Fat Loss for Football Challenge (CLOSED)



  • jjbraid
    jjbraid Posts: 54 Member
    Just did 10min ab workout. I'm pretty sure I did my sit ups. Kinda hard to do jumping jacks in the third floor of my apartment building.
  • How's everybody doing?! I ate terribly last night and today, but at least I'm working out!! I just ran about 4 miles and I did my situps yesterday and today! I'm struggling with the water thing, but I've managed to just barely make it everyday. Has anyone ever done Kinect Dance?! OMG It's sooo fun! My mom and I danced for like 2 hours yesterday!! It was awesome!
  • rebecca_florida
    rebecca_florida Posts: 184 Member

    Week One Individual Goals:
    1. Lose 1.5 lbs
    2. Burn 3,000 calories (yikes!)
    3. Average 8 glasses of water per day (this is hard for me when I'm not in the office)

    Report for Week 1:

    1. FAIL!!! All the food and drinks this weekend, I think I GAINED (0%) :blushing:
    2. SUCCESS!!! I just made it 3,012 for the week (100%) :happy:
    3. OK!! I did this I think 3 out of 7 days (42.9%)
    Gridiron Girls goal: 50 sit-ups/crunches: 5 out of 7 days (71.4%)
    Bears Goal: resign Matt Forte (NO!); score 2 touchdowns in last preseason game (YES!); keep Sazenbacher on roster (YES!) (66.6%)
  • ChristmasCrystal
    ChristmasCrystal Posts: 66 Member
    Hey guys! HUGE Packers fan here.

    Group name suggestions:
    Pigskin Skinnies
    Touchdown Beauties
    First down to Healthy

    My goals:
    Lose 1lb this week
    Minimum of 10 cups of water daily
    On top of my weekday workouts I need to go to the gym at least once this weekend (either Friday, Saturday or Sunday)

    Group Goal suggestions:
    Try a new cardio workout this week

    Week one Report:
    1. BAM! 3lbs down!!!! OMG I can't believe it!!!!
    2. BAM! 100% I think... hold on... lemme double check. Okay, rocked it! Between 10-16 glasses daily.
    3. BAM! Friday workout completed! =)

    Group Goal-- 50 jumping jacks & 20 sit ups
    4 out of 7 days (I sucked at that one) Ummm... back to middle school math class... ummm... I forgot how to get %'s lol HELP!

    Packers Goal. Shoot! I didn't know we needed to do this one. I get an epic fail on this one because I didn't make a goal. Weak sauce!

    Beast Mode Girls! How did we do this week??

    I'm a wee bit happy with myself. Can you tell? LOL
  • ChristmasCrystal
    ChristmasCrystal Posts: 66 Member
    Week 2 Goals:

    1. Lose 1 lbs. this week
    2. Eat healthy while on Vacation @ Great Wolf Lodge
    3. Another weekend workout (Friday, Saturday or Sunday)

    Packers goal:
    I'm going to set my goals after the game tonight =)

    Group goals suggestions:
    * Try new cardio workout
    * 50 sit ups
    * Stay under calorie goals all week
    * 10 glasses water daily

    Any of these work?
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    Report for week one:
    1)LOSE 1.5 LBS-- 100% actually lost 4:)
    2)WORKOUT 6 DAYS-- 100% workedout all seven
    3)DRINK 64 OZ/DAY-- 85.7% fell short one day

    GridIron Girls Goal of 50 crunches/sit-ups a day-- 100%

    Week Two Goals:
    1) Lose 1.5LBS.
    2) Burn 6,000 calories
    3) Stay in Calorie goal all week

    I'm going to go with my College Team since I do a better job following them.

    Utes Goal:
    No more than 2 turnovers during the game.

    What are we thinking about for the Team Goal this week Gridiron Girls?
  • Ok...here goes....

    Goals for week 1

    1.) Lose 1.5 pounds
    FAIL :(
    2.) Zumba twice
    3.) No Soft Drinks
    I had ONE Mt. Dew :(

    Team Goals

    1.) 50 jumping jack, 20 crunches
    2days (so whatever that % is)

    Goals for week 2

    1.) Finish my weekly runs for C25K
    2.) Lose 1.5 pounds
    3.) 8 glasses of water daily
  • ChristmasCrystal
    ChristmasCrystal Posts: 66 Member
    Ok...here goes....

