

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    Tomorrow at work we are having a team building day and will not be doing actual work. It will make for a long day I imagine.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    I've never enjoyed team building days. I spend so much time rolling my eyes, I've got a headache by the end of the day! :lol:

    I'm much more in favour of creating an atmosphere where teams develop naturally.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Debbie - I am the junk food, take out person more than hubby. He goes along with pretty much whatever I do and very rarely steps into a store to get anything. The most he will do is suggest burgers every couple of weeks, it used to be almost every couple of days, and he'll suggest pizza now every couple of weeks. I've very proud of him. He won't walk with me though, we walk at different paces and really enjoy our alone time when we do it.

    My ride will be here momentarily, have a great day everyone
    Tracey in Edmonton

    My husband, though semi retired is always in the grocery store- He works in one and it seems the only thing we do together is shop. He doesn't like staying home. Drove him crazy when we were on "Shelter at home"- only thing he could do was go to work, and that was with a letter from work to show the police if he got pulled over(son had to have one too, he works at another grocery store). He is out shopping, having lunch with a friend, taking his mom out or doing her errands.
    He is asleep now(works graveyard, came in at 7:30- I am off but he woke me up and couldn't really get back to sleep) but when he wakes up, I am sure he will want to go back to his store, pick up his pay check, take it over to the band and then go shopping. Hobby Lobby is one place he was talking about but I am sure there will be at least one grocery store to stop at too-always is, even though we don't NEED anything- freezer is full, pantry is full, fridge is pretty full but not full of what he wants.


    Has he been checked for compulsive shopping disorder?

    I don't eat when I'm stressed, but I have noticed I shop a bit more.

    Thankfully, the shutdown in March came along when my stress level was rising and I found myself out picking up this, that, and the other at lunches. The shutdown broke the shopping pattern. :)

    M in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,273 Member
    Good morning. It's time to pound the carpets as it's a wet drizzly morning. Time to test the ingenuity in finding fun ways to spend the day.

    💃🏻🕺🏻Rock on! 💃🏻🕺🏻

    ☘️ Terri
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,764 Member
    Morning ladies
    Got Alfie out to potty ,and Faith is still snoozing...watching the birds
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited November 2020
    Invigorating patio Fae She bikini-clad at 49 F as the rain gently rang on my aluminum patio cover. I was overswept with a feeling of empowerment and danced in the gentle rain on the uncovered part of the patio. Once regaining my better senses, I came inside and finished my workout adding 10 reps to each discipline. I amazed myself at my balance and poise as I finished with a killer 20 rep sashay.

    As pleased as I am with my morning performance, I am still grieving the loss of my buckwheat pad. It was all my fault. My laziness regarding cooking had me microwaving mac and cheese that a friend had given me to try. I set it on a plate as directed. Somehow I must have tipped the plate spilling the gooey liquid on the microwave turntable. Without thought, I tossed old Buckie in the microwave and hit 1:45 seconds as I had done for 20 years. Ready for some soothing heat on my neck, I removed the warmed pad just to find it all gooey and smelly. I tried to get it out with a wet rag, but it was saturated very deep. I angrily tossed the mac and cheese in the g can and decided on leftovers that weren't party to Bucky's demise. My attempt to wash Bucky in cool water was semi-successful, but the dryer was the final nail in Bucky's coffin. It turned Bucky into a smelly mush!

    I await the arrival of Flaxie. If she serves me as well as Bucky, I will be 90, and perhaps parting ways will be easier at that age.

    Fae somewhere under the rainbow and no bluebirds flying
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    Yesterday I cycled 42.9 km. Today it was 33.4 km. I'll have to double check but in total for the week I think it's somewhere between 140 and 150 km.

    Tired and slightly stiff but it feels so good to be cycling like that again!

    Machka in Oz
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited November 2020
    Faetta's food and exercise diary was NOT completed for 11/05/2020 and were not comparable to any goals Faetta may or may not have set. Faetta's mental diary was completed for 11/05/2020 stating Faetta doesn't give a flying frigeroonie.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,393 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Fae - you have mentioned several times you'd like to build an 800 SF house. Do you have any plans/drawings you'd be willing to share?

