ANJU WARRIORS~ Sept Tribal Challenge -Wk 2 closed



  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    I did today's exercises. My butt and thighs are still quite sore so tomorrow will be tough! I had to muster up all the anju warrior strength I had to go for a walk this morning but it was worth it!
  • Good morning.

    Woke up feeling tired... not wanting to work out. But I know I'll feel better if I do.

    Have a good day everyone.
  • Day one... Done... As am I! *whew!* The challenge (including bonus walk), along with my normal workout took 2 1/2 hours! I will try to hang with the pace, but am unsure I can keep up! Sarah & I already train w the c25k program for 30/day & Turbofire for an hour. I had no idea the challenge would double our workouts. We both work & have active kids to take care of. Sorry to whine... Just overwhelmed that it is this involved! I expected an increase in activity, but wow!
    Which challenge are you doing? You could always mix the pygmy with the bushmen to save on time.

    Don't you LOVE TurboFire????

    Did you do Chalean Extreme before TF?

    I am doing Pygmy, C25k, and yes! LOVING TurboFire! I feel lost without Chalene on that rest day! I definantly dont have time (nor strength!) to add Bushmen in! You gals are TOUGH pulling those off!

    Did you do Chalean Extreme before TF? Hows TF on your knees?

    No - this is my first workout program of hers. TF is tough on my knees I would say - but then, I had bad ones anyway! I wear a kneebrace on the worst said and complete most everything. I mark alot of Jumping Jacks and jumps when my knee get to acting up though! :) We plan to do CE as a Hybrid with TF after this round! :)

    This challenge is my jump start.. to CE! I am hoping to start Oct- Nov . Then move onto TF!

    I dont know what you mean ?" I mark alot of Jumping Jacks and jumps when my knee get to acting up though! :) "

    Is it full of JJ and Ive seen the lower impacter .. does she help?

    I commend you... your a go- get -her!

    By "mark them" I just mean I don't do them full out - I mostly do the low impact on those. If they jump, I pull a knee up into my chest. If they jack, I do a small lunge. I try to keep moving reguardless! I wonder which is harder - CE or TF???

    Those are good modifiers.. Meredith. I think anything Chalene Johnson puts out would be good?

    But I googled Chalean Extreme vs Turbo Fire...

    "They both are great programs, but offer different things.. CLX is weight training and Turbo Fire is mostly cardio.. I would say Turbo Fire is more like the gym version Turbo Kick(which I teach) so its more intense than Turbo Jam.. I love CLX as it offers the resistance(TF has some resistance, but not like CLX) training.. a great combo is both.. Turbo FIre is really high energy. CLX you lift in 10-12 reps in 2 phases and lift heavy the second month(6-8 reps). I lost lots of inches with CLX and I know alot have.. so if you are needing muscle definition CLX is a good choice.. and muscle burns fat, so if the scale doesnt show such a great loss, your clothes will! With Turbo Fire you will still gain muscle, but not like CLX... Like I said I love both of them .. maybe what you could do for now is get CLX and then add in the Turbo Jam since you already have it! TF is very addicting!! its really High energy which I love (think I already said that :) "
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    Hi ladies ... I've been getting my workouts done and have done the extra mile 2 days. Yesterday my 2 month old was cranky (shots) so I walked the hall with him for at least a half hour. I probably did more than a mile, but I'm counting it. I call him my baby bear so maybe that can count as a bear walk. (a girl can dream, right?)

    On a positive note, I finished my 60 day slimdown program today. I lost over 15 pounds and 24 inches. I also rocked my fitness test. I put all the stats on my blog (link in my signature) so if you want to see the details feel free to check it out.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Day 3 - 1 minute bear walk, 100 Jumping Jacks, 50 Crunches, 25 Split Squats, 1.5 mile walk, jog, run

    I suck at bear walk but my kids sure think it's funny. Only got a mile in this AM so i'll get another mile walk in at lunch. Best opportunity to get AWAY from my desk today!!

    You girls rock it! Awesome!!!!

    Oh and my legs cursed me after leg days @ the beginning of the week and then still hitting em with the squats. LoL.
  • Loved the upper body last night. I started everything with 10lbs for the first set of 15's then for the second and third sets used 8lbs. All except for the lawnmowers...started w/15lbs moved to 10's. I'd love to hear where you guys are at!!!!

    Tonight is an hour toning/cardio class at the gym, I may do Day 3 before I go....getting home from the gym around 7:00 and if I wait i have a feeling I won't do them :noway:

    Good job everybody!!!!

    Jorden - did you workout today?:wink:
  • Wow Tina your a real power house! Im only using 5 lbs 'ers.

    I did get 2.5 treadmill miles done and then moved to the Pygmy w/o.

    Thanks for asking .:smile:

    Whats going on with everyone else?
  • Day 3 - 1 minute bear walk, 100 Jumping Jacks, 50 Crunches, 25 Split Squats, 1.5 mile walk, jog, run

    I suck at bear walk but my kids sure think it's funny. Only got a mile in this AM so i'll get another mile walk in at lunch. Best opportunity to get AWAY from my desk today!!

    You girls rock it! Awesome!!!!

    Oh and my legs cursed me after leg days @ the beginning of the week and then still hitting em with the squats. LoL.

