50 pounds to lose - starting again - join me with weekly check-ins and support



  • TiffanyPe17
    TiffanyPe17 Posts: 107 Member
    I’ve been bad about updating this thread this month, it I have weighed in every day except for today. I must admit that I am frustrated that the weight isn’t coming off as fast as it was before? Even though I knew to expect it to slow down. I just want to be at my goal weight now and to feel like my old self again. But one day at a time and one pound at a time I will get there.

    - 175.0 (10/1/20)
    - 174.4 (10/2/20)
    - 174.8 (10/3/20)
    - 175 (10/5/20)
    - 175 (10/5/20)
    - 174.6 (10/6/20)
    - Forgot to weigh (10/7/20)
  • TiffanyPe17
    TiffanyPe17 Posts: 107 Member
    I got in the scale today and was pleasantly surprised. I have been stuck between 174 & 175 this month, and I felt like I was making no progress. It was very disheartening. But today the scale read 173.4!!!! It moved!!! I’m hoping this is the start of more weight coming off. I would love to be 169 soon because that means I’m back in the 160s. I’ve been there before as a non-pregnant adult so it’s not as discouraging to me as my current weight. I’m hoping it happens this month 🤞🏻

    - 175.0 (10/1/20)
    - 174.4 (10/2/20)
    - 174.8 (10/3/20)
    - 175 (10/5/20)
    - 175 (10/5/20)
    - 174.6 (10/6/20)
    - Forgot to weigh (10/7/20)[/quote]
    - 173.4 (10/8/20)

  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    SW:207 (5/1/20)
    CW: 189.0
    GW: 157
    Mini goal: 187
    Total weight lost: 18

    The see-saw landed on the downside for weigh-in day and a new low. I feel like I am on a rollercoaster. I weighed myself, no lie, six times this morning and even saw 188.9 twice. I hope this is my plateau breakthrough but I’m not doing the happy dance just yet. I have only lost 0.8 since 9/25.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    SW: 242.0
    PW: 177.2
    CW: 176.2
    Mini goal: 170
    Goal: 160????
    LTD: 65.8

    This was a hard fought for pound! Still not taking a seat on the struggle bus!
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    @Beka3695 - Amazing LTD!!!
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    @jenifergotti How's it going, Jenifer.
  • luvs_choc8
    luvs_choc8 Posts: 788 Member
    Hello. Am I able to join this group. I am 53 years old. 5 years ago I was a committed member to my fitness pal and lost 35 lbs. I quit logging and have ended up gaining most of it back. My son is getting married next August and I want to lose some or all of it again. Not to mention I just want to feel better. Let me know what I need to do if there is openings in the group.
  • last_jennifer
    last_jennifer Posts: 75 Member
    Wow, a lot of inspiration on this thread! I don't feel alone. Thank you everyone who shared. Now I am going to get up and move!
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    luvs_choc8 wrote: »
    Hello. Am I able to join this group. I am 53 years old. 5 years ago I was a committed member to my fitness pal and lost 35 lbs. I quit logging and have ended up gaining most of it back. My son is getting married next August and I want to lose some or all of it again. Not to mention I just want to feel better. Let me know what I need to do if there is openings in the group.

    You are absolutely welcome to join in. Nothing formal here, people come and go as needed.
  • kcd394
    kcd394 Posts: 397 Member
    Been trying to get back on track this week after about 3 weeks of a slump (no gain, just no progress). I had been focused on self care, being gentle with myself, and trying to just relax and reset. I had finally come back to 182.6 Friday, but then my lovely BF bought us indian food and I ate it all... lol then we went out Saturday and I really overdid it. So the scale this week again shows no gain, but no progress either. Back to 183.6. My mini goal was 180 for next sunday... I think I may have to finally add in exercise to get there. Today we hiked for hours and I got almost 14k steps, hopefully I can get back to logging, cooking, and walking on my treadmill this week... perhaps with some strength training mixed in...

    Here's to a productive week folks!
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    kcd394 wrote: »
    Been trying to get back on track this week after about 3 weeks of a slump (no gain, just no progress). I had been focused on self care, being gentle with myself, and trying to just relax and reset. I had finally come back to 182.6 Friday, but then my lovely BF bought us indian food and I ate it all... lol then we went out Saturday and I really overdid it. So the scale this week again shows no gain, but no progress either. Back to 183.6. My mini goal was 180 for next sunday... I think I may have to finally add in exercise to get there. Today we hiked for hours and I got almost 14k steps, hopefully I can get back to logging, cooking, and walking on my treadmill this week... perhaps with some strength training mixed in...

