What are you grateful for today?



  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    MiNinaLisa wrote: »
    that my dads scan results show no cancer 🥳 happy tears all round.

    what a relief! hugs and more all around Jo! <3

    thank you Lisa 🤗 its his birthday today, he wanted breakfast birthday cake , god love him 😂 He's such a kid lol.
  • brustmannzwei
    brustmannzwei Posts: 1,124 Member
    That I and youins are vertical. That I was able to use leverage to move the upright piano and not hurt myself, and for everyone elese having a grateful for the day.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    That I and youins are vertical. That I was able to use leverage to move the upright piano and not hurt myself, and for everyone elese having a grateful for the day.

    horizontal isn't always bad :D
  • brustmannzwei
    brustmannzwei Posts: 1,124 Member
  • ermengarde22
    ermengarde22 Posts: 2,116 Member
    i got real life hug today from friend and we literally teared up bc *kitten* social distancing i miss my friends so much
  • asthesoapturns
    asthesoapturns Posts: 313 Member
    The pier fire is out and the air is no longer toxic with creosote fumes. I can actually go for a walk again.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    The pier fire is out and the air is no longer toxic with creosote fumes. I can actually go for a walk again.

    Several years ago, I watched the Redondo Beach Pier burn.

    It was a Friday.

    I was in sales.

    I was at the beach instead of working.

    I loved that job.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    MiNinaLisa wrote: »
    i got real life hug today from friend and we literally teared up bc *kitten* social distancing i miss my friends so much

    my bestie still won't hug me. she won't even hug her son who lives another part of the city. but we do the happy dance around each other. i'd have teared up if we'd have hugged because she's like my sister... :s .

    I'd give you a hug! I sure would.

    And out of supreme respect, I wouldn't even request a reach-around.

    Unless, you know.... well, unless you insisted.
  • asthesoapturns
    asthesoapturns Posts: 313 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    The pier fire is out and the air is no longer toxic with creosote fumes. I can actually go for a walk again.

    Several years ago, I watched the Redondo Beach Pier burn.

    It was a Friday.

    I was in sales.

    I was at the beach instead of working.

    I loved that job.

    I work in sales but alas I've been stuck in the office all throughout this Covid crap. Our rep on the road has that life though. He calls me from far nicer/more scenic locals. Can't help but be jealous sometimes XD. But then I remember I'm moving into purchasing and I don't have to deal with customers anymore.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    The pier fire is out and the air is no longer toxic with creosote fumes. I can actually go for a walk again.

    Several years ago, I watched the Redondo Beach Pier burn.

    It was a Friday.

    I was in sales.

    I was at the beach instead of working.

    I loved that job.

    I work in sales but alas I've been stuck in the office all throughout this Covid crap. Our rep on the road has that life though. He calls me from far nicer/more scenic locals. Can't help but be jealous sometimes XD. But then I remember I'm moving into purchasing and I don't have to deal with customers anymore.

    My favorite story was that I had a counterpart taking some time off (although he was still 'on-the-clock' with the expectation that he would be out in the field making sales calls.)

    He's in L.A. and it's only 2PM in the afternoon.

    He's in a sports bar for a late lunch and thinks "It's Friday, I'll have a beer!"

    His boss, on the other hand, is in NYC on business and has just checked into his hotel room.

    It's L.A. It's the playoffs. ESPN has a camera crew there at the sport's bar.

    My counterpart is drinking a beer.

    ... which happens to be broadcast.... to the hotel room (where it's 5PM), where the boss has tuned into ESPN.

    Buddy / LA / 2PM / Bar / Beer / ESPN / Hotel / 5PM / TV / Boss

    Oopsie !!!
  • asthesoapturns
    asthesoapturns Posts: 313 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    The pier fire is out and the air is no longer toxic with creosote fumes. I can actually go for a walk again.

    Several years ago, I watched the Redondo Beach Pier burn.

    It was a Friday.

    I was in sales.

    I was at the beach instead of working.

    I loved that job.

    I work in sales but alas I've been stuck in the office all throughout this Covid crap. Our rep on the road has that life though. He calls me from far nicer/more scenic locals. Can't help but be jealous sometimes XD. But then I remember I'm moving into purchasing and I don't have to deal with customers anymore.

    My favorite story was that I had a counterpart taking some time off (although he was still 'on-the-clock' with the expectation that he would be out in the field making sales calls.)

    He's in L.A. and it's only 2PM in the afternoon.

    He's in a sports bar for a late lunch and thinks "It's Friday, I'll have a beer!"

    His boss, on the other hand, is in NYC on business and has just checked into his hotel room.

    It's L.A. It's the playoffs. ESPN has a camera crew there at the sport's bar.

    My counterpart is drinking a beer.

    ... which happens to be broadcast.... to the hotel room (where it's 5PM), where the boss has tuned into ESPN.

    Buddy / LA / 2PM / Bar / Beer / ESPN / Hotel / 5PM / TV / Boss

    Oopsie !!!

    Whoopie daisy XD

    When our on the road rep was young and learning the ropes of the floral industry his supervisor insisted on taking lunches at the local strip club. Long lunches. One of the managers ended up wondering where they always disappeared to and found the company van in the clubs parking lot... oops.
  • MiNinaLisa
    MiNinaLisa Posts: 648 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    MiNinaLisa wrote: »
    i got real life hug today from friend and we literally teared up bc *kitten* social distancing i miss my friends so much

    my bestie still won't hug me. she won't even hug her son who lives another part of the city. but we do the happy dance around each other. i'd have teared up if we'd have hugged because she's like my sister... :s .

    I'd give you a hug! I sure would.

    And out of supreme respect, I wouldn't even request a reach-around.

    Unless, you know.... well, unless you insisted.

    oh you - i'd INSIST - AND reach around!

  • MiNinaLisa
    MiNinaLisa Posts: 648 Member
    That I and youins are vertical. That I was able to use leverage to move the upright piano and not hurt myself, and for everyone elese having a grateful for the day.

    horizontal isn't always bad :D

    the cheek! :D<3
  • Miss_Chiev0us
    Miss_Chiev0us Posts: 1,592 Member
    My boyfriend. Not just today but every day. Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky to have someone like him in my life.
  • mytyglotz
    mytyglotz Posts: 1,804 Member
    My colleagues' patience and support.
  • sportygal1971
    sportygal1971 Posts: 62 Member
    My cats cuddling w me this morning
  • PaperDoll_
    PaperDoll_ Posts: 32,850 Member
    Life ❤️