Pregnancy - September 2011



  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    I was put on strict 24hr bedrest today after a regular appointment turned into 2 hours and blood work. Long story short. chances are very high that I have preeclampsia. I have gained a total of 20lbs entire pregnancy- 9 of that was in the last 13 days On top of all of the sudden swollen feet/hands, headaches, and spots in vision all in the last week. Have to do the 24hr urine collection/sample. Will know for sure what we're doing Thurs afternoon. Looking like induction on Monday more than likely. I'm a big ball of emotions- just need time to process it I guess.

    Had the same thing with DS. I gained 50 pounds and in 4 days I put on 8 so my Dr. was alarmed. I had massive swelling, high blood pressure, protein in urine and spots. I was on bedrest for 4 days. I went in for my check up and BP was even higher. Then sent my right to L & D and I had him 8 hours later. The good thing is that they are watching you and you are far enough along that everything will be ok! Hang in there! I know how you feel! It's very scary!
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    :frown: Bummer! I hope it all works out for you! When DH and I were planning our wedding I had my :heart: set on a beach wedding. We to offered to pay for some of the cost for the wedding party. We had 3 girls and 3 guys stand up and ALL of them backed out. So did most of the family. I was upset. We ended up getting married on Lake Michigan (I live in WI) and it was beautiful. I'm happy now that we did that, but at the time I was crushed that my "dream wedding" wasn't working out. I feel for you! I hope everything works out! :flowerforyou:
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    jen- thanks for the support. Im slowly warming to the idea of having another bachelor/bechelorette party and an elaborate engagement party in my fiance's home town (florida) if he also like the idea.

    on a different note I was naughty and just had a quater pounder combo from mcdonalds, which is the first time ive had mcdonlads in about 6 months. was it bad for me yes, but was it glorious? YES:laugh:

    Also just came from my first prenatal class. This week was labour and delivery and although the video was very outdated (and still played on a VCR) the tutor was great and I found it rewarding overall
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Thanks for the thoughts. I'll let you know what I find out tomorrow.

    Jen- The only thing I'm not showing is protein so I got sent home with the 24hr urine collection (talk about a pain in the *kitten*). Had blood work done and will know for sure Thursday afternoon. How far along were you when you delivered?
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Just got back from NST and US. Baby still doing well. Fluids are high, and they've asked me several times now if the GD test was normal because of it. :laugh: The baby is measuring "right on" with an estimated weight of 7 +/- 1.5 pounds. That freaked me out, because with 4 weeks to go I could end up with a 9 lb baby!:noway: But dr reassured me that he's probably not that big (readings are very inaccurate right now) and I should be fine. Still, with all that fluid and baby, no wonder there's no room for me!

    Soooo tired today....
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
  • FullmetalAlchemistMommy
    Danielle- I hope everything goes well for you. It sounds like you may be expecting your bundle sooner rather than later! Keeping you in my thoughts!

    AFM I have started in with the morning sickness and nausea, fatigue and sore boobs. I was also a smoker and just stopped smoking yesterday. I had just an awful day today. I was mostly fine with not smoking, I have replaced the habit with a small dum-dum sucker so it seems like a good trade off for me. On the plus side, the sour flavors help with my nausea so its a 2 for 1 deal. However today was also the first day for not smoking at work, which is where I smoke the most. I was having a hard time handling it so my friend and I went out for lunch today to get me out of the store. I bought a small order of french fries and a milkshake, and within 30 minutes of eating it all came back up. Add to that the fact that immediately afterwards I was physically drained. I was so thankful when I went home, ate something small and took a nap. I really owe DH right now because he is helping take care of the kids so much while I am handling the whole messy early symptoms.
    On the plus side, my first appointment is Wednesday. I am excited because until I see my little bean with the heart beating away, I am going to be nervous about every little thing.

    I hope all you ladies have had a wonderful week so far.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Danielle- I hope everything goes well for you. It sounds like you may be expecting your bundle sooner rather than later! Keeping you in my thoughts!

    AFM I have started in with the morning sickness and nausea, fatigue and sore boobs. I was also a smoker and just stopped smoking yesterday. I had just an awful day today. I was mostly fine with not smoking, I have replaced the habit with a small dum-dum sucker so it seems like a good trade off for me. On the plus side, the sour flavors help with my nausea so its a 2 for 1 deal. However today was also the first day for not smoking at work, which is where I smoke the most. I was having a hard time handling it so my friend and I went out for lunch today to get me out of the store. I bought a small order of french fries and a milkshake, and within 30 minutes of eating it all came back up. Add to that the fact that immediately afterwards I was physically drained. I was so thankful when I went home, ate something small and took a nap. I really owe DH right now because he is helping take care of the kids so much while I am handling the whole messy early symptoms.
    On the plus side, my first appointment is Wednesday. I am excited because until I see my little bean with the heart beating away, I am going to be nervous about every little thing.

