What's the stupidest Facebook post you've ever seen?

quichebradford Posts: 327 Member
I pulled back from Facebook a few months ago, it's just so ridiculous. The things people post are just outrageous! My co-worker told me that she found out that her cousin had passed away on FB...that was the family's way of notifying everyone! What the? One lady thought it was a good idea to let everyone know that her 5 year old daughter found her sex toy and asked her what it was! And just when I thought I'd seen it all, my friend told me that one of her friends posted this yesterday.

"If anyone has any foodstamps to sell, inbox me"

Are you kidding?!?! :noway:

So, what's the stupidest thing you've seen someone post on FB?


  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    One of my friends posted when her 12 yr old daughter started her period. I was like ummm thanks for sharing I'm sure your daughter would love to know that you just shared that with 400 people. Then once a friend posted that she was really mad at another friend for not being able to talk to her right at that moment about Thanksgiving dinner because her friend's house was on fire!! Seriously!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    girl my wife knows posted up "just told my parents about my pregnancy. going to tell the in-laws tomorrow. ugh." background, she hates her in-laws, but why would you put anything like that on facebook is beyond me. you're telling all your on-line friends in a very public way before you tell your in-laws???
  • jeanie✰
    I don't think I've ever heard anything super personally stupid...but I get so annoyed at the blind and ignoring posts people make for the "post this if you agree" or "99% of people won't repost this, be one of the 1% who do" over things they know NOTHING about.
  • barbiedollgirl
    barbiedollgirl Posts: 57 Member
    I think that all of Facebook is CRAZY!! hehe I laugh everyday at something someone post. I just cant believe that ALOT of people put their WHOLE life on their facebook!! I know I dont!
  • hempelsa
    Facebook has given everyone license to say every stupid trivial thing they think and be convinced that the rest of the world should care about it. Most people don't understand that no one gives a crap about the minutia of their daily lives, and that there are more direct and logical ways to communicate.
  • barbiedollgirl
    barbiedollgirl Posts: 57 Member
    I don't think I've ever heard anything super personally stupid...but I get so annoyed at the blind and ignoring posts people make for the "post this if you agree" or "99% of people won't repost this, be one of the 1% who do" over things they know NOTHING about.

  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I pulled back from Facebook a few months ago, it's just so ridiculous. The things people post are just outrageous! My co-worker told me that she found out that her cousin had passed away on FB...that was the family's way of notifying everyone! What the? One lady thought it was a good idea to let everyone know that her 5 year old daughter found her sex toy and asked her what it was! And just when I thought I'd seen it all, my friend told me that one of her friends posted this yesterday.

    "If anyone has any foodstamps to sell, inbox me"

    Are you kidding?!?! :noway:

    So, what's the stupidest thing you've seen someone post on FB?

    There is this guy who graduated a few years before me in high school. He was on the wrestling team and was a body builder back in the day. He used to ride around the city on his crotch rocket and had long blonde hair. Quite the looker back then. He will be turning 50 soon and has put on a ton of weight from what I can tell by his profile. Every week, he posts photos of himself standing in front of a public bathroom mirror... flexing! Problem is, he isn't muscular anymore. Besides the awkward photos, he also posts videos of himself singing karaoke... badly. THEN... last week he started posting videos of himself reading off the Twins roster like he was a sports announcer!!! Something tells me that he hit the juice pretty hard back in his body building days. LOL!!!
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    I use FB to keep in touch with my family since we're all scattered now. The things that get annoying are the ones that seek out attention, search for drama, or just complain & post negative things all the time. That's when I remove them. FB is like high school all over again lol
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    When asked, "What country in Europe would you most like to visit?" someone I know answered, "Australia."
  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    I have two friends on FB that recently had babies.. and by recently I mean 4 months ago. They feel the need to post every single poopy diaper and sleepless night story on fb... it's disgusting.

    I also hate people that get all emo with their posts... wahhh cry me a river, then build a bridge and get the *%$# over it!
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I've got a "friend" (haven't seen her since high school but you all know FB, right?) who goes every monday like "I haaaaaaaaaaaaate mondays. Back at the office and not happy." and every friday: "Thank god it's friday! It's the week-end, yay yay yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. Going to party hard!!!". EVERY SINGLE WEEK!!!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Some girl complaining about Selective Service like it was a new thing and Obama's fault. Same girl also posted some anti-welfare thing then admitted she was on it in college.
  • AEcklar813
    AEcklar813 Posts: 184 Member
    These two friends i had on facebook were dating (they recently broke up) shortly after she gave birth to their second son he would post all the time about them not having sex. I mean come on she just had a baby. Then he posted how she caught him" taking carw of his own business" (definitely not how he put it) and lastly he said i'm so glad she didn't wait the 6 weeks to have sex again because I was starting to get elephantitis of the nuts.

    They would also argue and complain about each other all the time via facebook. Everyone literally knew everything about their lives.
  • boomboom011
    these are the worst:

    "i just cant cry anymore"
    "i cant handle this"

    the ones where they want you to say "whats wrong?"

    I never respond.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Hmmm. Most of my friends are pretty sane, so not a whole lot.

    But yesterday, a friend posted that she was going to a nutritionist to try to get healthy and I commented that she should come walking with a group of us who go regularly. She deleted my comment and sent me a PM stating that I was not respecting her boundaries by inviting her to exercise with us.
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    Ok there is a lady in our town that decided to start a personal page to represent our town. It was called Positively ______. I friended her thinking I would find out fun things to do with my toddler, which I did....but OMG, she started getting really bossy and not allowing people to posts comments and bragging that she "did this for free, and she doesn't get respect from others and blah blah". She posted at least 35-40 times a day...it was ALL you ever saw on your page and it was crazy personal stuff wanting everyone to vote for her pictures in various contests and stuff. She ended up gaining like 2000 friend and losing them all in like 2 months. hahahaha. She was sooooo annoying.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    The stupidest FB posts I've seen are the "breast cancer awareness" games. They don't raise breast cancer awareness, since it's always supposed to be a big secret as to what your status means. And some of them are downright offensive. If you want to raise breast cancer awareness, make your profile pic a pink ribbon for a day. Or better yet, donate a dollar or ten, since I'm pretty sure everybody is aware of breast cancer by now. But the games feel like something we would have done in the third grade. "Oooh, let's say stuff that sounds naughty but it's really not, and we won't tell the boys, and the boys will be sooooo curious, tee hee! ;)" Please.
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    Here's the status flow with punctuation and grammar copied.

    Meg: Which is more important: finishing uni or getting married?!
    Adam: As I already have a degree, and a marriage for that matter, I'd pick getting married. It is something you will do only once; the degree, after you have it, is actually pretty useless once you have a job.
    Roy: well, Meggy, since you've already booked the church I'd say whichever is the most pressing deadline takes precedence.
    Madeleine: I think getting married what do you think Meg?
    Cathy: Getting married of course!!! Uni will happen. Enjoy every minute.
    Me: I say school. You will never regret getting a degree.

    Cheers gang.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    A friend of mine once posted something along the lines of "My neighbor called the cops on me and claims I'm a bad mother. God, I need a drink!"
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    Too many to tell. And have you seen failbook?