    Here's to a productive week folks!

    Sounds like a good plan.
  • Leezy55
    Leezy55 Posts: 339 Member
    All time high 2019 prior MFP 192

    High 2020 174

    June loss 4 lbs
    July loss 3 lbs
    Aug loss 3 lbs
    Sept loss .8

    10/5 155.8 Wow! Can't believe I lost weight eating in restaurants (take out) everyday and enjoying humongous delicious pastries (2) every morning for breakfast!! I also finally made my half way loss of 36 lbs. Total loss 36.2

    10/12 154.4

    TLD 37.6
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member

    Had a bad day yesterday. My scale was up again and this time a total of 2.3 over my low and it got to my. I am doing everything right but not seeing results. So, I let it get the best of me and I had a pity day with no exercise (I HATE ANY EXERCISE) and even dipped into the Halloween candy (only 4 fun sized bars). I managed to stay under calories but blew the other goals including my ring streak and I don’t care.

    I decided today that I am going to try not weighing in until weigh-day on Friday and see how that goes.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    Had a bad day yesterday. My scale was up again and this time a total of 2.3 over my low and it got to my. I am doing everything right but not seeing results. So, I let it get the best of me and I had a pity day with no exercise (I HATE ANY EXERCISE) and even dipped into the Halloween candy (only 4 fun sized bars). I managed to stay under calories but blew the other goals including my ring streak and I don’t care.

    I decided today that I am going to try not weighing in until weigh-day on Friday and see how that goes.

    This happens. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Just get back on track the best you can and move on :)
  • dmireland88
    dmireland88 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello!! I lost 25 then gained 5 back. Not cool! Not where I wanted to be. Was doing Noom but hit a 3 month plateau. Need someone on my side here that understands this is not easy.
  • TiffanyPe17
    TiffanyPe17 Posts: 107 Member
    I have been feeling like the scale has been stuck lately. I’m going on long walks and staying within my allotted calories, but I’m still either staying the same or losing an ounce or two. Normally this would have been discouraging to me and I would have quit in the past and allowed myself to believe that my body was just stuck and I couldn’t change if. But things are different for me this time. I’m in a healthier headspace. Maybe it’s because I’ve been weighing myself daily and I can see some patterns in my weight loss. Or, maybe it’s because I had real and lasting motivation this time around. I’m not sure what the reason is. But I am able to encourage myself to continue eating well, continue logging my food, continue walking, and to continue logging in here and participating in groups. I know if I continue to do these things that the weight will eventually come off. I started off at 204 on September 10th, the day I had my baby. That was my highest weight ever. Today I am at 172.0. I am proud of that accomplishment, I worked hard for that loss. I still have about 32 pounds to lose before I am back to my normal weight, but I know that if I am persistent those pounds will come off, and I am encouraged by that thought.
  • kcd394
    kcd394 Posts: 397 Member
    On a struggle bus still. Weight hasn't really budged in 3 weeks and even creeped back to 184 range... i had been to 182.6... today it came down to 183 but then i made terrible snacking choices and way over-ate on calories today. Really need to get back to cooking for meal prep and just stick to my planned foods and stick to the plan. The stress of working late most this week and having super busy days caused some poor decisions. Motivation to get back on the wagon is tough to find so might just have to force myself to do it til the progress re-ignites the fire... its definitely not easy...
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    kcd394 wrote: »
    On a struggle bus still. Weight hasn't really budged in 3 weeks and even creeped back to 184 range... i had been to 182.6... today it came down to 183 but then i made terrible snacking choices and way over-ate on calories today. Really need to get back to cooking for meal prep and just stick to my planned foods and stick to the plan. The stress of working late most this week and having super busy days caused some poor decisions. Motivation to get back on the wagon is tough to find so might just have to force myself to do it til the progress re-ignites the fire... its definitely not easy...

    I am totally right there with you. I have been stalled for 3-4 weeks myself. My low this past week was 188.4 but today I am 190.9. I am so frustrated that I had a little pity party for myself and made bad choices yesterday. And you know what? I felt like crap last night. So, today it’s back to basics of tracking and getting in my water and steps. I am confident that I have been staying on track and just need to trust the process and be more patient.