    For the past several years, I've been following "Small Home Plans" on FB. I really like the idea of craftsman style, one floor, covered porch area. Would prefer 1 bedroom plus small den. I've noticed many of the plans I like don't have any provision for a furnace/heat pump.

    Anyhow, here is one that caught my eye, far from perfect but I like the layout with garage, mud room and kitchen island.


    I doubt we'll ever build but it sure is fun to look and dream!

    Lanette B)
    Really rainy SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,644 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    Went out for my 5k this beautiful, chilly, sunny afternoon. Fabulous! Four people in the sea :o and the promenade was very busy. I was worried about my hip before I left, but it held up fine. How wonderful to be out running for the first time in well over a week. There was a long queue for ice cream. B)
    The beach café has taped off all its tables and chairs, but it is still allowed to sell takeaway, so people are just sitting on the beach. Our numbers have gone down quite a bit locally and I reckon it's because all the students have had it by now. Our local patch was virtually nil, but the student area accounted for nearly all the cases. I can’t imagine there are many young people who haven't had it! Very few over 65s are getting it. We are all very careful.

    I woke up at 01.45 last night with a loud voice in my ear telling me the result of the US election.. :o I woke up with a jolt. I was not able to get back to sleep easily. It was really loud. ;):*

    Monkfish tandoori tonight. :D

    Much love to all. Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,791 Member
    Flea - I keep thinking I need to get better gear too, so that I can walk in the Winter. Some days are nice for walking I think.

    Barbara - Surprisingly our team building exercises involved a lot of personal reflection and sharing some personal thoughts. One in particular was we interviewed each other and then had to introduce that person to the rest of the team.
    The questions were:
    1. How would you describe your adolescence/early adulthood and how did it shape/influence you?
    2. What previous work experience had the most impact on you and why?
    3. What's the hardest lesson you've learned?
    4. What's something about you that your colleagues might be surprised by?
    5. What do you find challenging and rewarding about your current role?

    This one brought some tears when we were being introduced, We also did some relaxing/meditating, like Machka, I don't do so well at meditation. There were a lot of other self reflection/sharing exercises. It was an emotional day.

    Machka - I've never enjoyed them either except for one where we went on motorboats on a bay in Vancouver and had a scavenger hunt from the boat. That was just a really nice day. Yesterday's was much better than I was expecting.

    Kelly - I truly hope the Covid stopped at your door. I feel the same but my year was 2012, there was a lot of bad but some good too.

    Lisa - It's so nice to see you posting regularly again.

    My ride will be here momentarily
    Tracey in Edmonton
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,644 Member
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited November 2020
    Lanette The tiny house is a far fetched dream. I have had several ideas all different designs depending on the location. I gave up dreaming about such years ago and destroyed all my plans. I had one for the South Oregon coast that was facing south and built in a hill. It was all underground except the front that was all energy efficient glass. It was 16 X 40 with an attached garage and small woodshop. It was the shape of a guitar in the front with a matching embossed and colored covered concrete patio.

    All my designs are single level, except one that has a lighthouse shaped garage with a motorized lift up to the tower.

    My current design that I have yet to draw up is very simple. It uses a cathedral ceiling just like my old log cabin. It is 20 X 40 with an attached garage and covered back patio with sliding glass doors for summer ventilation and winter sunroom. I will try to draw it up. It would be very simple with minimal maintenance and require minimal power to keep comfortable.

    I quit using my heat pump years ago and found that using the furnace for heat is more efficient than the heat pump and saves a lot of money as the heat pump ran continually and very expensive maintenance, plus used more electricity than the furnace elements and fan coming on occasionally. I would have forced air, but the house designed for minimal use.

    It is fun to dream. I like the design you had in the link.