    Good going Reese :flowerforyou:
  • Hi ladies ... I've been getting my workouts done and have done the extra mile 2 days. Yesterday my 2 month old was cranky (shots) so I walked the hall with him for at least a half hour. I probably did more than a mile, but I'm counting it. I call him my baby bear so maybe that can count as a bear walk. (a girl can dream, right?)

    On a positive note, I finished my 60 day slimdown program today. I lost over 15 pounds and 24 inches. I also rocked my fitness test. I put all the stats on my blog (link in my signature) so if you want to see the details feel free to check it out.

    Julie Congratulations on your amazing accomplishments! :drinker: I bet you feeling so good :smile:
  • For THURSDAY Sept 8th

    PYGMY- Basic

    Day 4 - 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Same water and calories challenge plus Walk, Run or Jog 1 extra mile.


    BUSHMEN- Advanced

    Day 4 - 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of 15 Woodchops, 20 Pushups (modified if needed)

    Same water and calories challenge plus Walk, Run or Jog a 5K . For each day you do a 5K (3.1 miles your team will get an additional bonus point. 1 point per day per participant)

    Have A GOOD nite.... Lets kick some tomorrow :smile:
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    Today I did all the pygmy exercises including the bonus mile. Tomorrow I have a mommy and baby play day so I'm hoping to wake up early and do the upper body exercises before the little one wakes up so we can go for our walk earlier. Hope everyone is having a great week!
  • Alright, so I did my pygmy/bushmen hybrid. Today was a bit of a challenge, we buried my grandfather in Arlington National Cemetery this morning (he passed earlier this summer), so the day was spent mostly with family.

    BUT I did find a break in the rain to go for a 2-mile walk (putting me at 3.5 bonus miles so far this week!!), and I just finished up the other calisthenics. Y'all, I have to say... I LOVE this challenge! I know it's hard, and I know it's only going to get harder... but I really feel like this is the push I needed to get my weight loss journey crankin'. And you guys are just the best. I am loving the support and the encouragement and the enthusiasm all of you have.

    Tina -- I use 5s for some of the exercises, and I use 7.5s for some. You are just out of control, girl!! Keep on kickin' tail!!
  • My quads are a done deal after last night. I did this new workout class at the gym that incorporates the Step360. Have you guys seen this yet? It's like a bosu turned upside "almost" :) It has two round tubes and then a platform on top so you can use it like a is awesome!!! I did an hour of that and came home and did the Bushmen all except for the 5 min. bearwalk. I did 3 minutes...more of a pygmy less than a bushmen :) LOL

    I've lifted weights for a long time. Every dvd I do (P90X and Cathe STS) always say that we tend to use less weight than we actually can lift. So everytime I automatically would pick up a light weight - I would tell myself to go just a few pounds heavier - I could always put them down and pick up a lighter weight. In case you haven't read...I LOVE upper body :)

    You ladies on the treadmill or outside walking/running/jogging......I applaud you!!!!!! I'd rather be doing my workout dvd's - so you are an inspiration to me!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Somebody asked about CE vs TF. I really enjoy TF because of the high energy. When you feel like you can't go any further....she pushes you and it makes you even more energetic. Between these two it will depend on if you're looking for more strength training (CE) or cardio (TF).

    Now that I've rattled your ears off - hope you all have a GREAT! Day!!!!!!:smile:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Day 4 - 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Done. Wood chops and lawnmowers went fine. 21s was hard since I worked Bis yesterday and swimmers press I up'd my weights so I'll feel that later!
  • Good morning all :smile:

    Thanks for the motivation... I love how everyone is SO committed!

    I'll be back later with todays w/o in hand.
  • Day 4 completed. Increased my hand weights by 3 lbs. Day 2 with other lbs. seemed a bit light. Wow, what a difference. I also do Zumba 2x to 3x per week and w/o 30 mins. with a PT 1x to 2x per week. I can feel myself becoming stronger and in better health.
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    I did the upper body work for today. I had some stomach issues (terrible indigestion) this morning and so I haven't done any sort of walk yet, but I'm going to try and get it done before we have dinner. I've been using 5lb weights for the exercises, because thats the heaviest I have. I've been keeping my eyes open at yard sales and thrift stores for some heavier ones. No luck yet! I'm curious if any of you ladies drink protein shakes? I wonder if maybe I should start since I think this is the most strength training I've done since I've started working out, and I want to replenish my muscles!
  • Hi Warriors

    I guess the stomach.. stuff is going around Destiny, woke up with a bad headache now my stomach is feeling bad.

    I did 1 mile treadmill and bushmen today, didnt really feel it.. just pushed through to get it done.

    Day 5 work outs are on the top of page 1... ok?

    My daughter is trying Naked's with protein .. just the last few days.
  • I demolished today's exercises!! Bushmen, too!! Man I feel like such a badass when I finish these exercises!!

    Ok, but for real: tricep kickbacks can kiss my rear. Apparently my triceps are little weaklings, because these kickbacks are SO hard! The other exercises are a challenge, but the kickbacks are monsters!
  • I demolished today's exercises!! Bushmen, too!! Man I feel like such a badass when I finish these exercises!!

    Ok, but for real: tricep kickbacks can kiss my rear. Apparently my triceps are little weaklings, because these kickbacks are SO hard! The other exercises are a challenge, but the kickbacks are monsters!

    GOOD JOB! Keep at those kickbacks! You'll build strength and one day will love them :wink: