Besides keeping track of calories, what else are you doing to maintain your overall health?

I have gotten better about eating vegetables, taking walks, and cutting out toxic relationships. I also save watching/reading the news for right before a workout- I find it so aggravating.


  • ericigo2015
    ericigo2015 Posts: 4 Member
    Biking to work, in addition to my regular cardio and strength training, has been very helpful. The Seattle hills allow me to vary the intensity depending on how I'm feeling. I could really do without all of this wildfire smoke, though.
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,138 Member
    Running 3x a week, light resistance training (dumbbells, kettle bells, body weight exercises), and throw in some yoga a few times a week if I can. The yoga has been amazing for my flexibility and keeping my back lose and in good shape! I'm literally one of the least flexible guys with the worst balance on the planet so I'm pretty awkward at it but its really helped...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,940 Member
    Physical training. Keeping the body fit and strong goes hand in hand with health.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • BahstenB10
    BahstenB10 Posts: 227 Member
    Reducing alcohol. Non M-F, a couple on the weekend.

    Ditto for me.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I don't track calories, but I have a pretty healthful and well balanced diet overall and exercise regularly. I'm working on cutting back on alcohol which I was doing pretty well with pre-pandemic, but it has been the hardest part of being at home, especially with summer and a pool. I have tended to park my *kitten* in a pool floaty with several beers as soon as it's quitting time.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    Managing my macros
    Walking -10k/day
    Upper body strength training
    Fun times
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    Exercising everday, making it a streak. Making sure never get less than 30g protein a day.
  • ExpressoLove11
    ExpressoLove11 Posts: 337 Member
    I drink lots of water and try to get good quality sleep (not too good at this part but the idea is there). I lift 4 times a week and make sure to do at least 40 minutes of light cardio a day. Sometimes I do actual cardio but I gotta be in the mood. I make sure to eat 80g of protein a day and incorporate as many fruits and veggies as I can.
  • julie3461
    julie3461 Posts: 65 Member
    edited September 2020
    - Daily exercise even if it's a .5 mile walk or light yoga/stretching
    - Severely reduced alcohol intake starting in March 2020 (only drank 3 times so far)
    - Started walking more by walking places places (ex. CVS for a drink if I want one like a sparkling water, grocery shopping, UPS for silly amazon returns, etc.).
    - indulging weekly to prevent binging
    - Got back into meditation/focusing on the person I want to be
    - get up early and go to bed early during the week
    - getting ready every day/putting on real clothes
    - getting rid of STUFF/ making an effort to stop buying things I simply want
    I am sure there are more
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    Keeping my head engaged in the process.

    If you've had struggles for a decade, more than likely it's not going away when all of the weight loss is finished. I ate it all back the first go-around. The mind is strong. Most of this is a mental battle/combat zone with those old neural pathways, deep, deep grooves in the brain. Keep your head engaged.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,872 Member
    running a minimum of 1 mile a day 5 days a week
    Lifting 5 days a week minimum for 30-60 minutes
    Plexus triplex for gut health (it has helped me so much, I have bad GI issues, and this stuff has releaved majority of my gut issues)
    Lots of water.
    less TV
    quit working so much, working just 1 job and covering only occasionally at 2nd job instead of working some 14 hour days, and 60 hours a week
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    Minimal red meat
    Plant-based dinners 2-3 times a week (black beans, tofu), otherwise fish, chicken or sometimes shrimp
    Zero cured meats including bacon (I have some health issues)
    A serving of whole-grain carbs at each meal
    Fresh fruit for snacks as much as possible (this does not always happen!)
    Very limited alcohol (special occasions or a glass of wine once or twice a month with dinner)
    No-holds-barred dinner splurges on special occasions (alcohol, red meat, cheese, decadent desserts, whatever I want...special occasions are maybe 6 times a year)
    Eat a good source of protein at each meal
    Exercise (hiking, bought a spin bike and a step for home, home-based weight workouts)
    Limit news intake

  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,172 Member
    Nothing special. Just being mindful of my eating habits and portions, always trying to eat nutritious food with lots of vegetables, fruit for desert instead of pastry or sweets, cooking mostly at home (no much choice in the matter with COVID around...), very little alcohol, if any. Moving around as much as possible in the house (increasing my NEAT), walking everyday, if possible, and doing calisthenic at home with light weights.