    Fae lost in dreamland
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,764 Member
    Good morning again
    Faith is coloring.. which is wonderful.. keeps her occupied and out of trouble...
    Im sure you have seen those calming beds for dogs.. well Jean bought one for Buddy and Alfie is obsessed.. so i ordered him one from Petsmart... that will be his Christmas present...and ill.get some treats...
    Poor Tracy (DD) she has to have one of her fallopian tubes opened up before they can move on with the treatments... so she has a 6000 deductible and hasnt gotten anywhere near that so she has to pay around 4000.00 for operation and almost 900 for the surgeon...I just pray all of this works .. they both work so hard and want another child.. its just so hard to watch them go through all of this..
    Alfie is sucking that bed up !!!
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,574 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) It was Penny who lives near the North Pole who said that in Norway people say that there is no bad weather, just bad clothing. I am a very intentional shopper and I try to avoid unnecessary purchases so I have the funds to spend on important things. I walk my dogs for nearly three hours every day, so spending money on the needed clothes and shoes makes a lot of sense to me.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    Thank you!! I could not remember who it was. I just think of it often, and especially last night.

    Flea, shopping for the right gear this weekend!
    Willamette Valley, OR
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,005 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Debbie - I am the junk food, take out person more than hubby. He goes along with pretty much whatever I do and very rarely steps into a store to get anything. The most he will do is suggest burgers every couple of weeks, it used to be almost every couple of days, and he'll suggest pizza now every couple of weeks. I've very proud of him. He won't walk with me though, we walk at different paces and really enjoy our alone time when we do it.

    My ride will be here momentarily, have a great day everyone
    Tracey in Edmonton

    My husband, though semi retired is always in the grocery store- He works in one and it seems the only thing we do together is shop. He doesn't like staying home. Drove him crazy when we were on "Shelter at home"- only thing he could do was go to work, and that was with a letter from work to show the police if he got pulled over(son had to have one too, he works at another grocery store). He is out shopping, having lunch with a friend, taking his mom out or doing her errands.
    He is asleep now(works graveyard, came in at 7:30- I am off but he woke me up and couldn't really get back to sleep) but when he wakes up, I am sure he will want to go back to his store, pick up his pay check, take it over to the band and then go shopping. Hobby Lobby is one place he was talking about but I am sure there will be at least one grocery store to stop at too-always is, even though we don't NEED anything- freezer is full, pantry is full, fridge is pretty full but not full of what he wants.


    Has he been checked for compulsive shopping disorder?

    I don't eat when I'm stressed, but I have noticed I shop a bit more.

    Thankfully, the shutdown in March came along when my stress level was rising and I found myself out picking up this, that, and the other at lunches. The shutdown broke the shopping pattern. :)

    M in Oz

    during the shutdown, he shopped on line- we had delivery trucks stopping multiple times a day. He loves to shop but is also a bargain shopper and everyone knows so will ask him to find them deals on stuff(like their personal shopper- just unpaid) and he was also able to buy stuff at his store before it opened and before it sold out, on essentials. He was picking up for three or four families almost daily. People from church or friends, plus of course his mom. He would buy a pack of toilet paper every day and every day someone would text him saying they needed it, or wipes or what ever. He couldn't buy more than the limit but he was able to buy when it was stocked or if he was helping in that department, before it was put on the shelves.

    We did go out shopping but didn't over buy. Picked up stuff for the cats that was a great sale(and with 7 cats inside and one feral outside, we go through a LOT of food and litter). We went to two Goodwill, looking for a shelf but didn't find anything. We did pick up some treats for them for while I am gone for the weekend- just cinnamon bread and a pack of cookies(variety pack that had their favorites and 1/2 price). I also picked up stuff to take up for my parents like I usually do.
    I will look at the link you posted.
    I am not a big shopper usually but do see myself going a bit crazy when we go to the big thrift store in town-buying craft supplies. Since the lockdown we have only been there a few times and it was a quick one, going in for exactly what I wanted-too many people in there but I needed material for masks and the fabric stores are so expensive. Instead of our usual browsing the different areas, we were in and out in ten min. or less.

    Napa Valley,CA