    I hope all you ladies have had a wonderful week so far.

    Morning sickness can be bad enough, especially when it's not just morning, but add to that quitting smoking and you are a real trooper! Hang in there, the first bit is the worst (I'm told) and your baby is benefitting from it so much!! ((HUGS))
  • LindsayChick
    LindsayChick Posts: 129 Member
    Hey Girls!! I'm a newbie -- my husband and I just found out I'm pregnant!! I'm probably only about 5 weeks along but they did bloodwork today to confirm gestational age. Anyway, we had been trying for 6 months so are totally elated!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend or whatever! Talk to you all soon! ;)
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Newcomers- Congratulations and welcome and good luck to those ttc.
    Danielle- I will be thinking about you and baby. Sounds like you are in good hands. My daughter came 14 days before her due date and had no complications due to arriving early. She was in the special care nursery but that was because of a medical problem she had unrelated to arriving early.

    Afm: I am super tired this week. I wish my daughter was old enough to appreciate sleeping in lol. School is getting a bit tougher. I have been at lab practicing skills so hopefully I will pass my skills the first time and not have to worry about retesting. Baby is doing good, we go in a week from today for the echo/ultrasound for the baby. Praying her heart looks great and we can get a break from all the appointments until closer to delivery.

    Hope you are all having a great week!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Hey Girls!! I'm a newbie -- my husband and I just found out I'm pregnant!! I'm probably only about 5 weeks along but they did bloodwork today to confirm gestational age. Anyway, we had been trying for 6 months so are totally elated!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend or whatever! Talk to you all soon! ;)

    Congrats! I'll be 6 weeks on Saturday!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Calcote05 – welcome and congratulations! As long as you’re not high risk it’s generally safe to continue to do whatever exercise you have been doing, just don’t start anything new.

    Tabbycat – welcome! Baby dust to you!

    Caperfae – sorry you have to poke your finger so many times, but I’m glad baby hasn’t been affected by the GD at all.

    Julz – Glad you NST and US were good.

    Danielle – thinking of you!

    ElizabethRN – I didn’t think the glucose test was bad at all. Good luck!

    Melissa – Planning a wedding is stressful enough without all that! I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that. If it was going to be a financial hardship for them you should have been told immediately so you’d know they couldn’t make it. At the end of the day as long as you’re married to the man you love then I you should consider it a success.

    Mommy2CnG – sorry about the morning sickness, but on the positive side I was told that a sick mommy means a healthy baby.

    Lindsay – welcome and congratulations!!!

    Elizabethj – hope you can get some rest. Praying for good echo/ultrasound results!

    Hi to anyone I missed! :flowerforyou:

    I had a later appointment today and the doctor was running late, so I sat there forever until I was seen. I’m normally in and out but today took over an hour. All in all it was a good appointment. Kathryn flipped!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: She’s estimated to be 5lb 2oz right now (13th percentile), doctor said she should be in the 6 pound range – give or take a pound – at delivery. The swab for strep B was actually pretty uncomfortable, so God help me when I go for my first cervical check in two weeks. My appointments are every week now! :noway: She did tell me that if labor starts now they don’t do anything to stop it, so I should be prepared. I guess this means I should pack my hospital bag this weekend.

    I’m up a total of 44 pounds so far. :grumble: :ohwell: I can’t complain too much because I’ve made my fair share of bad eating choices. I’m getting way too close to 200 (a number I swore I’d never see again). Oh well, I’ve got less than 4 weeks left and it’s not like I don’t know how to get rid of the weight after she’s born. Right?
  • KatalynasMommy
    KatalynasMommy Posts: 136 Member
    Well, doctor said baby's doing good. Doctor's not said anything about my weight but while I was waiting for the blood test another nurse that works there that did the epidural class Tuesday came and was asking me some questions and she told me that when she seen me in class I didn't look like I was that far along but she thinks I've gain to much weight already.

    How much weight is everyone gaining during there pregnancy?

    I'm 25 weeks and 4 days and I've gained 29.6 pounds.
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Stacy- I haven't gained any weight yet I am down 6 lbs. However, I was overweight starting so they didnt encourage me to gain. I would discuss it with your physician if you are concerned. I would only listen to your physician as many people have "their" opinions but your dr knows more about you and your particular situation.
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Here is a calculator you might want to check out for weight gain.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Ron- So glad baby flipped! Yahoo! I'm sorry your Strep B was uncomfortable, I found that to be a breeze! I refused a check at my appointment this week and am unsure if I'll okay them to do one next week or not. You can refuse them though, you do have that right, FYI.