    I don't track calories or wt. and log food in a consistent/frequent manner, but after being in maintenance for 10 years, what ever I do seems to be working.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I make good quality sleep a major priority in my life. 8 hours minimum, no matter what.
  • tictoerest
    tictoerest Posts: 9 Member
    edited November 2020
    I have gotten better about eating vegetables, taking walks, and cutting out toxic relationships. I also save watching/reading the news for right before a workout- I find it so aggravating.

    The mainstream media/press and television is propaganda and rot. I stopped watching television years ago. I removed by television from my living room. It's a waste of time and controls you more than you think. They are very good about subliminal messages. If you tell a lie to someone over and over again they will eventually believe the lie.
    Then you have the computer. Delete your big tech fakebook, twitter, etc. That's garbage as well. They censor and push their propaganda too. Find free speech alternatives.

    For physical activity I lift weights at home. I just use dumbbells. There are many exercises you can do with dumbbells, but you really need to emphasize form. Slow and controlled will get you there and start with light weights. I've injured myself a few times in the past trying to progress to heavier weight when my form was all off. There is also a lot of bad advice from fitness buffs online. They may tell you to focus on something that really doesn't need a ton of focus on and you end up being overly conscious about a certain movement which ends up causing problems in another part of the movement. Everything with a grain of salt when listening to advice. Also, if you're getting a nagging pain then it's likely you're doing something wrong. You'll get stronger lifting lighter weights with really good form versus bad form with heavy weights which will injure you immediately or eventually.

    I rarely drink, not to say it's not okay to have a drink occasionally but getting drunk is bad. One or two drinks is okay.

    Get enough sleep. Sleep is probably the most important. 7-8 hours of sleep like they say.

    Don't let the bogus covid nonsense scare you. Statistics show you're more likely to die in a car accident than from covid. It's all a political scam. Statistics and Science prove it's a scam being perpetrated to put fear into the public and with fear comes more control from those evil people. No fear, except the fear of God which is the most important!
  • 1poundatax
    1poundatax Posts: 231 Member
    Drinking water
    Exercising at least 150 min. per week
    Get outside as much as possible/walk
    onnect with others via technology or phone
  • In addition to the calorie issue, I'm trying to keep myself feeling good about myself by making sure I'm wearing pretty clothes that fit as I go down in size. I do yoga every day to keep myself flexible and strong, and I am working on making sure I take my medication and supplements every day because I need them and feel rotten when I don't. I work hard on doing the organizational things that are harder to do with ADHD but are very necessary because of it, and doing what I'm supposed to do when I'm supposed to do it, because it really is easier that way.
    And I'm working on being the sort of person I want to be, in my family circle and in the wider world. Let my theology be my biography, and my actions be my testimony.
  • KarmelaL
    KarmelaL Posts: 3 Member
    I ascribe to the "MEDS" way: Meditation + Exercise + Diet + Sleep. Since Covid (and the subsequent loss of motivation to live well), I've gotten help from mobile apps that have gamified these things. For example:
    • Meditation: I use the "Calm" app. Aside from the availability of hundreds of guided meditations, I love how it keeps track of your streaks.
    • Exercise: I wear a Fitbit Inspire 2 (to accurately count calories burned) which then feeds into MFP. The Fitbit mobile app is also terrific for counting steps and keeping track of your exercise trends.
    • Diet: I use MFP religiously to track my food and water. Data from my Fitbit is also automatically integrated into MFP.
    • Sleep: I wear my Fitbit to bed and have the sleep settings on "sensitive." It's mostly accurate.

    And then for quality of life, here are some other apps that have helped during Covid:
    • Bookly: Keeps track of books that I'm reading, number of pages, number of days I've been reading, etc.
    • Zombies, Run! TERRIFIC running app that has gamified running for me. I now look forward to running outside, even in cold weather.
    • Tabata: Very simple timer that lets you program alternate exercise + rest periods.
    • Onelife Anywhere: the mobile app of my gym that includes all kinds of exercises you can do at home.
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    I take time for ME. As a mother, wife, daughter, sister, employee: that did not always happen in the past. I'd go a year before finally getting around to getting my hair trimmed. Routine dental and doctor visits? Did not have the time. But now I'm making the time. They are little things, but if I'm going to take care of myself (in terms of being a healthy weight, getting regular exercise) then I need to take care of ME in other ways as well.