
    Sept 26: 135.5lbs.

    Wrote this yesterday: So tomorrow is the official weigh-in day but as is my obsessive nature, I get weighed every day. This has been an awful week. Most days, including today I am at 137. I know this happens. I just hate it and can’t make sense of it. I have weighed every group of cherry tomatoes, counted every ounce of water, measured my vegetables in cups, not added sugar to anything, weighed my peaches and nectarines and assigned the appropriate calories. I’ve run 45 minutes every day, had some good times, done my aerobics daily. Walked more steps. I just don’t know how I have gained 6.5lbs. Even though I read it could be water weight, hormones (I do have my period). I just hate the scale some days....
    And so today was 135.5lbs. which means a gain of a pound during September. Which means...today is a new day, right? Sigh.
  • kahthompson1
    kahthompson1 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks for the challenge, I am in

    Sept starting wieght 239.2
    Sept goal weight 234.0
    Sept actual weight 233.0

    Total weight loss 6.2
  • joolsmd
    joolsmd Posts: 375 Member
    Initial Start Weight: 218.2
    September Start Weight:206.6
    September Goal Weight: 198 (although happy just to break 200!)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 182

    Sept 1: 206.6
    Sept 5: 207.2
    Sept 12: 205.2
    Sept 19: 203
    Sept 26: 200 B)

    As I am unlikely to lose a pound by Wednesday I think I'll take that as a win!
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,615 Member

    Heaviest weight: 175.4 in early 2013.
    Original MFP starting weight (January 2018) - 168.2
    August 31 starting weight - 145.8 (10-day average 145.5)
    September goal - 144
    Ultimate goal - Range between 142 - 148

    I report scale weight and (ten day average weight), and I post on Saturdays.

    August 31: 145.8 (10-day average 145.5)
    September 5: 143.2 (10-day average 145.6)
    September 12: 142.8 (10-day average 144.5)
    September 19: 146.0 (10-day average 142.9)
    September 26: 144.0 (10-day average 143.3)
    September 30:

    Total loss for September: About a pound, and I'm really close to my goal weight. My ten-day average actually dipped below my goal from last Friday through this Wednesday, was right at goal Thursday, and up the last couple days.

  • seksikissa
    seksikissa Posts: 40 Member
    Initial SW: 265.3
    September SW: 216.4
    September Goal: 210.4
    Ultimate Goal: 135

    September 1: 216.4
    September 6: 213.7 (-2.7)
    September 12: 212.8 (-0.9)
    September 19: 213.3 (+0.5)
    September 26: 211.9 (-1.4)
    September 30:

  • SERmom3
    SERmom3 Posts: 568 Member
    Original starting weight: 180
    Challenge starting weight: 140.6
    Challenge goal weight: 138.6

    Aug 31: 140.6
    Sept 7: 139.8
    Sept 14: 143.8
    Sept 21: 143.2
    Sept 28: 144.6 - Not how I wanted the month to go, but here it is. On to October....
  • tehanuyorbcn
    tehanuyorbcn Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for having this challenge!

    Initial Start Weight: 104kg
    September Start Weight: 100,5 kg
    September Goal Weight: 95 kg
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 75 kg

    Sept 1: 100,5
    Sept 8: 97,3
    Sept 15: 99,8
    Sept 22: 98,5
    Sept 29: 100.3
    Sept 30:

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • lolly2414
    lolly2414 Posts: 186 Member
    edited September 2020
    Initial Start Weight: 245 lbs.
    September Start Weight: 214.0 lbs.
    September Goal Weight: 210.0 lbs.
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145 lbs.

    Sept 1: 214.0 lbs.
    Sept 6: 212.2 lbs.
    Sepy 13: 212.2 lbs.
    Sept 20: Did Not Weigh (scale needed new battery)
    Sept 27: 212.8 lbs.
    Sept 30:
  • craftysloth85
    craftysloth85 Posts: 20 Member
    Initial Start Weight: 226
    September Start Weight: 226
    September Goal Weight: 218
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 150ish

    Sept 1: 226
    Sept 8: 223.4
    Sept 15: 221.4
    Sept 21: 223.4
    Sept 29: 220.6
    Sept 30:

    Glad my weekly meal plans set in advance is making a difference! Still definitely room for improvement, but I'm happy to see progress this week.
  • msapplek
    msapplek Posts: 95 Member
    September Start Weight: 152
    September Goal Weight: 150
    2020 Goal Weight: 145

    Sep 1: 152
    Sep 8: 153.5
    Sep 15: 150
    Sep 23: 153.5
    Sep 29: 152.5
    Sep 30:

    Sep 29: Yup, losing the same 5-7lbs since August. Would really like to break that trend in October, for goodness sake.

    Sep 23: I got a last minute invite to a friend's beachhouse rental for a long weekend. So per usual, I enjoyed myself immensely according to the scale. Seems like I've been losing the same 5-7lbs since August with these vacation weekends. Something I noted: my thin and fit friends can sample 1-2 pieces of candy/cookies or a few chips from a bowl and be done; I keep reaching into the bag/bowl and want to keep eating until it's done, or until the dopamine is exhausted (something I've always done). I wonder if it's a habit that I can eventually break, or is this behavior wired neurally in the same way that other addicts also feel compelled to keep drinking or taking drugs?

    Sep 15: A few days ago I hit my 100 day food logging streak on MFP! The food logging has definitely been the game changer in my health and weight loss journey. Some days I have a self-pity party thinking that I might have to do this for the rest of my life. On other days, I feel the control that I have over tracking food and calories is a small but positive action worth doing.

    Sep 8: I was very active over the long weekend, but also, ate lots of sodium laden & calorific foods. While I also had some cool NSV's over this past week, I'm noticing a trend that the weight is very slowly going up rather than down over the past few weeks. Time to nip that now and get focused on reaching my goal this month.

    Sep 1: In the August Weight Loss Challenge, I ended the challenge yesterday with scale readings of 155-157. This morning, I got readings of 150.5 and 152. I'm a broken record about my wonky scale, and at this point, I should probably just get a new scale. Ugh. Anyone have scale recommendations?