    Dropped off my 24 hour urine collection (what fun that was) had more blood work done then finally 9 hours later I get a return phone call (after calling twice) that everything is "okay" for now... But I have to stay on 24 hour bed rest. They are going to have me re-do all of my lab work next week at my 39 week appointment... I am way beyond confused as this point. I have EVERY single sign of preeclampsia, even had the DR. saying they were almost certain I had it and then I don't but yet I ALL OF THE SUDDEN have;
    Swollen feet/fingers
    High blood pressure
    Vision spots/blurs
    Pain on right side under ribs
    sudden drastic weight gain

    I don't get it...
    Something doesn't seem right to me. I don't understand why I'm on bed rest if according to the labs everything's fine? Yet, I have all of these crazy symptoms that go with... what? And why on earth do I need to re-do all of those labs/tests next week when I'll be 39 weeks?!
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    Ron- yay! So glad the baby flipped. I had to have an external version done...not comfortable at all!

    Danielle- sorry about all this confusion going on for you. hope you can figure out what's going on and feel better soon!

    AFM: I have been having some type of spells either a combination of low blood pressure and low blood sugar or one or the other. My midwife took my blood pressure today and it was on the lower side of normal but I was feeling fine. So we'll keep monitoring that. I've been taking my fasting numbers and immediately after eating, hour and two hours after and instead of my sugar spiking up like normal it's even been going down! So I'm basically using all my energy faster than my body can eat and remake it. She also found ketones in my urine which would explain why I haven't gained any weight yet because my body is dipping into my fat reserves because it thinks I'm not eating enough. I feel bad most of the time. I've had many instances of almost passing out. Very scary. Have any of you dealt with hypoglycemia or low blood pressure? On a good note, I finally gained 2lbs over the last 2 weeks (I'm now 18.5 weeks) and she said the top of my uterus is measuring at 20 weeks so the baby is growing fine. TOMORROW WE FIND OUT PINK OR BLUE! Sooo excited. Praying mostly that everything looks healthy and normal. My midwife found the baby's heartbeat today to be quite irregular. I'll be sure to keep everyone updated.

    I pray everyone else is doing well. Congratulations to the new momma's to be and those TTC!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Danielle - Argh! How frustrating and concerning. I hate it when it seems like they don't want to say what's really going on. Hoping baby comes soon and you and baby are healthy.

    Ronya - I love your new profile pic. And yay that Kathryn flipped on her own!! As far as weight, I agree, don't stress over it, you know what to do to take it back off (and some of it will probably come off easier than before - like excess water retention). The important thing is growing a healthy little girl. We're down to the wire here! I need to pack a hospital bag too. And the crib had better arrive tomorrow like it's supposed to or I'm going to start into panic mode!! Wouldn't it be funny if our babies came on the same day? Twins!! :laugh:

    Stacey - For a woman who is a healthy weight, the general recommendation is 25-35 pounds. But I agree with Elizabeth - talk to your doctor and follow his advice first. I had a WIC nutritionist who'd freaked out about how little I'd gained around 26 weeks, and when I asked my doctor the next time I went in, he said I was totally fine. So listen to the doc :wink:

    Michelle - Yikes! Has your midwife said anything about the blood sugar drop? Maybe small meals with plenty of protein will help to keep it more stable? Hope everything gets figured out and you feel normal again soon! Enjoy your U/S tomorrow! Hope the heartbeat doesn't indicate any issues.

    AFM - We bought a dryer today, YAY!! I'm okay with hang drying most of our clothes, but with baby coming and all the burp cloths, changing pads, and clothes he'll be soiling, it'll be so much nicer to have a working dryer again.
    Was a very bad day for food choices. I ended up going out to eat for lunch AND dinner :noway: But I kept it to a moderate indulgence at least. Good thing baby has squished my stomach; if I had more room for food I'd be in BIG trouble!
  • DeliriousOwl
    Just thought I'd let you lovely ladies know I had my first scan this morning! I am about 5 weeks along. We couldn't see baby, just the sac thing. BUT everything is where it is meant to be!!! She said everything looked really good and the baby looked well supported. So happy now. Can finally relax and get used to the whole idea :) Thank you everyone for your reassurance ♥
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member

    AFM: As of this week i will be 11 weeks, already have some difficulty with tightness in my jeans but no weight gain (thank goodness)... trying my best to eat right, so far the only "crazy" cravings are apple juice and peanut butter... So i am trying to be careful how much of them i am eating.... Tomorrow i go for the one hour gluclose tolerance test- everyone says that "orange stuff" is horrible so i must say i am not looking forward to it... but at that same time, i am glad they are choosing to do it so early on in my pregnancy b/c it was such a big concern for DH and i b/c of my mother having GD with both my brother and myself... So hopefully good news (fingers crossed) ...

    I didn't think it was so bad :) Mine was orange and really cold which helped. Like flat pop. Ask for it to be really cold if you can!