    Goals for week 1

    1.) Lose 1.5 pounds
    FAIL :(
    2.) Zumba twice
    3.) No Soft Drinks
    I had ONE Mt. Dew :(

    Team Goals

    1.) 50 jumping jack, 20 crunches
    2days (so whatever that % is)

    Goals for week 2

    1.) Finish my weekly runs for C25K
    2.) Lose 1.5 pounds
    3.) 8 glasses of water daily
    Good job!!!! You rock!!! Did any of those group goals look good? Or do you have any ideas?
  • OMG this week was bad for me.... sorry, guys!!

    Lose 2 pounds: fail! I only lost 1 -- 50%
    drink 2 liters of water/ day: drank 1 liter - 50%
    run 8 miles: ran 5 :( 62.5%

    Sorry, gridiron girls! I didn't do that great! I'm going to pick it up this week!!

    Lose 2 pounds
    Only drink 1 day this week
    run 8 miles!!!
  • Come on, Gridiron girls!! Let's get our goals in for this week and esp. last week so I can calculate everybody's winnings! :)
  • rebecca_florida
    rebecca_florida Posts: 184 Member
    This week goals - I'm really pushing myself!

    1) burn 3,500 calories
    2) run a 5K on the treadmill in less than 38 minutes
    3) 2 x tennis work out with ball machine

    Gridiron Girls goal: how about everyone tries one new exercise/class/sport this week?

    Bears goals: hold Atlanta to less than 20 points
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    just checking in!
    goal #1) this week i've been really good about stretching after working out. usually i just wipe off the elliptical and head straight for the lock room because i hate my butt sticking up in the air when i stretch. but i've found spots near the wall so i'm less self conscience and do my stretching. i try to do at least 10 minutes of stretching- legs and arms. it's really making a difference since my calves aren't so tight but does anyone have any suggestions on stretching out your back and the hamstrings without laying on the floor?
    goal #2) so far i've only got in 1 session of weight training this week but i'm planning on doing weights tonight and sunday so i'll make my weekly goal.

    how is everyone else doing?
  • I like the 50 sit ups and the 10 glass water challenge!
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    The new type of exercise for the GridIron Girls sounds good to me:)
  • rebecca_florida
    rebecca_florida Posts: 184 Member
    does anyone have any suggestions on stretching out your back and the hamstrings without laying on the floor?

    My old gym had these great stations for stretching your back - you can use them to stretch or do "back sit-ups". At home, we have an inversion thing that is similar except you end up even more upside down. Both are great for decompressing your spine, esp. after running, but I guess they both require you to sort of put your butt in the air...... Hammies you can stretch standing up, just stand a few feet away from the wall and lean forward.
  • jjbraid
    jjbraid Posts: 54 Member
    OK now I feel like I can post. I had actually gained a pound when I weighed in and I was upset. Two days later I weighed again and I was back to what I wanted my goal to be for the week. But it makes sense because I had some sodium the day before. I wont do that again. So for this week...

    weight goal 1.5 lbs (Get under 140)
    exercise goal burn 300 calories on one treadmill run lasting 30 minutes. (this is hard for me. i just started jogging on the treadmill
    try to get more sleep. I started teaching again and I have to be in school around 630.
  • Alright Gridiron girls!!! Our group goal is to all try one new exercise/ sport this week!! I'll have the stats up from next week tomorrow!! Everybody keep pressing on! :)
  • Sorry I didn't check in! But I did meet most of my goals (lost >1.5 lbs, 50 crunches, new strength exercises) except the water (ugh). This week our goal is to try a new exercise - I just did Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred for the 1st time! Ugh I'm beat! (In a good way)

    Personal goal this week - 8 glasses water/day
    Team goal: done!!
    Football goal: Chicago Bears keep Saints to less than 100 rushing yards (!)
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    update of last week's goals:
    1) strength training 3x - ONLY DID STRENGTH TRAINING 1X LAST WEEK
    2) stretch after working out - ACCOMPLISHED

    i did lose 0.2 lbs.

    goals for this week:
    1) eat a serving of veggies and/or fruit with every meal
    2) running outside 2x this week (i have to get over my love of the ellitpical)
    3) 3 sets of push ups and crunches per day

    @ rebecca what kind of inversion thing do you have? i think i might just invest in one.
  • rebecca_florida
    rebecca_florida Posts: 184 Member

    @ rebecca what kind of inversion thing do you have? i think i might just invest in one.

    My husband got it because he has chronic back issues and this helps a lot. We used to have these inversion boot things with a high bar you hang in a doorway, but that hurts your knees & ankles after a while and it's hard to swing yourself up. This is no strain on anything - I love to use it at the end of my workout or just before bed (if my back is hurting). It does take up some floor space, so have a place where it can go!

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