Labor Day Goal Achieved ... Time to Set a New One ... What's Yours?



  • charmmeth
    charmmeth Posts: 936 Member
    Thank you! 1200 is so few: how tall are you? I am 5'11" and if I go below about 1350/1400 (before exercise) I just feel meh. And plateaus happen. I tries adjusting my macros to keep myself within the recommended proportions and it seemed to help me. (But maybe the scale was ready to move anyway.) Stay with it!
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Wow Nancy, life has been a roller coaster for you, hasn't it? I think you're doing great to get in 10K steps a day!! Keep at it!!
  • charmmeth
    charmmeth Posts: 936 Member
    I'm 56, so just a few years behind you! I used to be able to eat anything and stay slim, or even lose weight, but from my mid-30s I had to watch more carefully and since menopause I need to make sure I get a good lot of exercise. When I hit 195 lbs (again) after Easter, I knew I needed to do something about it. Thankfully I am losing steadily again at the moment but last month felt very static. (My monthly average says it was actually less so than it felt.) Good luck!
  • zebasschick
    zebasschick Posts: 949 Member
    edited September 2020
    Thanks Charmmeth! I'm 5'4" and 63 years old. In the last 6 years I've had a bone marrow transplant and 6 surgeries. I used to be a gym rat and could get away with eating quite a bit and at least maintaining because I was pretty muscular. Those days are gone now and I'm old and flabby and I can't move enough to burn many calories. Most days I get my 10,000 steps in, but it's a slow go, not cardio. There's a gym at the end of my block, but it's closed because of Covid. My balance is wonky and I'm not agile at all. Now that I've given you a list of my excuses please tell me to get over it and quit whining. :D I actually find that 1200 calories is pretty doable except when I go completely off the rails (which has only happened twice in the last 8 weeks -- once planned and once unplanned [today]).

    i'm so sorry to hear that you had to go through all of that.

    i too, used to be a gym rat, and i was very muscular for my height at 5' 3 1/2", and i'm also 63. through my latter thirties and forties, i worked out at least 18 hours a week, mostly lifting, and after some injuries (only 1 happened in the gym) and an undiagnosed lung issue, here i am, very low muscle mass, weak and flabby. i've never had good balance. but i'm working toward being fit and hopefully strong again... someday. overdoing always seems to hurt something, so i'm being forced to use patience, which isn't always exactly my strong suit ;)

  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    SW: 136.5
    GW: 131.5

    Sept. 14: 136.5
    Sept. 21: 135.5
    Sept. 28:
    Oct. 5:
    Oct. 12:
    Oct. 19:
    Oct. 26:
    Nov. 2:
  • charmmeth
    charmmeth Posts: 936 Member
    In the last 6 years I've had a bone marrow transplant and 6 surgeries. I used to be a gym rat and could get away with eating quite a bit and at least maintaining because I was pretty muscular.

    I don't know where the part of my post disappeared to in which I said I am so sorry to hear what you have gone through. I think it is amazing that you are where you are! If your balance is off, itm ight be worth trying some of the seated exercises that are around? (No balance needed.)
  • charmmeth
    charmmeth Posts: 936 Member
    edited September 2020
    Tuesdays are the day I don't exercise before weighing, so my Tuesday weight shows above what my logged weight on mfp is showing (logged yesterday morning, after exercise but before breakfast).

    September 15: 80.3 kg (177 lbs)
    September 22: 79.7 kg (176 lbs)
    September 29:
    October 6:
    October 13:
    October 20:
    October 27:
    November 3:

  • gininme
    gininme Posts: 16 Member

    No change, but no gain. I am still on board.

    September 18: 139
    September 22: 139
    September 29:
    October 6:
    October 13:
    October 20:
    October 27:
    November 3:
  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I'll join you.

    Be nice to have more accountability nearing the holidays.

    September 15: 189.8
    September 22: 188.0
    September 29:
    October 6:
    October 13:
    October 20:
    October 27:
    November 3:
  • copaceticx292
    copaceticx292 Posts: 6 Member
    Seeing some action!

    SW: 178.6
    GW: 170.0

    Sept. 18: 178.6
    Sept. 22: 175.0
    Sept. 29:
    Oct. 6:
    Oct. 13:
    Oct. 20:
    Oct. 2:
    Nov. 3:

    So TBH, I think that starting weight was a bit artificially high/water weight. It was higher than normal for me. But I'll take it.
  • nancykadolph
    nancykadolph Posts: 41 Member
    September 15: 181.8
    September 22: 181.8
    September 29:
    October 6:
    October 13:
    October 20:
    October 27:
    November 3:

    Boy ... is my scale fickle!! Yesterday I weighed in at 180.2. I was all excited to post my weight loss, but it is not to be. This morning the scale said 181.8 -- no change for the week. I must admit I've had some struggles this week, so I'll try harder for the upcoming week.

    Great job on posting and staying with it @Harper16, @ReenieHJ, @charmmeth, @copacetix292, and @gininme!!
  • charmmeth
    charmmeth Posts: 936 Member
    Those scales are so fickle! We have a light one and a heavy one which weigh 3-4 lbs different. My post is from my heavy one. Yesterday (after excerise) it gave me 78.9kg, which was exciting as it is the first time for several years I have been below 79kg on the heavy scale. Good luck for you for next week!
  • Saskatchebun
    Saskatchebun Posts: 46 Member
    edited September 2020
    Highest weight: 199.4 (2017)
    Challenge SW: 155.2
    Challenge GW: 148.2

    September 15: 155.2
    September 22: 153.1 (-2.1)
    September 29:
    October 6:
    October 13:
    October 20:
    October 27:
    November 3:

    Great work guys!! There's 100 days left in this year - we can do this!
  • nancykadolph
    nancykadolph Posts: 41 Member
    Whoot-whoot ... way to go Saskatchebun!! Down 2.1 pounds in one week. I am peanut butter and jealous!!
  • gesundundmunter
    gesundundmunter Posts: 216 Member
    Thanks, Nancykadolph. This is such a lonely struggle otherwise.

    SW: 228.2
    GW 225

    September 23: 228.2
    September 29:
    October 6:
    October 13:
    October 20:
    October 27:
    November 3:
  • nancykadolph
    nancykadolph Posts: 41 Member
    Welcome @gesundundmunter! Thanks for joining us. Don't struggle alone, there are others in the same boat just trying to stay afloat. No judgement here, just encouragement and support.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,805 Member
    September 16: 147.6
    September 23: 146.8
    September 30:
    October 7:
    October 14:
    October 21:
    October 28:
    November 4:
    November 11:
  • charmmeth
    charmmeth Posts: 936 Member
    @gesundundmunter I love your mfp handle! Hoffentlich bleiben wir all gesund und munter!
  • Saskatchebun
    Saskatchebun Posts: 46 Member
    Whoot-whoot ... way to go Saskatchebun!! Down 2.1 pounds in one week. I am peanut butter and jealous!!

    Thanks! It might go wonky with TOM but ill take it when I can lol