Welcome New Members!



  • HaiThiSil
    HaiThiSil Posts: 1 Member
    I’ve come to try out a new food logging app, hope this is as good as people made it out to be ^-^
  • AquaMeow
    AquaMeow Posts: 296 Member
    Heyyy new fitness buddies add me as a friend !
  • sandypoint1267
    sandypoint1267 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello everyone, My name is Sandy. I am new on mfp . I have lost 15 pounds in 6 weeks. So very excited ! I am not very tech savvy so unsure about the chat part , but could certainly use some support .Thanks
  • zeerocks1955
    zeerocks1955 Posts: 1 Member
    Good morning. I just turned 65 and want to start losing weight and gain some strength. I would like to find a support group for people my age. Any advice would be appreciated
  • sandee_shore
    sandee_shore Posts: 99 Member
    Hello to All! First time user of MFP but lifelong emotional binge eater. Hoping to gain control over my choices and practice portion control by making public commitment to my desire to follow healthy eating habits. Member of the over 60 population. Looking for support and motivation with others.
  • heatherriches1
    heatherriches1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Heather and I have decided to finally get my act together and lose some weight, absolutely loving the app so far, I hope you all are being successful in your goals x
  • JaneSpringer3xa
    JaneSpringer3xa Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone. I’m excited to be here. Have used the app in the past but never joined the community. Looking for inspiration and accountability as I continue on my health journey.
  • alisha999
    alisha999 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi guys, I’m not new by any means. I’ve been a member for a long time but I come in and out of using the app religiously.
    I’m currently trying to lose my pregnancy weight (he’s 2 now so I’m not quite sure if I qualify to use that as an excuse :D ) Feel free to add me <3
  • str8jacket8
    str8jacket8 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Tommy and I'm a foodaholic.
  • tdalton333td
    tdalton333td Posts: 1 Member
    edited November 2020
    Hello, I’m new to this all. My fitness journey is an ebb and flow. I’d like to make it habitual and consistent. I’m currently trying to change my relationship with food so that I only intake what maintains my health. I’d appreciate any support and accountability. It’s astounding what having a team can accomplish. Feel free to add me if you would like to push one another on our journey to self betterment. ❤️
  • Texas419mfp
    Texas419mfp Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, all. I'm John. Struggled with my weight for years. Started.walking years ago after my A1C score went above 6, indicating diabetes. Lost 40 pounds. Five week ago, decided to get serious and started tracking my food intake on FitnessPal. In 5 weeks I've lost 21.pounds. still have 76 pounds to lose to reach goal. So there's a long journey ahead.

    Take it one day at a time and stick to your plan. Consistency gets better results than speed.
  • mcroyjason
    mcroyjason Posts: 3 Member
    I am not new to Fitness Pal using just the app, but I have never really posted on the forums before. I have been away from exercising for a long time and now, due to health issues I have to lose this weight and get fit again. I let myself get up to 320 lbs! I've lost 10 of that in the past few months and now ready to kick it into high gear.

    I am not new to working out but I do have discipline issues to work through so I stick with it longer term. I am looking at this as just my new way of life as different from "I am on a diet until I lose this weight". No, this is just what I do now as part of my life.

    Looking for friends too, so send me a request!
  • PorkyPigHog
    PorkyPigHog Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everybody I’m back from a long rest. I really forgot I was on here at one time. But I’m back and need some support and help.
  • madlyncarr
    madlyncarr Posts: 5 Member
    hello, my name is Madlyn not my first but it's been a while. the pandemic got me 20 lbs and a bad hip. I need to work on myself to avoid surgery. getting started today. going to be had because my exercise routine has stopped due to my hip. but I am working on that. need all the help I can get. hope to follow up with someone.
  • SharpWellbeing
    SharpWellbeing Posts: 68 Member
    Hi all,

    Been on this forum many moons ago and was quite active but then life got in the way of course.

    I'm a qualified personal trainer in the UK but my main passion is nutrition I'm an MNU certified nutritionist.

    I work with people on a 1 to 1 basis and potentially going to be doing some form of group work in the future.
    I wouldn't waste your time looking at my website as it's atrocious but it does give a little bit about me and the qualification I've done for anyone interested.

    I'm not here touting for business or anything like that, I'm here to give insight where ever I can. I come from an evidence based background that believes in the evidence of everything, which I feel is incredibally important considering the amount of disempowering information out there, it's unbelievable how many myths that should have been dispelled a long time ago are still floating about.

    I probably come across argumentative in text on an internet forum but believe me that's the opposite of my intentions. I just love nutrition and actually love helping people. My reason for coming on here is I figured this to be a great place to share with others what I know and hopefully help others or even have reasoned debate about nutrition. I challenge my own bias all the time and I am more than happy to have others challenge it. I've been an advocate of MFP for well over 10 years now (roughly I would guess). Whilst I believe in calorie counting I don't think it's the only way (probably my most utilised tool with clients though).

    Anyway, I hope to be able to help and also to learn from others :)

  • pepperfunkel81
    pepperfunkel81 Posts: 2 Member
    Getting serious this time.. Well I have been serious all the times I have tried, I just always seem to get comfortable and find myself gaining pounds back. Weight loss has always been hard for me, as I am sure it is for most people. I have PCOS and feel like I am always fighting against the weight battle. I need encouragement and accountability! I am reaching out for some new friends who like myself want to be healthy. Enjoy your day and I hope to chat soon!
  • anguspalmer215
    anguspalmer215 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Glad to be here and seeing everyone's enthusiasm and what is motivating them to hit their goals. For myself, I used to pay alot of attention to my fitness and diet but for the last 7 years that has taken a back seat to 3 great children. But now we are back on the tools and hoping to get in better shape than ever. After a crazy year, lots of working from home and being fairly sedentary its time to get ready for the Australian summer.
    Hope to hear from others. Best wishes, Angus
  • jimwaters1016
    jimwaters1016 Posts: 9 Member
    I have been using MFP off and on for years, but this time I am sticking with it. Down 17 pounds since October. I am trying to incorporate exercise in my day. I have been using a treadmill, but setting up a weight room real soon. At 59 years old, I know I have to go slower on the exercise.
  • alipdx
    alipdx Posts: 1 Member
    Hey all ... going to end 2020 with a bang which will be me choosing a better lifestyle heading into 2021. Cheers!